Experimental Research Publications

Research focus: Ion transport across both symmetrical and polarised cells, with a particular
emphasis on the effects of inflammatory mediators (histamine, neuropeptides and eicosanoids)
Experimental Research Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Rangachari, P.K. (1968). Subjective experiences of atropine poisoning. J. Indian
Med. Ass. 51:34-35.
Rangachari, P.K., Paton, D.M. and Daniel, E.E. (1972). Aerobic and glycolytic
support of sodium pumping and contraction in rat myometrium. Am. J. Physiol.
Rangachari, P.K., Paton, D.M. and Daniel, E.E. (1972). Potassium-ATP ratios in
smooth muscle. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 274:462-465.
Rangachari, P.K., Daniel, E.E. and Paton, D.M. (1973). Regulation of cellular
volume in rat myometrium. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 323:297-308.
Rangachari, P.K. (1975). Histamine release by gastric stimulants. Nature
Rangachari, P.K. (1975). Ba++ on the resting frog stomach: effects on electrical
and secretory parameters. Am. J. Physiol. 228:511-517.
Rangachari, P.K. (1975). Ba++ on gastric stimulant: release of histamine. Am. J.
Rangachari, P.K., Pernollet, M.G. and Worcel, M. (1976). Calcium uptake
myometrial membranes: Effect of A23187, a calcium ionophore. Eur
.J.Pharmacol. 40:291-294.
Rangachari, P.K. (1979). Acid secretion by isolated primate gastric mucosa. Am.
J. Physiol. 236:E733-737.
Tripathi, S. and Rangachari, P.K. (1980). In vitro primate gastric mucosa:
electrical characteristics. Am. J. Physiol. 239:G77-G83.
Rangachari, P.K., C.R. Triggle and E.E. Daniel (1982). Chloride removal
inhibits phasic contractions of guinea-pig ileal longitudinal smooth
muscle. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 60:1741-1744.
Rangachari, P.K. (1983). Letter - Reply to Robinson. The Sodium Pump and its
Rivals. Conflict resolution in Science. In: Perspectives Biol. Med. 26:510.
Grover, A.K., Kwan, C.Y., Rangachari, P.K. and Daniel, E.E. (1983). Na-Ca
exchange in a smooth muscle plasma membrane enriched fraction. Am. J.
Physiol. 244:C158-165.
Rangachari, P.K., Grover, A.K. and Daniel, E.E. (1983). Thallium uptake by
canine iliac arteries. Hypertension 5:436-441.
Rangachari, P.K., Grover, A.K., Daniel, E.E. (1984). Effects of disulphonic
stilbenes on Ca2+ transport in smooth muscle plasma membranes. Can. J.
Physiol. Pharmacol. 62:1233-1238.
Rangachari, P.K. (1985). Estimates of Na+/K+ pumping in intact canine iliac
arteries. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 63:101-106.
Soumarmon, A., Rangachari, P.K. and Lewin, M.J.M. (1984). Passive transport of
Rb+ by hog gastric H+-K+-ATP-ase. J.Biol. Chem. 259:11861-11867.
Rangachari, P.K. and Matthews, J.B. (1985). Effect of Ag+ on isolated bullfrog
gastric mucosa. Am. J. Physiol. 248 (Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. II):G443-449.
Matthews, J.B., Rangachari, P.K., Rowe, P.H., Lange, R., Marrone, G., Silen, W.
(1985). Characteristics of sudden potential drop in frog gastric mucosa. Am. J.
Physiol. 248 (Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. II):G587-593.
Rangachari, P.K. and McWade, D. (1985). Effects of tachykinins on the electrical
activity of isolated canine tracheal epithelium: an exploratory study. Regulatory
Peptides 12:9-19.
Grover, A.K., Singh, A.P., Rangachari, P.K., Nicholls, P. (1985). Ion movements
in membrane vesicles: A new fluorescence method and application to Smooth
Muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 248 (Cell Physical. 17):C372-C378.
Carverhill, P., Fox, J.E., McWade, D. and Rangachari, P.K. (1985). The Sodium
pump in opossum vascular smooth muscle. Comp. Bioch. Physiol. 82A:621-625.
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D. (1986). Ouabain-insensitive, halide-sensitive Tl+
uptake by canine iliac arteries. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 854:251-256.
Rangachari, P.K. and McWade, D. (1986). Epithelial and mucosal preparations of
canine proximal colon in Ussing chambers: Comparison of Responses. Life
Sciences 38:1641-1652.
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D., Donoff, B. (1986). Prostaglandin responses on
tracheal epithelium: Inhibition by TMB-8. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and
Medicine, 25:49-50.
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D. (1986). Peptides increase anion conductance of
canine trachea: An effect on tight junctions. Bioch. Biophys. Acta. 863:305-308.
Rangachari, P.K., Triggle, C.R. (1986). Chloride removal and E.C. coupling in
guinea-pig ileal smooth muscle. Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol. 64:1521-1527.
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D. (1987). Simultaneous measurements of 22Na and
Cl in aqueous samples: A comparison of three different methods. Am.J.Physiol.
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D. (1987). Histamine stimulation of canine colonic
epithelium: potentiation by hydroxylamines. Eur.J.Pharm 135:331-335
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D. and Donoff, B. (1987). Luminal tachykinin
receptors on canine tracheal epithelium: functional subtyping. Reg. Peptides
Rangachari, P.K., Donoff, B. and McWade, D. (1987). Effects of TMB-8, a
calcium antagonist, on transport properties of the isolated canine tracheal
epithelium. Bioch. Biophys. Acta, 905:311-319.
Rangachari, P.K. McWade, D., Donoff, B. (1988). Luminal receptors for
bradykinin on the
canine tracheal epithelium: functional subtyping.
Reg.Peptides 21:237-244.
Keenan, C.M., Rangachari, P.K. (1989). Eicosanoid interactions in canine
proximal colon. Am. J. Physiol. G673-679.
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D. (1989). An "Epithelial" preparation from canine
gastric mucosa: Effect of secretagogues. Am. J. Physiol. 257:G46-51.
Rangachari, P.K. (1990). Six pack balancing act: A conceptual model for the
intestinal lining. Can.J.Gastroenterology 4:201-208.
Rangachari, P.K., Prior, T. and McWade, D. (1990). Epithelial and mucosal
preparations from canine colon: responses to substance P. J.Pharm.Exp.Ther.
DeBeaux, A., Keenan, C.M., Tytgat, K. and Rangachari, P.K. (1990). Responses
of the colonic epithelium to auranofin: evidence for involvement of enteric nerves.
J. Rheumatol. 17:1137-1141.
Rangachari, P.K., Donoff, B., Vavrek, R.J. and Stewart, J.M. (1990). Luminal
responses to bradykinin on the isolated canine tracheal epithelium: effects of
bradykinin antagonists. Reg. Peptides. 30:221-230.
Keenan, C.M. and Rangachari, P.K. (1991) Contrasting effects of PgE2 and
PgD2: Ion transport in the canine proximal colon. Am.J.Physiol. 260:G481-G488.
Lad, R., Donoff, B. and Rangachari, P.K. (1991). Functional subtyping of
muscarinic receptors in canine esophageal mucosa. Am.J.Physiol. 261:G464G489.
Rangachari, P.K. (1991). Helicobacter and hypergastrinemia: The Quisling
Scand.J. Gastroenterology. 26 Suppl. 187:85-90.
Rangachari, P.K. (1992). Histamine: mercurial messenger in the gut. (Editorial
review) Am.J.Physiol. 262:G1-G13.
Rangachari, P.K., Prior, T., Bell, R.A. and Huynh, T. (1992). Histamine
potentiation by
hydroxylamines: structure-activity relations; inhibition of
diamine oxidase. Am.J.Physiol.
Rangachari, P.K., Prior, T. (1992). "Epithelial" preparations from the mammalian
gut: responses to agonists, drugs and damaging agents. Exp. Clin.
Gastroenterology 2:23-28.
Rangachari, P.K., Betti, P.A. (1993). Biological Activity of Metabolites of PGD2 on
canine proximal colon. Am. J. Physiol. 264:G886-894
Rangachari, P.K., Berezin, M. Prior, T. (1993). Effects of bradykinin on the
canine proximal colon. Reg. Peptides 46:511-522.
Muller, M.J., Prior, T., Hunt, R., Rangachari, P.K. (1993). H1 Contractile and H2
relaxant receptors in canine gastric muscularis mucosae. Life Sciences. 52:4953
Crowther, R., Jukic, D., Regoli, D. and Rangachari, P.K. (1994) Functional
Subtyping of Neurokinin Receptors on Canine Proximal Colonic Mucosa.
J.Pharm. Exp. Ther. 268: 1374-1380.
Muller, M.J., Prior, T., Hunt, R.H. and Rangachari, P.K. (1994) Adenosine A1
receptors are not involved in contraction of canine gastric muscularis mucosae.
Eur.J.Pharmacol.251: 151-156.
McKay, D.M., Ramage, J.R., Rangachari, P.K., Perdue, M.H. (1994) Effect of
region, temperature and neuronal blockade on Na22 and 51Cr-EDTA movement
across canine mucosae. Comp.Physiol.Biochem. 107A:711-717.
Rangachari, P.K. and Prior, T. (1994) Functional subtyping of histamine receptors
in the canine proximal colonic mucosa. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther. 271:1016-1026.
Khan, I., LaPierre, N. and Rangachari, P.K. (1995) Messenger RNAs for
neurokinin and histamine receptor subtypes in isolated canine colonic crypts. J.
Pharm. Exp. Ther. 272:1285-1292.
Rangachari, P.K., Betti, P.-A., Prior, E.T. and Roberts, L.J., III. (1995) Effects of
a selective DP receptor agonist (BW 245C) and antagonist (BW A868C) on the
canine colonic epithelium: An argument for a different DP receptor? J. Pharm.
Exp. Ther. 275:611-617.
Elmhurst, J.A., Betti, P.-A. and Rangachari, P.K. (1997) Intestinal effects of
isoprostanes: evidence for involvement of prostanoid EP and TP receptors. J.
Pharm. Exp. Ther. 282: 1198-1205.
Rangachari, P.K. (1998) The Fate of Released Histamine: Reception, Response
and Termination. Yale J. Biol. Med. 71:173-82.
High, A., Prior, T., Bell, R.A., Rangachari, P.K (1999) Probing the "active site" of
diamine oxidase: Structure-Activity Relations for Histamine Potentiation by Oalkylhydroxylamines on Colonic Epithelium. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther. 288:490-501.
Unmack, M.A., Rangachari, P.K. and Skadhauge, E. (2001) Effects of
isoprostanes and prostanoids on porcine small intestine. J.Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.
Sung, J.C., Rangachari, P.K. and Matthews, J.B. (2002) Opposing effects of
PKCα and PKC ε on basolateral membrane dynamics in intestinal epithelium
Am.J.Physiol Cell Physiol 283: C1548-1556
59. Larsen, P., Schleihauf E., Yu,H., Prior, T. and Rangachari, P.K. (2002) Ca and
Sr stimulated short-circuit currents in the canine proximal colonic epithelium:
Effects of DK-PGD2, a metabolite of prostaglandin D2 Can. J. Physiol.
Pharmacol. 80(11): 1085-94.
60. Crankshaw, D.J. and Rangachari, P.K. (2003) Isoprostanes: More than just mere
markersMol. Cell. Biochem. 253:125-130
Prior, T., Hernandez, J. Tougas, G, Rangachari, P.K. (2004) Phenotypic
differences in cholinergic responses of distal colonic epithelium Exp. Physiol
89.2 : 209-217
62. MacDonald, D., VanCrey, K., Harrison, P., Rangachari, P.K., Rosenfeld, J.,
Warren, C., and Sorger, G. (2004) Ascaridole – less infusions of Chenopodium
ambrosioides contain a nematocide(s) that is (are) not toxic to mammalian
smooth muscle. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 92(2-3): 215-221.
63. Rangachari, P.K. (2005) A not so plain muscle: The maturing of smooth muscle
research. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 83: 665-668.
64. Zarate N, Wang XY, White EJ, Boreham D, Rangachari PK, Huizinga JD (2006)
Low doses of ionizing radiation can prevent radiation-induced colonic epithelial
hypo responsiveness to muscarinic agonists Int. J. Radiat Biol 82(12) 887-98
65. Szewczyk MM, Davis KA, Samson SE, Simpson F, Rangachari PK, Grover AK
(2007) Ca(2+) pumps and Na(2+) Ca(2+) exchangers in coronary artery
endothelium versus smooth muscle. J. Cell Mol. Med 11(1) 129-38
Publications not peer-reviewed (book chapters, book reviews, letters, etc.)
Rangachari, P.K. (1976). Ba++ - an unusual stimulant of gastric acid secretion. In: Gastric
Hydrogen Ion Secretion. Edited by D. Kasbekar, G. Sachs and W. Rehm. Marcel Dekker,
New York.
Worcel, M., Papadimitriou, A., Hamon, G. and Rangachari, P.K. (1976). Role of
transmembrane Ca2+ movements and Ca2+ binding in the activation of rat uterus smooth
muscle contraction. In: Smooth Muscle, Pharmacology and Physiology. Ed. Worcel, M.
and Vassort, G., I.N.S.E.R.M., Paris.
Rangachari, P.K. (1978). B.B. Dikshit - his contributions to pharmacology. Ind. J. Pharm.
Spl. Suppl.
angachari, P.K. (1978). Histamine as the final common mediator: the view from the
fence. Acta Physiol. Scand. Suppl. S103:209-218.
oumarmon, A., Lewin, M.J.M. and Rangachari, P.K. (1980). An ATP-dependent Cltransport system in gastric microsomes. In: Hydrogen Ion Transport in Epithelia. Edited I.
Schulz et al. Elsevier North Holland.
Rangachari, P.K. (1980). Transport of substances across cell membranes. Chapter 3. In:
Textbook of Biochemistry. Edited G.P. Talwar (Prentice Hall) p.22-33.
Lewin, M.J.M., Rangachari, P.K. and Soumarmon, A. (1981). Stimulus secretion coupling
in the parietal cell. In Magen and Magen Krankheiten. Editors Domschke, Wormsley.
Verlag N.Y. p.34-41.
Rangachari, P.K. (1985). Smooth Muscle Pharmacology - The Emergence of a
Subdiscipline. in The Design of Smooth Muscle. Edited. P.K. Rangachari/A.K. Grover.
Image Press, Hamilton p. I-11.
Rangachari, P.K., Grover, A.K. (1985). The Design of Smooth Muscle (Editors). Image
Press, Hamilton.
Rangachari, P.K. and McWade, D. (1986). Peptides as promoters of paracellular
permeability: A novel role for tachykinins? In Substance P and Neurokinins. Proc. Satellite
Symp. XXX I.U.P.S. (Eds.) J. Henry et al. Springer-Verlag, N.Y. PP. 205-208.
Rangachari, P.K. (1987). Fraud versus carelessness. Nature 326:736. (Letter)
Rangachari, P.K., McWade, D. (1988). Inflammatory mediators, enteric nerves and
colonic transport: in Gastrointestinal & Hepatic Secretions: Mechanism and Control (ed.
Davison, J.S., Shaffer E.A.). Chapt. 11:213-215. U. of Calgary Press, Calgary, Alberta.
Rangachari, P.K., Kean, W. (1989). Gold and D-penicillamine and the gastrointestinal
tract in The Gut and Rheumatic Disease, ed. P.J. Rooney. Baillière's Clinical
Rheumatology Vol 3:411-423, Baillière Tindall Lond.
Rangachari, P.K. (1991). Interpreting citations. FASEB J. 5: 2612. (Letter)
Rangachari, P.K. (1991). Effects of neuropeptides on intestinal ion transport. In:
Neuropeptide Function in the Gastrointestinal Tract (ed. E.E. Daniel), CRC Press, pp.
Rangachari, P.K., Prior, T. and Bell, R.A. (1995). Potentiation of intestinal secretory
responses to histamine: pathophysiologic implications. In: Neuroendocrinology of
Gastrointestinal Ulceration: Hans Selye Symposia on Neuroendocrinology and Stress.
Volume 2, ed. S. Szabo, Y. Taché and G. Glavin, New York: Plenum Publishing Corp.
Rangachari, P.K. (1992). From Both Sides Now: The modulation of enterocyte function
by contraluminal and luminal factors. In: Modern Concepts in Gastroenterology, Vol. III
(eds. R. Fedorak, S. Collins and A. Thomson). 35-51.
Rangachari, P.K. (1992). Concerning prostaglandin D2: Forgotten, promiscuous,
capricious. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
Rangachari, P.K., Muller, M.J., Prior, T. and Hunt, R.N. (1993). The canine gastric
muscularis mucosae and acid secretion: A basket case? NATO Symposium on Acid
Secretion (York).
Rangachari, P.K., Prior, T. and Bell, R.A. (1995). Potentiation of intestinal secretory
responses to histamine: pathophysiologic implications. In: Neuroendocrinology of
Gastrointestinal ulceration (eds. S. Szabo and Y. Taché). 25-32.