AUSTRALIAN BUSH FLOWER ESSENCES TRAVEL ESSENCE SWAMP BANKSIA-BANKSIA ROBUR For temporary tiredness, frustration or set-backs For people who are normally very dynamic, with abundant energy and enthusiasm, but for some reason, are feeling quite down hearted or flat. For people who have an ebb and flow energy naturally and this helps in the ebb times; low energy; tired. Frustrated; disheartened, disappointed. Promotes enthusiasm and enjoyment of, and interest in life Increases energy Very effective for treating ME and Chronic Fatigue Beneficial for convalescence, lack of energy, Epstein- Barr Virus, ME-(post viral fatigue syndrome) exhaustion, morning lethargy, nervous exhaustion, feeling burdened. BOTTLEBRUSH Helps when overwhelmed by major life changes Restores calmness and serenity and the ability to cope Allows a person to move on and enjoy new experiences Beneficial for anal and bowel disorders, arm pain, arteriosclerosis, thoracic back pain, bladder infections, blood disorders, brain function, breast problems, cancer, candida, carpal tunnel syndrome, cellulite, claustrophobia, colitis, cystitis, diarrhoea, diverticulitis, feet & leg problems, fluid retention, headaches, incontinence, IBS, joint pain, menopause, morning sickness, cramps, pain relief with emergency ess, parasites, snoring BUSH FUCHSIA Quick acting and effective; effective with learning problems including dyslexia Balances the right/left and back/front hemispheres of the brain Helps children with learning difficulties, especially maths and for lack of comprehension when reading; for students who battle through lessons– promotes understanding and enjoyment of learning Effective treatment for stuttering and enhances clarity of speech; promotes confidence in public, especially for public speaking; Effective for Parkinsons with other essences Enhances intuition and taking notice of it Effective in restoring balance and resetting the thermostat of the hypo-thalamus from prolonged use of the Pill or HRT Helps re-establish neurological connections after a stroke or accident, or epilepsy Beneficial for head injuries, ADD, balance, brain damage, physical co-ordination, deafness, dexterity, disorientation, dizziness, ear infections with Bush Iris and Spinifex, Electromagnetic radiation with Crowea, Fringed Violet, Mulla Mulla,,Paw Paw and Waratah, hypothalamus, Glue ear, hands, laryngitis, mental retardation, CNS, nerve damage with Emergency Ess and Spinifex, palpitations, paralysis, throat, reflexes. BUSH IRIS Opens the door to a person’s higher perception and spirituality, allowing Spirit to flow into the person; aids spiritual development and allows entry to a higher level of consciousness; Enhances self-awareness and makes creative visualisation more effective For people stuck in a materialistic mode of wanting more of material things– of keeping up with the Joneses’ Makes death more peaceful and takes away a fear of dying for palliative care patients & decreases the need for pain killing drugs in palliative care and allows for a very calm death Has a powerful action on Lymphatic System to cleanse and detoxify the body Balances the pineal gland and balances the body clock of shift workers and international travellers Beneficial for adhesions, allergies, swollen ankles, after taking antibiotics, asthma athletes’ foot, body odour, better functioning of brain, brain tumour, cellulite, colds & flu, cystic fibrosis, fibroids, fluid retention, glue ear, nose blocked, overweight, pain control, excessive perspiration, throat problems, vitiligo (lack of pigmentation of parts of the skin) CROWEA It strengthens, calms and grounds the body and mind. Great for worry and stress. Brings a sense of wellbeing and aliveness to people who just don’t feel right –especially when unable to really pin point what is not right. Good for all stomach ulcers and other stomach problems – it balances the amount of hydrochloric acid for good digestion. For all digestive problems from top to bottom. Balances all the major organs, muscles and the nervous system. Good for vitality and balancing physical, mental and spiritual bodies and promotes peace and calmness. It is especially good for the muscles and tendons and for sports injuries and cramps. Good for releasing spasms of asthma and other breathing difficulties. Beneficial for abdominal distension, acidity, ADD, appetite disorders, after antibiotics, asthma, all spine conditions, balance all major organs, hypertension, carpal tunnel, dandruff, diaphragm problems, dizziness, lacking energy, chronic fatigue, halitosis, headache, hernia, homoeostasis, incontinence, insomnia, joints, muscular dystrophy, CNS, over weight, palpitations, all pain, RSI, sciatica, travel sickness. FRINGED VIOLET Restores a damaged aura from a shock either physical or emotional. Removes the effect of recent or old trauma. Good where a person has never felt well since a trauma of some kind. It counters the effect of electromagnetic radiation. For physic protection and realignment of physical and etheric bodies. Heals any breaks or holes in the aura Combine with Red Lily to reduce engine vibration when flying, which can weaken immune, endocrine, nervous and lymphatic systems Beneficial for shock, ADD, addictions, allergic reactions, asthma, bone fracture, cerebral palsy with Bush Fuchsia + Crowea + Spinifex, drained of energy, hives, itching, mental retardation, pain on a cellular level, scleroderma, weeping skin, sternum, toenails, acute trauma. MACROCARPA It has an affinity with the adrenal glands. It helps to recharge and revitalise the body. Very good for low immunity, burn out and convalescence. It helps build endurance in times of great physical stress. It allows one to recognise the need for rest and helps to give the mind permission to take it. It is a quick acting essence. MULLA MULLA For physical and emotional recovery from trauma related to fire and For the release of fear of flames and hot objects For protection against ultraviolet radiation and sunburn and skin cancers Releases stored radiation from the body For protection against internal burning during radiation treatment. Rejuvenates from a lack of vitality or weight gain, due to a subconscious fear of heat and fire, especially for people who have experienced trauma from fire For people who feel stress in hot weather or hot flushes of menopause, vaginitis and eczema Useful in treating heatstroke, over heating or a high fever; . Very effective in healing all burns including first and second degree burns. Releases static electricity and prevents radiation absorption from x-rays. PAW PAW It is a good remedy for activating an awareness of ones higher self. It is good when facing a major life decision. It strengthens intuition Fast acting. Resolves of any over whelmed feelings. Very good for grasping and assimilating new information and ideas. Very good for illnesses where there is malabsorption of food, digestive or abdominal disorders. Beneficial for ADD, appetite disorders, arm pain, neck & back problems, diaphragm problems, diarrhoea, arthritis in hands, frozen shoulder, halitosis, headaches, hypoglycaemia, influenza, small intestine problems, IBS, nausea, nervous exhaustion & breakdown, stomach ulcers, stress, teeth problems, travel sickness, varicose veins, vomiting SHE OAK Addresses hormonal imbalances in women, particularly after taking HRT or The Pill Helps conception where there is no physical reason for infertility 2 drops of this essence to a glass of water will correct any imbalance in the water absorption, and use of water in the body Addresses problems with abnormal mucous discharges from the vagina. Regulates the production of reproductive hormones when the menstrual cycle is irregular or spasmodic; Effective for pre-menstrual tension and fluid retention associated with menstruation or menopause. Balances ovaries and testes. Beneficial for rejuvenation of skin, amenorrhoea, swollen ankles, better brain function, cholesterol imbalance, dry skin, fluid retention, menopause, migraine, morning sickness, osteoporosis, period pain, excessive perspiration, PMS, electric shock SUNDEW Good where there is lack of focus and attention to detail; helps with procrastination and daydreaming For vague, indecisive people who feel ungrounded mentally and emotionally; for people who feel split in their emotional or physical ties; can help with deep emotional issues Good for fainting or recovering from an anaesthetic or coma Resets the inner gyro system for longitudinal or east/west travel Beneficial for head injuries, acne, ADD, Alzheimer’s disease, amnesia, autism, brain damage, post drug use, emphysema, epilepsy, fainting, feet & legs, finger hand pain, hyperactivity, mental retardation, senility, acute trauma.