Jeremy Beverly Objective #29: Review Crisis Plan Internship Lob The crisis plan that is in use at Abingdon High School is very concise and effective. While it was difficult to find any problems with the plan I would offer a few minor recommendations. The first change that I would suggest would be to include a list of emergency resource numbers. The phone numbers to the Washington County Fire Department, Rescue Squad and Sheriff's Department would all be beneficial information to include in the plan. The next recommendation I would make is to rearrange the pages of the crisis plan by listing the emergency phone numbers at the beginning of the document. If a crisis situation were to occur and time was of the essence the phone numbers would be a valuable piece of information that would need to be used immediately. The current crisis plan begins with an overview of what constitutes a crisis, which is important, but in my opinion the numbers of local emergency providers would be more helpful. Creating a postvention plan to review the procedures after an emergency had concluded would also improve the crisis plan. The postvention plan provides an opportunity for the crisis team to determine if any new instructions should be added or removed once the crisis came to an end. A lot of valuable information could be gained by reviewing the situation with the staff that were present during the crisis. Their advice could be beneficial in making future improvements to the crisis plan. The last recommendation I would make is to include a list the room numbers in the building with a set of directions of where they will exit during fire drills. This will help emergency responders locate where each classroom is during a crisis situation. Once classes are evacuated from the building this information would give the administration a quick reference to the location of each teacher and their students.