Critical Essay Analysis Activity

Critical Essay Analysis Activity
The purpose of this activity is to have students analyze both a poorly written and
an acceptable critical essay without telling them that one of them is poorly
written. The essay that is written poorly contains many of the same kinds of
errors found in other students’ papers. While analyzing the poor essay, students
will probably notice that there is something wrong with the essay.
I did this activity in groups of 3, but this could also be done in pairs or individually.
It could also be given as homework instead of in-class work. Students were given
the handout with the poor essay “The Proliferation of American Broadcast Media”
face-up. They were told to begin with this essay. They were asked to read the
essay quietly first, then discuss the essay as a group, answering the following
What is the main idea of this essay?
What is the purpose of this essay?
What do you like about this essay?
Are there confusing parts of this essay? Explain.
Are their grammatical errors in this essay? Provide examples.
Provide your overall critique of this essay.
Students should submit their answers individually at the following class period for
credit. When students have finished answering these questions in their groups,
the teacher may discuss possible answers and the overall reactions of the essay,
and at some point announce that the essay is in fact poorly written.
Afterwards, time permitting or for homework, students should continue with the
activity using the essay “New Technology; Digital” on the reverse side of the
handout. Students may be advised that this essay is acceptable.