Cortland County Single Point of Access (SPOA) Mental Health Services for Children THE SPOA REFERRAL PROCESS 1. Please complete the SPOA REFERRAL packet as thoroughly as possible. Make sure to include the signed Release of Information Form and SED Checklist. If you are unsure of certain information or do not have access to all information, the referral can still be submitted and reviewed. An electronic version can be found at: 2. Make sure to indicate the service(s) being requested (if known). See below for listing of services available through Cortland County. If the intention of the referral is for HCBS Waiver, please have parent/guardian complete Request for Screening for Waiver Services form. 3. You can mail the entire referral packet to: Child SPOA, 7 Clayton Ave. Cortland, NY 13045 att. Garra. Referrals can also be faxed to-(607-758-6116). If you have any questions about the referral form or process you may contact: Garra Lloyd-Lester at (607) 758-6100 x256 or email at 4. SPOA meetings are typically scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month from 10:30-11:30 at the Mental Health Clinic, 7 Clayton Ave. You will be contacted upon receipt of your SPOA referral to discuss service options and/or a service planning meeting. Services available through Cortland County SPOA Below are the services available to eligible* children, ages 5 through 18, who are referred to SPOA: *Eligible means child must have DSM IV Axis I Diagnosis and be determined Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED)-see page #8 1. Family Support Services (includes 5 separate services)--Jamee Sobko, Director (607) 758-6110 x228 (Individuals may make direct referrals to this program as well. Contact Director at number above) One-to-one Respite--provides trained Mental Health Program Aides to work one-on-one with an at-risk youth for approximately 2-3 hours per week. Activities depend on the interests and needs of the child. TEAM In -Home Parenting--provides parenting support, advice, and techniques by a trained individual in your home setting. Drop In Respite--provides eligible children with a structured, fun afternoon each week with trained workers. Children are placed in age appropriate groups and activities vary each week. Parent Support Group--an informal support group for parents with high-needs children Parenting Classes--facilitated by the Director of Family Support Services, this class offers techniques, advice, and support for parenting high-needs children. 2. Intensive Case Management--provides case management for eligible* children. There are 39 ICM slots in Cortland County, with each case manager working with 13 children. Intensive Case Managers help families coordinate necessary services for their children such as medication management, counseling, and education, as well as desired programs, activities, and recreation. 3. Home and Community Based Services Waiver--provides the highest level of community based service for eligible* children. Individual Care Coordinators work with the family to develop a service plan based on the family's unique strengths and needs. Some of the services families can choose from include: Family Support Services, Crisis Response Services, Intensive Home Services, Skill Building Services, and Respite Care. There are six slots in Cortland County for this service and average length of involvement in the program is approximately one year. 4. Residential Treatment Facility Programs--if all Community-based services have been considered or tried and the child still cannot be maintained in the community, an application to Residential Treatment Facility can be made. The SPOA committee determines if the RTF referral is appropriate and sends out the referral packet to the Office of Mental Health Pre-Admission Certification Committee (PACC). Other agencies may need to assist in gathering documentation and information for the referral packet. 5. Coordinated Children’s Service Initiative (CCSI)-CCSI helps bring families and service providers together to create a coordinated, comprehensive and strength-based family plan that utilizes multiple systems. A child does not need to meet the same eligibility requirements noted above in order to access CCSI. Revised April 2012 1 SPOA REFERRAL FORM CORTLAND COUNTY CHLDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Application For: ___ Intensive Case Management (ICM) ___ Home & Community Based Services Waiver (HCBSW) ___ Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) ____ Coordinated Children’s Service Initiative (CCSI) ___ Family Support Services REASON FOR REFERRAL Please describe how requested service provision (HCBS Waiver, ICM, RTF, CCSI or Family Support Services) may benefit this child and family. CHILD’S NAME: _____________________________________________ DOB: ___________ Age: ___________ Gender: Male Female Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number: ________________ Cell Number: Work Number: _____________ Medicaid Status: ___ Current ___Eligible ___ Application Pending ___ Not Applied Child's Medicaid Number: _________________________________Child's Social Security Number: ________________________________ Parent/Guardians name: Custody Status: ___ Biological Parents ___ Adoptive Parents ___ Other family or Legal Guardian ___ DSS ___ Correctional Facility ___Emancipated Minor __Other:___________________________ Is custody being legally contested at this time? ___ No ___ Yes (Explain) ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REFERRAL SOURCE NAME: _________________________________________ DATE OF REFERRAL: _____________________ AFFILIATION/AGENCY: _____________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: _________________________ Relationship to Child: _________________________________ CHILD AND FAMILY HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION Name (First and Last) Age Relationship to Child Is this individual living at home? CHILD'S MENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA *Does Child meet eligibility Criteria for Serious Emotional Disturbance (see Attachment #1)? *Is this Child at risk of out-of-home placement (see Attachment #2): A. DIAGNOSIS: Date of last Diagnostic Evaluation: __________________ Performed by: _________________________________________ Axis I: _______________________________________________ Code#: _________________________________________________ Axis II: ______________________________________________ Code #: _________________________________________________ Axis III: ______________________________________________Code #: _________________________________________________ Axis IV: ______________________________________________ Code #:_________________________________________________ Axis V: GAF SCORE: If in treatment, list current GAF score: _______ Date: ________ Provider: _____________________ Past GAF Score: ___________ Date: ____________ Provider: ______________________________ B. IQ Score: __________________________________________ Test Date: ___________/_____________/___________________ Revised April 2012 2 C. Current Medications for Mental Health Issues: (If known) Name of Medication Dosage Who Prescribed Current Mental Health Treatment: Check if unknown Mental Health Treatment History Hospital ER or Psychiatric Hospital Admissions Where? Dates? How long? Therapist? Number in last year? Inpatient Hospitalizations Psychiatric ER Visits Outpatient Treatment Intensive/ Supportive Case Management Home & Community Based Waiver Program Therapeutic Foster Care Crisis Calls Risk Factors: (Explain below as necessary) Suicidal (ideation, attempts) (explain below) Danger to Self Danger to others Cruelty to animals Fire setting Sexually abusive / inappropriate to others Running away / elopement Reckless behavior Victimization by others Destruction of property Depression Psychotic Behavior Manic Behavior Attention/Concentration Difficulties Eating Disorders Agoraphobia/School Phobia /other (specify) Other Anxiety disorders Drug abuse Alcohol abuse Sexually aggressive Physical complaints Developmental delays Inadequate self care Difficult social relationships/functioning Developmental Delays/Learning Disorders Motor functioning Other (explain) Unknown Past Current Revised April 2012 Details: dates, frequency, severity etc… 3 1. Please describe any history of trauma: 2. Please describe any history of substance abuse: 3. Other disabilities or medical problems: 4. Describe current level of functioning in relation to mental health symptoms: School Information Name of School District: __________________________________ Name of School: ___________________________________ School Contact Person: ______________________________ Title: _________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________ How long in this school? ___________________________ Teacher: ___________________________ CSE Classification: ___ No CSE conditions ___ Learning Disabled ___ Physically Disabled ___ Multiply Handicapped ___ Emotionally Disturbed ___ Sensory Impaired ___ Other health Impaired ___ Referral to CSE pending Current Educational Activity (check all that apply) ___ Currently enrolled ___ Expelled ___ Truant ___Suspended (out of school) Academic Functioning/ Behavior in School: How is the child doing academically? With students? In the classroom? COMMUNITY SERVICE/COMMUNITY CONTACT INFORMATION Service Currently Has received in past receives (Dates) Service pending Provider/Contact Person if known HCBS Waiver Intensive Case Management Family Support Services Day Treatment Program Individual Therapy Family Therapy Psychiatric Medication Substance Abuse Treatment OMRDD Services (specify) Preventive Services- DSS/ Foster Care Probation STEPS/ TASA CCSI Other Community Involvement: (Please describe any involvement with other community services/ agencies not described above. Give dates, name of agency, and reason for involvement if known) Revised April 2012 4 FAMILY STRENGTHS Please describe the family strengths and supports that may be utilized in service provision (interests, hobbies, personal attributes, relatives, community organization): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Information 1. Legal Status/ History: (Describe any involvement with criminal court, family court, PINS, probation, police, etc. & give dates. Indicate current status.) 2. Financial problems that may impact on mental health of child or service delivery: 3. Environmental Factors that impact on the mental health of the child or service delivery (E.g. housing, neighborhood): 4. Family Risk Factors (e.g. history of DV, abuse etc.): 5. What else has been tried to help the child besides any of the services described above? 6. Please share any other information you think would be useful for the SPOA committee to know in order to make the most informed decision regarding services. Revised April 2012 5 AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION Patients Name (Last, First) ……………………………………………… Sex:……………………..Date of Birth…………………. Facility Name:……………………………………………. This authorization must be completed by the patient or his/her personal representative to use/disclose protected health information, in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations. A separate authorization is required to use of disclose confidential HIV related information. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Information to be used/Disclosed: Any psychiatric and/or psychological testing (including IQ), discharge planning, psychosocial summaries, special education documentation or other relevant information in order to assist with determining eligibility. Purpose or Need for Information: 1. This information is being requested: by the individual or his/her representative; or X Other (please describe) by the Cortland County Children's SPOA committee Mental Health Services Clinic 7 Clayton Avenue Cortland, NY 13045 SPOA members for Children's Mental Health Case Management include: Mental Health services--specifically SPOA coordinator, Intensive Case Managers, Clinicians, Family Support Services, Franziska Rackers at BOCES, Department of Social Services, Catholic Charities, Hillside Waiver, Office of Mental Health, Family Counseling Services, Central New York DDSO, and Director of Community Services. Youth’s School (List names of Counselors, Principals, or teacher(s): _______________________________________________________ OTHER specific to this referral: ____________________________________________________________________________________. OTHER specific to this referral: ____________________________________________________________________________________. 2. The purpose of the disclosure is (please describe): To assess eligibility for Mental Health case management and/or other Community-Based Mental Health services as listed above in SPOA membership. To assess priority for receiving Mental Health Case Management and/or other Community-Based Mental Health Services as listed above in SPOA membership. OTHER: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. Organization/Facility/Program Disclosing Information: From-please check all that apply Cortland Regional Medical Center Cortland County Mental Health School District Cortland County DSS Cortland County Probation Catholic Charities _____Family Counseling Services Other-please specify A. To: Cortland County SPOA COMIITTEE (membership listed above) I hereby permit the use or disclosure of the above information to the Person/Organization/Facility/Program(s) identified above. I understand that: 1. Only this information may be used and/or disclosed as a result of this authorization. 2. This information is confidential and cannot legally be disclosed without my permission. 3. If this information is disclosed to someone who is not required to comply with federal privacy protection regulations, then it may be redisclosed and would no longer be protected. 4. I have the right to revoke (take back) this authorization at any time. My revocation must be in writing on the form provided to me by the SPOA COMMITTEE. I am aware that my revocation will not be effective if the persons I have authorized to use and/or disclose my protected health information have already taken action because of my earlier authorization. 5. I do not have to sign this authorization and that my refusal to sign will not affect my abilities to obtain treatment from the New York State Office of Mental Health, nor will it affect my eligibility for benefits. 6. I have a right to inspect and copy my own protected health information to be used and/or disclosed (in accordance with the requirements of the federal privacy protection regulations found under 45 CFR 164.524). B-1. One-Time Use/Disclosure: I hereby permit the one-time use or disclosure of the information described above to the person/organization/facility/program/committee identified above. My authorization will expire: When acted upon 90 Days from this date; Other ____________________________________________________________ Revised April 2012 6 AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION Facility Name/Agency Patient/Client Name (Last, First, M.I.) B-2. Periodic Use/Disclosure: I hereby authorize the periodic use/disclosure of the information described above to the person/organization/facility/program identified above as often as necessary to fulfill the purpose identified above. My authorization will expire: When I am no longer receiving services from: Cortland County Children's SPOA agencies (listed on other page). One year from this date; Other _________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Patient Signature: I certify that I authorize the use of my health information as set forth in this document. ______________________________________________________________________ (signature of patient/client or personal representative) _________________________ (date) _____________________________________________________________________ Patient/Client name Printed ______________________________________________________________________ Personal Representative's Name (printed) _______________________________________________________________________ Description of Personal Representative's Authority to Act for the Patient/Client (required if personal representative signs) D. Witness Statement/Signature: I have witnessed the execution of this authorization and state that a copy of the signed authorization was provided to the patient/client and/or the patient/client's personal representative. WITNESSED BY: ________________________________________________________________Date: _______________________ Signature of staff person using/disclosing information Authorization Provided to: Cortland County Children's SPOA Committee (membership listed on other page). To be completed by facility or agency: ______________________________________________ _______________________________________ (Signature of staff person using/disclosing information Title _____________________ Date PART 2: REVOCATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION I hereby revoke my authorization to use/disclose information indicated in Part I, to the Person/Organization/Facility/Program whose name and address is: Cortland County Children's SPOA Committee Mental Health Services 7 Clayton Avenue Cortland, NY 13045 OR OTHER: I hereby refuse to authorize the use/disclosure indicated in Part I, to the Person/Organization/Facility/Program whose name and address is: Cortland County Children's SPOA Committee OR OTHER: Mental Health Services 7 Clayton Avenue Cortland, NY 13045 ______________________________________________________________________ (signature of patient/client or personal representative) _________________________ (date) _____________________________________________________________________ Patient/Client name Printed ______________________________________________________________________ Personal Representative's Name (printed) _______________________________________________________________________ Description of Personal Representative's Authority to Act for the Patient/Client (required if personal representative signs) Revised April 2012 7 ATTACHMENT #1: SED CHECKLIST This form must be completed by a licensed clinician or other mental health professional. Information can be requested from collaterals. SED CHECKLIST: To document a child with Serious Emotional Disturbance MIMINUM REQUIREMENT FOR SED: Criterion A must be met, and both parts of B or C must be met. Check All That Apply: Child meets age requirement (less than 18 years of age). A. Diagnosis of Emotional Disturbance. A DSM IV Diagnosis OTHER than: Alcohol or drug disorders (291.X; 292.x; 303.x; 304.Xx; 305.Xx). Organic Brain Syndromes (290.xx, 293.xx, 294.x). Developmental Disabilities (299.xx; 315.xx-319x). Social Conditions (v Codes) ICD-9-CM Diagnoses Not having a DSM IV equivalent B. Extended Impairment in functioning Due to Emotional Disturbance. (Both parts of B must be met.) I. Over the last 12 months, continuously or intermittently, youngster has experienced functional limitations due to emotional disturbance. Problems must be moderate in at least two areas, or severe in at least one area. Self Care-Personal hygiene; obtaining and eating food; dressing; avoiding injury Family life-Capacity to live in a family or family like environment; relationships with parents. Social Relationships-establishing and maintaining friendships; interpersonal interactions o with peers, neighbors, and other adults; social skills; Compliance with social norm; play and appropriate use of leisure time. Self-Direction/Self-Control-ability to sustain focused attention for long Periods of time to permit completion of age-appropriate tasks; behavioral Self-control; appropriate judgment and value systems; decision-making ability. Learning Ability-school achievement and attendance; receptive and Expressive language; relationships with teachers; behavior in school. II. During last 12 months, continuously or intermittently, child has rated 50 or less on the Children’s Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) because of emotional disturbance. C. Current Impairment in Functioning with Severe Symptoms (Both parts of C must be met) I. Child currently rates 50 or less on the CGAS or GAF because of emotional disturbance. II. Within the past 30 days, youngster has experienced at least one of the following: Serious suicidal symptoms or other life-threatening, self-destructive behavior Significant psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior) Behavior caused buy emotional disturbances that placed the youngster at risk of causing Personal injuries or significant property damage. Signed By: Title: Date: Revised April 2012 8 Attachment #2 A. AT RISKOF OUT-OF-HOME PLACEMENT CHECKLIST To document child at risk of out-of-home placement Check all that apply: ______ Child meets age requirement (under 18). ______ Failed adoption(s) ______ Parent with serious/persistent mental illness. Child has experienced at least one of the following: ______ Has been a victim of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse or severe neglect ______ Has been a victim of, or witness to, serious violent crime or domestic violence Has experienced residential disruption caused by: ______ Out-of-home placement due to emotional disturbance. ______ Multiple family separations. ______ Extended period of homelessness. B. Child is at risk of residential placement if any one of these conditions is met: ______ There is a current psychiatric/psychological evaluation recommending placement ______ CSE has approved or is considering residential placement ______ There is a pending application for RTF before the PACC ______ Request for placement has been received by the DSS residential placement unity ______ Child is awaiting placement through the juvenile justice system ______ Child has experienced a previous residential placement STOP HERE FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES. FOR WAIVER SERVICE, PLEASE COMPLETE NEXT FORM TITLED "REQUEST FOR SCREENING FOR WAIVER SERVICES." Revised April 2012 9 REQUEST FOR SCREENING FOR WAIVER SERVICES NAME OF CHILD: ______________________________________________________ CURRENT ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ I am requesting that my child's referral packet be submitted to the ICC Agency and the Local Governmental Unity for screening of eligibility to apply for the Homer and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver. I also understand that the request for screening is not an application for enrollment in the HCBS Waiver. I understand that the referral packet will be checked for completeness. The ICC agency may need to contact me or the referral source for further clarification, or to request additional documentation. I believe my child qualifies for the waiver because he/she: Is between 5 and 18 years of age. Meets the definition of serious emotional disturbance. Requires or is at imminent risk of needing psychiatric inpatient services for individuals under 21. Has complex health or mental health care needs. Has a service and support need that cannot be met by just one agency. Is capable of being cared for in the community if provided appropriate access to waiver services. Has a viable and consistent living environment and I am willing to participate in the HCBS Waiver and support my child at home and in the community. I understand that if my child is enrolled in the HCBS Waiver he/she may receive waiver services and any needed services available under the Medicaid State Plan for which he/she is eligible with the exception of Intensive Care Management, Therapeutic Foster Care, or other waiver programs. I understand that this screening is necessary before we make formal application to the HCBS Waiver for children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance. Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________ Parent/Guardian Name (print): ______________________________________________ Revised April 2012 10