Multiple Photoionization of Carbon-60 K. A. Barger, P. Juranic, and R. Wehlitz University of Wisconsin-Madison, Synchrotron Radiation Center In this experiment, C60 clusters were ionized using monochromatized synchrotron radiation. The relative cross section of the photoionized C60 was studied using photons that had an energy range of 37-240eV. The 1+ to 3+ charge states where investigated as a function of excess energy using a Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer. From this information, the relative cross sections can be studied for each charge state. The current theories available for predicting the relative cross sections not molecules; the data collected in our experiment can be used as benchmark data to model molecule’s relative cross sections. Our data shows that relative ionization cross sections do not change linearly, and that oscillations in its size occur with the change in photon energy. 1. Introduction In this experiment, we will photoionize C60, a cluster of 60 carbon molecules, with single photons of variable wavelength. The photons used have a specified energy that ranges from 37-240eV, which is controlled by a monochromator. Near the threshold energy, the electrons leave the C60 relatively slowly. We believe that they may have time to interact with the remaining electrons in the C60. These interactions will cause oscillations in the C602+/C601+ and C603+/C601+ cross section ratios to occur. In past experiments, this oscillating behavior was observed in beryllium and lithium [1-2]. Experiments on the ionization of C60 have been done in the past [3-5], but due to large error bars or insufficient data the oscillating behavior has not been observed. Once our data on the ionized C60 are collected, we will compare the doubly and triply ionized molecules with the singly ionized molecules. When this is completed, the cross sections of the ionized C60 will be calculated and compared with theoretical models, and any oscillating behavior will be investigated. 2. Experimental Method and Setup The measurements were preformed the 6m TGM beam line at the Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC) in Stoughton Wisconsin. The photon beam has an energy range of 8-200eV. The C60 powder used had a purity of 99.5%. In preparing for the experiment, the C60 was evaporated in a resistively heated oven. This enables the impurities to be outgased. Once the oven is cool, the C60 is placed in the oven. The vacuum in the chamber was kept at approximately 10-9 Torr during the experiment. Once the proper vacuum has been achieved, the temperature is raised slowly until the solvents, that are used to create C60, are evaporated and a sufficient vapor pressure of C60 is achieved. During the experiment, the oven temperature is ≈315 °C. At this temperature, unwanted thermal electrons will be created inside the oven. It is important to remove these electrons so that only photons are responsible for ionizing the C60, and not electrons. To ensure the electrons do not interfere with the experiment, a positive bias voltage is applied, which attracts them to the walls of the oven. Figure 1: Schematic diagram of experimental setup At ≈315 °C the C60 starts to sublimates, causing some of the C60 to leave the crucible and enter the area that is located between the pusher plate (PP) and the extractor plate (EP). This area is where the photons interact with the C60 (interaction region). Above the interaction region, there is a condenser plate (CP) that is cooled by liquid nitrogen (LN2). The function of the CP is to improve the vacuum by freezing unwanted gases and un-ionized C60 to the surface of the plate, removing them from the interaction region. When the photons enter the interaction region, they have a specified energy above the threshold energy required to ionize the C60. When an interaction occurs with an energetic photon and the C60, the C60 can become singly, doubly, or triply ionized. The threshold energy required for C60+, C602+, and C603+ is 7.53eV, 19.02eV, and 35.7eV respectively. Most monochromators contribute secondorder light in addition to the desired energy. Filters are used to reduce second order light. An aluminum filter was used for the range of 37-72eV and a Si3N4 for 51-98eV a Si3N4. During this process, a periodic +50 Volt pulse is introduced to the PP. This pulse creates an electric field between the PP and the grounded EP. The electric field causes the positively charged C60 ions to accelerate to the drift tube and travel through it. Once the C60 has traveled through the drift tube, it travels to the Microchannel Plate (MCP) detector. The MCP is an array of three detector plates. These plates have voltages that are set between 2800-3000 Volts. The MCP is designed to convert ionized particles into electric pulses, which can be used to count C60 ions. The signal then travels to the Constant Fraction Discriminator (CFD). The CFD is used to cut off noise and it also gives pulse positions that are independent of the height of the pulses. After that, the information is then sent to the Time to Amplitude Converter (TAC), which measures the time difference between the pulse across the interaction region and the time for the C60 ions to reach the MCP. 3. Data Taking By using a program called Maestro, the intensity of the C60 charge states versus TOF can be graphed as shown in figure 2. The integrated peak areas represent the different ionization intensities. The TOF measures the mass- to-charge ratio (m/q) [6], making the travel time different for each charge state of C60. This creates separate peaks for each ionization state of C60. We then separately take the area of the C602+ and the area of the C603+ peak and divide them by the area of the C601+ peak; the C602+/C601+ and C603+/ C601+ ratios are later analyzed as a function of photon energy. The photon energy, the beginning and ending electron storage ring current, and the current incident on the nickel mesh, which monitors the photon beam, are all recorded for each spectrum. Figure 2: This spectrum was taken using photons at energy of 38eV and a Si3N4 filter for 30 min. These data will enable us to determine the relative ionization cross section σR1+ of C60. This can be done by: 1R I 1 f p g (1) Here I 1 is the intensity of the C601+, g is the gas density, f p is the photon flux that is a result of photons hitting and ionizing nickel mesh. The photon flux is used to determine the detection efficiency where f p = current/efficiency. Once the C60+ cross section is determined, the other relative ionization cross sections can be calculated by: x ( A x A1 ) 1 (2) Where x = 2 or 3 and A is the integrated peak area. 4. Problems with Current Theories In past experiments, the results of the photoionization were compared with the Wannier theory (WT). The WT is used to predict the ionization cross section of atoms. This theory predicts that the double-photoionization (DPI) cross section rises at threshold according to a power law [1]: 0 Eexc (3) Where is the cross section near threshold, the excess energy given by Eexc hv E0 , E0 is the threshold energy, 0 is a constant, and α is the Wannier exponent. The value of the Wannier exponent is not the same for ionization that is due to electrons and due to photons. The value also changes for each charge state. The WT assumes that both of the emitted electrons have the same momentum and maintain an equal distance from the nucleus [1]. This assumption limits the theory. This theory is limited further because it is only for modeling the effects of the relative ionization cross section of atoms near threshold energies, in our experiment we are using molecules and going to energies that are not near threshold, for this reason this theory does not apply. Another theory that was used to predict cross sections near threshold is the Coulomb-dipole (CD) theory. This theory is based on the interactions between at least two emitted electrons and the remaining nucleus. For this scenario, one of the emitted electrons has less momentum then the other. The faster electron is subjected to a dipole potential formed by the residual ion and the slower electron [1]. This electron is subject to a Coulomb and a dipole field. This dipole interaction caused a characteristic oscillatory behavior. This theory predicts that the cross section oscillates while increasing monotonically near threshold [1]. The theory states: 14 Eexc [1 CEexc M ( Eexc )] can be investigated. We first analyzed the C60 with excess energy ranging from 0-24eV. As in Beryllium and Lithium cases [1-2], oscillating behavior in the cross section ratio of the C602+/C601+ charge state was observed. (4) The is the cross section near threshold, Eexc is the excess energy, M is a modulation factor given by: M ( E ) sin[ D ln( Eexc ) ] (5) Where C, D, and are all suitable constants. In contrast to the WP theory, the CDT does predict oscillations in the cross sections near threshold due to the dipole interaction [1]. However, this theory does not apply to our current experiment either because the CD theory only applies to atoms, not molecules. Nevertheless, first indications for oscillations in the C602+ cross sections have been observed recently. Other than the aforementioned theories, a new theory is being developed that could correctly predict the ionization cross sections for C60. J. M. Rost at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems is developing this theory [8]. Once this theory is complete, we will compare our results with this theory. 5. Results and Discussion The ratios of the integrated peak areas were graphed versus the excess energy. From this graph, the data can be closely analyzed and any abnormalities Figure 3: The ratio of the ionization charge states of the C602+/ C601+ as a function of excess energy. The behavior of the cross sectional ratio, as shown in figure 3, does not exhibit a linear quality as the excess energy increases. To investigate this behavior we subtracted out a seventh-order Wannier curve from data to provide a smooth curve as in [1]. We found that the data closely fit the equation: 5/ 4 CEexc M ( Eexc ) (6) Where M ( Eexc ) is the same modulation factor found in Eq. (5). Figure 4: The Difference between our DPI cross section data and a seventh-order Wannier curve. The gray fit corresponds to the modulation term of the CD Theory [Eq. (6)]. This data in figure 4 was graphed with Eq. (6). When the parameters are chosen correctly for C, D, and , the oscillating behavior in the data matches the behavior of Eq. (6). The double ionization cross section ratio also has an increasing amplitude and wave length as the excess energy increases. This is very strange because Eq. (6) is predicted from the CDT, and this theory does not apply to molecules, but the data seems to agree with this theory. To completely investigate this behavior, we continued the experiment and concentrated on the higher energies. Once this data was collected, the program Taurus was used to separate our data points into various categories. The data taken with different filters shown in figures 5 and 6 are now being analyzed. Once the graphed data are carefully analyzed, the oscillating behavior will be investigated. Figure 5: The ratio of the ionization charge states of the C602+/ C601+ as a function of excess energy. Aluminum and a Si3N4 filters were used to filter out second order light. Figure 6: The ratio of the ionization charge states of the C603+/ C601+ as a function of excess energy. Aluminum and a Si3N4 filters were used to filter out second order light. As the excess energy increases, the data shows that the C602+/C601+ and C603+/C601+ ratios start to decrease past a certain 65eV and 55eV respectively. This behavior was not observed in a previous C60 experiment [3]. For this reason, we are now closely investigating the cross section of the C60 between the energies of 85-240eV. We are also trying to determine if this behavior is a result of using a Si3N4 filter or if this could be due to temperature dependence. The Si3N4 filter used could have been oxidized. The spectrum taken with Si3N4 filter was repeated without that particular filter to check for inconsistencies. To check for temperature dependence in the spectrum, we compared our data with previous experiments. In a previous experiment on C60, the oven was kept at a higher temperature of ≈425 °C and the temperature range of 420-500 °C was checked for temperature dependences, but none was observed [3]. In our experiment, we are also checking for temperature dependence but for the temperature range of 232-344 °C for several photon energies. The results on the temperature dependence are still pending. 6. Applications Once the relative cross sections of the ionized C60 are measured, they can then be used as benchmark information for theoretical models. The cross section can also be used to find the opacity of the different ionization stages of C60. The opacity is a quantity that is used to determine the transport of radiation through matter, which is useful in both physics and astronomy [9]. Astronomers have found naturally formed C60 the interstellar medium [10], as well as ionized C60. Acknowledgments I would like to thank the REU program at University of WisconsinMadison, and the staff of the Synchrotron Radiation Center for their support. I would also like to thank my mentor Ralf Wehlitz, and Pavle Juranic for all their help and guidance. This work is based upon research conducted at the Synchrotron Radiation Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is supported by the NSF under Award No. DMR-0084402 [1] D. Lukić, J. B. Bluett, and R. Wehlitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 023003 (2004). [2] R. Wehlitz, J. B. Bluett, and S. B. Whitfield, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 093002 (2002). [3] A. Reinköster, S. Korica, G. Prümper, J. Viefhaus, K. Godehusen, O. Schwarzkopf, M Mast, and U. Becker, Rev. Phys. B 37, 21352144 (2004). [4] H. Steger, J. de Vries, B. Kamke, W. Kamke, and T. Drewello, Chem. Phys. Lett. 194, 452456 (1992). [5] R. K. Yoo, B. Ruscic, and J. Berkowitz, J. Chem. Phys. 96, 911-918 (1992). [6] R. Wehlitz, D. Lukić, C. Koncz, and I. A. Sellin, Rev. Sci. 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