NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Biology The Structure and Replication of DNA Support Materials HIGHER The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Biology. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 Contents 1(a) DNA 4 1(a)(i) The structure of DNA 6 1(a)(ii) Organisation of DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 19 1(a)(iii) The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 27 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 3 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA These notes have been designed to support t eachers in delivering the content of the new Higher Biology syllabus (2011). Possible student activities are identified throughout. Background information has been written to provide the necessary scientific context to the topic and often goes beyond the detail required of the student. Key concepts have been identified throughout at the level of detail it is felt the student will need for the new Higher Biology syllabus. 1(a) DNA Curriculum content notes DNA encodes hereditary information in a chemical language. All cells store their genetic information in the base sequence of DNA. The genotype is determined by the sequence of bases. Key concepts DNA is inherited. DNA is the genetic material of living things. DNA is located within the nucleus of all cells apart from red blood cells. DNA is a long chemical sequence and this sequence contains the information needed for that living thing to develop, survive and pass its genetic information on to the next generation . The DNA chemical sequence differs between individuals. The pattern of this sequence is called the genotype. Background information Students should have met the concepts of genetic information and genotypes previously in the topic of inheritance in Standard Grade or to some degree in Intermediate studies. The rest of this unit will move the student on to a biochemical understanding of the nature of inheritance through the molecule DNA. 4 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA Student activity 1: DNA is the instructions for all living things To begin with, a recap on the basics may be useful: DNA/genes hold the instructions for all living things, it is found in cells and it is the hereditary material. A fun way to do this might be to show a simple animation that sums up this information, for example: Student activity 2: DNA extraction If students have not extracted DNA before then carrying out an extraction practical would be useful at this point before their knowledge is extended to an understanding of the molecular structure of DNA in 1(a)(ii). Carrying out DNA extraction helps the student see that DNA exists in all living things and that it is held within cells. There are many extraction protocols to be found on the internet. Here are some of the best: 1. The Genes are Us website has lots of videos and information about genetic disorders and gives an extraction protocol called ‘DNA cocktail’ with teacher’s notes and student sheet. Find it by following this link and looking in resources for 14–15-year-olds: 2. From The University of Utah website: 3. From The Naked Scientists website (Cambridge University): ow-to-extract-dna-from-a-kiwi-fruit/ Student activity 3: DNA – true or false This is a PowerPoint presentation showing true or false statements. It can be used to go through the basics with the students and to ascertain their understanding and gaps in knowledge. Students could use ‘show me’ boards as a whole class or carry out a pair exercise before feeding back answers to the class. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 5 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA 1(a)(i) The structure of DNA Curriculum content notes The structure of a DNA nucleotide (deoxyribose sugar, phosphate and base). Nucleotides bond to form a sugar–phosphate backbone. Base pairs (adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine) held by hydrogen bonds , forming a double helix. Double-stranded anti-parallel structure with deoxyribose and phosphate at 3′ and 5′ end of each strand. Key concepts DNA is composed of two polynucleotide chains. Nucleotides consist of a sugar, phosphate and base. Nucleotides bond to form a sugar–phosphate backbone. The two polynucleotide chains run antiparallel , with a deoxyribose sugar at the 3′ end and a phosphate group at the 5′ end. The nucleic acid bases are paired by hydrogen bonding in the centre to form a double helix. Base pairing is specific, with adenine pairing with thymine and cytosine pairing with guanine. Prerequisite knowledge DNA is the genetic material. Background information Knowledge of the molecular structure of DNA was part of the content of the old Higher Arrangements, and so plenty of material showing its structure already exists. The level of detail in the new curriculum is to be the same apart from naming the bond type (hydrogen) between bases and the term ‘anti-parallel structure’, although the nature of this structure is inherent in the double helix, which was on the syllabus previously. Here are some good websites for information and resources: 1. The University of Utah has two excellent sites with high-quality resources for teaching and learning genetics. 2. To order a model of DNA visit this site: 6 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA 3. Nature Publishing Group 4. The Wellcome Trust produces high-quality material with an emphasis on human health. In particular, they produce a fun and scientifically rigorous booklet called The Big Picture and their January 2010 copy focuses on genes, genomes and health. Print copies can be ordered and a pdf is available. Very accessible and interesting for young people. 5. Nucleic acid problem set: ids/nucleic_acids_1.html 6. A-level biology revision site: Student activity 4 Create your own DNA using PowerPoint or cutting and pasting Two PowerPoints are provided that can be used by students to construct the molecular structure of DNA. In the first PowerPoint the student drags and drops the pieces to create a double-stranded molecule of DNA that is five nucleotides long. This can be done by moving pieces to the coloured space surrounding the white PowerPoint slide, copying and pasting the shapes to create enough for the model and then dragging and dropping the shapes back on to the slide to represent the molecular structure. The second PowerPoint can be printed on A4 or A3 paper so that students can cut out the pieces and use them on a table top. These could be stuck into their books or alternatively kept in small packs (mayb e laminated) to be used again. If they are to be used again the students could draw the model and label it to help reinforce their learning. Student activity 5: Make your own edible DNA double helix Go to the University of Utah’s excellent Teach Genetics website: THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 7 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA Follow the Print-And-Go™ Lesson Plan Index and you will find a wealth of activities, including instructions on how to make a double helix out of sweets. Student activity 6: How the structure of DNA was discovered This activity will help students appreciate the process of scientific discovery, develop a deep understanding of the structure and function of DNA, develop research skills and be able to present work in the style of a scientific poster. This activity could be used after the class have looked at the structure of DNA in detail and is one of the suggested learning activities in the new Higher Biology syllabus. Learning outcomes for activity 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Develop an understanding of the means by which living things can pass on information to the next generation via DNA. Develop an appreciation that scientific discovery is in the context of a community of scientists, where the results of one team lay the foundations for the work of others. The elucidation of the genetic code by Watson and Crick as an example of drawing conclusions from a body of scientific evidence (evidence based conclusion). Identification of the different forms by which scientific work is presented and the advantages and disadvantages of these different formats, including journal papers, posters and conference presentations. Develop an understanding of the structure of DNA (level dependent on whether this becomes before or after Student activity 2 and whether this is emphasised during the presentation of the posters). Development of skills in using the internet for research: selecting appropriate information, summarising material, identifying reliable sources. Development of team-working skills: assigning roles, planning work. Introduction The elucidation of the genetic code by Watson and Crick in 1953 was the culmination of years of scientific research by a range of scientists. The research and events surrounding the discovery have been the topic of many books, media stories and even a film. The story is not only one of scientific discovery but also of personalities and intrigues. It lends itself well to independent research and to developing a conceptual unde rstanding of the significance, structure and function of DNA, laying down the foundations for Unit 1 of Higher Biology. An appreciation of how short a time there has been since the discovery of DNA and the huge amount of research that has followed in the field never fails to amaze and is also important when 8 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA considering the moral, ethical and social implications of this area of biological science. This activity will see students examine and present the results of six individuals or groups of scientists that were all involved in the work that led to the discovery of the structure of DNA: Griffiths Avery et al. Hershey and Chase Chargaff Wilkins and Franklin Watson and Crick. Background information for teachers This section provides the necessary background surrounding each of the scientists’ work. This text is not intended for students and is pitched above the content needed for Higher. At the turn of the 20th century, scientists knew that chromosomes contained the genetic material that enabled organisms to pass on hereditary material or ‘genes’ to the next generation. Over the next 30 or so years it became evident that chromosomes were composed of protein, DNA and RNA , with protein identified as the most likely candidate for the genetic material. Given protein’s 20 amino acids, it was felt to be sufficiently complex for the huge amount of information that would need to be carried, in contrast to the perceived simplicity of the structure of DNA. Over the next 50 years the work of a number of scientists would reveal that it was in fact DNA that was the genetic material, that the nucleic acid bases of DNA were found in set ratios, that DNA was a helical structure and finally that it was a double helix, composed of paired bases along two sugar– phosphate backbones, running parallel but in opposite direct ions. Let us now look at the work of the six scientists highlighted and the contribution they made to the elucidation of the structure of DNA. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 9 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA Fredrick Griffith – The ‘transforming principle’ A British medical officer, Fredrick Griffith, worked on the pneumonia-causing bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia. In 1928 he conducted a series of experiments revealing the ability of one strain type to ‘transform’ into another strain type through a process involving an agent that he coined the ‘transforming principle’. In brief, there were known to be two strains of the bacterium: the smooth (S) and rough (R) strains, with the S strain being highly virulent and the R strain not. For each strain there were two types (type II and type III), each capable of mutating from one strain to the other. For example, type IIR is capable of transforming into IIS and vice versa. However, this change is type -specific, so type II cannot mutate into type III and vice versa. In Griffith’s final experiment shown in the last column in Figure 1, he infected mice with living IIR bacteria along with heat-killed IIS cells. The mice died, showing that the living IIR bacteria had somehow ‘transformed’ into the virulent IIIS type by interaction with the dead IIS cells. Griffiths concluded that some agent was involved, which he believed to be a protein, and he called this agent the ‘transforming principle’. Figure 1: Griffith’s experiment, showing the fate of mice when infected with different strains or strain combinations of the Streptococcus pneumonia virus. The experiment in the final column revealed to Griffith that there is a ‘transforming principle’, which he assumed to be protein. Reproduced from Wikimedia Common. 10 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA Oswald Avery – DNA is the genetic material Along with his colleagues Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty, Avery conducted a series of experiments in the 1930s and 1940s to find out what the ‘transforming principle’ was. He found evidence suggesting that it was DNA. Avery and his colleagues recreated Griffith’s experiments in a test-tube by incubating the cell extract from a lysed IIIS cell (and thus dead cells) with that from IIR cells. They then observed the resulting colony types that grew on medium in a Petri dish. Amongst the resulting colonies were those of IIIS type , showing that they had recreated Griffith’s transformation. They therefore knew that somewhere amongst the cell extract was the ‘transformation principle’. The key challenge for Avery and his team then was to deduce which of the macromolecules present was the important one: polysaccharide, protein, RNA or DNA? Through a series of systematic experiments they used enzymes to degrade each of the macromolecules one at a time. They discovered that it was only when DNAse (which degrades DNA) was used that the transformation ceased and no type IIIS colonies grew. Thus they deduced that it was in fact DNA that was the genetic material. However, the experiments were criticised by the scientific community, who strongly believed that it was protein and not DNA that was the genetic material. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase – DNA is the genetic material Hershey and Chase, two American scientists, used the T2 bacteriophage, a virus that infects bacteria, to show that DNA was indeed the genetic material. They knew that bacteriophages consisted of only proteins and DNA, and set out to explore which of these macromolecules was the genetic material of the virus. Bacteriophages cannot reproduce themselves, utilising the host bacterium’s molecular mechanisms to produce T2 progeny. With this in mind, Hershey and Chase developed an experiment using radioactively labelled viral protein and DNA, to see which could be found in the host cell after infection with the T2 bacteriophage; whichever it was must be the genetic mat erial. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 11 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA 1 2 Figure 2: Hershey and Chase’s experiment. Experiment 1, on the top line, shows the results of when DNA was radioactively labelled, with radioactivity being detected within the cell. Experiment 2 shows the results when protein was radioactively labelled, with radioactivity being detected in the solution that contained the ‘phage ghosts’. The results revealed that DNA was the genetic material. Reproduced from Magnus Manske on Wikipedia commons. Cells of the bacterium Escherichia coli were grown in media containing a radioactive isotope, either 32 P or 35 S, and were infected with the T2 virus. After infection and the production of progeny, Hershey and Chase were left with two types of virus. As DNA contains phosphorus and not sulphur and protein contains sulphur not phosphorus, one T2 type had radioactively labelled protein, the other radioactively labelled DNA. They infected more E.coli cells with the radioactively labelled T2 bacteriophage, one set with the DNA labelled and the other with the protein labelled (see Figure 2). They predicted that shortly after infection the E. coli cells would contain the genetic material of the T2 bacteriophage, before it reproduced and developed into progeny phages. Outside the cell would be the virus debris (called the phage ghost). For bacteria cells infected with DNAlabelled T2 virus, they detected radioactivity within the bacteria shortly after infection. For bacteria infected with protein-labelled virus, they detected radioactivity in the phage ghosts outside the bacteria. Thus, they concluded that DNA was indeed the genetic material. 12 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA Erwin Chargaff – Chargaff’s rules and the base composition of DNA Chargaff trained as a chemist. He analysed biological cell materials at Columbia University in New York City. During the late 1940s Chargaff hydrolysed the DNA from a number of different organisms and found that DNA always contained 50% purine bases and 50% pyrimidine bases. Secondly, his analysis showed that there was always an equivalent number of adenine and thymine bases, and of guanine and cytosine bases. Thirdly, he found that the percentage of each base was species specific. His work was extremely important in refuting beliefs that DNA was not complex enough to explain biological diversity, as up to this time it was widely held that DNA consisted of regular repeats of the four bases . If the bases were not arranged in the same pattern across all species, there was the possibility of DNA holding the key to the diversity of life. Chargaff’s base composition studies were critical in Watson and Crick’s model structure of DNA. The feelings of Chargaff about Watson and Crick’s work makes interesting reading and would be an interesting start to a debate about the discovery, following the completion of this task. The references at the end will lead you to websites and books that will give insight into the controversy. Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins – DNA is helical and has measured regularities in its structure Using a technique called X-ray diffraction, Franklin and Wilkins produced data to give them an insight into the molecular structure of DNA. The technique involved firing beams of parallel X-rays at isolated strands of DNA. When the X-rays collide with the atoms they diffract to an extent that is dependent on the molecular weight and spatial arrangement of the atoms. These diffracted X-rays are then collected on a photographic plate and the resulting pattern analysed. Franklin was able to deduce from these results that DNA was helical and that there were noticeable structural regularities along its axis at 0.34 nm and 3.4 nm. Franklin’s unpublished X-ray data was shown to Watson and Crick during their visit to Kings College, London, where both Wilkins and Franklin worked. Two papers, one from Wilkins and one from Franklin, were published alongside Watson and Crick’s Nature paper, describing the experimental data they had produced. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 13 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA James Watson and Francis Crick – a model for the physical and chemical structure of DNA In 1953 two Cambridge scientists, James Watson and Francis Crick, published an extremely important and now famous journal paper in Nature entitled ‘Molecular structure of nucleic acids. A structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid’, which described their deduction of the structure of DNA, the genetic material of life. Watson and Crick came to their conclusions from the experimental data of others, particularly that of Chargaff, Wilkins and Franklin, and offered no fresh experimental data of their own. However, the momentous breakthrough was in piecing together all of the evidence to provide a model that fitted all of the known data. Their work was regarded as so significant that along with Wilkins they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962. Controversy surrounded the awards due to the omission of Chargaff and the playing down of Franklin’s role in the discovery . However, Franklin had unfortunately died by this point and Nobel prizes are never aw arded posthumously. Watson and Crick’s conclusions about the structure of DNA were as follows: DNA is a double helix formed from two polynucleotide chains that are wound round in a clockwise direction (Figure 3). The two polynucleotide chains are antiparallel, meaning that they are positioned head to tail (each chain has a 5′ end and a 3′ end and so the 5′ end of one lies opposite the 3′ end of the other) The sugar–phosphate backbone, which forms from the connection between the nucleotides, is on the outside of the double helix. The nucleotide bases are on the inside, perpendicular to the sugar–phosphate backbone. Each base is connected to a complementary base on the parallel chain by weak hydrogen bonds. Adenine always pairs with thymine by two hydrogen bonds and guanine to cytosine by three hydrogen bonds. No other base pairings would work to give rise to this DNA structure. Structurally, the base pairs are 0.34 nm apart and each 360 ° degree turn of the helix is 3.4 nm (10 base pairs). Also, as the nucleotides are unequally spaced between the two polynucleotide strands becau se they are antiparallel, there are unequal grooves in the helical twist. 14 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA Further reading and other references To find out more about each set of experiments and the story surrounding the discovery of the structure of DNA you could refer to the following references. Websites 1. Nature education site, which gives a detailed account of the story: -of-dna-structureand-function-watson-397 2. Produced at Cold Spring Harbour in America , DNAI is an interactive site for students in genetics. One of the tasks in section 1 on the menu – ‘Code’ – is about the elucidation of the structure of DNA and is written for students to work through like a problem, giving information about what each of the scientists in the puzzle discovered. 3. A website dedicated to the race for DNA: ex.html Books For a very readable book that describes the elucidation by Watson and Crick from the viewpoint of Watson, and very accessible to students, the following is highly recommended: Watson, James (1968) The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. Atheneum. ISBN 0-689-70602-2. The discovery is also told from the viewpoint of Crick: Crick, Francis (1988) What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery. Basic Books, New York. ISBN 0-465-09137-7. and Franklin: Maddox, Brenda (2002) Rosalind Franklin: the dark lady of DNA. HarperCollins, New York. ISBN 0-393-32044-8. and Wilkins: Wilkins, Maurice (2003) The Third Man of the Double Helix: The Autobiography. Oxford, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860665-6. A film produced for TV’s Horizon programme in 1987, called ‘Life Story’, chronicles the story of Watson and Crick, who race to find the structure of DNA before Linus Pauling, Maurice Wilkins or Rosalind Franklin. The drama was directed by Mick Jackson and has been released in various guises: Race THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 15 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA for the Double Helix and The Double Helix. It can be tricky to get hold of but your local library might have a copy or a Google search will help reveal sources and YouTube snippets. Possible lesson starters 1. To encourage the class to start thinking about the structure of DNA, the lesson could begin by examining the biological problem that scientists were facing at the beginning of the century: what is the genetic material of living things composed of? Scientists knew that living things somehow passed on information but didn’t know what did this or how it was done. In pairs, students could consider three criteria that this ‘material’ would have to fulfil. Answers: be able to store the information to allow an organism to develop and reproduce be able to replicate this information accurately be able to be ‘passed on’ to offspring be capable of change or difference to account for the variety of living things that we see 2. An extract of the film ‘Life Story’ (see references above). Student activity 7 Discovering the structure of DNA This word document lays out the task for the students. If this is the first session where students are being asked to present findings as a scientific poster, an introduction to the reporting of scientific results will help students put their task into the context of real-world science. Students could be presented with some example journals, for example Nature, Nature Genetics or Science, to show how scientists produce papers of their work for the scientific community. Also, highlight the use of posters and presentation s by scientists at scientific conferences, for sharing with the community. Students could discuss the merits of each type or presentation, including points such as: peer review in journals, to ensure credibility speed of results to communication (speed fastest with presentation and poster, less for journals and even slower for books) 16 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA option to present incomplete findings in posters and presentations and provoke discussion level of detail in each format (posters are more of a summary, which means many can be read relatively quickly, compared to journal papers, which provide much more detail). To enhance this session, a scientist could be asked to come into the class to discuss how they approach these tasks and show papers/posters and presentations they have developed as a scientist. Scientists can be contacted through various schemes that run to assist their placement in schools, for example STEM Ambassadors: and Researchers in Residence: Presentation of posters The posters could be displayed as they would be in a scientific poster session, where the posters are displayed and people get the chance to wander round reading each other’s work. The students could do this and jot down a question they would like to ask about each poster. Once everyone has had time to look at the posters each student gets 5 minutes to present their poster, followed by a question and answer session. Student activity 8: Timeline of events Following the presentations the class could create a timeline with the posters to demonstrate the order of events leading up to the eluci dation of the genetic code by Watson and Crick. A discussion could take place about the roles and relevance of each piece of research. Timeline sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Griffiths Avery et al. Hershey and Chase Chargaff Franklin and Wilkins Watson and Crick THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 17 THE STRUCTURE OF DNA Extension tasks 1. Students could produce a short video about the scientific work they investigated rather than a poster. 2. Investigation of the controversy surrounding the relative weight given to the scientists who contributed evidence towards the elucidation of the DNA structure. Greater weight was given to certain scientists notably Watson, Crick and Wilkins who received the Nobel prize. However, it is argued a number of other scientists which are listed above played a significant role. Teams could prepare a persuasive presentation as to why the other scientists should have been given greater recognition for their contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA. 3. For a creative option, students could act out the discoveries using role play and factual information they have gathered. Links with other areas of Higher Biology The experiments of Griffiths link with bacterial transformation in Unit 3. 3 (b) (ii) Recombinant DNA technology 18 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES 1(a)(ii) Organisation of DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes Curriculum content notes DNA is a double-stranded molecule that can be circular or linear. Circular chromosomal DNA and plasmids in prokaryotes. Circular plasmids in yeast. Circular chromosome in mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotes. The DNA found in linear chromosomes of the nucleus of eukaryotes is tightly coiled and packaged with associated proteins . Key concepts DNA exists in very long molecules that are packaged and organised in cells. The organisation of DNA is different in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotes usually have a single circular chromosome. Eukaryotes usually have several linear chromosomes , which are packaged. Eukaryotic cells also contain mitochondrial DNA, and chloroplast DNA in green plants. The DNA in chromosomes undergoes four stages of packaging to achieve the most condensed state, seen during metaphase. DNA combines with proteins to achieve its packaged state. Prerequisite knowledge DNA is the genetic material of living things. DNA structure. Difference between a prokaryote and eukaryote. Background information In the cells of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes DNA is organised into structures called chromosomes. In eukaryotes the se are linear and numerous, whereas in prokaryotes there is usually a single circular chromosome. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 19 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES Prokaryotic chromosomes Prokaryotes usually have a single double-stranded and circular chromosome, which carries the organism’s genetic material. Some prokaryotes, however, have more than one chromosome, in either a circular or linear form, which can be either a copy of the first or be composed of a different DNA sequence and which can contain essential or non-essential genes. If the organism has a second circular chromosome carrying a DNA sequence that is superfluous to the existence of the organism then it is called a plasmid. In bacteria, the DNA is packaged tightly, along with associated proteins, into a given area of the cell called the nucleoid. Supercoiling is the key way in which most prokaryotes manage to package the huge length of DNA that makes up their genome into a small area in the cell. If you imagine an elastic band being twisted you will at first get twists which produce an ever-tighter wound band. If you continue, the elastic band will begin to supercoil, producing bends of twisted elastic, ma king the elastic band ever more compact. This is what happens when DNA supercoils and it is a major feature in prokaryotes. Some supercoiling does exist in eukaryotes, but only in small amounts. The chromosomes of eukaryotes use other methods for compacting their DNA. Further information about chromosomes in prokaryotes can be found at the Nature Scitable site: -packaging-in-prokaryotesthe-circular-chromosome-9113 Eukaryotic chromosomes The most significant differences between the chromosomes of eukaryotes and prokaryotes are that eukaryotes have several linear chromosomes contained within a membrane-bound nucleus. The number of chromosomes is consistent within species but can vary across species. So, for example, humans have a haploid set of 23 chromosomes, whereas wheat has a haploid set of 7 chromosomes. Eukaryotic cells also contain extra packages of DNA outwith the nucleus: mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). mtDNA is found in both plants and animals, whereas chloroplast DNA is only found in green plants and certain protists. Fundamentally, these genomes are not inherited in a medallion fashion like the chromosomes contained within the nucleus, but instead are inherited solely from the mother along with the other organelles contained within the cytoplasm. 20 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES MtDNA is often circular, double-stranded and lacking in the structural proteins of the nuclear chromosomes, much like the chromosomes found in prokaryotes. Their size varies enormously between species. For example, in humans the mtDNA genome is 15,569 base pairs in size, in yeast it is 80,000 base pairs long and in some plants it can be as large as 2 million base pairs. In the main, the mitochondrial genome codes for transfer RNAs (t RNAs), ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) and some subunits of proteins found within mitochondria. CpDNA is structured similarly to mtDNA: it is circular, double-stranded and lacks structural proteins. Chloroplasts can contain many copies of cpDNA, with the copy number variable between species. The size of the cpDNA genome varies between species and can be anywhere between 80 and 600 kb. Amongst the genes on the cpDNA lie those that code for the rRNAs, tRNAs and some proteins required for translation, transcription an d photosynthesis. The origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts has been the focus of some debate amongst scientists. One of the theories , the endosymbiont theory, proposes that both mitochondria and chloroplasts were originally free -living bacteria that invaded primitive eukaryotic cells and that through the course of evolution both the bacteria and the original host became depend ent to the point where one could not live without the other. This seems a great theory to share with students – to think that within each of our cells we harbour a onceliving bacterium that we now depend on for life, emphasising the interconnectivity of living things. The packaging of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes The level of organisation in the packaging of DNA is truly amazing. The length of a DNA molecule, if held taut, end-to-end, in just one of your chromosomes would measure 4 cm. If that wasn’t bewildering enough given that cells are not nearly that big, our cells are capable of packaging this amount of DNA into chromosomes 1.2–2 µm in length. This means that end to-end you could fit 10,000 chromosomes along the length of a fingernail. If you take this figure and the fact that we have 46 chromosomes in each cell we can calculate a total length of DNA in one human cell to be 1.84 m, or the height of a 6-foot person. Considering the number of cells we have, we have enough DNA that if put end to end it would reach the moon and back! This next section will examine how the DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes is packaged to achieve this feat of organisation. There are four levels of packaging seen within cells, the highest of which is only seen during metaphase (Figure 4). THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 21 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES Level 1: Nucleosomes DNA in the form of a double helix is wound around histone proteins, forming nucleosomes or what is commonly called ‘beads on a string’. The histones are positively charged and so bind tightly to the negatively charged DNA. The lengths of DNA between the nucleosomes are called linker DNA. The length of linker DNA between nucleosomes is constant within cells but can vary between species an d tissues. This level of organisation is seen throughout the cell cycle, with only transient separation during replication. The combination of proteins and DNA is called chromatin, so the beads on a string structure shown here is a chromatin fibre. Level 2: Thick chromatin fibre The length of nucleosomes then coils to form a thicker chromatin fibre, about 30 nm thick, due to interactions between the nucleosomes and linker DNA. This level of packaging can be seen during interp hase. Level 3: Looped fibres The thick chromatin fibre then folds along a non -histone protein scaffold, producing fibres that are now 300 nm thick. This level of packaging can be seen during prophase. 22 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES Level 4: More folds to make the most compacted chromosome The chromatin folded along the protein scaffold then folds further to produce the compacted chromosomes that are seen during metaphase. This is DNA in its most compacted form. Note that this image shows a metaphase chromosome, which consists of two chromatids following replication. Figure 4: Overview of the levels of packaging seen in a metaphase chromosome . Figure 5 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 23 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES Student activity 9: Prokaryote or eukaryote? DNA is packaged in a different way in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Students cut out the statements on the sheets and place them into one of three groups: prokaryotes, eukaryotes or both , depending on which they are true for. Student activity 10: Organisation of DNA in prokaryotes Students research examples of genome organisation within disease-causing prokaryotes and record their results in a table as shown below, or by using a different recording method (poster, leaflet, classroom display that can be added to by each individual or group). Organism Organisation Size Disease eg Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium A single linear chromosome plus at least 17 small linear and circular chromosomes 0.53 Mb Lyme disease Student activity 11: The packaging of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes The PowerPoint presentation ‘The packaging of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes’ shows images of each level of chromosome packaging corresponding to the background notes above. These stages can be talked through with the class whilst they take notes of each stage. Student activity 12: Beads on a string The idea of the packaging of DNA into chromosomes can be conceptual ly difficult for students. As a class or in groups physically model the packaging levels using beads and string. 24 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES You will need: wooden beads of the same size or plastic milk tops with holes punched through the centre, or something similar. You will need 20 per group or 80 if working as a whole class. A ball of string, cut to a 4 m length if working as a class (represents 4 cm found in a chromosome) or 1 m if working in groups (or 4 m each if you are feeling brave!) images of packaging levels: see Beads on a String image sheet scissors vocabulary sheet: see Beads on a String vocabulary sheet. To represent the first level of packaging – nucleosomes – thread beads at regular intervals of 5 cm along the string, making a knot before and after each bead to keep it in place and to also demonstrate the reduction in size of DNA as it wraps around the histones. Work through the rest of the stages from memory or using the beads on a string image sheet. Students should work in their group and explain to one another what the terms on the vocabulary list mean. This would also provide a chance for some teacher assessment. At the end, from memory alone, groups could be tested by the ca lling out a packaging level, for example thick chromatin fibres, which they have to make as quickly as possible. Student activity 13: Sequencing activity – Explaining the stages of packaging of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes See the Word document ‘The packaging of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes’. The document shows the four images used in the background information and the PowerPoint to show the different levels of chromosome packaging, but in the wrong order. Students should either draw these in the correct order or cut them out and stick them in the correct order. They can then write a short paragraph to explain what is happening at each stage. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 25 ORGANISATION OF DNA IN PROKARYOTES AND EUKARYOTES Student activity 14: Know your chromosomes from your chromatid and your chromatin Not surprisingly, these three terms are often confused. Students could look up the definitions in the following glossary of genetics and share their findings with a partner: Other terms encountered when looking at the packaging of DNA in chromosomes could also be researched. 26 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) 1(a)(iii) The polymerase chain reaction Curriculum content notes The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique for the amplification of DNA in vitro. In PCR, primers are complementary to specific target sequences at the two ends of the region to be amplified. DNA is heated to separate the strands. Cooling allows primers to bind to target sequences. Heat-tolerant DNA polymerase then replicates the region of DNA. Repeated cycles of heating and cooling amplify the region of DNA. Key concepts Small sections of DNA can be replicated in vitro using the PCR. PCR manipulates the natural process of DNA replication. PCR is now an automated technique widely used in many areas of research and industry. PCR requires template DNA, Taq polymerase, di-deoxynucleic acids with each of the four DNA bases, Mg 2+ , primers and a buffer. PCR involves continuous and repeated cycles of heating and cooling. Prerequisite knowledge The structure of DNA. DNA replication. Background information This is a new topic for Higher Biology, which was previously only present on the Advanced Higher syllabus. However, it is a fundamental and everyday technique in many laboratories, whether used by academia, industry or government. The technique PCR was developed by Kary Mullis in the mid 1980s, revolutionising molecular biology. He received the Nobel Prize for chemistry for its conception in 1993. The technique enables specific sections of DNA to be amplified (replicated) in vitro, producing millions of copies from a DNA template. Mullis developed the technique manually, and it can still be carried out using water baths. However, the technique is now fully automated in laboratories, using thermal cyclers no bigger than a bread machine. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 27 THE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) The technique manipulates the cell’s natural mechanism for replication by using DNA polymerase and the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sample DNA is denatured by heating to give two polynucleotide chains. Sequence-specific primers, which are small sequences of singlestranded DNA, typically of about 8–15 base pairs in length, anneal to the DNA flanking the section of interest. One primer anneals to one strand (forward primer), another to the other DNA strand (reverse primer). Polymerase begins to replicate the DNA section of interest using the primers as a starter sequence. The mixture also includes : dideoxynucleotides of each base type to enable the formation of the new DNA strand Mg 2+ , which is a polymerase cofactor a buffer to keep the pH stable. The mixture now contains the original template plus the newly amplified sections. The cycle begins again using the original and copied DNA as templates. As the reaction is exponential, millions of copies are produced in about 3 hours. Figure 6 illustrates the PCR technique. 28 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 THE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) Figure 6: The polymerase chain reaction. Applications of PCR PCR is used widely, for example: 1. 2. DNA profiling/fingerprinting: PCR is used to rapidly identify individuals. Specific regions of DNA known to vary between individuals are amplified using fluorescently labelled primers and then analysed using capillary gel electrophoresis. Profiling is not only used in forensics but also in plant variety identification, paternity testing and evolutionary biology. Disease diagnosis: DNA sequences that are known to indicate certain genetic disorders or diseases are amplified using PCR for the purposes of diagnosis. THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 29 THE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) 3. 4. 5. Archaeological analysis: Ancient DNA, degraded over the years, can be amplified and used in archaeological, paleontologica l and evolutionary research. Population studies: Analysis of human or other species’ population genetics can be rapidly performed using PCR analysis. Sequencing: DNA sequence analysis previously took place following lengthy cloning experiments, which have now been replaced by PCR. For further information about PCR refer to the following website: A song about PCR can be seen here: And there is a PCR rap here: Practical work A case study has been developed that enables students to experience PCR in practice. Student activity 15 See the PowerPoint presentation ‘The Polymerase Chain Reaction This PowerPoint presentation takes students through the process of PCR using a real-life, contemporary scientific context. Johanna Neilson is a PhD student in evolutionary biology who works at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge. She studies meerkats . The PowerPoint takes you through the steps she would take to identify the parent of a meerkat baby using real data. The PowerPoint also presents students with questions throughout. These can be tackled individually, in pairs or as a class. The activity could be broken up into stages or used only in part. It includes animated slides of the PCR steps. For more information about the meerkat project that Johanna works on see: 30 THE STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION OF DNA (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011