Cedar Park Farmers Effective: Market Rules April, Carla Jenkins 512-363-5700, email: Carla@TexasFarmersMarket.org 2012 800 Oakdale Drive, Sunset Valley, TX 78745 through March, 2013 F2M Texas is a Texas non-profit corporation with a 501(c)(4). Cedar Park Farms to Market is a A DBA under F2M Texas. Decisions relating to the CPFM will be made by the Cedar Park Market Advisory Board and/or the Market Manager. Hours are Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Year Round, Rain or Shine. If Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on a Saturday, we will be closed. 1. Selling to the public begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. Vendors must be set up no later than 8:45 a.m. and leave promptly after close of market after 1:00 p.m. unless approved by the Market Manager. No selling before 9 a.m. and No tear down before 1:00 p.m. 2. No vehicles may be driven through the market after 8:30 a.m. or before 1:15 p.m. 3. Any vendor not attending Saturday market must notify the Market Manager by email or office phone (512-3635700) before 8:00 am on Friday before Saturday market day. 3 late notices (after 8am on Friday), 1 no show or multiple absences may be grounds for dismissal from the market. No money will be returned for annual, Association fees for these violations. An invoice in the amount of the stall fee plus $15 penalty will be sent to any vendor who fails to show without notice or relays notice after 5pm Friday before market Saturday. 4. Vendors must grow or produce the products sold and maintain high quality throughout the Season. Off grade produce must be labeled as such. The Market Manager or a CPFM Director may request removal of poor quality items. Vendors selling prepared food are encouraged to use ingredients from market vendors whenever possible. 5. Re-selling of any products or goods is strictly prohibited. Any violation of this rule will result in the immediate revocation of the vendor’s right to sell at any F2M Texas market. If a vendor dumps his unsold inventory on market grounds, on market day, he/she will be warned in writing via email once and second violation may result in loss of market privileges. 6. Only vendors or an agent (family member, employee) may sell. The agent must be knowledgeable about the product, how it is used, grown or produced and be able to clearly communicate to customers. 7. All vendors and their agents must read the rules, sign and submit the Testimony and Hold Harmless Agreement to the Market Manager before setting up at the market. These forms may be accessed on the CedarParkFarmersMarket.org website under the Vendor Tab. Any vendor employee or relative must also sign the Testimony and Hold Harmless before set up. 8. Farmers/Producers/Ranchers are subject to farm/ranch inspections to be conducted by the Market Manager and/or an agent appointed by the Manager with up to two other participating growers/producers if deemed necessary by the Manager. Refusal of inspection may result in termination of selling privileges. 9. A producer selling any meat claiming to be hormone and/or antibiotic free and/or grass fed must have raised the animals from birth or provide a certified letter from seller that animals have been hormone and antibiotic free and/or grass fed since birth. 2/17/2016 Cedar Park Farmers Effective: Market Rules April, Carla Jenkins 512-363-5700, email: Carla@TexasFarmersMarket.org 2012 800 Oakdale Drive, Sunset Valley, TX 78745 through March, 2013 10. Wild and feral animals slaughtered under regulations are acceptable. The Market requires photocopies for all relevant permits from city, county, state and/or federal permitting agencies. Vendors of these products must be in compliance with the regulations of the United States, and the State of Texas and the City of Austin and Travis and/or Williamson County. 11. Nursery Vendors must sell only potted plants, trees or nursery starters that are grown from seed, plug, cutting, bulb or bare-root by the seller. No resale of plants is allowed. 12. Artisans will be subject to a jury of their product by the Market Manager and/or the appointed artisan admissions team before being allowed to sell at the market. The Market Manager or the Admissions team members have the right to review any merchandise for sell at the market at any time. Inspection of studios may be required. Photos of the work must be submitted with the application. 13. Prepared Food Vendors who want to sample will do so with package-ready samples from their commissary or commercial kitchen, of their product and provide proof of proper licenses and insurance before being allowed to sell at the market. New food vendors entering the market are required to use only natural ingredients, preferably organically grown, no artificial colorings, flavorings, hydrogenated fats or refined sugar. Prospective vendors in this category shall provide samples during market hours to the market manager. 14. All vendors must have Market Manager’s approval of any new item not included on the application before selling. 15. Each vendor is entitled to ten feet of frontage space and must use straight legged canopies. Farmers are limited to 2 front facing spaces. Vendors must restrict merchandise and tables to within their designated stall space unless authorized by Market Manager. 16. All Vendors should make their venue consistent with the theme and events of the market. 17. No dumpsters are available for market use. Vendors must transport trash/recycling off-site. Vendors are responsible for helping clean up the market at the end of the day. Vendors who are sampling must provide trash receptacles. Ice and water brought to maintain product freshness may not be discarded on-site. 18. All invitations to sell at the market are at the discretion of the Market Manager. Signing this document and/or submitting an application does not guarantee admittance into the market. 19. Booth locations are subject to change. Market expansion and shrinkage may result in change of vendor booth space. 20. All vendors must comply with State of Texas laws and regulations as well as local municipal or county laws/requirements. Vendors may not claim and Organic Status without proof thereof. Fees Due on or before the 1st Saturday in April. The fees are for one, 10 x 10 booth: TYPE OF VENDOR OPEN WEEKLY FEE FARMER/RANCHER $60 OTHER $65 ASSOCIATION ANNUAL FEE $150 $165 ASSOCIATION WEEKLY ANNUAL RATE $40 $45 SEASONAL RATE, LESS THAN *26 wks or less at cpfm $45 $50 *Based on attendance in 2011 The annual fee is due first Saturday in April. The annual fee will be prorated according to which week a new vendor joins the market. A new application, copy of permits (including egg), copy of labels for meat 2/17/2016 Cedar Park Farmers Effective: Market Rules April, Carla Jenkins 512-363-5700, email: Carla@TexasFarmersMarket.org 2012 800 Oakdale Drive, Sunset Valley, TX 78745 through March, 2013 sellers and TX or USDA stamp, insurance certificate, sales tax info, commercial kitchen contract, food handlers’ certificate, any manufacturing licensing, signed copy of last page of rules and signed testimony/hold harmless, are also due first week of April. $15 will be charged for each additional 10’ x 10’ rear area to those who set up behind their aisle space, thereby occupying two or more spaces. $80 is the non-farmer weekly rate to be charged vendors sharing 1 booth. Each vendor must fill out an application, hold harmless and display all permits, labels, signage etc. for his/her products. An annual association fee is required from both vendors. Shared Farmer booths will be $70 per week. $40 will be charged for any returned check. $10 per week will be charged for late payment of annual or weekly fees. Weekly fees will be collected during the market hours and a receipt will be returned reflecting payment. The open rate at the market may be paid before committing to regular attendance. The additional money will reduce the annual fee if the vendor then chooses to join the association. No money will be returned if the vendor chooses not to become a member of the market. The open rate fee may be used 4x’s on consecutive Saturdays. $15 is the fee for not being ready to sell at 9:00 a.m., breaking down before 1:00 p.m., or leaving before 1:00 p.m. without manager approval. $20 is the fee for driving through the market after 8:30 a.m. or before 1:15 p.m. $15 is the fee for parking violations. Any vendors unable to park behind their allocated stall space must park their vehicles in the outlying parking areas. Vendors must not park in the prime customer parking area. $15 will be charged for vendors using market trash/recycling receptacles. $30 will be charged for insufficient weights on vendor open sided canopy legs and/or not taking down vendor open sided canopy because of a dangerous situation when asked by the Market Manager or any appointees of the Market Manager. The Market reserves the right to take down the open sided canopy. Please do not put up vendor open sided canopy if you do not have 29lb. (the weight of a double cinder block) weights attached to each leg or the back 2 legs tied down to the back of vendor vehicle, no matter what the weather. Bungees should be used to attach legs to neighboring canopies. All shade equipment including open sided canopies, umbrellas, and tarps are required to be securely weighted down. A minimum or 29lb. (the weight of a double cinder block available at Home Depot) is required on each leg. Every leg must be stable. These weights must be tied securely to the open sided canopy with strong rope or bungees. The weights must not dangle or be balanced on the open sided 2/17/2016 Cedar Park Farmers Effective: Market Rules April, Carla Jenkins 512-363-5700, email: Carla@TexasFarmersMarket.org 2012 800 Oakdale Drive, Sunset Valley, TX 78745 through March, 2013 canopy leg or loosely tied onto the open sided canopy leg. Open sided canopies must also be secured to neighboring open sided canopies and on windy days. At least two people must set up/tear down open sided canopies. Vendors must weigh down their open sided canopies before booth set up. PROBLEMS OF THIS TYPE CAN RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY TO PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT. Standards and Conduct for Vendors and Market Staff: Be knowledgeable about products, how they are used, grown or produced and be able to communicate that clearly to the customers. Be courteous, professional and presentable at all times. Display products in a sanitary, presentable and attractive manner. Refer comments or complaints to the Market Manager or to a Market Director, and refrain from spreading suspicious or unsubstantiated stories about anyone at the market to anyone at the market. Any grievance regarding actions or prices of another vendor must be brought in writing to the Market Manager or a Market Advisory Board Member if it cannot be handled politely and quickly between vendors. If the grievance is not settled directly, the Market Advisory Board and Market Manager will settle immediately preceding that day’s market. All decisions made by the Market Manager relating to a particular complaint will be final. The Market Manager has the right to issue warnings and/or suspension and/or fines to any vendor violating market rules. Noncompliance of the market rules may result in forfeiture of the privilege of selling at the market. Refer difficulty with customers directly to the Market Manager. Inappropriate language or behavior, harassment or abuse toward anyone at the market will not be tolerated and may be reason for expulsion. Intoxication will result in vendor expulsion from the Market. Each vendor shall set their own prices. Price fixing is illegal. The responsibility of each vendor is to maintain a clean stall space and to clear the area of debris during and after market. CPFM will provide receptacles in the common area aisles for use by market shoppers only. These receptacles are not to be used for trash generated by vendors. Vendors providing samples must supply a trash receptacle for public use at the booth. Cedar Park Farms to Market is a tobacco free zone. Vendors must not bring their pets/animals to the market with the exception of penned dogs with a dog rescue organization or in the case of special events, pony rides, etc. or when agreed to in advance by the Market Manager. 2/17/2016 Cedar Park Farmers Effective: Market Rules April, Carla Jenkins 512-363-5700, email: Carla@TexasFarmersMarket.org 2012 800 Oakdale Drive, Sunset Valley, TX 78745 through March, 2013 All food vendors must comply with Austin/Travis County Health Department rules. Any fines received by CEDAR PARK FARMS TO MARKET or F2M Texas for incorrect sampling procedures or fines will be paid by vendor responsible for non-compliance. Failure to abide by sampling requirements may result in revoking sampling privileges or expulsion from Cedar Park Farms to Market. CEDAR PARK FARMS TO MARKET/F2M Texas is not responsible for product liability, fines, penalties or the paying of sales taxes for individual vendors. .0825 of the total taxable sale must be paid in Sales Tax to the City of Austin. All vendors are required to post or have in their possession when applicable: Signs clearly identifying family name and/or the name of their farm/business including the city, town or county where production occurs should be visible. Organic Certification when promoting the produce/product as organic. Vendors using the term "organic" must be in compliance with the National Standards. Sales Tax Permits. Food items do not require tax permits. Certificate of Registration for Weights and Measures. (When applicable) All vendors selling by weight must use an approved commercial scale certified legal for trade by TDA. Nursery License Food Manufacturing License Food Products Permit Food Handling Certificate Printed ingredients available for any products sold. CPF2M/F2M Texas Responsibilities include: 1. Rules will be enforced in a fair and impartial manner. 2. The environment at the market will be “family friendly” with a team approach and respect. 3. Three Farmers/Ranchers/Producers are elected to the Market Advisory Board consisting of 5 members annually, before the end of April. Nominations are due 4th week of March and election 4th week of April 2/17/2016 Cedar Park Farmers Effective: Market Rules April, Carla Jenkins 512-363-5700, email: Carla@TexasFarmersMarket.org 2012 800 Oakdale Drive, Sunset Valley, TX 78745 through March, 2013 4. A calendar of events is developed with input from the Market Advisory Board and Advisory Board 5. Marketing seminars will be developed to help vendors achieve maximum revenue. 6. The Market Manager will work diligently on PR for the market. 7. CEDAR PARK FARMS TO MARKET/F2M Texas will not discriminate based on age, Religion, race or gender. 8. The Market Advisory Board may set limits of duplication of products for sale at the CPFM. There will be no guarantee of exclusive category vendors. CEDAR PARK FARMS TO MARKET/F2M Texas reserves the right to add or alter rules at any time. I hereby certify that I have read and understand the rules as stated in this document: Signature:___________________________________________Date:___________________________ Company/Farm/Ranch:________________________________________________________________ 2/17/2016