PJ COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCT 201: Principles of Accounting I WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY ACCT 210: Financial Accounting And ACCT 202: Principles of Accounting II ACCT 240: Managerial Accounting ACCT 220: Managerial Accounting ANTH 200: Intro. to Anthropology ANTHR 124Q: General Anthropology B A 363: Advertising Business elective B A 426: Production/Operations D S 350: Intro. to Production Management BIOL 112: Intro. to Biological Sciences General Education Elective (with lab) BUS 125: Intro. to Business Administration MGMT 101G: Intro. to Business CHEM 121: Principles of Chemistry I CHEM 111Q: General Chemistry CHEM 122: Principles of Chemistry II CHEM 112Q: General Inorganic Chemistry COMM 110: Intro. to Public Speaking COMM 111: Public Speaking COMM 160: Intro. to Mass Communication COMM 130Q: Communication and Society COMM 210: Business Communication ENGL 210: Business, Professionall and Tech. Writing CSCI 110: Intro. to Computers C S 105: Intro. to Computers and Applications CSCI 220: Intro. to C++ Programming Free Elective CSCI 240: Programming in Pascal C S 212: Pascal Programming CSCI 260: Advanced C++ Programming C S 217: C++ Programming CSCI 280: Programming in Fortran C S 201: Fortran Programming ECON 210: Principles of Micro-economics ECON 202Q: Micro-economics ECON 215: Principles of Macro-economics ECON 201Q: Macro-economics ECON 325: Money, Banking, and Fin. ECON 340: Money and Banking EM 201: Statics A E 223: Statics EM 215: Engineering Mechanics: Statics A E 223: Statics ENG 220: Intro. to Drama THEA 143G: Art of Theatre ENGL 105: Reading and Writing No credit ENGL 108: English Grammar No credit ENGL 110: English Composition ENGL 101: College English I * Must validate credit by taking the English Exit Examination for ENGL 101 ENGL 210: Intro. to American Literature ENGL 232G: Themes of American Literature FIN 300: Fundamentals of Business Finance FIN 340: Financial Management I FIN 343: Investments FIN 620: Investments FR 101: Beginning French FREN 111: Elementary Frency HIST 221: Western Civilization I HIST 101G: Western Civilization to 1648 HIST 222: Western Civilization II HIST 102G: Western Civilization from 1648 HIS 231: American History I HIST 131Q: US to 1865 HIS 232: American History II HIST 132Q: US from 1865 to present H R M 361: Human Resource Management H R M 466: Fund. of Human Resource Mgmt. HUM 110: Intro. to Humanities General Education Elective JP 101: Japanese General Education Elective LAW 225: Legal Environment for Business Free elective MATH 101: Intermediate Algebra No credit MATH 110: Algebra and Trigonometry MATH 111: College Algebra MATH 120: Intro. to Discrete Mathematics MATH 331Q: Discrete Mathematics MATH 210: Intro. to Statistics STAT 370: Elementary Statistics MATH 211: Calculus I MATH 242Q: Calculus I MATH 212: Calculus II Math 243: Calculus II MATH 235: Calculus III MATH 344: Calculus III MATH 252: Intro. to Differential Equations MATH 555: Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 270: Linear Algebra MATH 511: Linear Algebra MATH 350: Probability and Statisticts STAT 460: Elementary Probability and Statistics MATH 360: Intro. to Prob. and Stat. for Engr. MATH 370: Elementary Statistics MECH 202: Dynamics A E 373: Dynamics MGMT 300: Fundamentals of Management MGMT 360: Mgmt. and Organizational Behavior *Must validate credit by taking an upper-division management class M I S 222: Management Info. Systems D S 495: Management Information Systems MKT 300: Principles of Marketing MKT 300: Marketing MUS 200: Music Appreciation MUS C 160G: Heritage of Western Music PHIL 200: Intro. to Philosophy PHIL 100G: Meaning of Philosophy PHIL 210: Intro. to Logic PHIL 125Q: Intro. to Logic PHED 100: Health and Physical Education free elective PHY 211: Fundamentals of Physics I PHYS 313Q: University Physics I And PHYS 315Q: University Physics I Lab PHY 212: Fundamentals of Physics II PHYS 314Q: University Physics II PSCI 200: Intro. to Politics lower division Political Science elective PSCI 250: International Relations Free elective PSYCH 200: Foundations of Psychology PSY 111Q: General Psychology REL 210: World Religions REL 131G: Traditional Religions of the Mod. Wrld. SCI 110: Environmental Science GEOL 102: Earth Science and Environment SCI 111: Principles of Physical Science General Education Elective SCI 112: Intro. to Biological Science BIOL 106G: Human Organism SCI 116: Principles of Biological Science BIOL 106G: Human Organism And BIOL 107G: Human Organism Lab SCI 117: Principles of Physical Science General Education Elective SOC 200: Principles of Sociology SOC 111Q: Intro. to Sociology SOC 201: Social Science Research SOC 212: Intro. to Social Research SOC 210: Social Science Research SOC 212: Intro. to Social Research Last Updated: November 26, 2001