TFJ2O Chef Biography Assignment Name: _____________________ Due Date: Please write a report on a well known chef, preferably Canadian, but not essential. You must advise me first on who you are going to be writing about. The report will include the following information about the chef you have chosen. The assignment will be completed on the computer in power point and emailed to me for grading. Title Page - This includes the name of the chef, the due date of the project, your name, my name, and the class - TFJ2O with your period specified. Show some creativity. Time line - starting with place of birth, schools attended or where he/she apprenticed, where they work now or what they are doing now. Include publications of cookbooks or TV Shows in your time line as these are significant moments in the career of a chef. Do not concentrate too much on their youth concentrate more on their career. Search in Google images for some examples of time lines or in the insert tab go to illustrations group click on smart art, and then click on process. This will provide you also with some versions of timelines to use. Two Recipes – The report needs to include two recipes attributed to that chef with ingredients and method. Provide a paragraph on each recipe describing what you like about the recipe and why you have picked it. Then pick an ingredient and a culinary term that you are unfamiliar with in each of the recipes, research it and describe it in a paragraph. If you know all of the ingredients still pick one and provide some research. Describe the attributes that have made this chef a success (125 words = about 1/2 page) you may write this portion in essay form or as an interview. In a paragraph tell me why you picked this chef with regard to male/female, Canadian or international, type of food they make, and anything you feel is important for me to know why you made your choice. Please list all websites and reference materials used including cookbooks or biographies of the chef you have chosen. Some resources are: Your project will be marked using the following checklist, please ensure all areas listed have the proper information provided. o o o o o o o o o o o o Title Page – your name, chef’s name, my name, course code and period Time Line – birth, career schooling, significant professional days including TV, books, and businesses. There will be a total of 10 individual points (dates) on the timeline. Two (2) Recipes; including title, ingredients, and method Paragraph for each Recipe detailing why you would try or changes you would make. A description for each unfamiliar Item in each recipe. Describing what the ingredient is, how it is made or grows, where it is from, what it is used for, is it healthy or unhealthy and why.. A definition of 2 culinary terms, one from each recipe. Attributes that makes this chef successful. Why did you choose this person? Websites or Books used for your research Spelling/Grammar will be checked so use spell check and proof read your report Creativity; this assignment is being emailed to me so BE CREATIVE. Lots of pictures and colour. My email is; Chef Bio Name: Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work which respects the right of all and contributes to the common good. A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, D2, D3 A2.2, A2.3, A3.1, A3.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1, B3.2, B3.3, D3.1 Overall Expectations Specific Expectations Categories 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 100% Level Awareness Application Comprehension Mentor Knowledge and Understanding- Subject- specific content acquired in each course (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding). The student will: Understanding of content; Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates procedures, technological understanding of understanding of considerable thorough concepts, processes, industry content content understanding of understanding of standards content content Thinking/ Inquiry- The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/ or processes. The Student will: Use of planning skills; identifying Uses planning skills Uses planning skills Uses planning skills Uses planning skills the problem, selecting strategies with limited with some with considerable with thorough and resources, and time effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness management skills Use of processing skills; Uses processing skills Uses processing Uses processing skills Uses processing analyzing and interpreting with limited skills with some with considerable skills with thorough information, reasoning, effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness generating and evaluating solutions, and forming conclusions. Use of critical/ creative thinking Uses critical/creative Uses Uses critical/creative Uses processes; problem-solving, thinking processes critical/creative thinking processes critical/creative design, and decision-making skills with limited thinking processes skills with thinking processes process effectiveness skills with some considerable skills with thorough effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness Communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms. The Student will: Expression and organization of Expresses and Expresses and Expresses and Expresses and ideas and information (clear organizes ideas and organizes ideas and organizes ideas and organizes ideas and expression, logical organization) information with information with information with information with a in oral, visual and written forms limited effectiveness some effectiveness considerable high degree of effectiveness effectiveness Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts. The Student will: Transfer of knowledge and skills Transfers knowledge Transfers Transfers knowledge Transfers (concepts, processes, use of and skills to new knowledge and and skills to new knowledge and skills equipment and technology) to contexts with limited skills to new contexts with to new contexts new contexts effectiveness contexts with some considerable with a high degree effectiveness effectiveness of effectiveness Making connections within and Makes connections Makes connections Makes connections Makes connections between various contexts within and between within and between within and between within and between (between disciplines; between various contexts with various contexts various contexts with various contexts technology, the environment, limited effectiveness with some considerable with a high degree and society; between school and effectiveness effectiveness of effectiveness future opportunities) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________