Issue: Special Edition 19th August 2014 Concert News Mount Waverley North PS, Marcus Avenue, Mount Waverley Victoria, Australia 3149 Phone: 03 9802 3168 Fax: 03 9886 1571 Out of School Hours Phone: 03 9886 5202 Email: CALENDAR Calendar Special Edition Full School Rehearsal – Tuesday 9th Sept 9.30am to 2.30pm EVOLUTION REVOLUTION VENUE: ROBERT BLACKWOOD HALL, MONASH UNIVERSITY, WELLINGTON ROAD, CLAYTON. DATE: Concert at Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash Uni Tuesday 9th Sept – 7pm TIME: COST: TUESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER 6.30pm for a prompt start at 7:00pm - 8: 45 $17 per ticket Please Note that the concert is free for all current students – and also free if your toddler sits on your lap. No prams please. ALL OF OUR SCHOOL CHILDREN ARE INVOLVED The students have been working hard to learn and practise a variety of dances, under the guidance of a professional choreography company, Footsteps. While it is an expectation that children will be able to perform at the concert we also want you, their parents and family, to attend. Your attendance is vitally important to provide the students with an audience for their performance and therefore a real reason to develop their performance skills. NOTICES THIS WEEK If your child is unable to attend on the night they will still be involved in rehearsals with their grade, however not in a manner that would affect the performance on the night. If your child will not be participating, please send a note to their classroom teacher. CONCERT REHEARSAL The whole school will be going to Robert Blackwood Hall on the day of the concert (Tuesday 9th September) for a full rehearsal, even if your child is not attending the concert in the evening they will need to go to the Hall as all teachers will be involved in the rehearsal. If you have not already, please return the bus permission note that was sent home late last term. If the form has been misplaced, you can print a copy from the MWNPS website. Concert News Tickets On Sale NOW! Tickets are on sale! There is no limit to the number of tickets per family and first in gets the best seats as seating is allocated. Tickets will be available through an online ticketing system and with a credit card you can immediately get the best available ticket. If you don’t have computer access you can come to the office area from 8:30am to 9:15am each morning, where you can be assisted to purchase your tickets. If you do not have credit card access and/or cannot come to the school to purchase tickets, please contact the office, and they will assist with the purchase of tickets. Issue: 1 20th August, 2010 |2 Costumes All students will need to bring certain items as part of their costumes. More information about the requirements will go out via your child’s classroom teacher. Please note that you are not expected to go out and buy an expensive costume. Most of the items are things that you may already have or be able to borrow. Op shops are also a great resource. If you are having trouble sourcing any items please speak to your child’s teacher. Students will need to bring their costumes in to be checked by their teacher by Friday, September 5th. The ticketing system will be available by following the link on the school’s website. Alternatively, type this address into your web browser Permission Forms Please see the office staff if you have any queries or concerns. Parents are asked to complete and sign the following permission form as soon as possible. Photography There will be NO PRIVATE PHOTOGRAPHY OR FILMING permitted on the night as it can be distracting to the performers and intrusive to those around you. A DVD video will be taken on the night by a professional company ‘School Memories Captured’, and will be available for sale at $23 per video. Order forms for the DVD will be going out before the concert. Parent Helpers Thank you so much to the parents who are helping out creating costumes for the concert. We would also love parent help with painting the backdrop (no artistic talent required!) and supervision on the day of the whole school rehearsal. If you are able to help with either of these tasks please email Thank you! Concert News Issue: 1 20th August, 2010 |3 Release form for Concert Photography and Student Attendance Concert Photography Mount Waverley North Primary School wishes to make still photographs, sound and video recordings of the concert on September 9th 2014. Sound and video recordings will be used to produce a DVD of the concert and will be available for purchase by parents and students, to promote our school’s performing arts program and for historic and archival purposes. The film and photographic images will be taken by professional practitioners during the concert performance and rehearsals. Please note that no photography is allowed by any other means on the night. Please complete the slip below to give your permission to have your child photographed. If you have any concerns about this do not hesitate to speak to Robyn James. Student Attendance As our items all involve choreography and partnerships on stage we are asking each child to bring back an attendance slip informing classroom teachers whether or not they will be attending the concert on 9th September 2014. We can then ensure each child is included on the night. Thank you, Kim Nickels --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPLY SLIP Release form for Concert Photography and Student Attendance I acknowledge that each student participating in the Mount Waverley North Primary School Concert will be photographed by both still and video recordings. These recordings are to be made and distributed to the school community. As a parent of ____________________ (name of student) in class ________ ____________________ (name of student) in class ________ ____________________ (name of student) in class ________ I give permission for my child/ren to be photographed at this concert. Parent’s Name: _______________________________ Signature: ________________________ Date: ___________ My child/ren, as listed above, will / will not be attending the Mount Waverley North Primary School Concert on Tuesday 9th September, 2014. Signature: ________________________ Date: ___________ Concert News Issue: 1 20th August, 2010 |4