B737 Nice to Know

 Alternate flap activation will power Stby Hyd pump allowing thrust reversers
to be operated.
 If you lose Gen # 2, the only source of power to the Battery Bus is the battery.
Consider the limits on time available and systems available in this scenario.
 Bus Transfer switch controls; TR 3 Disc Relay, TX from Gen Bus 1 or 2 to
Transf Bus 2 or 1 and powers charging of Batt via GND Serv Bus or Main Bus
2 in event of Gen Bus 1 fail.
 APU Gen Off Bus only illuminates when APU is @ 95% or more RPM and
ready to power the aircraft.
 When total AC fail, before touch down select Standby Power Switch to Bat to
ensure power to AC & DC standby Busses after touch down. Air/Ground
sensor normally will disconnect these busses on touch down.
 When GND Serv and No 2 Main Bus lost, no power avail for equip cooling
and when height lost, cooling becomes and issue.
 When APU is shut down and only shuts down after time delay, 110%
overspeed protection is u/s and fuel is being consumed from feed line from
APU fuel shutoff valve.
 APU Over Speed light only illuminates in Over Speed conditions, and when
Start is aborted before APU stabilised.
 8th stage air, 508° F, 13th stage air 717° F, OVHT detect @ 410° F, FIRE
detect @ 600° F. If fire indicated and throttle retarded, with associated lights
out, bleed air rupture can be suspected.
 Rem: when you have a fire warning, it is generally only a fire if associated
overheat light is also on.
 If "Fire" selected with OVHT DET switch on fire panel selected to FIRE,
could check OVHT condition by selecting NORM - if suspected by throttle
retard causing light to extinguish. Thought for ETOPS operation.
 NB: Must do a loop test on FIRE/OVHT circuit after fire or overheat warning
has been fought and light has illuminated as the warning loops could have
been burned through.
 Air Bleed Systems, bleed air source and services:
o Fan Air; CSD Oil Cooler, Generator cooling, Air conditioning precooler.
o 8th Stage Air; Air conditioning and wing anti-ice, Inlet vane & nose
dome anti-ice.
o 13th Stage Air; Air conditioning and wing anti-ice, Nose cowl anti-ice,
Fuel heaters, Hydraulic Sys A tank pressure (regulated to 45 psi),
Water tank pressure (Eng 1 only).
 With Batt Start, Bleed Pressure Gauge not powered and air pressure value
therefore not known.
 If Fuel heat used, expect Oil temp to rise due to Fuel Oil cooler.
 Make use of fuel heat only if fuel temp equal to or below 0°C at takeoff.
Thereafter only if icing light illuminates.
 Low Ignition only powers 1 igniter in each engine.
 REM: Pack trip off = too much cold being required (too much hot air in cold
side of ACM), make warmer selection before reset. Duct OVHT = too much
hot air being required, make colder selection before reset. Only scenario with
Pack trip in which colder selection to be made will be when 88°C sensor trips
For T/O & Land, the outflow valves must be open. Consideration for manual
Aileron control available from control column and trim via same Aileron
Power Control unit. Trim merely changes spring loading on aileron feel and
centring mechanism. Autopilot acts through same mechanism as trim unit - via
feel and centring mechanism.
Sensor for stall warning computer is on r/h wing.
Flap Power unit is in MG Well.
Whenever flaps are operated, monitor flap indicator, to ensure that cut-off
valve operates to stop flap travel at desired selection. This is especially
important in alternate mode as there is no protection in this mode.
T/O Warning: Trim position in green band, TE Flaps from 1 to 25, Speed
brake stowed, LE Flaps 1 & 4 not extended. (Power for test is 1.4 EPR).
Nose wheel steering only available through sys A pressure and with landing
gear lever in the down position.
If no water, check shutoff valves, quantity, pressure, ground service panel.
Auto brake deceleration rates.
o Min 4 fps
o Med 6 fps
o Max 10 fps
737 line up distance is 68 ft. Runway used is runway length less the line up
Improved Climb performance optimises performance between AGD V1
position and ASD V1 position.
 Wet pages, less than 2mm standing water.
 Aircraft performance in manuals takes into account brakes and spoilers, no
thrust reversers, however in wet/contaminated runways, reversers are taken
into account.
 737 line up distance is 68 ft. Runway used is runway length less the line up
 Runway slope calculations make use of an ICAO equation which is biased to
the more critical high speed portion of the runway.
 3 aspects that define the field length limit; 115% of the all engine operating
distance (acceleration point to Ref Zero point @ 35' * 1.15), AGD and ASD.
 Wet/Contaminated runways use reverse thrust and screen height is changed to
15'. Since this creates narrow margins for clearing the runway threshold,
clearway is not considered and the 15' must be demonstrated at the end of the
 Improved Climb performance for a wet runway only calculated for JNB at
Performance pages take into account maximum performance which result in a
particular configuration and only that particular optimum performance page is
presented, e.g. Flap 1. No other take off configuration is presented.
Improved Climb performance optimises performance between AGD V1
position and ASD V1 position.
At sea level, weight has to be subtracted in some cases with a higher QNH due
to an engine case pressure limit.
Assumed thrust may never be reduced more than 25%, however on
performance pages top to bottom is never more than 25%.
When considering landing performance, Climb and Field length limited values
are limiting. However Turn-Around is not limiting if turn-around time is more
than 50 min. If this can not be overcome with one of the weight options, then
turn-around time will have to be increased.
Check Validity for reduced thrust takeoff corrections every time, as temp
might differ between altitude and sea level takeoffs.
Flight Planning and Fuel Policy
Fuel load calculated by adding:
Trip Fuel
 Takeoff and climb including expected departure routing
 Cruise from TOC to TOD including step climb.
 TOD to finals taking into account the expected arrival routing.
 Approach to landing
 Contingency of 3% or 5% (5% for B737)
 Alternate fuel
 Holding fuel - 1/2 hour 1500' above alternate field.
 Additional fuel (ETOPS, Depress, Eng Fail)
Burn off on B732 average FPH (Block) 2950 kg/hr, 2850 for B738.
Econ Cruise takes into account time related maintenance/crew issues (fixed cost) and
include fuel price to establish cruise value. Created from the "Variable Cost Index"
mainly due to fuel price variations.
Weight & Balance
Passenger weights
 Manual Trim: 84 kg Adults and 35 kg children 2 to 12 years. (84 kg takes into
account infants less than 2 years.
 Auto(SAAFARI): 92 kg male, 72 kg female, 35 kg children.
 Domestic baggage, 12 kg per piece of checked baggage. International 15 kg.
 LMC, 3 pax or 300 kg without changing trim. No fuel LMC's.
Aircraft is weighed every 5 years, after extensive modifications and if abnormal flight
characteristics experienced.