St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators Supreme Court Room DRAFT Special Board Meeting Monday, July 20, 2015 5:00 p.m. Chair Lightfoot called the Special Board Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Legislators were present with the exception of Mr. Colbert. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ms. Bell moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Arquiett and Mr. Timmerman, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen yes votes and two (2) absent (Putman and Colbert). Mr. Putman arrived at 5:02 p.m. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Ed Fishel, Senior Citizen of the Year from De Kalb Junction; Sylvia Despaw, Senior Citizen Counsel Advisory Board; Clarence Shelton; Joan Hyde, De Kalb Junction; Carlton Doane, Office of the Aging Advisory Board Chairman; Lois McAllister; Jim Dawson, Brasher Town Supervisor said they were against closing the congregate nutrition sites and reducing the home delivery meal schedule. Mr. Forsythe moved to recess the Special Board meeting at 5:29 p.m., seconded by Ms. Bell, and carried by a voice vote with fourteen (14) yes votes and one (1) absent (Colbert). Mr. Hooper called the Finance Committee meeting to order at 5:29 p.m., and asked for a motion to recess the meeting to continue on with the Special Board Meeting. Mr. Lightfoot moved to recess Finance Committee meeting at 5:30 p.m., seconded by Mr. Timmerman and carried by a voice vote with 14 yes votes and one (1) absent (Colbert). Mr. Lightfoot called the Special Board meeting back into session at 5:30 p.m. Barb Newcombe, Manager for the Edwards Nutrition Site; Robert Miller, President of the Statewide Senior Action Counsel; Shirley Todd, President of Ogdensburg Senior Citizens; Nina Dashnaw, Meal Program Manager; Judy Cyrus, Ogdensburg; Ken Masters, DeKalb; and Terry Gilmore, DOSS Employment Unit said they were against closing the congregate nutrition sites and reducing the home delivery meal schedule. 1 July 20, 2015 PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 208-2015 – TABLED AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF THE EDWARDS CONGREGATE DINING SITE AND THE OGDENSBURG CONGREGATE DINING SITE AND MAINTAINING SERVICE LEVELS TO PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS By Mr. Hooper, District 1; Mr. Perkins, District 7; Mr. Putman, District 9; Mr. Timmerman, District 10 and Mr. Colbert, District 11 WHEREAS, the request by the Board of Legislators for midyear reductions has been taken seriously by the Office for the Aging, and WHEREAS, after careful review of all Office for the Aging programs and services, it was determined that the Edwards and Ogdensburg Nutrition Congregate Dining Sites could be closed as a cost savings due to low attendance at those sites, and WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging will ensure that our eligible seniors currently receiving congregate meals at the two sites will have access to home delivered meals, and WHEREAS, the Edwards Community Room and Ogdensburg Centennial Dining Room would remain available as a socialization area for seniors and senior clubs, and WHEREAS, through this consolidation, additional home delivered meal service will be available due to the increased home delivery area, and WHEREAS, the County understands the intangible advantages of congregate dining sites and this difficult decision works toward a more efficient though smaller operation, results in savings, and provides for current staff to continue providing valuable service to Seniors in St. Lawrence County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Legislators authorizes the closure of the Edwards Congregate Dining Site and the Ogdensburg Congregate Dining Site and the transfer of 1 staff member from Edwards and 1 staff member from Ogdensburg to existing Nutrition Sites to assist with the critical nutrition staff shortage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that service levels by way of home delivered meals for program participants of the Edwards and Ogdensburg Sites will be maintained. *** Mr. Forsythe moved to adopt Resolution No. 208-2015, seconded by Ms. Bell. Mr. Putman moved to table the resolution until further information is obtained, seconded by Mr. Arquiett. Mr. Putman withdrew his motion to table; Mr. Arquiett removed his motion to second. Mr. Dann moved to table the resolution, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, two (2) no votes (Timmerman and Lightfoot) and one (1) absent (Colbert). 2 July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 209-2018 – TABLED AUTHORIZING THE OFFICE FOR THE AGING TO CHANGE THE HOME DELIVERED MEAL SCHEDULE TO 4 DAYS PER WEEK AND A REDUCTION IN STAFF HOURS IN THE NUTRITION PROGRAM By Mr. Hooper, District 1; Mr. Perkins, District 7; Mr. Putman, District 9; Mr. Timmerman, District 10 and Mr. Colbert, District 11 WHEREAS, the request by the Board of Legislators for midyear reductions has been taken seriously by the Office for the Aging, and WHEREAS, after careful review of all Office for the Aging programs and services, it was determined that the schedule for home delivered meals could be reduced to four (4) days per week by offering a hot meal and frozen meal delivery on Thursdays, and stopping delivery on Fridays, and WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging will ensure that those currently receiving home delivered meals will have access to a frozen meal on Fridays, and WHEREAS, the Office for the Aging Staff will identify those most in need of a welfare check and call them on Fridays to ensure their safety prior to the weekend, and WHEREAS, staff employed in the Nutrition Program to prepare and deliver meals would have their hours reduced on Fridays, thus resulting in cost savings for the County, and WHEREAS, the County understands the intangible advantages of nutrition sites and this difficult decision works toward a more efficient though smaller operation, results in savings, and provides for current staff to continue providing valuable service to seniors in St. Lawrence County, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Legislators authorizes the change in schedule of home delivered meals to four days per week and authorizes cutting staff hours in the nutrition department, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that service levels by way of home delivered meals for senior citizens in St. Lawrence County will be maintained. *** Mr. Hooper moved to adopt Resolution No. 209-2015, seconded by Mr. Timmerman. Mr. Putman moved to table this resolution, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, two (2) no votes (Forsythe and Lightfoot) and one (1) absent (Colbert). 3 July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 210-2015 MODIFYING THE 2015 BUDGET FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FOR REDUCING THE BUDGET FOR FUEL By Mr. Hooper, District 1; Mr. Perkins, District 7; Mr. Putman, District 9; Mr. Timmerman, District 10 and Mr. Colbert, District 11 WHEREAS, the request by the Board of Legislators for midyear reductions has been taken seriously by the Highway Department, and WHEREAS, the cost of fuel has trended lower than anticipated in the 2015 Budget, and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Audit Committee to reduce the appropriation for fuel in the Highway Department, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Legislators authorizes the Treasurer to modify the 2015 Department of Highways Budget to reduce the available appropriations for fuel as follows: DECREASE APPROPRIATIONS: HR051304 441FI H RM Fuel Island $100,000 TRANSFER FROM: T6399019 90100 T County Road Transfers to General Fund $100,000 TRANSFER TO: T6128019 90300 T General Fund Transfers from County Road $100,000 INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS: B1019904 49700 B SPEC Contingency Account $100,000 *** Mr. Hooper moved to adopt Resolution No. 210-2015, seconded by Mr. Putman and Mr. Forsythe, and carried by a roll call vote with fourteen (14) yes votes and one (1) absent (Colbert). 4 July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 211-2015 AUTHORIZING THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BE ABOLISHED AND AUTHORIZING THE TREASURER TO MODIFY THE 2015 BUDGET TO ACCOUNT FOR THE SAVINGS By Mr. Hooper, District 1; Mr. Perkins, District 7; Mr. Putman, District 9; Mr. Timmerman, District 10 and Mr. Colbert, District 11 WHEREAS, the request by the Board of Legislators for midyear reductions has been taken seriously by the Department of Social Services and the Highway Department, and WHEREAS, there are two vacant positions in Highway Department that are requested to be abolished and one laborer position, that will be vacant in thirty (30) days, that can be abolished once vacated, and WHEREAS, there are four vacant positions in the Department of Social Services that are requested to be abolished, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Legislators authorizes the following vacant positions be abolished and authorizes the Treasurer to make the modifications to the Budget necessary to capture the prorated savings associated with these reductions based on time the positions have or will have been vacant: DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS: Bridge Construction Mechanic, Position No. 312300002 Motor Equipment Operator, Position No. 310000015 Laborer, Grade 16 $38,752 $33,044 $30,980 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES: Social Welfare Examiner, Medical Services Position No. 814000066 Social Welfare Examiner, Medical Services Position No. 814000017 Social Welfare Examiner, Medical Services Position No. 814000033 Social Welfare Examiner, Temporary Assistance/SNAP Position No. 814000044 $41,121 $38,120 $39,568 $44,328 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these positions may be split between appropriation accounts and in order to realize savings the total of available funding for these positions must be captured, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all available salary appropriations remaining for these positions be decreased in the Department Budgets and the total amount increased in the (B1019904 49700) B SPEC Contingency Account upon adoption, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the laborer position be abolished when vacated, which is expected within 30 days. *** 5 July 20, 2015 Mr. Hooper moved to adopt Resolution No. 211-2015, seconded by Mr. Timmerman, and carried by a roll call vote with fourteen (14) yes votes and one (1) absent (Colbert). RESOLUTION NO. 212-2015 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 29-2015, “AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR TO SIGN CONTRACTS” TO REDUCE THE APPROPRIATION TO CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION IN THE 2015 BUDGET By Mr. Hooper, District 1; Mr. Perkins, District 7; Mr. Putman, District 9; Mr. Timmerman, District 10 and Mr. Colbert, District 11 WHEREAS, the request by the Board of Legislators for midyear reductions has been taken seriously by Cornell Cooperative Extension, one of the St. Lawrence County Partner Agencies, and WHEREAS, in recognition of the ongoing fiscal challenges facing the County, Cornell Cooperative Extension has offered to absorb a midyear reduction in the equivalent of ten percent (10%) of the remaining allocation for 2015, and WHEREAS, the importance of our community partners recognizing the financial position of the County is affirmation of the relationship that exists to maintain services in the County while address the needs of both organizations, particularly in difficult times, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Legislators amends Resolution No. 29-2015, “Authorizing the Chair to Sign Contracts” and authorizes the Treasurer to reduce the 2015 appropriation to Cornell Cooperative Extension by ten percent (10%) of their remaining allocation for the year or $20,938.05 as follows: DECREASE APPROPRIATIONS: PP040104 465CE P PREV Other Payments Cooperative Extension $20,938 DECREASE REVENUE: PP034104 56000 P SA Pub Health Prev & Clinic $7,538 INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS: B1019904 49700 B SPEC Contingency Account $20,938 *** Mr. Hooper moved to adopt Resolution No. 212-2015, seconded by Mr. Timmerman, Mr. Acres, and Mr. Forsythe, and carried by a roll call vote with fourteen (14) yes votes and one (1) absent (Colbert). 6 July 20, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 213-2015 MODIFYING THE 2015 BUDGET FOR REDUCTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH REFINANCING OF THE BONDS FOR THE ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY By Mr. Hooper, District 1; Mr. Perkins, District 7; Mr. Putman, District 9; Mr. Timmerman, District 10 and Mr. Colbert, District 11 WHEREAS, in the last quarter of 2014, the County and Bond Counsel reviewed the opportunity for refinancing of the bonds associated with the St. Lawrence County Correctional Facility, and WHEREAS, the 2015 Budget includes the costs that were associated with payment on the original bonds, and WHEREAS, recommendation of the Treasurer and County Administrator would be to realize these savings this year, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Legislators authorizes the Treasurer to modify the 2015 Budget to reduce the Treasurer’s Budget to realize the savings associated with the reduction in costs associated with the bonds going forward for the County Correctional Facility as follows: DECREASE APPROPRIATIONS: T7097107 71000 T DS Interest Payments $165,300 INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS: B1019904 49700 B SPEC Contingency Account $165,300 *** Mr. Hooper moved to adopt Resolution No. 213-2015, seconded by Mr. Timmerman and Mr. Acres, and carried by a roll call vote with fourteen (14) yes votes and one (1) absent (Colbert). CHAIR’S APPOINTMENTS: There were no appointments made by the Chair. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Lightfoot moved to adjourn the July 20th Special Board Meeting at 6:27 p.m., as there was no further business. 7