December 20, 2006 CAMEROON OWNERSHIP 1. Partners have operational national development strategies a. Coherent long-term vision with medium-term strategy derived from vision 1. The Government adopted a Poverty Strategy Declaration in 1998 following extensive consultations, and later developed a long-term vision for 2015 in the context of the preparation of the Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté (DSRP), Cameroon’s PRS.1 The DSRP endorses and is linked to all the MDGs. The 1998 Declaration expresses the Government’s commitment to guarantee sustainable and equitable economic growth, reallocate substantial public resources to basic social and economic areas, manage human resources efficiently, and undertake specific actions for women and structurally vulnerable groups. 2. The DSRP articulates a medium-term strategy through 2006. It is an evolving strategy that will be fine-tuned as new sector strategies are prepared and implemented. Specifically, the Government sees the DSRP as a single framework for (i) integrated development, (ii) short- and medium-term financial coherence, (iii) coordination of Government action and external assistance, (iv) consultation with civil society, the private sector and development partners, and (v) orientation of analytical work to support development management. The Government is actively working on a second generation DSRP, focused on results and using performance indicators developed for Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs) and sectoral programs. It aims to be more operational, with specific emphasis on private sector and growth as key elements in fighting poverty. A timetable for its finalization has not yet been announced. b. Country specific development targets with holistic, balanced, and well sequenced strategy 3. The DSRP focuses on seven strategic pillars, namely i) promotion of a stable macroeconomic framework, ii) diversification of the economy, iii) development of the private sector as the main engine of growth, iv) development of basic infrastructure and natural resources, as well as protection of the environment, v) acceleration of regional integration in the framework of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, vi) capacity building and strengthening of human resources, and vii) improvement of the institutional framework and fostering of good governance. The DSRP addresses crosscutting issues such as the environment and gender equality, expressing a commitment to enhance the living conditions of women and their socio-legal status. However, limited recognition has been given to gender during DSRP implementation. 4. The Government has developed sector strategies in public works, ICT, health, rural development, forestry, and gender equality promotion. It has completed a draft industrial development sector strategy and a National Governance Program 2006-10 to strengthen good governance and fight corruption, with priority actions and targets for 1 The DSRP was completed in April 2003. Progress Reports were finalized in April 2004, September 2005 and February 2006. 1 December 20, 2006 2006-07. It is finalizing a National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2006-10, to update the 2001-05 HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan and move toward greater focus on priority actions. It prepared a draft gender strategy. It is also completing a comprehensive education strategy, addressing educational and administrative needs for basic, primary, secondary and tertiary education. c. Capacity and resources for implementation 5. The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MINEFI) has prepared a global MTEF consistent with the strategic priorities laid out in the DSRP, and some progress has been made toward aligning the budget with DSRP priorities. Overall allocations to social sectors have increased, but they have been largely absorbed by recurrent expenditures. Between 2005 and 2006, investment in basic education, secondary education, health and public works decreased by 1.8 percent, 21.5 percent, 29.6 percent and 18.5 percent respectively. 6. The Government is currently strengthening its effort to establish an MTEF in priority sectors where sector strategies exist or are being finalized. Sector-level MTEFs through 2015 have been prepared in education, health, and public works, and the Government is developing one in the rural sector. For the preparation of the 2006 budget, the ministries of education, health and public works used for the first time the respective sectoral MTEFs to align appropriations with priority programs. The Government is working on a program to extend MTEFs to all ministries. Performance-based budgeting has not yet been introduced, but it could be a next step when all ministries have been engaged and have prepared a MTEF. 7. Capacity is a major challenge to DSRP implementation. The institutional capacity to execute public expenditure programs is weak. Administrative capacity needs to be strengthened, as does technical capacity to monitor the DSRP. d. Participation of national stakeholders in strategy formulation and implementation 8. There is a Comité Interministériel, chaired by the Prime Minister and aimed at supervising DSRP implementation, and a Comité Technique de Suivi et d’Evaluation du DSRP (CTSE/DSRP). The CTSE/DSRP is assisted by a Technical Secretariat comprised of a Central Coordination Unit and five thematic groups in charge of the follow-up of governance, infrastructure, production, indicators, and macroeconomic planning. The Department of Statistics and National Accounting chairs the thematic group on indicators, and the Ministry of Planning, Development Programming and National and Regional Development (MINPLAPDAT) chairs the other thematic groups. There is also a HIPC Consultative and Follow-up Committee (CCS/PPTE), established by the Prime Minister in December 2000 and chaired by MINEFI, to monitor allocation of HIPC resources. Dialogue between MINPLAPDAT and MINEFI is, however, limited. The Constitution mandates the establishment of an Economic and Social Council, the composition, duties, and organization of which are to be determined by law. The Economic and Social Council is not yet operational. 9. NGOs, labor unions, religious groups, professional organizations, communitybased groups, Groupements d’Initiative Commune, youth and women’s associations were 2 December 20, 2006 all involved in the various steps of DSRP formulation. CSOs participate in the CTSE/DSRP. Two NGOs also participate in the HIPC Consultative and Follow-up Committee (CCS/PPTE), without however rotating as originally envisaged to facilitate participation of a wider range of civil society organizations. In 2006, four CSOs released a joint report on the performance of anti-corruption units within ministries with the support of a multi-stakeholder program, the Programme Concerté Pluri-acteurs (PCPA), aimed at strengthening civil society capacity. Fragmentation across civil society is, however, limiting civil society impact on policy making. Limited progress has been made towards establishing CSO networks. 10. To facilitate local participation in DSRP implementation, in December 2003, the Government appointed provincial DSRP Monitoring Committees for participatory follow-up of the DSRP. They convened local authorities, administrative officials and other stakeholders, and held four thematic workshops on social infrastructure, production and governance, as well as discussions in plenary sessions. The first semi-annual participatory evaluation review of the DSRP was conducted in March 2004 through extensive provincial consultations. Consultations were also conducted for the 2006 Progress Report, relying on these mechanisms. There are also local development committees, the function of which is currently being revised by MINPLAPDAT, and investment committees, established by MINEFI, to track execution of public investment. Coordination between these structures and the DSRP Monitoring Committees has been limited. There is also a participatory development program, the Programme National de Développement Participatif (PNDP), which is the operational mechanism to facilitate participatory implementation. The PNDP was drawn up with a view to reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development in rural areas by organizing beneficiaries and communes and building their capacities. Dialogue on formulation and implementation of sector strategies is, however, limited. Local councils do not routinely participate in strategy formulation and revision. Some elected local council officials are involved in the participatory DSRP follow up, but their involvement is generally limited. 11. There is a national forum for Government-private sector dialogue, the Comité interministeriel élargi au secteur privé, which convenes annually and is chaired by the Prime Minister. The last meeting took place in November 2006. A committee to facilitate customs operations is also operational. It is chaired by the president of the employers’ business association (GICAM) and is composed of representatives of port and maritime operators, private sector and public officials. Community credit unions and savings and loan cooperatives were involved in DSRP formulation consultations and these organizations had several chances to comment on the draft DSRP. Private sector representatives participate in the CTSE/DSRP and the CCS/PPTE. The Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Agriculture, GICAM, and the Movement of Businessmen are represented in the DSRP Monitoring Committees. There is, however, limited coordination among private sector groups. 12. Parliamentary involvement in strategy development remains limited. The National Assembly as an institution was not directly involved in DSRP formulation. Its individual members took part in the consultations for DSRP formulation, and some of them are involved in participatory DSRP follow-ups. The National Assembly oversees the DSRP indirectly through its annual budget approvals. In addition, the National Assembly is 3 December 20, 2006 required by the Constitution to identify the objectives of the economic and social sectors. The National Assembly does not routinely receive and discuss government reports on progress in implementing policies, programs and budget. There is no parliamentary committee in charge of monitoring DSRP implementation. ALIGNMENT 2. Reliable country systems 13. Following a Country Procurement Assessment Review released in January 2003 based upon a joint review conducted in October 2000 by a World Bank team and a national committee representing all sectors, the Government introduced a new procurement code and established a new government agency responsible for public procurement. However, implementation of the procurement code has been at times difficult, with insufficient follow up on non-compliance, and limited application of the procedures to award concessions and licenses to private operators. Following a Country Procurement Assessment Review conducted by the Government jointly with the World Bank in 2005, the Government prepared a procurement improvement action plan for 2006-08, which is currently under implementation. Based on OECD-DAC baseline indicators for public procurement, Cameroon’s national procurement system receives a score of 69 on a scale of 100. 14. Some action is being taken to strengthen transparency of public accounts. To audit public accounts, the Government has established a Chambre des Comptes. Twenty two magistrates were recruited in late 2005. The Chambre des Comptes became operational in January 2006 and started examination of the 2004 financial accounts. The mandate of the Chambre de Comptes, however, is not yet fully in line with the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) norms. The Government is implementing a program to strengthen public financial management. The Government has developed an integrated public financial management system known as SIGEFI, which allows for computerized processing and monitoring of public expenditure from commitment to payment. As a result, timeliness and quality of monthly data on budget execution improved during the course of 2005. The Government regularly produces monthly Treasury balances, and a Government flow-of-funds table. However, the level of delegation of the national budget to local authorities is still very weak. Local councils have been sidelined in the execution of investment budgets especially in public tendering procedures. The 2005 World Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) performance criterion that assesses the quality of budgetary and financial management places Cameroon at 3.5 on a scale of 1 (very weak) to 6 (very strong). 15. Corruption is perceived as a major challenge to the establishment of transparent, efficient and effective country systems. Cameroon ranks 138th of 163 in the 2006 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. On a scale from 0 (highly corrupted) to 10 (highly clean), it received a score of 2.3. It received a score of 2.0 in the 2000 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Anti-corruption units within MINEFI and the Ministry of Secondary Education have made some progress in identifying and addressing corruption cases within the respective ministries. However, most ministerial anti-corruption units are not operational. In 2006, the Government took some preliminary actions towards strengthening the institutional structure for combating 4 December 20, 2006 corruption. It established a National Agency for Financial Investigation to investigate financial crimes, including misappropriation of public funds. It also disbanded the National Anticorruption Observatory, established in 1997 and widely perceived as ineffective. In February 2006, Cameroon ratified the United Nations Anti-Corruption Convention. In March 2006, it established a new anti-corruption body, the Commission Nationale Anti-Corruption (CONAC), reporting directly to the President, to coordinate all government policies against corruption. However, government policies continue to be widely perceived as ineffective. For example, the Constitution requires public officials to disclose their assets, but the provision has not been enforced. 3. Aid flows are aligned on national priorities a. Government leadership of coordination 16. Government leadership in external partner coordination and development assistance management has been weak, with responsibilities split between MINPLAPDAT and MINEFI. The Direction de la Coopération Économique et Technique (DCET) is not playing a strong enough role, and inter-ministerial coordination is still largely ineffective. There are no regular in-country meetings led by the Government to facilitate macro-level dialogue with development assistance agencies. France, Germany, Canada, Japan, the EC and the UN participate in the HIPC Consultative and Follow-Up Committee, which is the only Government-external partner forum. The World Bank and the IMF participate in this Committee as observers. At the sector level, the Government has started playing a more active role in coordinating external partners. For example, there is a Comission mixte de suivi, chaired by the Ministry of Health, which coordinates all external partner support in the fight against HIV/AIDS. There is a Consultation Forum for Partners (CCPM), which meets monthly and is now considered as the privileged interlocutor by the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife and the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Nature. 17. External partners started to coordinate among each other in 2004, through the creation of the Comité multi-bailleurs (CMB), which meets on a bi-monthly basis. There are also sector working groups composed of external partners in health, education, HIV/AIDS, public financial management, which are mostly informal and ad hoc in character. In February 2005, the World Bank and France organized a meeting in Yaoundé with other external partners, aimed at launching a discussion on ways to strengthen alignment and harmonization efforts. This led to the establishment of an informal working group on harmonization, alignment and results, including Canada, the EC, France, Germany and the World Bank. Since end-2005, a working group known as “8+6” focuses on governance and anti-corruption. The group is composed of the ambassadors of seven EU countries and the EC Delegate plus the ambassadors of Canada, the USA, Japan, and the resident representatives of the IMF, UNDP and the World Bank. While these are steps forward, external partner coordination is still at an early stage. b. Partners’ assistance strategy alignment 18. External partners have aligned their strategies with the DSRP. The five major external partners are France, Germany, the World Bank, the EC and the African Development Bank, accounting for approximately 85 percent of gross ODA in 2003-04. 5 December 20, 2006 Net ODA accounted for 5.3 percent of GNI in 2004.2 Canada also plays an active role. The World Bank Interim Strategy Note for FY07-08 strengthens support for governance, anti-corruption and public financial management and continues supporting DSRP objectives on private sector development, human development, urban and rural development and infrastructure. The EC Country Strategy Paper for 2001-07 is also aligned with the DSRP, following a mid-term review that took into account the strategic goals outlined in it, as is the 2002-07 UN Development Assistance Framework. In 2003, CIDA modified its Country Development Programming Framework to reflect DSRP priorities: good governance and human resources development, two of the DSRP pillars, are among its focus areas of intervention. France, too, has modified its Country Strategy Paper to support DSRP objectives. In 2005, the AfDB finalized a Country Strategy Paper for 2005-09, aligned with the DSRP and focusing on support for good governance and infrastructure. The PRGF for 2005-08, launched in October 2005, recognizes the DSRP as the guiding framework for IMF support. c. Partnership organization 19. Several development assistance agencies are increasing their presence in the country to better take part in daily decision-making. The World Bank Country Director is moving to Cameroon. The World Bank Country Office in Yaoundé has been strengthened, and there is a regional IFC Office in Douala. Some responsibility to supervise day to day implementation for World Bank financed projects has been transferred to staff based in Yaoundé. Among the other major external partners, France, Germany, the EC, CIDA, and the UN have decentralized their decision-making processes and increased their presence both in the country and in the region. External partners are also making efforts to share in-country staff in various sectors. For example, through cooperation between the World Bank and DFID and the World Bank and GTZ, technical staff to support the forestry sector and human development, respectively, is posted in the World Bank Country Office. 4. Strengthen capacity by coordinated support Coherent and coordinated capacity support 20. Although still fragmented, capacity building is being conducted by external partners in an increasingly coordinated manner. In the forestry sector, external partners provide joint technical assistance through a multi-donor basket fund, jointly managed by the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife and GTZ-International Services. The EC, France and the World Bank provide joint support for statistical capacity building and DSRP monitoring. The EC, France and the World Bank have also coordinated capacity support for public procurement. Building on enhanced coordination around capacity support for fiduciary systems, development partners also finalized a Dialogue Platform, jointly agreed with the Government, to coordinate support for public financial management, which is leading to a clear division of responsibilities among partners. The EC is supporting a program aimed at improving public financial management. Canada is sponsoring a project aimed at supporting civil society organizations and external oversight over public financial management. The Government, with the support of the 2 See OECD/DAC Aid Statistics at 6 December 20, 2006 World Bank, is preparing a Transparency and Accountability Capacity Building Project, which is aiming at consolidating the public finance agenda in preparation for a possible PRSC, aligned with the Dialogue Platform. Also, the OECD, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, the World Bank and UNDP are planning to jointly support a program to strengthen government and civil society capacity to fight corruption. However, according to a survey conducted in 2005 among external partners, only 9 percent of technical assistance is provided jointly. To address this issue, within the Dialogue Platform, the Government and external partners aim at building a consensus matrix of policy which will include a capacity building strategy and concrete activities to strengthen national capacities. 5. Use of country systems Donor financing relying on country systems 21. Commitment to harmonizing with country systems is emerging. According to a survey undertaken by external partners in 2005, disbursement of 44 percent of external funds relies on country fiduciary systems. Multi-donor budget support, spearheaded by DFID and the World Bank, is being provided in the forestry sector. The World Bank is envisaging a PRSC for FY07, depending on progress achieved in strengthening public financial management. All external partners perceive the Government’s weak financial capacity as an obstacle preventing them from fully engaging in budget support. 22. With the technical support of the World Bank and as part of its efforts to improve the efficiency of external partner-assisted projects, MINPLAPDAT is currently reviewing ways to harmonize and simplify national policies and procedures in the hope that they would progressively apply to all external partner-assisted programs. A timeline for the conclusion of the review has not yet been identified. 6. Strengthen capacity by avoiding parallel implementation structures PIUs progressively phased out 23. Implementation of a number of externally financed projects is still carried out by parallel PIUs. For example, PIUs manage implementation of most World-Bank financed projects under implementation. Little action is being taken to move away from the use of parallel PIUs or consolidate them. In 2004, there were 97 PIUs. The Government has not requested external partners to move away from the use of parallel PIUs. However, it has recently expressed interest in setting up an aid management platform for externallyfinanced projects. 7. Aid is more predictable Disbursements aligned with annual budgetary framework 24. There are no significant extra-budgetary funds and most external partner funds are reported in the budget. 7 December 20, 2006 8. Aid is untied 25. Multilateral aid, which accounted for 25 percent of gross ODA in 2004, 3 is untied. The Government is monitoring untied aid at the country level. HARMONIZATION 9. Use of common arrangements or procedures 26. External assistance is mainly channeled through projects, but some action is being taken to move toward sectoral approaches relying on common implementation structures. In 2005, the members of the Comité multi-bailleurs agreed on a common understanding of SWAps implementation mechanisms. The Government and external partners launched a SWAp in 2000 to design and support implementation of the National Forest and Environment Sector Program (PSFE), which was validated in 2004. Canada, Germany, France, the Netherlands, the UK, the EC, AfDB, the World Bank, FAO, UNDP, WWF, SNV and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) signed a code of conduct, establishing common principles for their support to the PSFE, including common financing mechanisms and M&E system and joint review missions. The Government, with support of Germany and France, is preparing a health SWAp. External partners also are also envisaging to pool funds to support implementation of some of the programs included in the draft National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2006-10. The World Bank and the AFD coordinate parallel financing in the transport and urban infrastructure sectors. External partner are envisaging the establishment of a common fund to support action against avian influenza. 10. Encouraging shared analysis a. Joint missions 27. Some move toward SWAps is encouraging joint missions. Building on joint preparatory missions, external partners supporting the forestry SWAp are conducting joint supervision missions. The World Bank and the AFD conduct joint missions in the transport sector. External partners conduct joint review missions to support the fight against HIV/AIDS. Also, in 2006, under the umbrella of the OECD/DAC, France, Canada, Germany, the UK, the USA, the Netherlands and the World Bank conducted a joint anti-corruption assessment mission to prepare for joint support. UNDP provided overall coordination and in country support to the mission. The EC, USAID, UNDP, FAO, UNICEF and WHO conducted a joint mission on avian influenza. However, the large majority of missions continue to be conducted by single development assistance agencies. Informally, the Government is inviting external partners to conduct more missions jointly. b. Analytical partnership 28. Joint analytical support in line with the country’s priorities is at early stages. According to a survey conducted among external partners in 2005, only 10 percent of analytical work has been conducted jointly. The World Bank and the Government completed a Country Financial Accountability Assessment (CFAA) in June 2002, whose purpose and findings were discussed with other external partners. In 2006, the World 3 See OECD/DAC Aid Statistics at 8 December 20, 2006 Bank conducted a Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability Review which has also been shared with external partners and discussed with the Government. External partners have posted 17 documents on the Country Analytic Work website as of October 2006.4 MANAGING FOR RESULTS 11. Results oriented frameworks a. Quality of development information 29. Action has been taken to improve the quality and availability of data. As the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) becomes fully operational, the Department of Statistics and National Accounting has been planning a series of surveys, including a General Population and Housing Census, launched at the end of 2005, and a Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey, launched in April 2006, aimed at collecting appropriate statistical documentation on poverty reduction. Insufficient funding is, however, delaying the ongoing analysis of the General Population and Housing Census data. The most recent surveys include a 2006 survey on employment and the informal sector (Enquête sur l’Emploi et le Secteur Informel-EESI), a 2005 survey of vaccination coverage (Enquête Nationale de Couverture Vaccinale), a 2004 demographic and health survey (3eme Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Cameroun-EDSC III) and a 2001 household survey (3eme Enquête Camerounaise Auprès des Ménages-ECAM II). In 2005, with EC support, MINPLAPDAT completed a statistical development strategy, the Programme Statistique Minimum, which is expected to lead to the establishment of a specific statistical base for the monitoring and evaluation of the DSRP and the tracking of progress toward the MDGs. The strategy points out the weaknesses of the current statistical system and identifies activities to support the DSRP implementation process, including strengthening of the capacity of the NIS and sector ministries. However, the Minimum Statistical Program is not fully funded, and the Government is seeking resources from external partners to conduct the next household survey. b. Stakeholder access to development information 30. Stakeholder access to information is limited but some action is being taken to improve it. In 2005, the Government endorsed the principles of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). In 2005, past audits of the national oil company, the Société Nationale des Hydrocarboures (SNH), certified by a public accounting firm, were made public. An action plan to implement the EITI was published in major newspapers and discussed with civil society and oil companies prior to its adoption in January 2006. The Government has created a technical EITI Secretariat, established a tripartite steering committee, including representatives of oil companies, civil society and the Government, and recruited a qualified independent conciliator to collect and reconcile data on petroleum production, payments made by the companies to the Government and the corresponding receipts by the Government for 2001-04 and 2005. The first EITI report was approved by the steering committee on December 15, indicating minor discrepancies between revenues reported by oil companies and revenues accounted for by the Government. The report is expected to be widely disseminated in early 2007. 4 9 December 20, 2006 31. The Government has also started publishing budget execution data quarterly. It plans to disseminate information on progress toward DSRP indicators through a wide range of channels and media, including the General Data Dissemination System and Poverty Mapping providing geographical visualization of poverty data. Several government websites refer to the DSRP but none of them include the full strategy.5 The DSRP has not been translated into local languages. There are over 200 local dialects, and the official languages are French and English. c. Coordinated country-level monitoring and evaluation 32. A country-level M&E system is under development. External partner coordination to jointly support the M&E system is under discussion. The DSRP contains clearly quantified targets that use MDGs as benchmarks, with explicit timetables for their achievement. It contains quantitative baseline data for 2001 and projected targets for 2015, defined for 19 indicators covering all eight MDGs. However, intermediate indicators to monitor progress have not yet been identified. The Government has provisionally identified four different categories of indicators for methodical and coherent follow-up and evaluation of the implementation of global and sector strategies of poverty alleviation. These categories are: i) indicators relating to the mobilization and use of resources, ii) indicators which have to do with the physical and financial execution of programs and projects, iii) indicators of results, and iv) indicators of impact. The M&E system being envisaged for the DSRP builds on existing country M&E systems that will be strengthened and aligned to the DSRP, with support from multiple external partners. Once completed, it is expected to be used to prepare DSRP Progress Reports, reports on the MDGs and the quarterly and yearly reports for country policy makers. MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY Development effectiveness assessment frameworks 33. Cameroon has signed the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. In 2005, external partners conducted a joint stocktaking of the Paris Declaration indicators in Cameroon. The Government and external partners have launched an independent aid assessment to evaluate existing partnership mechanisms and identify an action plan to strengthen development effectiveness in line with the Paris Declaration. The Government, UNDP, the World Bank, Canada, Germany and France jointly financed the assessment, with the Government providing approximately 50 percent of the funds. UNDP provided administrative and technical assistance. The international panel that conducted the assessment includes a former Prime Minister of Senegal, former senior staff of development assistance agencies and staff of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), an independent research institute. The report of the international panel was finalized in July 2006 and presented to the Government and external partners. The Government has agreed to jointly monitor recommendations which will emerge from discussions, facilitated by ODI, between the Government, external partners and civil society. 34. In 2006, the World Bank developed a Cameroon Development Effectiveness Scorecard (CDES) to track implementation of 12 country-specific development 5 and 10 December 20, 2006 effectiveness objectives drawn from the Paris Declaration. The World Bank is using the CDES to better integrate Paris Declaration goals and commitments into World Banksupported projects and programs, including those already under implementation. The CDES could become a basis for a joint monitoring framework to assess progress towards strengthening development effectiveness in consultation with the Government and other external partners. 11 December 20, 2006 Bibliography AFD (2005), L’Activité du Groupe de l’Agence Française de Développement au Cameroun. Paris. Comité multi-bailleurs (2005), Harmonisation et amélioration de l’efficacité de l’aide au développement. Rapport conjoint. Etat des lieux. Yaoundé. ______________ (2005), Premier projet sur les approches sectorielles et les approches programmes. Yaoundé. CIDA (2004), Canadian Development Assistance in the Countries of la Francophonie. Quebec. EC (2001), Cadre de Stratégie de la Coopération Cameroun-Communauté Européenne. Yaoundé. EIU (2006), Cameroon Country Report (March). London. Government of Cameroon (2001), Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Preparation Status Report. Washington DC. __________ (2003), Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté (English version). Washington DC. __________ (2004), Progress Report on the Implementation of the PRSP. Yaoundé. __________ (2005), Dispositif statistique de suivi/évaluation du DSRP et des OMD. Yaoundé. __________ (2005), Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies (July 2005—June 2008). Yaoundé. _________ (2006), Progress Report on Implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper as of 31 December 2005. Yaoundé. Government of Cameroon and Development Partners (2002), Republic of Cameroon Country Financial Accountability Assessment. Washington DC. ____________ (2005), Etat d’avancement sur l’harmonisation et l’amélioration de l’efficacité de l’aide au développement au Cameroun. Yaoundé. Government of Cameroon and UNDP (2005), Evaluations des Partenariat d’Aide au Cameroun. Yaoundé. IMF (2001), Cameroon: Report on Observance of Standards and Codes – Data Module. Washington, DC. ______ (2006), Cameroon: First Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility—Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cameroon. Washington DC. IMF and World Bank (2003), Cameroon Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Joint Staff Assessment. Washington DC. __________ (2005), Republic of Cameroon Poverty Reduction Strategy First Annual Progress Report Joint Staff Advisory Note. Washington DC. __________ (2006), Republic of Cameroon. Joint Staff Advisory Note on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Third Annual Progress Report. Washington DC. 12 December 20, 2006 _________ (2006), Cameroon. Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative Completion Point Document and Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Washington DC. La Constitution de la République du Cameroun (1996). Yaoundé. Rogerson, A., L. Loum and O. Lafourcade (2006), Une Arrivée et un Nouveau Départ: Partenariats au Cameroun après le Point d’Achèvement PPTE. Rapport Final de la Mission Indépendante de Suivi, Février-Mars 2006. London. UN Country Team Cameroon (2001), IDT/MDG Progress. Country Report. Republic of Cameroon. Yaoundé. __________ (2002), Cameroon United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2002/032006/07. Yaoundé. UNDP (2006), Note de synthèse Cameroun. 1er Semestre 2006. Yaoundé. VENRO (2005), PRSP-Watch. Länderprofile: Kamerun (Januar). Berlin. World Bank (2003), Country Assistance Strategy for the Republic of Cameroon. Washington DC. __________ (2004), Republic of Cameroon Transparency and Accountability Capacity Building Project. Project Information Document. Washington DC. __________ (2006), Program Document for a Proposed IDA Development Policy Grant and GEF Grant to the Republic of Cameroon for a Forest and Environment Development Program. Washington DC. _________ (2006), Interim Strategy Note for the Republic of Cameroon FY07-08. Washington DC. Related websites CIDA Cameroon Delegation of the EC Commission in Cameroon Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative French Embassy in Cameroon German Embassy in Cameroon: Economic Cooperation tliche_20Zusammenarbeit.html National Institute of Statistics Prime Minister Office Transparency International: Corruption Perception Indexes UNDP Cameroon 13 December 20, 2006 World Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA),,contentMDK:2093360 0~pagePK:51236175~piPK:437394~theSitePK:73154,00.html 14