DR ROGER L.H. DENNIS PUBLICATION TITLES: ANTHROPOLOGY 1. Dermatoglyphic studies. Dyn, 4: 1-60. (1977) 2. Dermatoglyphic variation in the human populations of the North Pennine Dales. Population Genetics group, Leeds (1978). 3. Dermatoglyphic variation in human populations. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Bath (1978). 4. The digital and palmar dermatoglyphics of the Brazil Mato Grosso Indians. Human Biology, 50: 325-342 (with E. Sunderland, P. Rosa and S. Lightman). (1978). 5. The hypothenar radial arch and parathenar loop in dermal topology. Regional variation, sex differences and bimanual asymmetry in British samples. Annals of Human Biology, 5: 269-275. (with E. Sunderland, W.R. Williams and V. Murray). (1978. 6. Essentials in palmar and digital dermal topology. Issues in classification. Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics, 4: 1-17. (1979) 7. Dermatoglyphic variation in the human populations of the North Pennine Dales, North England. I. Sex differences, bilateral asymmetry, digital diversity and regional variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 50: 309-324. (with E. Sunderland). (1979) 8. The identification of structures in connection matrices of palmar dermatoglyphic variables. Acta Anthropogenetica, 3: 93-126. (with E. Sunderland). (1979) 9. Edge linkage clustering. A regionalization technique for human biological spatial studies based on marriage ties. Dyn, 5: 81-106. (with W.R. Williams). (1979) 10. Welsh anthopometric records. A multivariate analysis. Man, 14: 124-132. (with W.R. Williams and E. Sunderland). (1979) 11. Regional affinities among the people of Wales based on anthropometic measurements collected at the Wrexham National Eisteddfod, 1977. Man, 16: 634-643. (with E. Sunderland and W.R. Williams). (1981) 12. The geographical affinities among human populations from Wales and from regions in north and central England on the basis of epidermal ridge markers. A discriminant function approach. Human Biology, 54: 403-415. (with E. Sunderland, W.R. Williams and V. Woolley). (1982) 13. A dermatoglyhic study of Gurungs, Mangars and Kirantis of Nepal. Human Heredity, 34: 141-147. (with V. Woolley and E. Sunderland). (1984) 14. Varimax orthogonal and oblique factor derivatives of the principal component structures specific to the digital dermal complex. Dyn, 8: 90-126. (with E. Sunderland). (1985) 15. The reappraisal of anthropomentric studies of the people of Wales. In P.S. Harper and E Sunderland (Eds), Genetic and Population Studies in Wales. University of Wales Press. 84-104. (1986) PUBLICATION TITLES: FAMILY HISTORY Dennis, R.L.H. (2011) Letters and cards of Robert Andrew Scott Macfie (RASM). The Galley 34 (autumn-winter): 15-18. rlhd PUBLICATION TITLES: ENTOMOLOGY 1970 1. Eumenis semele thyone Thompson (Lep., Satyridae). Comparisons and remarks. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 82: 168-175. 2. Note on the relation of Aglais urticae L. to direct and shade temperatures. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 82: 302. [Note] 1971 3. A model for temporal subspeciation. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 83: 207-210. 4. The status of Polygonia c-album in North Wales. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 83: 305-309, 390. [Note] 1972 5. Eumenis semele (L.) thyone Thompson (Lep., Satyridae). A microgeographical race. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 84: 1-11, 38-44. 6. Plebejus argus (L.) caernensis Thompson (Lep., Lycaenidae). A stenoecious geotype. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 84: 100-108. 7. A biometrical study of a Welsh colony of the large heath butterfly, Coenonympha tullia (Mueller) (Rhopalocera). The Entomologist, 105: 313-326. 1974 8. Lysandra coridon (Poda) and L. bellargus (Rott.) in North Wales? Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 86: 24. [Note] 1977 9. The British Butterflies. Their Origin and Establishment. Faringdon, Oxford: E.W. Classey Ltd. xvii, 318. 1982 10. Observations on habitats and dispersal made from oviposition markers in north Cheshire Anthocharis cardamines (L.) (Lep., Pieridae). Entomologist's Gazette, 33: 151-159. 11. Patrolling behaviour in orange tip butterflies within the Bollin valley in north Cheshire, and a comparison with other pierids. Vasculum, 67: 17-25. 12. Erebia aethiops (Esper) (Satyridae) on Arnside Knott. Confidential Report for the NCC. (1982). 13. Mate-location strategies in the wall brown butterfly, Lasiommata megera L. (Lep., Satyridae). Wait or seek? Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 94: 209-214; 95: 7-10. 1983 14. Hierarchy and pattern in the spatial responses of ovipositing Anthocharis cardamines (Lep.). Vasculum, 68: 2743. 15. Spatial patterning in butterfly oviposition. Density influences and the 'edge effect' in the orange tip butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) (L.) (Lep., Pieridae). Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists' Society, 42: 55-60. 16. The 'edge effect' in butterfly oviposition: a simple calculus for an insect in a hurry. Entomologist's Gazette, 34: 5-8. 17. Egg-laying cues in the wall brown butterfly, Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lep., Satryidae). Entomologist's Gazette, 34: 89-95. 2 rlhd 1984 18. Brimstone butterflies (Gonepteryx rhamni) (L.) playing possum. Entomologist's Gazette, 35: 6-7. [Note] 19. Egg-laying sites in the common blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus Rott., (Lep., Lycaenidae). The 'edge effect' and beyond the edge. Entomologist's Gazette, 35: 85-93. 20. The 'edge effect' in butterfly oviposition: batch siting in Aglais urticae (L.) (Lep., Nymphalidae). Entomologist's Gazette, 35: 157-173. 21. Ocellation in Coenonympha tullia (Mueller) (Lep., Satyridae). I. Structures in correlation matrices. Nota Lepidopterologica, 7: 199-219. (with W.R. Williams and K. Porter). 1985 22. British butterfly distributions. Space-time predictability. In J. Heath (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Lepidopterology, Cambridge 1982. 55-62. 23. Small plants attract attention! Choice of egglaying sites in the greenveined white butterfly (Artogeia napi) (L.) (Lep., Pieridae). Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists' Society, 44: 77-82. 24. Polyommatus icarus (Rott.) (Lep., Lycaenidae) on Brereton Heath in Cheshire. Voltinism and switches in resource exploitation. Entomologist's Gazette, 36: 175-179. 25. Voltinism in British Aglais urticae (L.) (Lep., Nymphalidae). Variation in space and time. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society, 18: 51-61. 26. The 'edge effect' in butterfly oviposition. Hostplant condition, edge effect breakdown and opportunism. Entomologist's Gazette, 36: 285-291. 27. The influence of man and climate on dispersion patterns within a population of adult Lasiommata megera (L.) (Satyridae) at Brereton Heath, Cheshire. Nota Lepidopterologica, 8: 309-324. (with M.J. Bramley). 28. Egg keel number in the small tortoiseshell butterfly. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 97: 162164. (with T. Richman). 1986 29. Selection of roost sites by Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lep., Satyridae) on fencing at Brereton Heath country park, Cheshire. Nota Lepidopterologica, 9: 39-46. 30. Algarve speckled woods do it in the shade. Antenna, 10: 61-62. [Note] 31. Motorways and cross-movements. An insect's 'mental map' of the M56 in Cheshire. Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists' Society, 45: 228-243. (also, The North Western Naturalist, 1986: 28-31. 32. Ocellation in Coenonympha tullia (Mueller) (Lep., Satyridae). II. Population differentiation and clinal variation in the context of climatically-induced anti-predator defence strategies. Entomologist's Gazette, 37: 133-172. (with W.R. Williams and K. Porter). 33. Butterfly 'diversity'. Regressing and a little latitude. Antenna, 10: 108-112. (with W.R. Williams). 1987 34. Hilltopping as a mate-location strategy in a Mediterranean population of Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lep., Satyridae). Nota Lepidopterologica, 10: 65-70. 35. Mate-location behaviour in the butterfly Ochlodes venata (Br. and Grey) (Hesperiidae). Flexible strategies and spatial components. Journal of the Lepidopterist's Society, 41: 45-64 (with W.R. Williams). 3 rlhd 1988 36. Hostplant-habitat structure and the evolution of butterfly mate-location behaviour. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 94: 301-318. (with T.G. Shreeve). 1989 37. Butterfly wing morphology variation in the British Isles. The influence of climate, behavioural posture and the hostplant-habitat. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 38: 323-348. (with T.G. Shreeve). 1991 38. A multivariate approach to the determination of faunal units among European butterfly species (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 101: 1-49. (with W.R. Williams and T.G. Shreeve). 39. Climatic change and the British butterfly fauna. Opportunities and constraints. Biological Conservation, 55: 116. [with T.G. Shreeve]. 40. Kirinia roxelana Cramer 1777 (Lep., Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) oviposition on an arboreal substrate. Entomologist's Gazette, 42: 239-241. [Note] 41. How mobile is the British butterfly fauna? Butterfly Conservation News, 48: 20-24. [with T.G. Shreeve] 1992 42. The Ecology of Butterflies in Britain (Ed. R.L.H.D.). Oxford University Press. xi, 354. 43. The development of butterfly settling posture. The role of predators, climate, hostplant-habitat and phylogeny. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 45: 57-69. (with T.G. Shreeve). 44. Expanded wing posture in lateral-basking Hipparchia semele (L.) (Lep., Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Entomologist's Gazette, 43: 45-46. [Note] 45. The spread of the small skipper butterfly in north Cheshire apparently by 'Ho[l]cus pocus'. Butterfly Conservation News, East Cheshire & Peak District Branch, 20: 5. [Note] 1993 46. Butterflies and Climate Change. Manchester University Press. xv, 302. 47. Predation in a northern population of Pieris napi (L.) (Lep., Pieridae). Evidence from wing fragments. Entomologist's Gazette, 44: 157-159. 48. Range extension and distribution-infilling among selected butterfly species in north-west England. Evidence for inter-habitat movements. Entomologist's Gazette, 44: 247-255. (with P. Hardy and S. Hind). 1995 49. Implications of biogeographical structure for the conservation of European butterflies. In A. Pullin (Ed.), Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies. London: Chapman and Hall. [with W.R. Williams] pp. 213-229. 50. Affinity gradients among European butterflies: evidence for an historical component to species distributions (with T.G. Shreeve and W.R. Williams). Entomologist's Gazette, 46: 141-153. 51. Taxonomic differentiation in species diversity gradients among European butterflies: contribution of macroevolutionary dynamics. [with T.G. Shreeve and W.R. Williams]. Ecography, 18: 27-40. 52. Euchloe ausonia (Hubner (Pieridae) oviposition on Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (Cruciferae): big immature plants are preferred. Entomologist's Gazette, 46: 253-255. 53. Oviposition in Zerynthia cretica (Rebel, 1904) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae): loading on leaves, shoots and plant patches. Nota Lepidopterologica, 18: 3-15. 4 rlhd 54. Uniformity of wing spotting of Maniola jurtina (L.) (Lep., Satyrinae) in relation to environmental heterogeneity. Nota Lepidopterologica, 18: 77-92. (with T.G. Shreeve & W.R. Williams). 1996 55. How marginal is the British butterfly fauna and what are the implications for research opportunities and conservation? [With T.G. Shreeve & A.S. Pullin]. Biodiversity and Conservation, 5: 1131-1141. 56. Butterflies on British and Irish offshore islands: ecology and biogeography. Gem Publishing Comp., Wallingford. xii + 131 pp. [With T.G. Shreeve]. 57. The impact of extreme weather on Great Orme populations of Hipparchia semele (LINNAEUS, 1758) and Plebejus argus (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Papilionoidea: Satyrinae and Lycaenidae): hindsight, inference and lost opportunities. Entomologist's Gazette, 47: 211-225. (with Paula Bardell). 1997 56. Diversity of butterfly species on British islands: ecological influences underlying the roles of area, isolation and faunal source. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 60: 257-275. [With T.G. Shreeve]. 58. Butterfly range-extension into Greater Manchester: the role of climate change and habitat patches. Urban Nature Magazine, 3: 6-8. [With P.B. Hardy] 59. Increasing the conservation load for European butterflies: inflation of rarity with increases in species diversity. Journal of Insect Conservation. 1: 43-62. 60. Patch occupancy in Coenonympha tullia (Lepidoptera: Satyridae): Habitat quality matters as much as patch size and isolation. Journal of Insect Conservation, 1: 167-176. [With H.T. Eales]. 61. A record of Hipparchia semele (L.) (Lep.: Satyridae) for Grassholm island, Wales. Entomologist's Rec. J. Var., 109: 88. [Note] 1998 62. Predicting site occupancy for Coenonympha tullia (Müller, 1764) (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) using habitat parameters. Entomologist's Gazette, 49: 3-16 (With H.T. Eales). 63. Faunal structures among European butterflies: evolutionary implications of bias for geography, endemism and taxonomic affiliations. Ecography, 21: 181-203. (With W.R. Williams & T.G. Shreeve). 64. The effects of island area, isolation and source population size on the presence of Hipparchia semele (L.) (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) on British and Irish offshore islands. Biodiversity and Conservation, 7: 765-776. [with Tim Shreeve & Tim Sparks] 65. Geographical factors influencing the probability of Hipparchia semele (L.) (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) occurring on British and Irish offshore islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, 7: 205-214. [with Tim Sparks & Tim Shreeve] 66. Egglaying bias in Pieris brassicae (L.) and Pieris rapae (L.) (Pieridae) on garden nasturtium. In Entomologist's Rec J. Var., 110: 85-86. [Note] 67. Thanatosis in Inachis io (L.) Nymphalidae. Entomologist's Rec J. Var., 110: 115-116. [Note] 1999 68. Probability of patch site occupancy in Coenonympha tullia (Müller) (Lepidoptera: Satryinae) determined from geographical and ecological data. Biological Conservation, 87: 295-301 [with H.T. Eales]. 69. Bias in butterfly distribution maps: the effects of sampling effort. [with Tim H. Sparks and P. Hardy]. J. Insect Conservation, 3: 33-42. 5 rlhd 70. Melanic morph frequency in the peppered moth in the Manchester area. [with L.M. Cook and G.S. Mani] Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 266: 293-297 71. The impact of urban development on butterflies within a city region. Biodiversity & Conservation, 8: 12611279 [with P. Hardy]. 72. Atypical habitat choice by white admiral butterflies (Ladoga camilla L., Nymphalidae) at the edge of their range in Britain. Ent. Gazette, 50: 169-179. [with J. Joy, A. Miles & J. Hinde] 73. Targeting squares for recording: Predicting species richness and incidence of species for a butterfly atlas. Global Ecol. & Biogeogr. Letters, 8(6): 443-454. [with P. Hardy] 2000 74. Ecological correlates of island incidence and geographical range among British butterflies. Biodiversity & Conservation, 9(3) (March 2000):343-359. [with T.H. Sparks, B. Donato & E. Pollard]. 75. The comparative influence of source population size and migration capacity on the persistence of butterfly species on a small offshore island. Entomologist’s Gazette, 51: 39-52. 76. Bias in butterfly distribution maps: the influence of hot spots and access. J. Insect Conservation, 4 (2): 73-77 [with C.D. Thomas]. 77. Contrasts in status of butterfly species among open and woodland biotopes of a northern English SSSI. Entomologist’s Gazette, 51: 257-273. 78. Contemporary geography dominates butterfly diversity gradients within the Aegean archipelago (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea). Journal of Biogeography, 27 (6): 1365-1384. [With T. G. Shreeve, A. Olivier and J. G. Coutsis] 2001 79. Progressive bias in species status is symptomatic of fine-grained mapping units subject to repeated sampling. Biodiversity & Conservation, 10 (4): 483-494. 80. Butterflies on islands in the Aegean archipelago: predicting numbers of species and incidence of species using geographical variables. Entomologist’s Gaz. 52: 3-39. [with Alain Olivier, John Coutsis & Tim Shreeve]. 81. An ecological classification of British butterflies: ecological attributes and biotope occupancy. Journal of Insect Conservation, 5: 145-161. [with T.G. Shreeve, D. Moss and D. Roy] 82. Loss rates of butterfly species with urban development. A test of atlas data and sampling artefacts at a fine scale. Biodiversity & Conservation. 10: 1831-1837 [with P. Hardy]. 83. Butterfly-hostplant fidelity, vagrancy and a measurement of mobility from distribution maps. Ecography, 24: 497-504. [with LM Cook & PB Hardy] 84. A quantitative description of the male genitalia of 23 taxa of Pseudochazara de Lesse, 1951 butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Entomologist’s Gazette. 52: 227-250. [with Andrew Wakeham-Dawson]. 85. Butterflies on islands in the Aegean archipelago: a correction, additions, an aid to identification and a cautionary tale. Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 113: 265-268. [with John Coutsis and Alain Olivier]. 2002 86. A comparison of geographical and neighbourhood models for improving atlas databases. The case of the French butterfly atlas. Biological Conservation, 108: 143-159 [with Tim Shreeve, Tim Sparks and Jacques Lhonore] 2003 87. Gains and losses of French butterflies: tests of predictions, under-recording and regional extinction from data in a new atlas. [with Tim G. Shreeve]. Biological Conservation, 110 (1): 131 - 139. 6 rlhd 88. Towards a resource-based concept for habitat: a butterfly biology viewpoint. Oikos 102: 417-426. [With Tim G. Shreeve and Hans Van Dyck] plus reply to response from M. Baguette in 2004. 89. Observations on the integrity of Balkan butterfly taxa in the subgenus Parahipparchia Kudrna, 1977 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) based on male genitalia. Entomologist’s Gazette 54: 71-103. [with Andrew Wakeham-Dawson, Jeremy Holloway, John Coutsis] 90. Comparison of the male genitalia and androconia of Pseudochazara anthelia acamanthis (Rebel, 1916) from Cyprus, Pseudochazara anthelia anthelia (Hübner, [1924]) from mainland Turkey and Pseudochazara anthelia amalthea (Frivaldsky, 1845) from mainland Greece (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Nota lepid. 25: 251263 [with Andrew Wakeham-Dawson, Eddie John and Rob Parker] 91. Prediction of butterfly diversity hotspots in Belgium: a comparison of statistically focused and land usefocused models. J. Biogeogr. 30: 1907-1920. [with Dirk Maes, Marius Gilbert, Nicolas Titeux, Philippe Goffart] 92. Arboreal substrate for an egglaying Meadow Brown. Ent. Rec. J. Var., 115: 241-242. [Note] 93. Playing possum as an alternative to mate-refusal posture in Pararge aegeria (L.), Satyrinae. Ent. Rec. J. Var. 115: 293. [Note] 2004 94. Host plants and butterfly biology. Do host plant strategies drive butterfly status? Ecological Entomology 29: 12-26. [with J.G. Hodgson, R. Grenyer, T.G. Shreeve and D.B. Roy]. 95. Just how important are non-consumable resources as habitat components? Indications from a declining lycaenid butterfly with priority conservation status. Journal of Insect Conservation 8 (1): 37-45. 96. Landform resources for territorial nettle-feeding Nymphalid butterflies: biases at different spatial scales. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27 (2): 37-45. 97. Flower preferences of woodland butterflies in the UK: nectaring specialists are species of conservation concern. Biological Conservation 119: 397-403. [with Owen Tudor, N. Greatorex-Davies and T.H. Sparks]. 98. Fitness of insularia morphs of the peppered moth Biston betularia. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 82: 359-366. [With Cook, L. M. and Dockery, M.] 99. Does the Marbled White butterfly Melanargia galathea (L.) (Papilionoidea: Satyrinae) behave like a ‘white’? Antenna 28: 139-148. With T.G. Shreeve. 100. Resources, habitats and metapopulations – whither reality? Oikos 106: 404-408 [with T.G. Shreeve and Hans Van Dyck]. 101. Seasonal and daily bias in butterfly perch height and substrate choice. Entomologist’s Gazette, 55: 239- 248. [With Peter B. Hardy] 102. A quantitative description of the androconia of British Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Entomologist’s Gazette 55: 249-255. [With Andrew Wakeham- Dawson.] 103. Butterfly habitats, broad scale biotope affiliations and structural exploitation of vegetation at finer scales: the matrix revisited. Ecological Entomology 29 (6): 744-752. 104. Multivariate analysis of male genital structures in the Hipparchia semele-muelleri-delattini complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) from the Balkans: how many taxa? Nota Lepidopterologica 27: 103-124. [with A. Wakeham-Dawson, P. Jaksic, and J.D. Holloway]. 2005 105. Pupal mortality in a metapopulation of Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae): heterogeneity for season, between and within local populations. Entomologist’s Gazette 56: 25-31. 106. The influence of temperature on migration of Lepidoptera into Britain. Global Change Biology. 11: 507-514. [T.H. Sparks, D.B. Roy and R.L.H. Dennis]. 7 rlhd 107. Is richness of local tropical butterfly faunas underscored? Perspectives gained from biases in transect observations. Acta Zoologica Sinica 51 (2): 237-250 [with Peter B. Hardy]. 108. Climate change and the effect of increasing spring temperatures on emergence dates of the flagship butterfly Apatura iris (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). European Journal of Entomology 102: 161-167 [with Dennis Dell and Tim Sparks]. 109. Does diet breadth control herbivorous insect range size? Predictions and tests using butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 9: 187-200. [with Henry Arnold, David Roy, Tim Shreeve]. 110. Landscape resources for the territorial nymphalid butterfly Inachis io: micro-site landform selection and behavioural responses to environmental conditions. Journal of Insect Behaviour 18 (5): 725 –742. [with TH Sparks] 111. Factors influencing nectar plant resource visits by butterflies on a university campus: implications for conservation. Nota Lepidopterologica 28: 213-224. [with Ashish D. Tiple and Vishal P. Deshmukh]. 112. Alternative to a nectar source for a thirsty Pararge aegeria Linnaeus (Satyrinae). Entomologist’s Record, 117: 150. [Note] 113. Retreats for peacock butterflies Inachis io Linnaeus (Nymphalidae) in changing weather conditions. Entomologist’s Record, 117:175. [Note] 2006 114. Habitats and resources: the need for a resource-based definition to conserve butterflies. Extinction Risk Issue. Biodiversity & Conservation 15: 1943-1966. [with Tim Shreeve and Hans Van Dyck] 115. The effects of visual apparency on bias in butterfly recording and monitoring. Biological Conservation 128: 486-492. [with T. G. Shreeve, N. Isaac, D. B. Roy, P.B. Hardy, R. Fox, and J. Asher]. 116. When is a habitat not a habitat? Dramatic resource use changes under differing weather conditions for the butterfly Plebejus argus. Biological Conservation 129: 291-301 [With Tim Sparks]. 117. Excessive Anthocharis cardamines (L.) (Pieridae) egg load on cuckoo flower hostplants. Entomologist’s Gazette, 13-15. [with Peter Hardy] [Note] 118. Hill-topping in British butterflies: incidence and cues in a cool, windy climate? Entomologist’s Gazette, 57: 17-20. [with Margaret P Dennis] [Note] 119. Complex phenological responses to climate warming trends? Lessons from history. European Journal of Entomology 103:2 379-386. [with Tim H. Sparks and Kerstin Huber] 120. Why does Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) engage in late summer territorial disputes when close relatives are feeding up for winter? Entomologist’s Gazette, 57: 83-89. [with Constantí Stefanescu and Gerry Tremewan] 121. Phylogenetic, habitat and behavioural aspects of possum behaviour in European Lepidoptera. J. Res. Lep. 39:80-85 [with T.G. Shreeve, A. Wakeham-Dawson]. 2007 122. Dennis, R.L.H., Shreeve, T.G., Sheppard, D.A. (2007) Species conservation and landscape management: a habitat perspective. RES symposium volume on Insect Conservation Biology (Eds. T. New, A. Stewart & O. Lewis). Pp. 92-126. 123. Hardy, P.B., Dennis, R.L.H. (2007) Seasonal and daily shifts in substrate use by settling butterflies: conserving resources for invertebrates has a behavioral dimension. Journal Insect Behavior 20: 181-199. 124. Dennis, R.L.H., Hardy, P.B. (2007) Support for mending the matrix: resource seeking by butterflies in apparent non-resource zones. Journal of Insect Conservation 11: 157-168. 8 rlhd 125. Sparks, T.H., Dennis, R.L.H., Croxton, P.J., Cade, M. (2007) Increased migration of Lepidoptera linked to climate change. European Journal of Entomology 104: 139-143. 126. Dennis, R.L.H., Dennis, M.P. (2007) Hill-topping in British butterflies: a test of prevalence, place and purpose. Entomologist’s Gazette 58:17-22. 127. Tiple, A.D., Khurad, A.M., Dennis, R.L.H. (2007) Butterfly diversity in relation to a human impact gradient on an Indian university campus. Nota lepidopterologica 30: 179-188. 128. Hardy, P.B., Sparks, T.H., Isaac, N.J.B., Dennis, R.L.H. (2007) Specialism for larval and adult consumer resources among British butterflies: implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 138: 440-452. 129. Dennis, R.L.H., Sparks, T.H. (2007) Climate signals are reflected in an 89 year series of British Lepidoptera records. European Journal of Entomology 104: 763-767. 130. Wakeham-Dawson, A., Kudrna, O., Dennis, R L H (2007). Description of androconia in the Palaearctic Asian Pseudochazara baldiva (Moore, 1865) butterfly species-group (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with designation of two lectotypes and reference to type and other material in the Natural History Museum, London. Nota lepidopterologica 30: 211-223. 2008 131. Dennis, R.L.H., Hardy, P.B., Shreeve, T.G. (2008) The importance of resource databanks for conserving insects: a butterfly biology perspective. Journal of Insect Conservation. 12:711-719. 132. Dapporto, L., Dennis, R.L.H. (2008) Species' richness, rarity and endemicity on Italian offshore islands: complementary signals from island-focused and species-focused analyses. Journal of Biogeography, 35: 664-674. 133. Kemp, R., Hardy, P.B., Roy, D., Dennis, R.L.H. (2008) The relative exploitation of annuals as larval host plants by phytophagous Lepidoptera. Journal of Natural History. 42: 1079-1093. 134. Dennis, R.L.H. (2008) How abundant are key resources for common butterflies? Insights from nymphalid butterflies in a conservation area. Entomologist’s Gazette, 59: 79-84. 135. Dennis, R.L.H., Dapporto, L., Shreeve, T.G., John, E., Coutsis, J.G., Kudrna, O., Saarinen, K., Ryrholm, N., Williams, W.R. (2008) Butterflies of European islands: the implications of the geography and ecology of rarity and endemicity for conservation. Journal of Insect Conservation, 12: 205-236. 136. Dapporto, L., Dennis, R. L. H. (2008) Island size is not the only consideration. Ranking priorities for the conservation of butterflies on Italian offshore islands. Journal of Insect Conservation, 12: 237-249. 137. Hardy, P.B., Dennis, R. L. H. (2008) Shifting butterfly habitats and biotope affiliations accompany use of alien nectar sources after deforestation. Acta Zoologica Sinica 54: 77-83. 138. Dennis, R.L.H. (2008) Population outbreaks and scramble mating in Bibio pomonae (Fabricius) (Dipt., Bibionidae) during two years in the Cheshire Peak District. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 144:130. 139. Dennis, R.L.H. (2008) Butterflies on roadways. A burial ground for dead butterflies or the flip-side to using tarmac as a substrate for thermoregulation and territorial perching? Entomologist’s Gazette 59: 172-173. 140. John, E., Dennis, R.L.H. (2008) Internet resources for identifying geographical coordinates: a brief overview of some of the available websites. Entomologist’s Gazette 59: 175-183. 141. Hardy, P.B., Dennis, R.L.H. (2008) Resources for British butterflies. The alien consumer component and its significance for butterfly habitats. European Journal of Entomology, 105: 649–657. 142. Dennis, R.L.H., Dennis, M.P. (2008) Territorial hill topping in British butterflies: high summits present a special case. Entomologist’s Gazette, 59: 227-232. 143. Creaser, A., Pateman, J. A. and Dennis, R. L. H. (2008) A surfeit of female Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in New Zealand (L.): a suite of coincidences or something more sinister? Antenna. 32: 199-204. 9 rlhd 2009 144. Joyce, D.A., Dennis, R.L.H., Bryant, S.R., Shreeve, T.G., Reday, J., Pullin, A.S. (2009) Do taxonomic divisions reflect genetic differentiation? A comparison of morphological and genetic data in Coenonympha tullia (Müller), Satyrinae. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 97: 314-327. 145. Tiple, A.D., Khurad, A.M., and Dennis, R.L.H. (2009) Adult butterfly feeding-nectar flower associations: constraints of taxonomic affiliation, butterfly and nectar flower morphology. Journal of Natural History 43: 855884. 146. Dapporto, L., Dennis, R.L.H. (2009) Conservation biogeography of large Mediterranean islands. Butterfly impoverishment, conservation priorities and inferences for an ecological island paradigm. Ecography 32: 169179. 147. Dennis, R.L.H. (2009) Changes in butterfly distributions: a simple corrections for bias caused by sub-sampling of atlas records makes no difference to BAP status. Entomologist’s Gazette, 60: 141-149. 148. Dennis, R.L.H. (2009) Inachis io (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) hibernating in the dog-house. Entomologist’s Gazette, 60: 88. 149. Dennis, R.L.H., Hardy, P.B. and Kinder, P. M. (2009) A high level territorial perch in Pararge aegeria L. (Satyrinae) in a British woodland. Entomologist’s Gazette. 60: 84. 150. Dennis, R. L. H. (2009) Where are we now and where to go? In Ecology of Butterflies in Europe. J. Settele, H van Dyck, M. Konvicka and T.G. Shreeve (eds.) Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-6. 151. Dennis, R.L.H., Schmitt, T. (2008) Faunal structures, palaeogeography and historical inference. In Ecology of Butterflies in Europe. J. Settele, H van Dyck, M. Konvicka and T.G. Shreeve (eds.) Cambridge University Press, pp.250-280 152. Shreeve, T.G., Dennis, R.L.H. (2009) Cross-water transfer by common butterflies. Clear examples of ignoring the highway. Entomologist’s Gazette, 60: 107-109. 153. Dover, J.D., Dennis, R.L.H., Atkins, L. (2009) The western jewel butterfly (Hypochrysops halyaetus) II: factors affecting oviposition within native Banksia bushland in an urban setting. Journal of Insect Conservation, 13: 487503. 154. Dennis, R L.H. and Pontin, A.J. (2009) A hill-topping swarm of Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander, 1846 (Formicidae) on a Pennine peak. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 145: 72. 155. Dennis, R.L.H. and Asher, J. (2009) Head-down basking – a postural trait common to territorial nymphalids perching on vertical surfaces. Entomologist’s Gazette, 60: 237-242. 156. Dapporto, L., Bruschini, C., Baracchi, D., Cini, A., Gayubo, S., González, J.A. and Dennis, R.L.H. (2009) Phylogeography and counter-intuitive inferences in island biogeography: evidence from genetic markers in a mobile butterfly. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 98:677-692. 157. Dennis, R.L.H. (2009) Wing and body substrate appression in thermoregulating Erynnis tages (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hesperiidae). Entomologist’s Gazette, 60: 220. 2010 158. Hardy, P.B., Kinder, P.M., Sparks, T.H. and Dennis, R L.H. (2010) Elevation and habitats: the potential of sites at different altitudes to provide refuges for phytophagous insects during climatic fluctuations. Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 297-303. 159. Dennis, R.L.H. (2010) A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation. Butterflies in the British Landscape. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Edition - January 2010. 402 Pages, Hardcover ISBN-10: 1-4051-9945-8. ISBN-13: 978-14051-9945-2. John Wiley & Sons 10 rlhd 160. Dapporto, L and Dennis, R. L. H. (2010) Skipper butterfly impoverishment on large Mediterranean islands (Lepidoptera Hesperiidae): deterministic factors and stochastic events. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19:2637– 2649. 161. Fox, R. and Dennis, R L H. (2010) Winter survival of Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): A new resident butterfly for Britain and Ireland? Entomologist’s Gazette, 61:94-103. 162. Dover, J. W., Rescia, A., Fungariño, S., Fairburn, J., Carey, P., Lunt, P. & Dennis, R. L. H. (2010) Can hay harvesting detrimentally affect adult butterfly abundance? Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 413-418. 163. Dennis, R. L. H., Dapporto, L., Sparks, T. H., Williams, S. R., Greatorex-Davies, J. N., Asher, J. & Roy, D. B. (2010) Turnover and trends in butterfly communities on two British tidal islands: stochastic influences and deterministic factors. Journal of Biogeography, 37: 2291-2304. 164. Hardy, P.B. and Dennis, R.L.H. (2010) A butterfly exploiting the matrix: Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidopetra: Pieridae) ovipositing amongst mown grass in a city park. Entomologist Gazette, 61: 155-158. 165. Fox, R., Roy, D. B., Dennis, R. L. H. and Asher, J. (2010) A new look at the changing distributions of British butterflies: different analysis, same results. Entomologist’s Gazette, 61: 225-234. 166. Tiple, A. D., Padwad, S. V., Dapporto, L., and Dennis, R.L.H. (2010) Male mate location behaviour and encounter sites in a community of tropical butterflies: taxonomic and site associations and distinctions. Journal of BioSciences, 35: 629-646, S1-S7. 2011 167. Dover, J.W., Rescia, A., Fungariño, S., Fairburn, J., Carey, P., Lunt, P., Arnot, C., Dennis, R. L. H. and Dover, C.J. (2011) Land-use, environment, and their impact on butterfly populations in a mountainous pastoral landscape: Species richness and family-level abundance. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15: 523-538. 168. Dover, J.W., Rescia, A., Fungariño, S., Fairburn, J., Carey, P., Lunt, P., Arnot, C., Dennis, R. L. H. and Dover, C.J. (2011) Land-use, environment, and their impact on butterfly populations in a mountainous pastoral landscape: individual species distribution and abundance. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15: 207-220. 169. Shreeve, T. G. and Dennis, R. L. H. (2011) Landscape-scale conservation: resources, behaviour, the matrix and opportunities. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15: 179-188. 170. Dapporto, L., Schmitt, T., Vila, R., Scalercio, S., Biermann, H., Dinca, V., Gayubo, SF., González, JA., Lo Cascio, P., Dennis, RLH. (2011) Phylogenetic island disequilibrium: evidence for ongoing long-term population dynamics in two Mediterranean butterflies. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 854-867 171. Tiple, A. D., Khurad, A. M. and Dennis, R. L. H. (2011) Butterfly larval host plant use in a tropical urban context: life history associations, herbivory, and landscape factors. Journal of Insect Science, 11, article 64 pp. 121. 172. Fattorini, S., Dennis, R.L.H., Cook, L.M. (2011) Conserving organisms over large regions requires multi-taxa indicators: one taxon’s diversity-vacant area is another taxon’s diversity zone. Biological Conservation, 144: 16901701. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2011.03.002 173. Dapporto, L., Habel, J.C., Dennis, R.L.H., Schmitt, T. (2011) The biogeography of the western Mediterranean: elucidating contradictory distribution patterns in butterflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 103: 571577. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01639.x 174.Cook, L. M., Dockery, M. and Dennis, R. L. H. (2011) Melanic peppered moths in Manchester: the end of an era. Entomologist’s Gazette, 62: 91-99. 175. Dennis, R. L. H., Dennis, M.P., Hardy, P.B., Kinder, P.M. (2011) Range extension in butterflies: dispersal capacity, colonisation potential and geographical outliers in the distribution of Aphantopus hyperantus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Entomologist’s Gazette, 62: 83-87. 176. Dennis, R. L. H. and Hardy, P. B. (2011) Butterflies on Alderley Edge. Brochure for National Trust, Macclesfield, Cheshire 8 pages. 11 rlhd 177. Isaac, N. J. B., Cruickshanks, K.L., Weddle, A. M., Rowcliffe, J. M., Brereton, T. M., Dennis, R. L. H., Shuker, D. M. and Thomas, C. D. Distance sampling and the challenge of monitoring butterfly populations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2: 585–594. DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00109.x 178. Dennis, R.L.H., Dapporto, L., Fattorini, S., Cook, L.M. (2011) The generalism-specialism debate: the part played by generalists in the life and death of species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104: 725–737. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2011.01789.x. 2012 179. Tiple, A.D., Khurad, A.M., Padwad, S.V., Dennis, R.L.H. (2012) Morphological and colour pattern associations of male mate location behaviour in central Indian butterflies. Trends in Entomology, 7: 55-66. 180. Dennis, Roger L.H., Hardy, Peter B. and Dapporto, Leonardo (2012) Nestedness in island faunas: novel insights into island biogeography through butterfly community profiles of colonization ability and migration capacity. Journal of Biogeography, 39: 1412–1426. 181. Dennis, R.L.H., Hodgson, J.G., Hardy, P.B., Dapporto, L. (2012) Strategies for size and growth in butterflies: counterintuitive trends and unique solutions to achieving maturity. Journal of Natural History, 46: 2415-2437. 182. Fattorini, S., Dennis, R.L.H., Cook, L.M. (2012) Use of cross-taxon congruence for hotspot identification at regional scale. PLoS ONE 7(6), 1-6. 183. Spalding, A., Young, M.R., Dennis, R.L.H. (2012) The importance of host plant-habitat substrate in the maintenance of a unique isolate of the Sandhill Rustic: disturbance, shingle matrix and bare ground indicators. Journal of Insect Conservation, 16: 839-846. 184. Dapporto, L., Bruschini, C., Dincă, V., Vila, R. & Dennis, R.L.H. (2012) Identifying zones of phylogenetic compression in West Mediterranean butterflies (Satyrinae): refugia, invasion and hybridization. Diversity and Distributions, 18: 1066–1076. 185. Wilson, R.A., Turner, J.R.G., Ravetz, J.R., Greenwood, J.J.D., Field, R., Dennis, R.L.H., Cook, L.M. (2012). The mandatory Open Access system, even apart from the incursion of alleged criminals, poses a serious threat to the openness of scientific publication. Nature 489: 179. DOI: :10.1038/489179a Comment #50423 186. Dennis, R.L.H. and Dapporto, L. (2012) What makes island studies of butterflies enticing? Butterfly Conservation, European Interests Group Newsletter, 12 (October 2012): 15-18. 2013 187. Dapporto, Leonardo and Dennis, Roger L.H. (2013) The generalist–specialist continuum: Testing predictions for distribution and trends in British butterflies. Biological Conservation, 157: 229-236. 188. Dennis, Roger L.H., Dapporto, Leonardo, Dover, John W., Shreeve, Tim G. (2013) Corridors and barriers in biodiversity conservation: a novel resource-based habitat perspective for butterflies. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(12), 2709-2734. 192. Dapporto L, Ramazzotti M, Fattorini S, Vila R, Telavera G, Dennis RLH. (2013) recluster: an unbiased clustering procedure for beta-diversity turnover. Ecography 36: 1070–1075. doi: 10.1111/j.16000587.2013.00444.x. 2014 193. Hardy, P.B., Sparks, T.H., Dennis, R.L.H. (2014) The impact of climatic change on butterfly geography: does climatic change produce coincident trends in populations, distributions and ranges? Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (4): 855–876. 12 rlhd 194. Hodgson, J.G., Tallowin, J., Dennis, R.L.H., Thompson, K., Poschlod, P., Dhanoa, M.S., Charles, M., Jones, G., Wilson, P., Band, S.R., Bogaard, A., Palmer, C., Carter, G., Hynd, A. (2014) Changing leaf nitrogen and canopy height quantify processes leading to plant and butterfly diversity loss in agricultural landscapes. Functional Ecology, 28 (5): 1284-1291. 195. Dennis, R.L.H., Dennis, M.P., Hardy, P.B., Botham, M.S. (2014) Mud-puddling aggregation behaviour in Pieris napi (Pieridae): does polyandry and large spermatophore mass transfer lead to increased investment in mudpuddling? Entomologist’s Gazette, 65:8795. 196. Dennis R. L. H., Dapporto L., Dover J. W. (2014) Ten years of the resource-based habitat paradigm: the biotope-habitat issue and implications for conserving butterfly diversity. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 2(8): 1–32. http://www.insectbiodiversity.org/index.php/jib/article/view/55/pdf_20 197. Dennis, R.L.H., Dennis, M.P., Hardy, P.B. (2014) The importance of proximate nectar and mate location resources for the generalist butterfly Aglais io (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Entomologist’s Gazette, 65: 35– 38. 2015 Dennis, R.L.H. 2015. Butterflies on a dragon’s head; butterflies in a dragon’s head. In: Lee Dyer and Matt Forister (Eds.), The Lives of Lepidopterists. Springer. Pp. xxx-xxx. Roy, D.B., Oliver, T.H., Botham, M.S., Beckmann, B., Brereton, T., Dennis, R.L.H., Harrower, C., Phillimore, A.B., Thomas, J.A. (2015) Differences in butterfly emergence dates between populations suggests local adaptation to climate. Global Change Biology [accepted]. Dennis, R.L.H. (2014) A decade of the resource-based habitat paradigm: the semantics of habitat loss. Pp.1-12. Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, on-line reference module. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/referenceworks/9780124095489 Dennis, R.L.H. (2015) Butterflies on Alderley Edge: resources, habitats and changes. 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