Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth DRAFT SUMMARY A previous report ( examined flood risks in the vicinity of Weymouth Harbour caused by extreme tidal effects, low barometric pressures and high winds. This report examines primarily the flooding risks over a broader area surrounding Weymouth caused by high rainfall. This exploits the unique 127-year record from the Weymouth Weather Station. These data show that rainfall trends are not conforming to those predicted by climate modelling for the Southern England region. Indeed, rainfall trends in Weymouth are cyclical with no clear long-term trends. The cycles have periods between 10 and 80 years. In general, the rainfall patterns being experience in this century were also experienced in the 20th century. As an example, whilst the annual rainfall has shown no significant change since 1881, the number of wet days each year is now about fifty days higher than the period 1940 - 1995. Weymouth is becoming wetter; the same annual rainfall is falling on a much greater number of days compared with the second half of the 20th century. However, the present number of annual wet days is much the same as experienced in the 1930s. An analysis of wind statistics allowed a simple empirical equation to be proposed for predicting extreme wind frequency. 10 December 2009 Geoff Kirby BSc(London), BSc(Open) 6 College Lane, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 7LP 01305-787253 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft CONTENTS Summary Cover 1. Introduction Page 2 2. Rain records analysed Page 7 a. Climate change forecasts Page 7 b. Long-term rainfall Page 9 c. Decadal rainfall Page 13 d. Seasonal rainfall Page 17 3. Rain and barometric pressure Page 25 4. Wind Page 32 5. Conclusions Page 36 6. Acknowledgements Page 37 7. References and notes Page 38 Page 2 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 1. Introduction In Part 1 of this series of reports 1 a mathematical model was generated to enable sea levels and wave heights to be forecast for Weymouth Harbour. This model enabled predictions to be made for the frequency of a sea defence wall being overtopped either by a consolidated flow of water when the sea level is higher than the wall or by ‘slopping’ when the wave crests exceed the wall height but the underlying sea level is below wall height. The report concentrated on flooding of the Town Centre by water overtopping the existing or a future sea wall. However, in the 20th century the great majority of floods in the Weymouth peninsula occurred in the Park District and were not primarily due to sea levels being excessive. All of the floods shown in figure 2 (overleaf) were due primarily to excessive rainwater causing the River Wey to burst its banks. In some cases the river flooded the town because high tides in Weymouth Harbour prevented the sluice gates opening in Westham Bridge. However, this was not always the case. Figure 1 - The Weymouth peninsular Page 3 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Figure 2 - A collage of 20th century floods in Weymouth Page 4 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft This second report examines trends in eighty-one years of Weymouth’s daily weather records and studies the relationships between rainfall and other meteorological parameters such as barometric pressure and wind strength. This report also examines the ‘return frequency’ of extreme weather events which potentially can cause flooding. After a flood there are always calls for greater protection to be installed and rightly so. However, the cost of installing protection has to be balanced against the frequency with which such events occur and how long the useful life of such a protection scheme might be. By way of illustration consider an extreme case of the hurricane of 1824. This raised waves on 23 November 1824 estimated at tens of metres in height which swept at high speed over Chesil Bank and inundated fields well inland from the northern shoreline of The Fleet. Fleet Church was largely destroyed and many local people were left homeless. Melcombe Regis 2 Esplanade was totally destroyed and the town was extensively inundated. Many inhabitants died as the sea poured over the beach and ran through to the Backwater. About 50 people were killed at Chesil on Portland and 80 cottages were destroyed 3. Now imagine a similar event occurring in 2010. Weymouth’s Esplanade and Harbour are still vulnerable to severe storm damage and there would be very extensive flooding of the Town Centre and the Park District. One reaction in 2010 would be to blame global warming; a modern media-driven but baseless diagnosis. There would be an outcry against coastal planners for not having provided protection against this freak hurricane and there would be pressure to build expensive protection in anticipation of the next such event. And yet, a storm of the severity of 1824 has occurred only once in recorded history of the area and so providing protection against a repeat of this event would seem hard to justify. The aftermath of the extensive damage caused by Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans in 2005 shows that there is also a political dimension to decisions about the provision of expensive protection of communities as well as engineering and scientific considerations. Page 5 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft In this report Weymouth’s historical weather database is examined for trends in rainfall, wind speed and barometric pressure; all of which can either directly cause flooding or can exacerbate conditions under which flooding could occur. It is hoped that this report will contribute to the scientific decision-making process. Page 6 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 2. Rain records analysed a. Climate change forecasts Climate modelling experts predict changing rainfall patterns in southern UK as a result of climate change. The technique used is to run different models under a range of input assumptions and then pool the results to determine a mean and spread of possible changes. The estimates of precipitation change for the South West England are summarise below 4. These have been derived using the ‘Weather Generator’ program 5. Change in mean winter precipitation 2020 2050 2080 Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High +6% +7% +6% +12% +17% +18% +19% +23% +31% Change in mean summer precipitation 2020 2050 2080 Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High -7% -8% -5% -14% -20% -20% -12% -24% -30% Table 1 - Predicted mean change in precipitation The changes in precipitation are relative to the mean for 1961 - 1990. The table covers three assumed greenhouse gas emissions achievements, ‘Low’, ‘Medium’ and ‘High’. These are defined in terms of many factors including GDP growth, population growth, land use change, future aircraft use, achievement of energy efficiency targets, etc 6. The above figures are the medians lying within large bands of uncertainty. For example, the figure of +7% highlighted in red is bounded by lower and upper decile figures of -2% and +20% respectively. Evidence to support these predictions is weak. For example, we read 7 8 “There has been an increase in average winter precipitation in all regions of the UK between 1961 and 2006. However this trend is only statistically significant above background natural variation in Northern England and Scotland where increases of 30 to 65% have been experienced.” Page 7 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft “There has been a slight decrease in average summer precipitation in most regions of the UK between 1961 and 2006. However this trend is not statistically significant above background natural variation.” “There are no statistically significant trends in the average number of rain days or mean sea level air pressure for any region of the UK between 1961 and 2006.” We see that the lack of supporting evidence is due, in part, to a lack of statistically meaningful data trends. The problem may well lie with the relatively short set of daily weather records collected at Ringway Airport between 1961 and 1990 used to calibrate the ‘Weather Generator’ program 9. This is where the Weymouth daily weather database has the advantage having been started in 1927 10. This not only has a better long-term statistical significance but applies locally. It is well known that Weymouth weather is sometimes very different from Dorchester which is only 12 km to the north behind the Ridgeway Hills which significantly change the weather pattern between the two towns. In general, the predictions for the south west of England are for wetter winters and drier summers with more days having intense rainfall in the winter than now. What can Weymouth’s weather records tell us? Page 8 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft b. Long-term rainfall Annual Rainfall 1600 Average Rainfall (mm/yr) 1400 From daily records From annual records 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Figure 3 - Annual rainfall records In figure 3 the annual mean rainfall has been plotted using annual summaries before 1927 and the average of daily measurements after that date. The figure tends to show no overall change in annual rainfall since 1881 although there are short-term variations from year to year which may be no more than random variations not associated with any underlying physical mechanism. Table 2 shows the probability of observing rainfall on any day in the period 1926 - 2008 exceeding the amount shown stated. No Rain >0 mm >2 mm >4 mm >6 mm >8 mm >10 mm >12 mm >14 mm >16 mm 0.612 0.388 0.228 0.160 0.115 0.082 0.056 0.042 0.0300 0.0225 >18 mm >20 mm >30 mm >40 mm >50 mm >60 mm >70 mm >80 mm >90 mm >100 mm 0.0124 0.0066 0.00270 0.00076 0.00027 0.0000995 0.0000995 0.0000663 0.0000332 0.0000332 Table 2 - Probability of observing rainfall exceeding the stated amount on any day, Page 9 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Figure 4 shows data in table 2 plotted and it can be seen that the cumulative probability distribution is close to an exponential curve until a rainfall exceeding about 50 mm after which the probability of observing large amounts of rainfall in a day remains much the same. The extreme right-hand data point is for 18 July 1955 when 182 mm of rain fell in Weymouth causing extensive flooding in the Town Centre and the Park District Distribution of Daily Rainfall (1926-2008) 1 Cumulative Probability 11. 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Daily Rainfall (mm) Figure 4 - Probability of observing rainfall on any day exceeding stated value It may be surprising to see that rain has fallen on nearly 40% of days over the past eighty-two years. The impression that days are drier than this may well arise because we are mostly aware of rain in the daytime rather than rain that falls only overnight. This analysis does not distinguish between the distribution of rainfall during 24-hourly periods. Figure 5 shows the probability of observing rainfall on any day over the same eighty-two year period. Page 10 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Probability Distribution of Daily Rainfall (1926 - 2008) Probability of Observing Rainfall 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 Daily Rainfall (mm) 24 30 40 50 60 Figure 5 - Probability of observing rainfall on any day within stated values Date 18/07/1955 15/07/1937 11/07/1977 22/10/1966 05/06/1983 18/09/1999 18/10/1955 05/08/1997 02/07/1957 28/09/1991 21/09/1949 02/07/1950 25/07/1954 16/11/1935 04/09/1974 13/11/1940 10/08/1960 27/12/1979 14/09/1927 27/12/1928 mm 182.0 83.0 78.0 57.0 56.0 53.7 51.0 50.6 50.0 50.0 49.0 46.0 46.0 44.1 44.0 43.0 42.0 42.0 41.5 41.5 Date 01/12/2005 11/07/1953 04/11/1966 13/10/1939 22/10/2003 08/10/1988 24/02/1933 25/05/1941 15/10/1966 13/11/1974 21/09/1976 31/07/1978 13/06/1980 25/06/2006 07/11/1926 18/06/1957 06/11/1969 09/09/2002 01/10/1927 22/06/1983 mm 41.1 41.0 41.0 40.0 39.8 39.0 38.9 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 37.9 37.0 37.0 37.0 36.1 36.0 36.0 Date 27/11/1929 26/01/1940 12/01/1948 21/01/1962 25/09/1967 30/05/1979 23/10/2005 06/03/1941 08/10/1960 18/03/1964 06/08/1966 03/08/1974 29/11/1985 31/08/1988 09/08/1989 13/12/1989 30/12/1993 06/09/1927 29/10/1937 29/12/1955 mm 35.3 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 34.4 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.3 33.0 33.0 Table 3 - The dates and rainfall for the sixty wettest days in Weymouth (1926 - 2008) It is curious to note that six out of the top thirteen wettest days fell in July. Page 11 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Figure 6 - Average number of days each year delivering more than a specified rainfall. Figure 6 shows the number of days each year from 1927 to 2004 upon which rain fell in Weymouth. It can be seen that the number of wet days was about 50 days higher than average in the 1920s and 1930s and again around 1995 - 2004 although the current trend is for Weymouth's wet days to be about 20 more than the long-term average. There is no evidence that Weymouth's long-term trend is for more wet days each year. Indeed, since 2000 the number of wet days has been generally falling. However, the number of days each year when rain falls has increased by about 50 days since 1990 but the number of days on which it rains hard has not changed. This means that there are more days with light rain. However, this increase in the number of wet days until 1990 follows a prolonged period of decreasing number of wet days since about 1940. The figures for wet days are now about the same as in the late 1920s and 1930 strongly suggesting that global warming is not the cause of these changes but, rather that they are due to a long-term natural cycle. The long drought of 1976 shows up quite clearly in figure 6. Page 12 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft c. Decadal rainfall Days per Decade with Rainfall Number of Days per Decade 2200 Scaled from 9 years 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Figure 7 - Number of wet days each decade Figure 7 shows the number of days each decade on which measurable rainfall was observed. The figure for the 2000s covers only nine years and so the data have been scaled up. It can be seen that there is a modest trend for the number of wet days per decade to increase from the 1940s after a drop from the wet decade of the 1930s. There is a hint of a cyclical behaviour with a period of 30 - 40 years superimposed upon an underlying increase. This is highly speculative however. Page 13 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Days per Decade with Rainfall Exceeding 10 mm Number of Days per Decade 300 Scaled from 9 years 250 200 150 100 50 0 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Figure 8 - Number of days each decade with rainfall exceeding 10 mm. Figure 8 shows the number of days each decade on which at least 10 mm of rain fell. There is no clear trend in these data. Number of Days per Decade 80 Days per Decade with Rainfall Exceeding 20 mm Scaled from 9 years 60 40 20 0 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Figure 9 - Number of days each decade with rainfall exceeding 20 mm. Figure 9 shows the number of days recording more than 20 mm of rain each decade. There appears to be a distinct trend for a regular and possibly cyclical variation having a period of Page 14 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft about six decades. If this is a true interpretation of the data then the 2010s could deliver a 50% increase in the number of days producing at least 20 mm of rain. This will have a significant effect on flooding of the River Wey catchment and potential flooding area. Number of Days per Decade 20 Days per Decade with Rainfall Exceeding 30 mm Scaled from 9 years 15 10 5 0 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Figure 10 - Number of days each decade with rainfall exceeding 30 mm. Figure 10 shows the number of days recording more than 30 mm of rain each decade. There appears again to be a distinct trend for a regular and possibly cyclical variation having a period of about six or seven decades. However, the number of days in the sample is too small to be statistically significant. If the apparent trend is valid this predicts that the number of very wet days will increase throughout the 2010s and 2020s to reach double the figures observed in the 1990s and 2000s. Page 15 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Number of Days per Decade 7 Days per Decade with Rainfall Exceeding 40 mm 6 5 Scaled from 9 years 4 3 2 1 0 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Figure 11 - Number of days each decade with rainfall exceeding 40 mm. Figure 11 shows the number of days recording more than 40 mm of rain each decade. It is obvious that the 1950s will be remembered for torrential downfalls and, indeed, the Park District experienced some of its worst floods in that decade. Overall the number of days in the sample is too small to allow trends to be derived. Page 16 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft d. Seasonal rainfall Figure 12 shows the mean quarterly rainfall from 1927 to 2008 inclusive. More rain falls in the period October - December inclusive than in other quarters. Also shown on this chart are the Standard Deviation (SD) figures for each quarter. Average Rainfall by Quarter 300 Mean 250 Rainfall (mm) SD 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 Quarter 3 4 Figure 12 - Average quarterly rainfall It is interesting to predict the rainfall for the rest of the 21st century combining the above chart with the forecasts on table 1. Page 17 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 1000 Predicted Rainfall Trends - Southern England Low Emissions Scenario Rainfall (mm) 800 Winter Summer Annual 600 400 200 0 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120 Year Figure 13 - Predicted rainfall trends for Southern England 1000 Predicted Rainfall Trends - Southern England Medium Emissions Scenario Rainfall (mm) 800 Winter Summer Annual 600 400 200 0 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 Year Figure 14 - Predicted rainfall trends for Southern England Page 18 2120 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 1000 Predicted Rainfall Trends - Southern England High Emissions Scenario Rainfall (mm) 800 Winter Summer Annual 600 400 200 0 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120 Year Figure 15 - Predicted rainfall trends for Southern England We see from the above three charts that the rainfall is predicted to reduce in the summer months and increase in the winter; there being a modest rise in overall rainfall (up to 6%) for all three emissions scenarios by the end of the 21st century. Total Rainfall in 1st Quarter 400 Total Rainfall (mm) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1920 1940 1960 Year 1980 2000 Figure 16 - Rainfall in the first quarter of each year. Page 19 2020 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Figure 16 shows the annual rainfall (mm) in the first quarter of each year and it can be seen from the five-year running average (the blue curve) that there has been no significant change in rainfall patterns over the eighty-one year period. The ‘Weather Generator’ predictions for winter rainfall in Southern England are for increases per century of 22%, 27% and 41% respectively for ‘Low’, ‘Medium’ and ‘High’ greenhouse gas emissions over the 21st century. If anything, the trend in figure 16 shows a general decrease in rainfall in the first quarter of the year with no sign of the forecast increase. It is clear from figure 16 that there is a cyclic variation in mean rainfall with a period of about 10 - 11 years which is close to the mean period of sunspot cycles which is 10.7 years 12. There is a long history stretching back to Norman Lockyer in 1868 purporting to show that there are links between sunspot cycles and weather 13. The cases for and against an influence of sunspots and their cycles on weather will no doubt rage on for decades 14 15 16 17 18. 0.8 Global Land+Ocean Surface Temperature Anomaly (C) (Base: 1951-1980) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Figure 17 - Global Mean Temperature Page 20 2000 2020 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Figure 18 - Global Mean Carbon Dioxide concentration 19 However, the lack of a strong correlation between Global Mean Temperature and CO 2 concentrations - see figures 17 and 18 above - shows that the latter is not the only mechanism actively driving climate change. Many mechanisms have been proposed including: 20, - Volcanic sulphurous particles ejected into the atmosphere - The post-WW2 increased use of leaded fuel resulting in increased aerosol concentrations 21, - Decadal variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation ocean flows - Sunspot variations 23 . 22, In order to investigate the possible influence of sunspot cycles on the First Quarter rainfall records, the dates when each recent sunspot cycle started 24 have been superposed onto figure 18 as shown below. Page 21 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Total Rainfall in 1st Quarter 400 Total Rainfall (mm) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1920 1940 1960 Year 1980 2000 2020 Figure 19 - Sunspot cycles superimposed onto figure 18 When the actual sunspot cycles are superimposed onto the data we see an initially good correlation over the period 1927 - 1985 but this falls apart after 1985. It should be clear that sunspot cycles are not, after all, a factor in Weymouth’s rainfall. Total Rainfall in 2nd Quarter 300 Total Rainfall (mm) 250 200 150 100 50 0 1920 1940 1960 Year 1980 2000 Figure 20 - Rainfall in the second quarter of each year. Page 22 2020 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Figure 20 shows the annual rainfall (mm) in the second quarter of each year and it can be seen from the five-year running average (the blue curve) that there has been no significant increase since 1927 although there is a possible cyclical pattern with a period of about 17 years. Total Rainfall in 3rd Quarter 350 Total Rainfall (mm) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1920 1940 1960 Year 1980 2000 2020 Figure 21 - Rainfall in the third quarter of each year. Figure 21 shows the annual rainfall (mm) in the third quarter of each year and it can be seen from the five-year running average (the blue curve) that there has been a generally reducing rainfall since about 1960. However, the third quarter mean rainfall in the 1990s and 2000s was about the same as in the late 1930s suggesting a long-term cycle in the weather. It is interesting to see that the spectacular daily rainfall of 182 mm in July 1955 does not give a dominant contribution to that quarter's result as shown by the green circle on figure 21. In fact, the UK record-breaking rainfall in July 1955 appears to have been the culmination of fifteen years of increasing third-quarter rainfall after which the rainfall eased off. Page 23 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Total Rainfall in 4th Quarter 500 450 Total Rainfall (mm) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1920 1940 1960 Year 1980 2000 2020 Figure 22 - Rainfall in the fourth quarter of each year. Figure 22 shows the annual rainfall (mm) in the fourth quarter of each year and it can be seen from the five-year running average (the blue curve) that there has been a small but scarcely significant decrease from 1927 to 1980 with a possible small rise since then. Page 24 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 3. Rain and Barometric Pressure It is traditional weather lore that low barometric pressure increases the likelihood of rain. This is the assumption upon which barometer dials are designed as shown below. Figure 23 - Traditional barometer dial Every day since 1927 measurements and visual observations have been made of twenty-six weather-related parameters at the Weymouth Weather Station. In this section the database is used to examine the relationship between rain and barometric pressure. The importance of any correlation between rainfall and barometric pressure lies in the fact that they both have a significant effect on the probability of flooding in Weymouth. Page 25 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 0.8 Effect of Barometric Pressure 0.6 D H(P) (m) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 P (mB) 1030 1040 Figure 24 - The relationship between barometric pressure and sea level. Figure 24 shows the sea level height excess above the predicted astronomical tidal height plotted against barometric pressure as derived in Part 1 of this series of reports 25. It can be seen that a reducing barometric height causes the sea level to rise. The regression equation predicts an increase of 12.2 mm/mB which is close to the value corresponding to hydrostatic rise in sea water. Thus, if a pressure of (say) 990 mB occurs the sea will, on average, be about 300 mm higher than predicted. This is a significant amount in Weymouth Harbour 26 where the tidal variations are relatively small; mean Spring Tides varying between 0.2 m at low tides and 1.4 m at high tides 27. A sea level rise of 300 mm can significantly increase the threat of flooding. If this coincides with heavy rainfall the River Wey may not be able to discharge through the sluices at Westham Bridge and the rain water could backup and flood from Radipole Lake into the town; mainly into the Park District but also into the Town Centre if conditions are unfavourable in Weymouth Harbour. Page 26 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Approximately 30,000 daily weather records have been analysed to determine the relationship between barometric pressure and rainfall. That there is no deterministic relationship between rainfall and barometric pressure will first be illustrated by referring to the period encompassing the spectacular rainfall and flooding on 18 July 1955. Barometric Data for 1955 Barometric Pressure (mB) 1040 1030 1020 1010 1000 990 29/05/55 08/06/55 18/06/55 28/06/55 08/07/55 Date 18/07/55 28/07/55 07/08/55 Figure 25 - barometric records for Summer 1955 in Weymouth Figure 25 shows the barometric pressure recorded at the Weymouth Weather Station in the summer of 1955. These records are not unusual and the pressure is generally above the mean of 1017 mB. Rain fell on the days indicated by the vertical red arrows and there is a broad correlation between dips in pressure and rainfall. However, on 18 July 1955 as indicated by the blue arrow, 182 mm of rain fell on Weymouth and 280 mm fell at Martinstown 28. And yet, there is no indication from the barometric record that such vast quantities of rain were expected. In fact, at the time of the disastrous rainfall and consequent flooding the barometric pressure was slightly above the mean of 1017 mB. Page 27 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft This rainfall caused exceptional flooding with a great deal of damage especially in Martinstown and along the River Wey Valley all the way to Weymouth Harbour. Some of the photographs in figure 2 were taken during this event. There is, however, a broad statistical relationship between rainfall and barometric pressure. Incidence of Wet Days 1.0 Frequency of Wet days 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1035 1030 1025 1020 1015 1010 1005 1000 995 990 985 980 975 970 0.0 Barometric Pressure Range (mB) Figure 26 - Incidence of wet days as a function of barometric pressure. Figure 26 shows the probability that a day will experience precipitation as a function of barometric pressure. Clearly, the lower the barometric pressure the greater probability that a day will be wet. This should come as no surprise to even the most casual of weather observers. Page 28 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Quantity of Rain Fall 8 7 Rain fall (mm) 6 5 4 3 2 1 1035 1030 1025 1020 1015 1010 1005 1000 995 990 985 980 975 970 0 Barometric Pressure (mB) Figure 27 - Average rainfall on days that are wet as a function of barometric pressure. Figure 27 shows the average rainfall on the wet days as a function of barometric pressure. This chart shows that when barometric pressure is low the wet days deliver more rain than wet days having high barometric pressure. Again this accords with everyday observation. However, the combination of low barometric pressure, frequent wet days and each wet day delivering more rain combine to increase flooding risks in Weymouth. Mean Rainfall Per Day (mm) 7 Sea Level Rise and Rainfall 6 5 4 3 Decreasing Barometric Pressure 2 1 0 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Sea Level Rise in Weymouth Harbour (m) Page 29 0.6 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Figure 28 - Mean effect of barometric pressure on rainfall and sea level rise in Weymouth Harbour. Figure 28 shows how the mean rainfall on any day is linked to mean sea level rise due to barometric pressure changes. It can be seen that very low levels of barometric pressure can lift the sea level by over half a metre whilst threatening as much as seven millimetres of rain in any day. These are of course mean values and there will be much variation about the values plotted. Page 30 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 4. Wind There is a problem with Weymouth’s Weather Station records for wind. The wind speed data appears to have been affected by the changing location of the recording equipment and it may be unsafe to draw long-term conclusions. 16 Average Wind Speed (mph) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 Year 1990 2000 2010 Figure 29 - Winds speeds in Weymouth Figure 29 shows the wind speed record from 1949 averaged over a one-year moving window. Before 1949 wind speeds were recorded as Beaufort Numbers which cannot accurately be related to actual wind speeds. It can be seen that there is an overall downwards trend in wind speed with a dramatic drop between 1969 and 1992 as indicated by the red arrows. This change is almost certainly due to the change in location of the recording equipment in these years. In 1969 the recorders were moved from the Corporation Yard on Westwey Road to Westhaven Hospital. The latter is near the crest of a hill on the outskirts of the town whereas the Corporation Yard was in the centre of the town close to the Inner harbour and surrounded by buildings. One might expect Page 31 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft the winds to be stronger on the later, more exposed site. However, the above chart shows the winds recorded as being about 4 mph lower. In 1982 and 1983 the recorder was moved within the Westhaven Hospital grounds and this may account for the sudden rise in mean wind speed seen in the chart at around that time. In 1992 the equipment was moved because of vandalism which had been a big problem since the 1950s. The current location is a secret but is significantly different from the Westhaven site. This move almost certainly accounts for the jump in mean annual wind speed recorded in 1992. Various sources predict that the climate predictions also indicate that Britain will be windier. One study suggests 30 percent more gales in Wales and Southern England in winter, increasing the risk of another storm like that in 1987, which left £2 billion of damage in its wake. So, is it getting more windy in Weymouth as climate modellers are predicting? Despite the discontinuities in the data caused by location changes, there do seem to be two trends in operation in figure 29. Firstly, there is an overall trend downwards of about 2 - 3 mph per decade which is seen in periods where the recorder was in the same location, i.e., the 1970 - 1979 and the 1995 2005 decades. Secondly, there seem to be peaks in the data approximately every 10 - 11 years as indicated by the blue arrows. In the rest of this analysis only wind data for 1993 - 2008 inclusive will be used when the weather station was at its present site. Page 32 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Smoothed Wind Speed Wind Speed (kts) 15 10 5 0 1990 1995 2000 Year 2005 2010 Figure 30 - Wind speed smoothed over running half-year window. Figure 30 shows that, for a self-consistent run of measurements, there is a downwards trend in the mean wind speed from 1993 to 2007 after which the trend recovers to the 1996 value. The annual winter high wind effect is superimposed upon this trend. There is no evidence that the predicted increase in wind speeds due to climate change is yet occurring in Weymouth. Page 33 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Probability of Wind Exceeding Stated Value 1.0000 Prob = 3.0*exp(-0.2W) Probability 0.1000 0.0100 0.0010 0.0001 0 10 20 30 40 50 Wind Speed (kt) Figure 31 - Probability of observing greater than stated wind speed Figure 31 shows the probability of observing a wind speed greater than shown. The error bars indicate that the number of data values is small towards the right-hand of the chart with only three samples in the last point plotted. Conditional upon there being no significant trend in wind speed distribution over longer periods of time than used in the analysis (5,844 daily values) then the empirical curve shown on figure 31 may be used to extrapolate to higher speeds observed over a longer period of time. Page 34 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft Wind Speed and Barometric Pressure Average Wind Speed (kt) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 975 980 985 990 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 Barometric Pressure (mB) Figure 32 - The relationship between barometric pressure and average wind speed Figure 32 shows the relationship between barometric pressure and average wind speed. This shows that the strongest wind speeds are observed, on average, when the barometric pressure is around 990 mB with generally lower wind speeds at lower and higher pressures. This may be because the strongest winds in a cyclonic or anti-cyclonic circulation are not at the centre of the ‘eye’ of the storm where the pressure is lowest but somewhere between the centre and the outer edge. Page 35 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 5. Conclusions A previous report ( examined flood risks in the vicinity of Weymouth Harbour caused by extreme tidal effects, low barometric pressures and high winds. This report examines primarily the flooding risks over a broader area surrounding Weymouth caused by high rainfall. This exploits the unique 127-year record from the Weymouth Weather Station. These data show that rainfall trends are not conforming to those predicted by climate modelling for the Southern England region. Indeed, rainfall trends in Weymouth are cyclical with no clear long-term trends. The cycles have periods between 10 and 80 years. In general, the rainfall patterns being experience in this century were also experienced in the 20 th century. As an example, whilst the annual rainfall has shown no significant change since 1881, the number of wet days each year is now about fifty days higher than the period 1940 - 1995. Weymouth is becoming wetter; the same annual rainfall is falling on a much greater number of days compared with the second half of the 20th century. However, the present number of annual wet days is much the same as experienced in the 1930s. An analysis of wind statistics allowed a simple empirical equation to be proposed for predicting extreme wind frequency. Page 36 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 6. Acknowledgements Ariel photographs are copyright Dorset County Council 2000 and are reproduced here with permission. Figure 2 is compiled from photographs in the Dorset County Library Archive and are reproduced with permission. The Weymouth weather data has been compiled as a result of the dedicated and untiring work of a succession of volunteers. Bob Poots is the current weather observer. He very generously made the data available to me in a suitable machine readable format. Last and certainly not least I acknowledge the never failing patience of Sandra - seen on the front cover of this report - who lives with a very old and eccentrically obsessive scientist. Her untiring and uncritical support makes life worth living. Biographical Notes. Geoff Kirby graduated in 1960 from London University with a First Class Honours degree in Physics. He spent most of his working life at Portland with the Ministry of Defence. In 1992 he took early retirement having been Head of the Oceanographic and Sonar Performance Department for nine years. He then worked as a sole trading consultant to a variety of companies as well as the MoD until finally retiring in 2004. In 2000 he embarked on an Open University BSc degree course in Environmental Sciences with an additional year studying the History of Mathematics. He graduated just before his 67 th birthday. Page 37 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 7. References and notes 1 Sea Level And Flood Risk Forecasts For Weymouth Harbour Geoff Kirby (25 November 2009) available for download at or 2 What is now commonly named ‘Weymouth’ is actually Melcombe Regis. Historically Weymouth was the area to the south of the harbour. Both areas will be referred to as ‘Weymouth’ here. 3 (accessed 02 December 2009) 4 (accessed 02 December 2009) 5 (accessed 03 December 2009) 6 (accessed 02 December 2009) 7 Environment Agency (2002) How your region might be affected in the 2050s . (accessed 03 December 2009) 8 (accessed 02 December 2009) 9 (accessed 02 December 2009) 10 In fact, weather measurements were made from 1881 but these are only available as annual summaries. 11 About 280 mm fell in the Martinstown area about 10 kms north west of Weymouth. This was a UK rainfall record for 54 years until November 2009 when slightly more rain fell in Cumbria. Page 38 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 12 (accessed 02 December 2009) 13 (accessed 07 December 2009) 14 You can’t control the climate, Phillip Stott, New Scientist 20 September 2003 p 25 15 The Chilling Stars H. Svensmark and N. Calder, Icon Books (2008) ISBN 9781840468-66-3 16 Sunspots are up, here comes the rain New Scientist 8 November 2008 p10 17 Saved by the sun New Scientist, 16 September 2006, p32 18 A fake fight A. Thorpe New Scientist 17 March 2007 p 24 19 (accessed 02 December 2009) 20 (accessed 24 November 2009) 21 (accessed 24 November 2009) 22 (accessed 24 November 2009) 23 Saved by the Sun New Scientist 16 September 2006 p 32 24 (accessed 02 December 2009) 25 Sea Level And Flood Risk Forecasts For Weymouth Harbour Geoff Kirby (25 November 2009) available for download at or 26 This rise will also be observed throughout Weymouth Bay. Page 39 Some Storm-Related Weather Trends in Weymouth - Geoff Kirby Draft 27 (accessed 02 December 2009) 28 The rainfall at Martinstown was a UK record until November 2009 when it was exceeded by rain falling in Cumbria. GJK01305 Keywords:- Weymouth Dorset climate change tides tidal wind rainfall sunspots floods flooding park district barometric pressure Dorset coast forum Page 40