Michaël RARD

Ph.D. candidate in Marine Ecology
Michaël RARD
D.O.B.: 8 March 1975 in Chambéry (France)
Laboratoire d’Ecologie Marine, Université de La Réunion
97715 Saint Denis messag CEDEX 9, France ; Phone : (+262)
e-mail : mrard@univ-reunion.fr ; Web site : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/mika.dit.kl/
PhD in Marine Ecology (results pending in Marsh 2004)
Université de La Réunion
Saint Denis
Ecology of Continental Aquatic Systems: Master's Degree in Biology Université Paul Sabatier
Environmental Sciences: Honours' Degree in Biology
(60%) Université de La Méditerrannée Marseille
Earth Sciences: Bachelor's Degree in Biology
(60%) Université de La Méditerrannée Marseille
Seminars followed (offered by CIES of Aquitaine-Outremer in France) from 1997 to 2000 :
- « Business management », « Teaching and communication »,« Voice and gesture »
1- Research:
 PhD in Marine Ecology: « Contribution to the analysis of the carbonate budget of Reunion coral reefs with the help of in
situ coral nubbins : influence of environmental conditions on calcification and bioerosion rates »
 Scientific adviser to educative DVDs conception on coral reefs in La Reunion Island
 Scientific adviser to the underwater path conception in Hermitage reef in La Reunion Island
 Scientific adviser to the coral fragmentation for the installation of artificial reefs in La Reunion Island
 Setting up and maintenance of computer databases (bibliographic base of the Marine Ecology Laboratory) and in aquatic
ecology (reef temperatures survey; knowledge bases on the biology and systematics of fishes, Echinodermata and
Hydrozoans, cetaceans; management of a computer’s games room, PhD and fossils studies data
since 1999
2- Tutoring and teaching duties: setting up and manager for Practical and Directed Works in animal biology (up to
Bachelor's Degree students) at the Université de La Réunion for 4 years (a total of 465 hours)
3- Supervisor: research initiation of university students
since 2000
4- Other research experience:
- Centre d’Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques Continentaux : bioturbation, modelling, flux, interface
- Centre d’Etudes des Ressources Animales Marines : deep sharks, Mediterranean Sea, biology, cosmetics
- Laboratoire de Biologie Marine Fondamentale et Appliquée : Caulerpa taxifolia, seaweed ecophysiology 1996-1997
1- Papers and reports:
 Rard M. 2003. Coral spawning review in Reunion Island at august 2003, 18 th. Vie Océane. Bulletin d’Informations. 22:
3. (in french).
 Rard M. 2003. Coral spawning review in Reunion Island at december 2002, 15 th. Vie Océane. Bulletin d’Informations.
21: 4. (in french).
 Rard M. 2002. Determination guide for the diatoms found on dead coral fragments, Reunion Island (Indian Ocean).
Internal Report at Laboratoire d'Ecologie Marine.12 p. (in french).
 Mermillod-Blondin F., Gérino M., Degrange V., Lensi R., Chassé J.L., Rard M., Creuzé des Châtelliers M. 2001.
Testing the functional redundancy of Limnodrilus and Tubifex (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) in hyporheic sediments : an
experimental study in microcosms". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 58: 1747-1759.
 Rard M. 2001. Identification guide for green algae from the genus Caulerpa in Indian Ocean. Internal Report at
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Marine.12 p. (in french).
 Turquet J., Mirault E., Conand C., Conand F., Rard M., Cambert H., Quod J.P. 2001. Response to the coral
bleaching event observed at Reunion Island in march-april 2001. APMR Report, 33 p. + 5 annexes. (in french).
 Rard M., Mioche D., Seychelles L., Cuet P. 2000. The metabolic response to eutrophication of a coral community and
Montipora circumvallata nubbins. Proc. 9th Int. Coral Reef Sym. Bali, Indonésie. 109. Communication.
 Rard M., Peyrot-Clausade. 2000. Bioerosion on Acropora formosa nubbins: impacts of hurricane and eutrophication
on Reunion island (Indian Ocean). 3rd Int. Bioerosion Workshop Barcelone, Espagne. 29. Communication
Rard M. 1999. First results on the computed data obtained on the fishing and the ecology of the carp population from
the lake n°8 in the Drôme region (France). Status at the year 1999. 61 p. (in french).
2- Communications:
- Conferences on « from the life to the death of corals » and « degradation factors affecting coral reefs in Reunion Island »
for school kids (underground level) for the project « Sea town » by ASCUR (St Denis, Reunion Island) in order to do
sensibilization of people on sea and reefs protection
- Conferences on « degradation factors affecting coral reefs in Reunion Island » for school students of different levels (up
to the university level) and for teachers in Reunion Island (St Denis, Le Tampon, La Possession)
- Presentation and teaching of data bases use and manipulation with ACCESS
- Illustration of « sea jobs » at the jobs forum, organised by the Association de Parents d'Elèves de l'Enseignement Libre
in the catholic college « Maison Blanche » (Guillaume, Reunion island)
- Representative of Laboratoire d’Ecologie Marine at «sea festivities - French-German week »
- Presentation of two oral contributions at international congresses : coral bioerosion and metabolism
- Public sensitizing for the coral reefs protection in Reunion Island (conferences and exposures)
since 1999
- Presentation of an oral communication at « Phycological Days of France » : Caulerpa taxifolia, ecophysiology
1- Languages:
- Scientific English : articles, conferences
- German : oral communication thanks to linguistic stays
- Native French speaker
- current pratice of Office, databases and programmation softwares
- Internet : setting up of a personal site with adapted softwares
Followed seminars on entreprise management, teaching and communication methods
Organisation of a big photo exhibiton and a book on Reunion coral reefs
In preparation for 2004
Referee for a draw challenge between schools on the thema « coral reef protection » in the project « Sea town »
1st public place and 4th professional photographs place in a student photography competition on « Intermarrying » 2004
Photo exhibiton on « degradation factors in Reunion coral reefs » for the Science festivities in Reunion University from
november 3rd-15th 2003 in the town St Denis ; from november 28th- december 19th 2003 in the town Le Tampon ; from
february 09th-21th 2004 in Lislet-Geoffroy school in the town St Denis ; from february 23th- march 05th 2004 in Raymond
Vergès school in the town La Possession
Three times at the 2nd and once at the 5th place in a student photography competition on « Strange »
Selected submarine pictures were used in a high published paper to do sensibilization advertising leaflets on reefs in
Reunion Island
Photograph teacher for the Photo club in Université de La Réunion
Scientifique and photographic help for a poster on the coral spawning in Reunion Island
Manager of photography for the paper: Conand C., Cuet P., Naim O., Mioche D. 2002. Des coraux sous surveillance.
Pour la Science. 298 : 74-79
Submarine manager of photography for the database structure "Coral reef fishes in Reunion island" 2002, completed with
a DVD conception on "The reef life " in relation with scientific organisations
Scientific and photographic contribution for a web site design on coral bleaching (http://www2.univreunion.fr/~coraux/blanc/), with parts based of my research results
Photographic database design on aquatic and terrestrial organisms at Reunion Island
since 1999
Fishing activities:
Classified at the 4th/48 place for the 50lbs category at the big fishing regional challenge in Reunion Island, France (20032004 season)
Classified 2nd/5 boats at a open big fishing challenge in Sainte Marie (Reunion island)
Classified at the 10th/48 place for the 50lbs category and 11th/49 place for the 80lbs category at the big fishing regional
challenge in Reunion Island, France (2002-2003 season)
Big fishing federal referee
since 2002
Classified 2nd/23 teams at the 52 hours carp fishing challenge in Drome, France
Illustration of carp fishing technics for the fishing festivity
1993 and 2001
Participation at carp fishing challenges (32 to 77 hours) in Drome, France
Deep-sea sailing:
Improvement, cruisings and sailing teacher in Université de La Réunion
Improvement trainings in Saint Cyprien (1991) and at the Glénan Sailing French School (1992)
1991 and 1990
Seasonal jobs: agriculture jobs : gathering, grape harvest and haymaking
Member in French Sailing Organisation (FFV)
Member in the « liveliness pole » in the sport association in Reunion University (ASCUR)
Member in Globice Reunion association (cetacean studies)
since 2003
Member in the piloting committee for the « numeric university » project at Université de La Réunion
Member in the Sainte Marie Fishermen association (APSM) concerning big fishing
since 2002
Member in coral reef organisations (ISRS, ACOR, Vie Océane)
since 1999
Hobbies: aquariophily, fishing, hike, entomology, cooking, do-it-yourself, terrestrial and submarine photography
Sports: regular practice of karate and water sports (sailing, diving, swimming)
Other diploma:
- first-aid diploma (BSB, AFPS)
- second dive level (equivalent to the 2 stars CMAS card)
- French and international driver's licence (car) and coast boat driver's licence (boat)
- Big fishing federal referee of the International Game Fish Association (IGFA)
10- Personal address:
Michaël RARD
Le Déves, 07220 Saint Montan - France
Tel: 0(33) 4-75-52-65-74
email: michael.rard@wanadoo.fr
Laboratoire de Biologie Marine Fondamentale et Appliquée
Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille
Université de la Méditerranée
Case 905, 163 Avenue de Luminy
13288 Marseille - France
Tel : 0(33) 4-91-82-91-32
email : gelyma@wanadoo.fr
Station Marine d’Endoume
Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille
Rue Batterie des Lions
13007 Marseille – France
Tel : 0(33) 4-91-04-16-18
email : Mireille.Peyrot@com.univ-mrs.fr
Dr Pascale CUET
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Marine
Université de La Réunion
15 avenue René Cassin - BP 7151
97715 St Denis messag cedex 9
île de La Réunion - France
Tel : 0(262) 2-62-93-81-76
email : cuet@univ-reunion.fr