Mysterious Ancient Discoveries

Mysterious Ancient Discoveries
I have always been fascinated by fringe science. Speculation regarding the mysterious origins of man, the
meaning of life, and man’s place in the universal scheme is doubly fascinating. I went so far as to attend a
Baptist seminary in the mid-Sixties seeking answers to the great questions. The realities proposed by
religions, science, and personal experience are analogous to the “Four Blind Men and the Elephant” story
below. Each group has found evidence to prove their world view.
One day four blind men encountered an elephant for the first time. They approached it cautiously, but with
great curiosity. The first one grabbed hold of the trunk and declared “Aha! An elephant is just like a
snake!” The second found an ear and replied “No, an elephant is exactly like a tent.” The third bumped into
a leg and decided the elephant was just like a tree, and the fourth caught the tail and maintained that the
elephant was just like a rope. They all went home arguing, each steadfastly insisting that he was right and
the other three were wrong. See also: The Blind Men and the Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)
History teaches us that rarely has the “accepted” world view ever been correct. There was a time it was
heresy to believe the earth rotated around the sun. Many of the scientific “facts” taught as gospel when I
was in high school have since been proven incorrect. Every generation writes its own history. The more
science discovers, the more questions we have, and the less we seem to know.
In their search for answers to the great mysteries, scientists gather evidence and develop theories based on
what they observe. But sometimes evidence turns up that completely contradicts this. For instance:
Footprints resembling modern man have been found in Texas side by side with dinosaur tracks. Does this
mean that man lived millions of years ago at the time of the dinosaurs?
Ancient maps have been discovered that correctly depict the continent of Antarctica centuries before it was
discovered. Some claim this is evidence of a technically advanced culture that existed before recorded
history began.
History teaches us that in every age, the “experts” were “wrong” in the way they viewed the world. I don’t
believe that our experts have all the answers either. There is a high probability that the true history of man
on this planet is very different from what is accepted today.
After all, before the 19th century, Western man looked to the Bible for an explanation of his origins.
According to the Bible, God created man from the dust of the earth 6,000 years ago. When man dug into
the earth for answers, he found evidence that appeared to tell a different story, the story of evolution.
In 1895 Darwin wrote his famous book Origin of the Species. In it he theorized that evolution was a logical
sequence of evolutionary steps. He proposed the theory that through natural selection, one species can
evolve into another over a long period of time. Man’s first ancestor, according to Darwin, lived 25 million
years ago. Man walked upright 5 million years ago, and modern man made his appearance only 100,000
years ago. Sometime artifacts are found that break all the rules, these are called anomalous artifacts. There
are hundreds of them. Some evidence exists that man could be far older than previously thought. “Modern”
human remains have been found in rock strata 55 million years old.
This bizarre evidence seems to be well documented. Yet the general public and many within the scientific
community are unaware of the findings. It is human nature to “filter” things which don’t fit their paradigm
(way of thinking). Findings that don’t fit that paradigm are eliminated. Conventional science states that
modern man evolved from a single woman (mitochrondial DNA) in Africa 100,000 years ago, and we
arrived in the new world over the Bering land bridge between 9,000 and 10,000 years ago. Yet, numerous
human artifacts have been found across North and South America that are so old they threaten to overturn
this theory. In 1966, human artifacts were found in South America, in 250,000 year old strata (using two
different types of radiometric dating).
Over 100 million years ago, in the limestone bedrock of the Boluxi river in Texas, countless dinosaurs left
their footprints to be fossilized forever. The tracks of another creature are also found there. The tracks are
clearly that of modern man can be found there also. The trail of the tracks of man and of the dinosaurs lead
into a limestone ledge. Digging into the ledge they found human and dinosaur prints 18-inches from one
another. The limestone itself dates to the Cretaceous period 135-million years ago. A fossilized human
figure (X-rays clearly show bone, joints and ligaments) was found in the same strata.
In South Africa, hundreds of metallic spheres have been found by miners digging in Precambrian strata
over 2.5-billion years old. Fine grooves circle some of the spheres. They could not have been formed by an
known geological process. The spheres are a complete mystery
According to evolution theory, there is a missing link between man and the apes. A transitional stage,
between man and ape. In 1892, Java Man was presented as the missing link. It has since be reclassified as
an ape skull and the leg bone of a modern man.
The other missing link is Lucy, the Australopithecus Afarences. Lucy is now considered to be an extinct
ape and not a member of the human family tree.
The oldest city in the world used to be ancient Troy/Hisarlic. New dating is changing that. The oldest city is
now thought to be the Inca city of Tiajuanaco (sic?). It was built around 12,000 years ago. The temple there
is aligned to the cardinal points. The facing stones are perfectly set without mortar. One cannot insert a
needle into the cracks the stones are so perfectly cut. Some of the stones weigh over 100 tons. The solstice
markers in the temple (that indicate the points on the horizon where the winter and summer solstice suns
rise) seem to be misaligned. Could the ancient people, who constructed the temple so precisely, be so far
off on the alignment of the markers? It is highly unlikely.
Computer models showed that the only time the solstice markers would be correctly aligned was 17,000
years ago. That long ago, due to precession, the tilt of the earth was different than it is now. By factoring in
the tilt at 17,000 years, the solstice markers line up precisely. This brings up questions about the origins of
No one really knows who built the Sphinx or the Stonehenge. These are megalithic structures constructed
with stone blocks as large as 300 tons (2 diesel locomotives). Both structures are astrologically aligned.
There are many compelling similarities between the Ancient Americas and Ancient Egypt.
Both the Americans and Egypt have: Pyramids aligned to the cardinal points. Temples made of large stone
blocks with precise mortarless joints. Royal headdress of the same design. Unique style of L shaped stone
blocks at corners Same style and shape of metal clamps used as staples to hold stones in place Both
practiced mummification. Could this be because both cultures share a common very ancient source?
Another analomous discovery is a map by Arabian Admiral Phiri Rhis (proun. Peery Reese) made in 1582.
The map clearly shows features of the earth that nobody should have known in the late 1500’s. Without an
accurate timepiece there was no way to figure longitude on a sailing ship. It wasn’t until 1790 that the first
accurate marine timepiece was invented.
250-years before this clock was made, Phiri Rhis had drawn a map which shows the coastline of Africa and
South America accurate to within a .5 degree of longitude.
On the map he wrote that he had borrowed and copied from 20 earlier ancient maps. Some of the maps
dating back to Alexander the Great and older. That is before the time of Christ. So the mystery is where did
the source maps come from? Who charted the globe long ages ago, with accuracy that we ourselves can
hardly match.
Another mystery of this map is that it shows Antarctica as it looks under 2 miles of covering ice. All of this
long before Antarctica was even discovered. We did not have that information until the seismic surveys
during the 1958 International Geophysical Year. Whoever drew the original source maps had a level of
technology as high as our own. The Antarctic ice cap has existed for millions of years.
It has been said that man has made the climb from stone age to civilization more than once. Every culture
has legends and myths of flood and cataclysm, and of the ancient ones who went before and who had
secret, lost knowledge.
In the 1970’s Mary Leakey found a set of modern footprints in volcanic ash that was dated to 3 millions
years old. In 1966, a spear point was found embedded in the jaw of a prehistoric animal’s jaw (dated 60,000
years old.
Most mysterious of all is a find in central Texas. An ancient iron hammer was found embedded in the same
strata as dinosaur footprints. part of the wooden handle is still attached part was still embedded in stone.
The chemical composition of the iron confounded scientists. The chemical composition was 96.6% iron,
0.74% sulfur, and 2.6% metallic chlorine. The paper I read indicated that this was a very exotic blend. Part
of the wooden handle had coalified, indicating great age, and conditions of high temperature and pressure.
The hammer was placed there at the time the rock hardened.
Carved bones, chalk, stones, together with what would appear to be greatly ornamented “coins,” have been
brought up from great depths during well-drilling operations.
A strange, imprinted slab was found in a coal mine. The artifact was decorated with diamond-shaped
squares with the face of an old man in each ‘’box.”
In another coal-mine discovery, miners found smooth, polished concrete blocks which formed a solid wall.
According to one miner’s testimony. he chipped one block open only to find the standard mixture of sand
and cement that makes up most typical building blocks of today. A gold necklace was found embedded in a
lump of coal. A metal spike was discovered in a silver mine in Peru. An iron implement was found in a
Scottish coal bed. Estimated to be millions of years older than man is believed to have existed. A metal,
bell-shaped vessel, inlaid with a silver floral design was blasted out of solid rock near Dorchester,
Two hypotheses may explain the presence of these perplexing artifacts, these “erratics”: 1) that they were
manufactured by an advanced civilization on Earth which, due either to natural or technological
catastrophe, was destroyed before our world’s own genesis; 2) that they are vestiges of a highly
technological civilization of extraterrestrial origin, which visited this planet millions of years ago, leaving
behind various artifacts. The true “reality” can be far more spectacular than what we can conjecture,
(inspite of Occam’s Razor).
This present volume shall emphasize the former theory. It will show that erratics do not appear to be the
products of a “super civilization’’ capable of interplanetary flight. These objects are generally of a
workmanship which ranges in technical sophistication from what we would judge by our orthodox
historical yardstick as comparable to that possessed by the societies of Greece or Rome or to that level
achieved by our own twentieth-century technology.
Even if a highly advanced extraterrestrial race might have visited this planet in prehistoric times, it seems
unlikely such common, everyday items as nails, necklaces, buckles and vases would have been carried
aboard a spacecraft deposited in such widely separated areas; for erratics have been found in North and
South America, Great Britain, the whole of Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Mideast.
The question of just what exactly may have happened to these worlds before our own is one that invites a
great deal of highly speculative thinking. In spite of the general unpopularity of catastrophism, there does
seem to be a number of recently discovered “proofs” of ancient cataclysmic changes in the Earth’s crust
which may account for the nearly total disappearance of these prehistoric worlds. Geological evidence
indicates that these changes were both sudden and drastic might have completely overwhelmed and
destroyed the early inhabitants and their cultures.
Perhaps the most potentially mind-boggling evidence of an advanced prehistoric technology that might
have blown its parent-culture away is to be found in those sites which ostensibly bear mute evidence of preGenesis nuclear reactions.
Earlier I mentioned the “fused green glass” found deep in the strata of an archaeological dig. The statement
that such material had been known previously only at nuclear testing sites (where the sand had melted to
form the substance) proved to be an unsettling thought (and a sci-fi hack). Throughout the planet, in the
same geologic strata, there unequivocally exist areas, which scientists state are strongly suggestive of
nuclear reactions. Could it be possible that these sites provide evidence of a prehistoric nuclear war?
“Fused green glass” has been found in such sites as Pierrelatte in Gabon, Africa; the Euphrates Valley; the
Sahara Desert; the Gobi Desert; Iraq; the Mojave Desert; Scotland; the Old and Middle Kingdoms of
Egypt; and south-central Turkey. At the same time, scientists have found a number of uranium deposits that
appear to have been mined or depleted in antiquity. But before we confront the grim specter of nuclear
annihilation in prehistoric times and begin to worry about history repeating itself in some kind of cyclic
purgation, let us attempt to meet head on the mystery of mankind’s genesis. It would seem only proper,
after all, to resolve its beginnings before dealing with its ending.
What happens when unique skeletal and cultural evidence from a prehistoric world appear long before they
should—and in places where they should not...? by Brad Steiger
It is rather amazing that such sophisticated people, as we judge ourselves to be, do not even know who we
are. And it becomes rather dismaying to discover that there is a great deal of suppressed, ignored, and
misplaced prehistorical cultural evidence that would alter the established interpretations of human origins
and provide us with a much clearer definition of what it means to be human.
Archaeologists, anthropologists, and various academicians who play the “origins of Man” game, reluctantly
and only occasionally acknowledge instances where unique skeletal and cultural evidence from the
prehistoric record suddenly appear long before they should—and in places where they should not. These
irritating artifacts destroy the orderly evolutionary line that academia has for so long presented to the
public. Consequently, such data has been largely left buried in site reports, forgotten storage rooms, and
dusty archives. Although the Leakeys, that eminent family of anthropologists, have offered dramatic new
evidence that the “homo” lineage goes back at least three million years, the academic consensus holds that
an ancestor of modern man evolved about one million years ago. Homo Sapiens, the “thinking man,” our
own species... became the dominant planetary life form on a worldwide basis about 40,000 years ago.
It is difficult enough to explain the sudden appearance or influx of Homo Sapiens at that time, but it is an
even more complex question to ponder why Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man correspondingly
disappeared. And just when Richard Leakey is adding to a growing body of evidence that mankind
developed in Africa, a Hungarian excavation surrenders a Homo Sapiens skull fragment in a context more
than 600,000 years out of alignment with the accepted calendar of man’s migrations across the planet.
The Creationist may present an extreme point of view when he maintains that the world is roughly only
6,000 years old and that man himself is only a few days younger, but what happens to evolution when there
are such sites as the one in Australia, which yielded Homo Sapiens (modern man), Homo erectus (our
million-year-old ancestor), and Neanderthal (our Stone Age cousin) in what appears to be a
contemporaneous environment? Then there is the Tabun site where Homo Sapiens fragments were found in
strata below (which means older than) classic Neanderthal bones. This is but one of several digs that has
produced evidence of modern man before what is accepted as one of his predecessors.
Somewhere, in what would appear to be a biological and cultural free-for-all, there must lie the answer to
that most important question: Who are we?
But just as we are trying our best to fit skeletal fragments together in a manner that will be found acceptable
to what we believe we know about our origins, pre-Adamite footprints are being found, which, if they are
what they appear to be, will make total shambles of our accepted evolutionary calendar.
In Pershing County, Nevada, a shoe print was found in Triassic limestone, strata indicative of 400 million
years, in which the fossilized evidence clearly revealed finely wrought double-stitching in the seams. Early
in 1975, Dr. Stanley Rhine of the University of New Mexico announced his discovery of human-like
footprints in strata indicative of 40 million years old.
A few months before, a similar find was made in Kenton, Oklahoma. At almost the same time, a similar
discovery was revealed in north-central Wisconsin.
If man lived at the same time as the dinosaurs, he might have been a king-sized fellow to better confront the
gigantic reptiles. Skeletal remains of surprisingly large human beings have been discovered all over the
Americas, from Minnesota to Nicaragua. The skeletons average in size from seven to over eight feet tall—
and none of them are carved “Cardiff” hoaxes.
In Death Valley, there is ample fossil and skeletal evidence to indicate that the desolate area was once a
tropical Garden of Eden where a race of giants lived and fed themselves with palatable foods taken from
the local lakes and forests.
To speak of a race of prehistoric giants in what are now the desert sands of Death Valley is simultaneously
to refute the doctrine that decrees that man is a relative newcomer to the North and South American
continents. While on the one hand, new radiocarbon dates demonstrate that the Bering Land Bridge and
Cordilleran Ice Corridor were not passable until 9,000 years ago, an increasing amount of physical evidence
indicates that man was surely in this hemisphere much earlier than that recent date.
For one thing, corn, a New World contribution to the pantries, is said to be, at 9000 years, our oldest
domesticated seed crop. Some earliest agriculturist had to be on this continent more than 9000 years ago in
order to domesticate the seed. Conclusive proof that such ancient farmers did exist was offered when a
Humble Oil Company drill brought up Mexican corn pollen that was more than 80,000 years old.
The anomalous Indian blood serration and dentition and the geographic distribution of the American Indian
demands an impossible genetic time scale in which to transform Asiatic immigrant to distinctive New
World inhabitant. Even if we attempt to keep some kind of peace with the accepted theories of New World
habitation, we must grant more evolution in 40,000 years in North America than that which took place in
more than one million years in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
We might rest our case by providing as evidence the 50,000 year-old skulls found in California, which are
clearly those of American Indians, but we are left with another mystery. A 140,000 year old American
Indian type skull (via metric analysis) has been found at an Iranian excavation site. What enormously
complicates the above finding is the uneasy fact that no precedent or prior skull types of the American
Indian have been found anywhere in the world. The Amerindians appear without any evolutionary
transformational base.
The sites of the mysterious Mullions also offer no end of trouble to conventional timetables and esteemed
evolutionary structures. The Mullion culture suddenly appeared approximately 10,000 years ago along the
Algerian coast with the largest skeletal population in the entire prehistoric record. In addition, the Mullions
also possessed the largest cranial capacity of any population the world has ever known—approximately
2,000 cc versus our present 1,400 cc.
Whoever the Mullions were, they inhabited the site only briefly, and their population consisted mostly of
women and children, who worked with tool types and domesticated animals never before seen.
As we shall see again and again, we have such a limited knowledge and practically no understanding of the
worlds before our own. For example, who walked the streets of that remarkable “minicivilization” in
Yugoslavia? Whoever strode the boulevards of those now silent cities were once citizens of a culture that
flourished before ancient Egypt and China -- 5,000 years before the glory that was Greece.
What of the lost Amerindian civilization of Cahokia, complete with pyramids and a great wall? One site,
near the present city of St. Louis, may have contained a metropolis of more than 250,000 North American
Indians. Skull trepanation was practiced 100,000 years ago.
And who constructed the mysterious seven-mile walls of the Berkeley and Oakland, California, hills? Or
the stone wall that runs for 20 miles near Petra in Jordan? And which pre-Mayan peoples engineered an
elaborate waterworks in Yucatan to irrigate crops over 2000 years ago?
And orthodox pooh-poohing to the contrary, the pyramids do hold many mysteries. No one has ever really
answered the anomalies of the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids; no one has truly dated them; and if we
accept established theories for their construction, no one has explained how the earliest and smallest
populations could erect the largest architecture. Scientific knowledge has seemingly been prized by certain
inhabitants of every culture, known and unknown.
Rock engravings, which may be as old as 60 million years, depict in step-by-step illustrations an entire
heart-transplant operation and a Cesarean section. These 150,000 engraved stones also portray scenes
indicating that a very special race of man actually lived at the same time as the prehistoric monster reptiles
(See ICA STONES OF PERU on this page).
The ancient Egyptians used the equivalent of contraceptive jelly and had urine pregnancy tests.
The cement used in filling Mayan dental cavities still holds after 1500 years.
Cosmas and Damian, two brothers, accomplished successful leg transplants 1700 years ago. Had they
somehow acquired knowledge of the techniques of gifted surgeons from the dim past?
The Caracol Tower at Chichen Itza is a remarkable Mesoamerican observatory that seems to have
correlated its findings with similar sites in North America, including Mesa Verde, Wichita, and Chaco
No fabric is supposed to have been found until Egypt produced cloth material 5000 years ago. How, then,
can we deal with the Russian site which provides spindle whorls and patterned fabric designs more than
80,000 years old?
Not only did the ancient Babylonians appear to use sulfur matches, but they had a technology sophisticated
enough to employ complex electrochemical battery cells with wiring. There is also evidence of electric
batteries and electrolysis in ancient Egypt, India, and Swahililand.
Recently interpreted ancient Aramaic texts suggest that the wandering Israelites were given a machine for
producing “manna from heaven” that kept them alive on their exhaustive desert trek.
Although a temperature of over 1780 degrees is required to melt platinum, some pre-Incan peoples in Peru
were making objects of the metal. Even today the process of extracting aluminum from bauxite is a
complicated procedure, but Chou Chu, famous general of the Tsin era (265-316 A.D.), was interred with
aluminum belt fasteners on his burial costume. In ancient Israel, the Old Testament book of First Kings
6:7, records that in the building of Solomon’s Temple, ‘Only blocks of undressed stone from the quarry
were used; no hammer or ax or any iron tool whatsoever was heard in the house while it was being built.’
This feat was accomplished, the Talmudic traditions recount, with the use of a stone called the Shamir (see
next article Jachin and Boaz), which caused the stones to be separated and shaped by vibration, and
levitated into place with sound.
In nearby Chaldea, the ancient Magi were said to generate a similar force called in the Aramaic rukha
shakintu, by using rods of gold with special energizing powers. Of interest in this respect is the Chaldean
work, the Sifr’ala, which dates back more than 5000 years, and through fragmentary, it is a lengthy work
filling almost one hundred pages of English translation. Archeologist and ethnologist Y. N. Ibn A’haraon,
who worked on its decipherment, found that the Sifr’ala is a detailed account of how to build a flying craft
called a marvid, as well as operate it. The text speaks of three spheres which vibrated on the underside; a
copper coil was wound around the main sphere, attached to an insulated steering wheel, while graphite rods
touching the two rear spheres activated forward levitation. A turn in the steering wheel changed the number
of coil turns around the main sphere, as well as the degree of contact between the rods and the other
spheres, allowing for controlled take-off and directed destination, which was recorded for the pilot on a
crystal. The texts also comment on wind resistance, gliding and stability. Unfortunately, many key lines of
the text are missing, making any attempt at reconstructing the craft impossible. Farther to the east, in
India, researcher Andrew Thomas reported that levitation is still performed to this day using chanting. In
the village of Shivapur, near Poona (!?), is a little mosque dedicated to the Sufi holy man Qamar Ali
Dervish (whirling). Outside in the courtyard of the mosque is a stone weighing 138 pounds, and during
daily prayer, eleven devotees surround the stone, repeating the holy man’s name. When they read a certain
pitch, the 11 men are able to lift the stone by using one finger each. As soon as the chanting stops, the
devotees jump back, for the stone resumes its weight and falls to the ground with a heavy thud.
As Thomas noted: “The key seems to be in the chanting, and 11 voices must be the required formula to
achieve the correct pitch that makes the boulder’s vibrations change and renders it seemingly weightless or
at least lighter.
The name of the saint is probably unimportant; the frequency is the key factor. It is a similar principle to the
one whereby a trained singer can strike and hold a note that matches a wine glass and shatters it.”
A second fascinating eyewitness account of modern levitation, this one from Tibet, was reported by a
Swedish aircraft industrialist Henry Kjellson, who traveled through the Himalayas in the postwar era.
Kjellson described how Tibetan monks hauled stones measuring 1.5 meters square by yak up to a plateau
and placed them in a specifically designed hole, bowl-shaped at 1 m. in diameter and 15 cm. deep in the
center. The hole was situated 100 m. from a cliff wall, 400 m high, on top of which was a building to be
constructed. Behind the hole, by 63m., stood 19 musicians, and behind each of them 20 priests radiating out
in lines, separated from one another in groups at five degree intervals, forming a quarter circle with the hole
as its focal center. These distances appear to have been of utmost importance, for all were carefully
measured by the monks using lengths of knotted leather.
The musicians possessed a total of thirteen drums of three different sizes, and alternating between them
were six large trumpets. The drums weighed up to 150 kilos each and were barrel-shaped, suspended from
a wooden frame in a horizontal position, pointed toward the hole. The trumpets were long and metal, of
specific length, also directed toward the hole, and it took two monks taking turns to blow one instrument.
On command, the drums and trumpets were sounded, and the priests chanted in unison, together forming
sharp blasts of sound at a beat of two per minute. After four minutes’ time, Kjellson observed that the
stones placed in the target hole began to wobble, move side to side, and then as the beats of sound
increased, they suddenly soared the 400 m. in a parabolic arc to the top of the cliff. In this manner, Kjellson
recorded that the monks were able to move five or six blocks an hour.
According to Chinese records, the Emperor Hwang-ti and 70 of his subjects made flights through the air by
means of energies of a ‘celestial dragon’. The instrument they used to attract the ‘dragon’ was a tripod
made of copper cast in a peculiar way, set up upon a mountain top where ‘dragon currents’ in the Earth met
favorably. The tripod, it was said, was attuned to the specific harmonic of the movements of the planet
In his poem entitled Li Sao, the poet Chu Yuan (340-278 B.C.) told of traveling in a ‘chariot of jade’ that
flow through the air by the power of ‘four dragons,’ and by its means accurately observed the Chinese
landscape from a great height, including the fact that at a high altitude his craft was unaffected by storms
near the surface.
Author Andrew Thomas, commenting on the Chu Yuan text, said: “The flying machines of ancient china
were either the product of scientific experimentation of the time, or were a memory from a pre-cataclysmic
race. As the Chinese had no comparable advanced technology at the time, there is no other alternative but
to accept the second possibility.”
The Toradja people of the mountains of Celebes island in Indonesia recount that they were once ruled by
benevolent kings who once came to them on ships which ‘followed the line of the rainbow’s arc across the
sky, powered by the lightning’s fork.’ The Toradja, in memory of these past events, still construct their
homes or sagos, in the shape of prehistoric airships, in great crescent arcs, with bows pointing upward,
painted with spiral designs representing the energy and vibration once powering the craft.
Today, the natives are replacing their old building materials of woven bamboo and rattan with corrugated
iron sheets, with the result that their homes now look even more curious, like giant grounded spacecraft
from some bygone era.
Legends very similar to those of those of the Toradja are found among the Polynesians of the South Pacific
islands. On Ponape, the native tell of learned men of lighter skin than their own who came from the west, in
an age long before the European explores arrived. These former light-skinned men came in ‘shining boats’
that ‘flew above the sea.’ Their stay was very brief, but the natives still speak of the ‘magical works’ the
ancient westerners performed.
In similar terms, the native inhabitants of the Mangareva islands have a tradition of flight which dates back
from an unknown period of the distant past. They recount how a ‘flying canoe’ with ‘great wings clasped
tightly to the side’ appeared before th em, and by magical means the ‘priests’ who operated it were able to
fly great distances, as far as the Hawaiian Islands in one instance, nearly 25,000 miles away.
Robert Lee Eskridge, a collector of Polynesian folklore, found a native on the Mangarevan island of TaraVai, who gave him a detailed description of the ancient flying canoe, and showed him a small model. It has
wings similar in design to an Australian boomerang, and reminded Eskridge most of the winged solar disc,
pictured in ancient Egypt art.
Hiram of Tyre created: “Two bronze pillars, the height of one pillar was eighteen cubits, and a cord twelve
cubits long gave the measurement of its girth; so also was the second pillar. He set up the pillars in front of
the vestibule of the sanctuary; he set up the right-hand pillar and named it Jachin; he set up the left-hand
pillar and named it Boaz. So the work on the pillars was completed.” 1 Kings 7:15, 21-2 “It was a
common practice in antiquity to erect two independent pillars flanking the entrance to a temple. Their
precise purpose is unknown. The pillars for Solomon’s temple are huge in size, each nearly six feet thick
and about twenty-seven feet high. Each has an elaborately decorated capital of almost eight feet made of
bronze three inches thick. The two pillars have names, Jachin (meaning ‘he set up’) and Boaz (meaning
unknown, though with different vowels it would mean (‘with strength’). Why these names were given and
what they signified is unknown.”
John William Wevers, “The First Book of Kings” in Old Testament History In the lore of Freemasonry,
Boaz was the great-grandfather of King David - representing “strength, or it is in strength”. Jachin was the
high priest who assisted the dedication of Solomon’s Temple - representing “ to establish” and united
“stability”. Boaz, the left-hand pillar, stood to the south representing the land of Judah and signifying
‘strength’; Jachin stood in the north representing the land of Israel signifying ‘establishment’ and when
united by the lintel of Yahweh the two provided ‘stability’. As in ancient Egypt, so long as the two lands
were conjoined by the appropriate pillars political stability would endure.”
Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the
Secret Scrolls of Jesus:
In ancient Egypt according to Knight and Lomas, two pillars - one located in Upper and the other in Lower
Egypt - symbolically united the nation. “According the ‘old ritual’ (of Freemasonry) these two great pillars
had been hollow. Inside them had been stored the ‘ancient records’ and the ‘valuable writings’ pertaining to
the past of the Jewish people. And amongst these records, the Freemasons claimed, had been ‘the secret of
the magical Shamir and the history of its properties’.”
“Because Moses had commanded the Israelites not to use ‘any tool of iron’ in the construction of holy
places, Solomon had ordered that no hammers, axes or chisels should be used to cut and dress the many
massive stone blocks from which the outer walls and courtyard of the Temple had been built. Instead he
had provided the artificers with an ancient device, dating back to the time of Moses himself. This device
was called the Shamir and was capable of cutting the toughest of materials without friction or heat. Also
known as ‘the stone that splits rocks’...”
Graham Hancock, The Sign and the Seal: “The Shamir may not be put in an iron vessel for safekeeping, nor
in any metal vessel; it would burst such a receptacle asunder. It is kept wrapped up in a woolen cloth, and
this in turn is placed in a lead basket filled with barley bran. With the destruction of the Temple the Shamir
Louis Ginzberg, The Legend of the Jews Found at
It is well known that in the past many interesting theories were held about the nature of the Earth. There
have been those who have proposed that it is: flat and resting on pillars; held on a turtle’s back; hollow;
inverted and hollow (so that we live in the inside); pear-shaped; and shaped like a mountain. Various sites
of habitation have competed for being the omphalos or Navel of the World, where the World Tree connects
heaven and earth. However, by Columbus’ day, the majority of educated persons, having read their Greek
philosophers, concluded it was a solid sphere. By the 18th century, another change had taken place as well.
With the pagan religions having been crushed by Catholicism and then pulled up by their roots by
Puritanism, few Gaian worshippers remained. The ancient belief that the world was alive had been
extirpated, and many of the new “natural philosophers” concluded that it was a lifeless ball of rock
“covered with a thin green film of scum.” It was held to be a rather unchanging, undynamic place, with
geological processes taking long, slow epochs to alter its face (the doctrine of uniformitarianism.) But new
scientific discoveries suggest our world is a far stranger place than some dead stone in space. They may
even hint that in some ways, it is quite alive.
There are numerous “geo-oddities” that reveal our planet to be quite a curious and changing body. Many
have been catalogued by the ever-indefatigable William Corliss. These anomalies include: the ever-shifting
crop circles; disappearing islands (such as the Lost Elizabethan Isles); ever-expanding “sinkholes” that
refuse to be filled (Cedar Ave); gravitational and magnetic anomaly zones; “cookie cutters” (where vast
zones of earth appear to have been ripped out and tossed yards away); fiery or “burning” hills; “walking” or
moving rocks; bizarre weather and aerial displays; and all the damned things from the sky. And there are
many other examples: singing sands, ringing rocks, Mima mounds (less than 20 miles from Summit Lake),
Michigan “garden beds,” “dead zones” where no vegetation will grow, so-called ‘vortexes,’ and petrified
forests with exotic formations.
Anyone who thinks the Earth is a pretty dull and unchanging place doesn’t really have a clue. In fact, the
geologic doctrine of uniformitarianism is giving way to a new catastrophism. Life may not have evolved
under conditions of slow, gradual geologic processes, after all - it may have experienced multiple periods of
“punctuated equilibrium” where genetic variation was rapid and prolific.
Catastrophic World
The “Nemesis” hypothesis suggests that a ‘dark planet’ out in the Oort Cluster may periodically send forth
a rain of comets into the solar system, at 65,000 year intervals, one of those impacts having done in the
dinosaurs. Some scientists feel that there may have been massive climactic changes in the past which
resulted from a celestial body passing close to Earth and disturbing its orbit. One scientist has even
advanced the hypothesis that most of the Earth’s water has come from infinitesimally small ‘minicomets’
which pass rapidly through its orbit.
Geologists have now found much evidence to indicate that land and sea have indeed changed places. We
know many examples of volcanic land masses emerging from the sea, only to blow to pieces or crash back
down into the depths again. Where the Sahara Desert is now, there was apparently a very fertile, wellwatered plain some 10,000 years ago. Apparently, following the end of the last Ice Age around that period,
sea levels rose an incredible amount, and the Mediterranean basin was formed.
There are many odd geological formations around the world which suggest some rapid, powerful force or
impact, much like that seen in the wake of the Tunguska Incident of 1908, which flattened trees for miles.
The Earth does appear on occasion to be have been the site of explosive change in its 4.5 billion year
history. Catastrophe may well be the cause of periodic, regular extinctions.
The evidence is there: magnetic field reversals; pole shifts; sudden climactic changes; worldwide flooding;
vast craters; apparent orbital variations. Many geological anomalies may fit within a catastrophist
framework. Catastrophism also may help to explain some of the weird teleological and anomalous events in
natural history, such as neoteny, where organisms regress to an infantile state in order to move forward
In these days of mathematical “catastrophe theory,” we know that normal systems can be subject to rapid
fluctuations - including, one might point out, any multiple-body system such as our own solar system. (oh
no... not Velikovsky again?) In a world where the impossible can and does happen, it is not surprising to
find the processes of geological and biological change operating under forces that are not just slow, steady,
continuous, linear, and constant, but... Fortean.
Heavens and Earth
Besides having probably shook and kicked around our planet on one or more occasions, there is increasing
evidence that cosmic phenomena may play a great role in changing the conditions on it. Having rid
ourselves of the pseudoscience of astrology, we can concentrate on real and empirical cosmic influences on
the Earth and its biota.
The Earth is distant from its cosmic neighbors, but they still influence it in many ways. As Umberto Eco
has lampooned, but not explained away, Foucault’s pendulum seems to accentuate this fact. Without the
Earth’s rotation having ceased, the pendulum has been noted to stop. According to Mach’s principle, the
position of the pendulum in some strange way is relative to the position of the fixed stars. Those “fixed
stars” are, of course, moving themselves, but somehow they do influence the pendulum.
This is not so surprising to some scientists. According to the Naval Meteorological Department, they can
predict barometric conditions to a remarkable degree also according to the positions of the stars. Joseph F.
Goodavage and other “astrometerologists” believe that celestial changes play a great role in our planetary
climactic patterns.
There are a lot of “astrological” pages on the Internet. Some weird stuff. An Eastern European doctor can,
using the positions of sun and moon at time of conception, calculate almost to the moment when a woman
will give birth.
A CBS technician found out that sunspots can and do interfere with TV broadcasts, and that planetary
conjunctions often correlated with the signal-destroying solar “storms.”
The researcher Frank A. Brown found that the opening of oysters and other biological rhythms were
influenced by the phases of the moon, and lunar variations can be correlated with various other phenomena
- crime outbreaks, madness (e.g. ‘lunacy’), animal migration, and the hemorrhaging factor of the blood.
John Gribbin has noted how planetary alignments exert a pull on solar plasma, although his “Jupiter Effect”
has been overrated; Persinger notes a strong correspondence between the positions of Mars and Venus and
geomagnetic variation. How does all this happen?
Michael Gaquelin provides the key. The sun-moon-Earth system is a complex interweaving magnetic
nexus, and perturbations on that system cause geomagnetic changes, which in turn can influence everything
from chemical catabolysis rates to radio propagation. Other celestial bodies may impinge on this system to
varying degrees: EM, unlike gravitation, is mediated by forces which do not decrease as rapidly over
The Earth Shall Shake
In recent years, earthquake prediction has moved from being a guessing game to more of a science. The
primary obstacle to understanding earthquakes was geologists’ refusal to accept tectonic plate movement
(continental drift.)
Today we know that the crust of the Earth does float on a “sea” of magma, and that earthquakes and
vulcanism occur primarily in those zones where one plate is rubbing against another - “fault lines.” This
model is not perfect, because there are often “rogue” quakes which strike in unexpected areas, but it works
extraordinarily well. Nonetheless, there are certain aspects of earthquakes which lend themselves to
predicting their incidence - but geologists refuse to pay attention.
One factor is that oscillations in the planet’s magnetic field often occur right before quakes; these
oscillations, as noted above, often correlate strongly with astronomical and solar events. But geologists are
afraid to say something ridiculous along the lines of “sunspots cause earthquakes,” despite the fact that, in a
certain sense, they do... radio wave propagation (e.g. ionospheric “whistlers”) does appear to play a role in
earthquakes, and it can be studied by closely monitoring the impact of the solar wind on the ionosphere.
The geomagnetic changes prior to earthquakes may disturb both animals and human “sensitives,” which
can be seen in the ‘precognitive’ dreams and weird animal behavior which immediately precede the quakes.
Gravitational changes may be involved as well, with the “dips” and “hills” in the field shifting with the
wobble of the planet’s axis or tidal forces from the moon and planets. Other geophysical factors appear to
be involved in earthquake incidence - water table level, release of specific gasses and chemicals, ground
electrical resistivity, weather patterns, and telluric current shifts.
One of those factors, the mysterious EQLs (earthquake lights), could be from piezoelectric effects resulting
from crushing quartz rock located deep in the crust. Most ominously, though the Pentagon refuses to admit
it (as it did with the dangers of radioactive fallout in the 50s), underground nuclear testing and the onset of
earthquakes within a few days can be almost perfectly correlated.
The Underworld: Folklore and Fact
In the old shamanic cosmology of the Paleolithic, there was thought to be three worlds linked by the World
Tree; ours, the heavens, and the underworld. In historical times, the underworld often became the land of
the dead; Hades, Sheol, Gehenna, the land of Anubis, or, in Christian times, Hell. This pervasive belief in a
subterranean world beneath our own survives in science fiction (Edgar Rice Burroughs), fringe religion
(Koreshanity and Shaverism), and myth and legend (Shamballah, Agharta, the Kingdom of the Master of
the World).
Legend has it that there exists some subterranean race deep within the bowels of the Earth, like that of the
Cathars, there were demons (“tyros”) who controlled the actions of us on the surface with sinister “rays.”
Other mythologies hold that the Underworld is the place of the enlightened Hidden Masters, not a sinister
hell. Exploration beneath the Earth’s crust has demonstrated that the Earth is definitely not hollow (sorry
guys, the evidence here is too strong...) The curious “tunnel complexes” and “weird caverns” found in
many places, such as the Matto Grosso in Brazil or the Devil’s Hole Cave near Death Valley, often lead one
to wonder. Are they artificial constructs of some powerful race of engineers? In H. P. Lovecraft’s fictional
universe, they were dug by immense worm-lie creatures (Oborous, Chthonians and Dholes) and were
inhabited by ghouls and serpent folk.
Numerous treasure legends and abandoned mine stories lead treasure seekers to dig deep into the Earth in
search of gold - but here may be a forgotten memory of other, more powerful “treasures” which originate
from inside of the Earth. For the mysteries of mineral formation still remain - there are many geologic
deposits of natural gas and oil which appear to be abiogenic in origin, and veins of metallic ore in unlikely
Dowsers hint that there are veins of “primary water” within the Earth, which is in a different (plasmic) state
of matter and drives the movement of the telluric currents. Is there a mysterious underground civilization
deep within these tunnel complexes? Are fabulous treasure and foul monsters to be found down there? No
one knows, but the underworld has plenty of curious, if somewhat more prosaic, mysteries to be explored.
Geomancy and the World Grid Numerous writers have suggested that the ancients may have mapped
(Hapgood), measured and surveyed (Sitchin), and divided up (Pennick) the Earth. We do not know why
they had to do so with such accuracy. But almost all ancient societies utilized exact, numerically harmonic
Earth-commensurate units of measure for building their structures, perhaps recognizing that this was the
key to tap the Earth energy.
Alexander Thom found that almost all the megaliths of Britain were built according to a standard unit of
measure he dubbed the Megalithic Yard. Further, most of the stone circles are ovals which appear to be
based on right-angle triangles and some knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem. Many of the “ley lines”
they mark lead directly to the rising of a particular star (or key sunrise/moonrise point) on a particular day.
The siting of many of their structures suggests they clearly surveyed large amounts of territory and may
even have known the exact dimensions of the Earth. But beyond even this, utilizing geomancy, they may
also have studied the movement of planetary telluric energy and discovered (and utilized) the ‘ley lines’
which made up the ‘World Grid.’
Geomancers like the feng shui practitioners of China were able to divine the composition of ch’i (orgone,
“earth energy”) in a particular area and discover whether it was propitious or not to place things there.
Neolithic dowsers may have identified the ‘blind springs’ and other spots where the Earth energies
influenced fertility, vitality, and health, and built their megaliths to mark (and direct or concentrate) those
energies, “needling” the Earth like a dowser. Clearly, these “primitive” savages altered the landscape in the
past - vast landscape effigies, mounds, and zodiacs having been created, and hills altered so that the “Old
Straight Track” could continue unimpeded.
These ancient geomancers may have recognized what we know today - that there are certain “window
areas” where geomagnetic activity is particularly high, and where strange events tend to cluster. In some
places, the Earth force may have been blocked up and “soured” (become DOR - Deadly Orgone) and
caused what are known as Geopathic Stress sites which correlate with cancer epidemics. We may not know
how to tap the Earth force as those shamans once did, but it still has residual effects on our consciousness
and may even open gates to other realms of existence...
The Earth may be more than just weird, dynamic, and complex. In some strange way, it may be alive. This
theory has gained ground particularly due to James Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis, which is based on
evidence which suggests the organisms of the planet “cooperate” to a certain degree to keep certain
climactic and biotic conditions within critical boundaries, and that our planet might be a lot more like
Venus or Mars were it not for the self-regulating presence of life.
Lovelock has never suggested the planet itself is alive, though its biota enable it to function like a living
organism. But others have pointed to such a notion. In their study of Simulacra (natural rock formations
that seem much like living organisms), Michell and Rickard speculate that the “inspiration” of life may preexist it. Peter Tompkins and Chris Bird have marshaled a great deal of evidence that even the simplest of
organisms (plants) may possess a rudimentary nervous system, ‘consciousness’ and the means of
communication with one other (e.g., language).
Paul Cumberer observed that there almost seems to be a “storehouse” of morphologies in nature which are
endlessly repeated, and the almost curious precision with which the migration and population expansion of
species seems to be regulated and controlled, almost as if the planet frequently exiles or summons species
as needed to or from elsewhere.
Louis Kervan observed how many organisms performed “life alchemy” by literally doing the impossible transmutation of elements. The now-debunked “Hundredth Monkey” phenomenon does seem to appear in
other species besides spud-washing Pacific monkeys - there have been numerous observations of species
learning new behaviors without direct transmission of the skill. Sheldrake’s theory of formative causation
leads new lines of inquiry into the study of the origins of instinct. If there is not some sort of anima mundi
or “group mind” linking all the life on the planet together with the planet itself, certainly one is being
erected, with the vast “noosphere” of communications wrapping itself around the globe due to the activities
of man, as Teilhard de Chardin observed.
But all these new discoveries seem to bring us back to an old idea. That the Earth is a living entity. That the
Mother Goddess religions may have known this fact, and that the sweeping onslaught of patriarchal skygod-worshipping nomads may have crushed this knowledge and caused it to be forgotten. It is not
surprising that with our rediscovery of Gaia, we are also experiencing a Rebirth of Pan, where strange
events seem to be linked by some magical web of correspondence connected to the old pre-Christian faiths.
Or that it corresponds with a massive reevaluation of the role of women in patriarchal societies and the
feminine principle itself.
Gaia may be trying to contact us once more, to remind us of the urgency which confronts us. Our
environmental destructiveness is no threat to Gaia - she has withstood worse before - but it may be a threat
to us, her children, as we slowly change her into an inhospitable place for hairless anthropoids. Most
importantly, we may be on the verge of rediscovering the mysterious “earth force” itself, whose origins and
effects we are now only coming to understand as our ancestors once did. Physicists have increasingly
come to examine the amazing coincidences of our universe and to consider the possibility that it may be
rather perfectly designed for the emergence of conscious life. This is not evidence of intelligent design; it
merely is a statement that conscious life is necessary for the universe to exist (through the quantummechanical function of collapsing the wave function) - or that the emergence of conscious life is the goal of
the universe.
None of these principles presuppose an intelligent creator, as the old Thomistic theological arguments visa-vis ‘argument by design’ did. But they do suggest the possibility of intelligent control over the universe’s
unfolding, or, more heretically, its self-unfolding toward greater complexity.
So what are these striking cosmic coincidences? One is that the electric charge of the proton and electron
are exactly equal and opposite, despite their radically different masses. If this were not the case, everything
in the universe would explode.
Our sun would not exist if: 1) the neutron did not outweigh the proton by a fraction of a percent or 2)
the strong nuclear force were not strong enough to hold the deuteron together, but not so strong as
to make it unstable.
In fact, nothing would exist if the Big Bang did not 1)
have a critical density which prevented
recollapse 2) have a perfectly smooth and uniform temperature or 3)
generate a slightly greater
amount of matter than antimatter.
We are also fortunate that space has only three (manifested) dimensions - otherwise nervous system activity
and blood circulation would be impossible, and planets would not orbit their stars stably. And if it were not
for the nuclear resonances peculiar to Red Giant Stars, the universe would consist solely of hydrogen and
helium, and contain no other organic elements.
Strangely, there is an almost remarkable matching between the sun’s temperature and the absorptive
frequencies of chlorophyll in green plants. There are other coincidences advantageous to life in the cosmos.
The “shape” of the cosmos, known as O to astronomers, would be hyperbolic (4-dimensionally so) if
omega was greater than 1, and would soon reach entropic heat death; it would be parabolic if omega was
less than 1, and eventually recollapse into a Big Stop. But current data suggests that O is almost exactly
equal to 1, perhaps due to the mysterious “missing mass” which may or not be neutrino-filled “dark
matter.” Though it seems trivial, the stars are far apart enough that their gravitation does not preclude the
stability of solar systems. On our own planet, we are lucky that water possesses some unique properties - its
solution of substances, high heat of vaporization, expansion in solid state, and peculiar crystalline
molecular structure make conditions here fortuitous for the emergence of life - and is abundant on a planet
which might be barren like its neighbors were it to be a little closer or further from the sun.
Many of the constants of the cosmos - the gravitational constant, Planck’s constant, the mass ratio of
hadrons to leptons - almost appear to some physicists to be “fine-tuned.” This led the famed astronomer Sir
James Jeans to surmise that “the universe seems to be more like a great thought than a machine.”
Solar System Surprises
There are many surprising facts about our own cosmic ‘burb. One is that the orbits of the planets almost,
but not quite, fit a simple arithmetic function known as Bode’s Law. Bode’s Law works almost perfectly up
to Uranus, but then starts to go awry around Neptune. Strangely, it predicts the existence of a planet at
roughly the orbital position where the asteroid belt is now. Bode’s Law also suggests the possibility of the
existence of intra-Mercurial and trans-Plutonian planets, which some astronomers have christened Vulcan
and Charon respectively, and more than a few have claimed to have turned up on their telescopes. As for
the “missing” 5th planet, some have named it Maldek. More interesting than Bode’s Law is the fact that the
orbital periods of all the planets are exact fractions of a mathematical figure known as the Nineveh constant
(approx. 1.95 times 1014.) This figure is found on Babylonian tablets dating from before the 1st millennium
BCE, when it was believed that they only knew of the existence of five planets.
Other astronomers speculate the existence of a “Nemesis” dark-star out beyond the Oort cometary cloud
which is responsible for the periodic extinction (every 65 million years or so) of life on our planet (deduced
from the geologic record). Yet others wonder about the origins of the retrograde diurnal revolutions of
Venus and Uranus. Is it necessary to invoke the “billiard-ball” astronomy of Velikovsky to explain such
puzzles? Strangely, Velikovsky’s predictions about the temperature of Venus proved to be almost exactly
correct, as did his belief that Jupiter would have a unique magnetic “tail” that no other planet would have.
Jupiter is the source of constant and powerful radio emissions of unknown origin. Some have suggested it
is a secondary “sun” which failed to ignite. It is also curious that all the so-called “gaseous giant” outer
planets - Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune (and not just Saturn) appear to have rings. And there are of course
the tantalizing hints that the Red Planet, Mars, may have held water at some point. Certainly, as far as
planetary mysteries go, the so-called Face on Mars (if authentic) is hard to ignore...
Frames of Reference
When viewing the universe from our (apparently) fixed vantage point, it is sometimes hard to realize that
we are undergoing several types of motion at once. We are on a spinning planet orbiting a star. That star is
in turn part of a spiral arm of a spinning galaxy, orbiting around a vast source of energy at the galactic core.
That galaxy is in turn rapidly hurtling away from all of its neighbors and toward the constellation of Vega.
Said galaxy is also part of what may be a rotating universe (not an impossible notion, if it is in fact finite
and unbounded, as Einstein suggested, rather than infinite) which may be part of a vaster multiverse.
While most of our units of time are based on simple cosmic motions, few of us are willing to go to the
lengths of reckoning Galactic Years. Yet in ancient times the precession of the equinoxes established the
crucially important Great Year of approximately 25,900 years. It may be that the Aeons (Yugas) of the
Hindus may have been based on accurate notions of cosmic time, with the idea that the movement of the
Earth through space might change the influences on the planet - the idea of World or Zodiacal Ages.
While the world has largely absorbed the paradigm shifts of the Copernican revolution, it has yet to absorb
the Hubble revolution. The universe contains many exotic, amazing entities - black holes, quasars, pulsars,
nebulae, supernovae, and cosmic “walls” of galactic dust - that we can scarcely comprehend.
While many have theorized regarding the possibility of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the cosmos,
there has been less than great luck in picking up discernible signals in the SETI program, and the search for
planetary systems like our own with habitable worlds goes on. The strange thing is that the cosmos does
seem to be more structured than we might expect, almost as if it consists of “films” of matter wrapped
around vast cosmic “bubbles” or voids. Most of it seems to exist in places beyond our perception, as
infrared, radio, and ultraviolet astronomy has revealed, or beyond even our detection - as with the
mysterious “dark matter.” Many of us have difficulty in accepting the vastness of our immense universe.
But it is not empty, the void is seething with quantum “virtual particles,” a veritable sea of ceaseless
Are there other universes besides our own? While the idea of other dimensions was left to science fiction in
the past, physics has begun to consider the concept seriously. One school of quantum mechanics, the ManyWorlds interpretation popularized by Fred Alan Wolf, assumes parallel universes must exist in order to
explain QM dilemmas such as Schrodinger’s cat - in one universe (perhaps the one the observer inhabits
upon collapsing the wave function) the cat is dead, in the other it is alive, and never shall the twain meet.
But cosmology also suggests the idea as well - the “inflationary” cosmos of Alan Guth and others assumes
that our universe is just one “bubble” that erupted out of the primeval fireball, and that others may exist.
The idea that space may be “warped” and that “wormholes” may tunnel outside of normal space-time,
connecting “black” and “white” holes, is accepted as quite possible by many physicists. Mathematically
speaking, black holes could lead to universes other than our own. Such a “hyperspace” might be needed to
explain faster-than-light (FTL) particles, such as tachyons, which travel backwards in time.
The idea that there may be other dimensions of existence is gaining ground in physics. Superstring theory
suggests that the 4-D universe we experience (length, width, breadth, and duration) may be just a fraction
of a higher 11-dimensional universe. Where are the other seven dimensions? They may be “wrapped” up at
the subatomic level. Or, they may be “elsewhere” - in a place we can mathematically, but not physically,
describe. This is the same dilemma that Flatlanders had in dealing with the mysterious Sphere - he could
come and go through their planiverse, but could not tell them where he was going without explaining the
impossible concept of “up.” A higher-dimensional being could only be partially visible in our 4-D universe,
and could perform many feats that to us would appear extraordinary, like turning a left-hand glove into a
right-hand glove, or turning one of us inside out. It could see easily into any of the spaces we considered
If we live in a multiverse, then we know precious little about what other universes would be like. How
would beings get from “there” to “here”? Would the laws of physics be the same “there” as “here?” Are all
these parallel universes completely coterminous and overlapping, separated only by differential rates of
vibration? Is there a structure to how universes are connected in multiversal “space”? We have no way of
knowing these things.
But someday we may be using other dimensions to travel more rapidly through our own universe. The
discovery and utilization of other dimensions of existence would be a revolution to top that of Copernicus
or Hubble. It would force us to revise our idea of scientific law itself. For physics suggests that at the
singularity - the place where our universe ends and others begin - the laws of physics do not apply. If our
own universe originated in just such a singularity, as Stephen Hawking suggests, then “all bets are off”....
and even laws such as “something cannot come from nothing” are negated.
I don’t believe that this is the way it happened. I only include it as an example of how vastly different the
real “history” could be from our current “world view.” See next article for a different time line from
Zecharia Sitchen. All material obtained from book : “You Are Becoming A Galactic Human.” Summaries
made by Ron Bertino
35 Million Years Ago o Etheric intelligent civilization created and are designated the guardians of Earth,
but they were to find physical guardians also.
26 Million Years Ago Dinoid (from Bellatrix system in the constellation of Orion) and Reptoid colonies
(from one of the lesser known stars in the constellation of Sagittarius) arrive and inhabit Earth Spiritual
Hierarchies of Earth send much love to these colonies Reptoid and Dinoids allow a mammalian species to
evolve to sentiency. These mammals were called the pre-cataceans Pre-cataceans provide ample food for all
3 colonies in exchange for technology (which would in turn improve their production rate further) 3
civilizations coexist in harmony trading among one another for 8 million years, all 3 civilizations develop
advanced forms of space/time travel The pre-cataceans develop their spiritual side extensively (psychic
abilities, etc.)
10 Million Years Ago Dinoid /Reptoid Alliance (from Bellatrix) come to stop the cooperation with the precataceans - they believed they were superior and should therefore control all other beings. Over next 10,000
years the Earth Dinoids and Reptoids become more and more influenced by the Bellatrix Dinoid/Reptoid
Alliance. Dinoid/Reptoids decide -during these 10,000 years- to destroy the entire pre-catacean race
through various psychological war tactics Pre-cataceans sense this aggression (through their high psychic
abilities) and realize the threat presented now by the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations.
8 Million Years Ago Pre-cataceans decide to implode their fusion reactors located in the Ural Mountain
range (with the Earth Spiritual Hierarchies giving them the permission to do so) in a preemptive counter
strike - Pre-cataceans divide into two groups : 1 group evacuates out of our solar system (to the
constellations of Pegasus and Cetus), and the other group begins to alter themselves physically so that they
may enter the oceans and there find a haven. This transformation process occurred over a period of 4
million years and the pre-cataceans therefore became the present day cataceans (i.e. the dolphins and
Pre-cataceans then implode their fusion reactors, thus destroying 98% of the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations;
the remaining 2% evacuated to the planet Maldek (a planet within our solar system) With the
Dinoid/Reptoid now no longer being present on Earth, the Earth Spiritual Hierarchies and the cataceans had
to find a suitable guardian for the land. They searched the galaxy to a distance of approximately 80 light
years from the Sun.
After 2 to 3 million years of searching the galaxy, a primitive aquatic species that was starting to emerge
from the oceans was discovered on the fourth planet of the Vega system. This species had creation myths, a
language, and a hunting and gathering culture. The Spiritual Hierarchies of the Vega system were then
asked if they would permit this particular species to be vastly altered genetically to accelerate their
evolution so that they may become a guardian species. The Vega Spiritual Hierarchies agreed.
Thus the traces of the first humans was in the Vega star system. Their technology improved very quickly,
and once they had developed star travel technology they started to migrate into nearby star systems (for a
period of 2.5 million years)
4 Million Years BC Galactic Federation was formed Sirius B was colonized Earth was selected for seeding
2 Million Years BC Mars and Venus colonized Hybornea colony founded on Earth
1 Million Years BC Dinoid/Reptoids were building up their forces in the planet Maldek during all this time.
Dinoids/Reptoids have a mass attack on both our solar system and also the nearby ones Colonies on Earth
(Hybornea), Mars and Venus were totally destroyed. Dinoids and Reptoid therefore regain control over the
solar system for a period of 80,000 years.
In response to this the Galactic Federation planned a counterattack to reintroduce humans into this system.
They arranged for a battle planet (4 times the diameter of the Earth) to come into the solar system and
destroy the planet Maldek - which was the Dinoid/Reptoid stronghold. The remains of the planet Maldek
are what we can now see as the asteroid belt
900,000 BC Human colony was again founded on Earth (it was called Lemuria) Over the next 850,000
years the Lemurians spread right across the face of the planet
500,000 Years BC Lemurians founded what was called daughter colonies (the main ones being Atlantis, Yu
- what is now Central China and Tibet, and also the Libyan/Egyptian colony)
100,000 Years BC Atlantis, Yu and Libyan/Egyptian colonies are declared daughter empires As the
empires developed the Atlanteans began to acquire a feeling of uniqueness about their culture that led to
feelings of separateness from the other daughter empires.
After some time the Atlanteans felt that THEY should become the mother empire, and quickly began to
have a strong desire to destroy the Lemurians in order to gain full power.
The Atlanteans then began forming alliances with renegade Pleidians and Alpha Centaurians (which had
hierarchical systems of government) to further develop their technologies
25,000 Years BC After waiting patiently for many years for just the right moment to attack the Lemurian
empire, the Atlanteans decided to attack and destroy Lemuria with the help of their renegade allies.
They would accomplish this by taking the Earth’s other moon (Earth had 2 moons in those times) out of
orbit by using force fields until it was as close as possible to the Lemurian empire, and then the moon was
destroyed resulting in a catastrophic shower of meteors. This destroyed much of Lemuria, but this also
resulted in many pressures being inflicted upon the tectonic plates : resulting in the gas chambers under
Lemuria to implode and thus sink most of the Lemurian continent.
From Atlantis To The Great Flood
Yu empire would not bow down to the hierarchical rule of Atlantis and Libyan/Egyptian empires and was
thus forced to literally go underground. Today, they form what is known as the Kingdom of Agartha or
Shamballah. Atlantis forms 10 ruling districts, each with its own King. These Kings together formed the
governing council of Atlantis.
25,000 - 15,000 Years BC The royal governing council of Atlantis decide that a new form of government
was desperately needed in which a superior ruling class could be established and sustained by their pretense
that they had been empowered by a God-Force. Autocracy was thus born and was in full control enforcing a
period of peace and stability.
They also started experimenting with peoples’ DNA and genetics in order to make them more controllable.
This also resulted in peoples consciousness being reduced, life spans contracted, and psychic/spiritual
abilities decreasing dramatically.
15,000 - 10,000 Years BC Throughout the years there are many wars among the various empires due to
underground movements of people that wanted to have the Lemurian “philosophy” back in place (i.e. no
hierarchy). These wars led to vast destruction.
As a last resort the warring empires decided to attack the opponents crystal temples (which were
responsible for maintaining two frozen layers of water about 15,000 - 30,000 feet above ground which
protected people on Earth from the harmful sun’s rays and also ensured a stable weather pattern at all
Unfortunately, the attacks were made simultaneously and caused the Firmament (the water layers) to be
broken down and thus millions of gallons of water thus poured down onto the surface causing what is
known biblically as “The Great Flood” (6000 years ago)
The breakdown of the Firmament also resulted in the polar icecaps freezing and also the many climatic
variations we have today to form. After The Flood
Only about 2 million people survived the Flood (from an original 65 million). Unfortunately many of the
survivors were the mutant humans (the ones that had been genetically altered by the Atlanteans into a much
lower state of consciousness). Also, the fact that the firmament was now no longer in existence resulted in
the DNA and thus consciousness breaking down even further.
A few different renegades (from Pleides, Alpha and Beta Centauri) came to different places on Earth after
the Flood, seeing it as an opportune time to establish their own desired ideologies and also be seen as
“godlike” and thus reverenced (since there were mainly only mutant humans left). The humans were
therefore easily controlled by these renegades.
Since no form of disobedience to these new “gods” was allowed, the concept of ruling by “divine right”
became inculcated on Earth. This concept of worshipping an elite has continued through to modern times.
Culture would rise against culture in wars claiming that the elite they themselves worshipped were superior
to the elite of the opposing faction.
We are now in times, though, that will finally bring to an end an approximate 10,000 years of “semiconsciousness” and regain our full consciousness that we deserve. This will be due to our entire solar
system coming into contact with what is known as the “Photon Belt”
Here is another time chart, this time from Zecharia Sitchen
Compiled by Dave Schultz
About the author of The Earth Chronicles, also from dust cover... “Zecharia Sitchin was raised in Palestine,
where he acquired a profound knowledge of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European
languages, the Old Testament, and the history and archaeology of the Near East. He attended the London
School of Economics and Political Science and graduated from the University of London, majoring in
economic history. A leading journalist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives and writes in New
York. One of the few scholars able to read and understand Sumerian, Sitchin has based The Earth
Chronicles, his recent series of books dealing with Earth’s and man’s histories and prehistories, on the
information and texts written down on clay tablets by the ancient civilizations of the Near East. His books
have been widely translated, reprinted in paperback editions, converted to Braille for the blind.” I.
Events Before the Deluge Years Ago
450,000 On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as the planet’s
atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He
discovers that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru’s atmosphere.
445,000 Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu - Earth Station I - for
extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.
430,000 Earth’s climate mellows. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enki’s half-sister
Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer.
416,000 As gold production falters, Anu arrives on Earth with Enlil, the heir apparent. It is decided to
obtain the vital gold by mining it in southern Africa. Drawing lots, Enlil wins command of Earth Mission;
Enki is relegated to Africa. On departing Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu’s grandson.
400,000 Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include a Spaceport (Sippar), Mission
Control Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Shuruppak). The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the
refined metal is sent aloft to orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically
from Nibiru.
380,000 Gaining the support of the Igigi, Alalu’s grandson attempts to seize mastery over Earth. The
Enlilites win the War of the Olden Gods.
300,000 The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create Primitive Workers
through genetic manipulation of Ape woman; they take over the manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil raids
the mines, brings the Primitive Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to procreate, Homo
Sapiens begins to multiply.
200,000 Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period.
100,000 Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim), to Enlil’s growing annoyance marry
the daughters of Man.
75,000 The “accursation of Earth” - a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man roam the Earth . CroMagnon man survives.
49,000 Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak. Enlil, enraged.
plots Mankind’s demise.
13,000 Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth’s proximity will trigger an immense tidal wave, Enlil
makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending calamity a secret from Mankind.
Events After the Deluge B.C.
11,000 Enki breaks the oath, instructs Ziusudra/Noah to build a submersible ship. The Deluge sweeps over
the Earth; the Anunnaki witness the total destruction from their orbiting spacecraft. Enlil agrees to grant the
remnants of Mankind implements and seeds; agriculture begins in the highlands. Enki domesticates
10,500 The descendants of Noah are allotted three regions. Ninurta, Enlil’s foremost son, dams the
mountains and drains the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable; Enki reclaims the Nile valley. The Sinai
peninsula is retained by the Anunnaki for a post-diluvial spaceport; a control center is established on Mount
Moriah (the future Jerusalem).
9780 Ra/Marduk, Enki’s firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and Seth.
9330 Seth seizes and dismembers Osiris, assumes sole rule over the Nile Valley.
8970 Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, seizes the
Sinai peninsula and Canaan.
8670 Opposed to the resulting control of all the space facilities by Enki’s descendants, the Enlilites launch
the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment. Ninhursag,
half-sister of Enki and Enlil, convenes peace conference. The division of Earth is reaffirmed. Rule over
Egypt transferred from the Ra/Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth. Heliopolis built as a substitute Beacon
8500 The Anunnaki establish outposts at the gateway to the space facilities; Jericho is one of them.
7400 As the era of peace continues, the Anunnaki grant Mankind new advances; the Neolithic period
begins. Demigods rule over Egypt.
3800 Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with
Eridu and Nippur. Anu comes to Earth for a pageantful visit. A new city, Uruk (Erech), is built in his
honor; he makes its temple the abode of his beloved granddaughter Inanna/lshtar.
Kingship on Earth
3760 Mankind granted kingship. Kish is first capital under the aegis of Ninurta. The calendar begun at
Nippur. Civilization blossoms out in Sumer (the First Region).
3450 Primacy in Sumer transferred to Nannar/Sin. Marduk proclaims Babylon “Gateway of the Gods.” The
“Tower of Babel” incident. The Anunnaki confuse Mankind’s languages. His coup frustrated, Marduk/Ra
returns to Egypt, deposes Thoth, seizes his younger brother Dumuzi who had betrothed Inanna. Dumuzi
accidentally killed; Marduk imprisoned alive in the Great Pyramid. Freed through an emergency shaft, he
goes into exile.
3100 350 years of chaos end with installation of first Egyptian Pharaoh in Memphis. Civilization comes to
the Second Region.
2900 Kingship in Sumer transferred to Erech. Inanna given dominion over the Third Region; the Indus
Valley Civilization begins.
2650 Sumer’s royal capital shifts about. Kingship deteriorates. Enlil loses patience with the unruly human
2371 Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). He establishes new capital city. Agade (Akkad).
Akkadian empire launched.
2316 Aiming to rule the four regions, Sargon removes sacred soil from Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna
conflict flares up again. It ends when Nergal, Marduk’s brother, journeys from south Africa to Babylon and
persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia.
2291 Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Directed by the warlike Inanna, he penetrates the Sinai
peninsula, invades Egypt.
2255 Inanna usurps the power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin defies Nippur. The Great Anunnaki obliterate
Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta.
2220 Sumerian civilization rises to new heights under enlightened rulers of Lagash. Thoth helps its king
Gudea build a ziggurat-temple for Ninurta.
2193 Terah, Abraham’s father, born in Nippur into a priestly-royal family.
2180 Egypt divided; followers of Ra/Marduk retain the south; Pharaohs opposed to him gain the throne of
lower Egypt.
2130 As Enlil and Ninurta are increasingly away, central authority also deteriorates in Mesopotamia.
Inanna’s attempts to regain the kingship for Erech does not last.
The Fateful Century B.C.
2123 Abraham born in Nippur.
2113 Enlil entrusts the Lands of Shem to Nannar; Ur declared capital of new empire. Ur- Nammmu ascends
throne, is named Protector of Nippur. A Nippurian priest-Terah, Abraham’s father - comes to Ur to liaison
with its royal court.
2096 Ur-Nammu dies in battle. The people consider his untimely death a betrayal by Anu and Enlil. Terah
departs with his family for Harran.
2095 Shulgi ascends the throne of Ur, strengthens imperial ties. As empire thrives, Shulgi falls under
charms of Inanna, becomes her lover. Grants Larsa to Elamites in exchange for serving as his Foreign
2080 Theban princes loyal to Ra/Marduk press northward under Mentuhotep I. Nabu, Marduk’s son, gains
adherents for his father in Western Asia.
2055 On Nannar’s orders, Shulgi sends Elamite troops to suppress unrest in Canaanite cities. Elamites
reach the gateway to the Sinai peninsula and its Spaceport.
2048 Shulgi dies. Marduk moves to the Land of the Hittites. Abraham ordered to southern Canaan with an
elite corps of cavalrymen.
2047 Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur. Abraham goes to Egypt, stays five years, then
returns with more troops.
2041 Guided by Inanna, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of Kings of the East, launches military expedition to
Canaan and the Sinai. Its leader is the Elamite Khedor-la’omer. Abraham blocks the advance at the gateway
to the Spaceport.
2038 Shu-Sin replaces Amar-Sin on throne of Ur as the empire disintegrates.
2029 Ibbi-Sin replaces Shu-Sin. The western provinces increasingly to Marduk.
2024 Leading his followers, Marduk marches on Sumer, enthrones himself in Babylon. Fighting spreads to
central Mesopotamia. Nippur’s Holy of Holies is defiled. Enlil demands punishment for Marduk and Nabu;
Enki opposes, but his son Nergal sides with Enlil. As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the
Spaceport, the Great Anunnaki approve of the use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy the
Spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities.
2023 The winds carry the radioactive cloud to Sumer. People die a terrible death, animals perish, the water
is poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate. Its legacy passes to
Abraham’s seed as he begets -at age 100- a legitimate heir: Isaac. (All of the above was taken from
Zecharia Sitchin’s EARTH CHRONICLES.) for more info: OF CONTENTS
The Stones of Dr. Cabrera’s Museum in Peru
A year of research has got me nowhere. It is ironic that a most tangible object on present-day earth... of a
long, long, lost civilization is so overlooked.
If the stones are a hoax (which they could be), I have some overriding questions: Why would anyone go to
the trouble of years of labor carving pictures in stone and then burying them..., some many decades ago?
Where is the profit angle? How would they do it? How could anyone without very recent knowledge, know
how the world looked from the skies some 13,000,000 years ago? I have been looking for answers, without
success. I welcome opinions.
Let me first explain that I pretend no extraordinary knowledge of the stones, other than what I have read.
Nor do I attempt to deny or confirm their origination, and I do not yet accept or deny that they may be alienrelated. On the contrary, if someone were to insist on my own theory, I would hesitate a very long time, but
based on the information, would have little choice but admit that I lean toward the ancient civilization
possibility. Nothing else makes sense.
One thing is certain... approximately 15,000 stones, ranging from the size of a tomato to twice that of a
basketball, do exist. Of that, there is no doubt. They are not a secret. They are not cached away in some
mysterious place. Dr. Cabrera’s museum is so incredibly open that anyone off the streets can walk in and
handle the stones. Theft? Why bother? At one time, they could be purchased off vendor carts.
Why the mystery, then? The stones are clearly carved with remarkable scenes of medical transplants,
people riding dinosaurs, telescopes, and views of the planet Earth as it appeared 13,000,000 years ago
(that’s right, 13 MILLION years ago, pre-stone age). No one can explain them. There has been no logical,
rational, or believable explanation of who carved them? When? Why? And, most importantly, how did they
do it?
Only recently have scientists agreed on the continental shifts which have taken place over millions of years.
Africa, the Americas, Asia, were once all configured radically different than today. Most research confirms
that without question. However, these rocks, buried for countless centuries, depict precisely how the world
looked millions of years ago. As I said, this is a hobby of mine, nothing more, but I would truly enjoy
having someone explain the mystery. For reasons I do not understand, the rocks have received little
First, although I have covered the globe many times (retired airline employee), I have never seen Peru. The
information presented here comes from books, scant as they are, articles, and BBC productions. Also, this
is purely empirical information, as I have seen no hard evidence or testimony, other than pictures of the
very real and undeniable stones themselves. A great many tourists have possession of some actual stones,
as the local museum is full, and the vendor sells them from carts. To appreciate the environment where the
stones were found, let me briefly describe the area, for those unfamiliar with Peru.
Peru is one of the most geographically diverse countries on earth, with radical environments and weathers.
It is large -- 1,285,216 square kilometers—only slightly smaller than Alaska. The massive Andes mountains
split its north/south borders, producing over 30 peaks above 6000 meters and competing with the
Himalayas in elevations.
It also has the deepest canyon on earth, yet is bordered with 2000 kilometers of coastline on the Pacific
Ocean. Peru has combinations of rain forests and deserts, in surprisingly close proximity. Peru is bordered
by Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Bolivia, thus making it slightly dangerous for the amateur traveler. The
high country is filled with drug operations and bandits. Only seasoned travelers or those in groups should
venture on foot into the hills.
Ancient history is deeply engulfed in Peru. It is the home of antiquities, and pre-Columbian civilizations
like the Chavin, Mochica, Chima, and the Incas. It boasts the excavations of the Lord of Sipan, the fabulous
Bruning Museum of Gold in Lambayque, the Valley of the Pyramids of Tucume, and archaeological sites
of Chan Chan.
Perhaps the most famous of Peru’s sites are the Plains of Nazca, famous for their unexplained plateaus
sculpted with landing sites (or whatever) and intricate designs which can only be visually realized from the
air. Ica is a relatively small place, some 300 kilometers from Lima. Some time ago (the exact date is
unknown, but approximately 20 years) a villager claimed to have found piles and piles of rocks deep in
various gorges and caves. Some were also buried slightly under the ground. The native farmer produced
only bags of stones at first, but later, he produced literally thousands of the artifacts. Here, the story gets
confusing. It has never been made clear on how many stories the man told but most were false, and they
changed by the day, depending on who asked the questions. The countryside was ablaze with rumors and
gossip about the find and no one could get a straight story.
The man was making a sizable income (by his standards) selling the stones to tourists and the curious. The
stones really are remarkably beautiful, ignoring all aspects except decoration. That alone makes them quite
unusual. He became something of a celebrity. Word traveled in the archaeological world, and experts
descended on Ica.
Several BBS documentaries were run and that was my first exposure, many years ago. I was fascinated by
the stones, incredibly beautiful even on TV. Enter the Peruvian government. Now, you have to understand
their position, not wanting to become another Egypt, overrun with diggers and robbers. They had enough of
them already. No one knows what was said to the farmer but after arrest and confinement, he admitted the
hoax and that he had carved the stones himself. He was going to bilk the tourists and never realized it
would get out of hand.
End of story. The BBS, not pleased with the idea of being fooled, buried the story until European
newspapers learned that the highly regarded BBS had been duped. They sprayed the story all over Britain,
and the world. The stones’ authenticity died overnight and would have remained a hoax... ...Except for one
Dr. Javier Cabrera, a highly-regarded South American who still had questions. He kept badgering the
farmer about carving the stones. How did he do it? With what? Could he show the doctor? The farmer was
evasive and maintained his story about bilking the tourists. After all, the Peruvian government released the
man and allowed him to continue selling them from a cart. He was in heaven and why let this foolish doctor
ruin a good thing?
Ironically, Dr. Cabrera became the prime customer for the stones, and the farmer apparently had an endless
supply. When Cabrera had bought a few thousand, he really put the pressure to the farmer, “Just how many
are there?” The farmer seemed to produce more every week. Cabrera was beginning to believe that he had
fallen prey to this farmer, and the man had created a cottage industry.
Except the farmer refused to discuss exactly how he made the stones. The designs were the first
overwhelming aspect to the doctor. Here were scenes of natives, adorned with robes and high crowns,
similar to the Incas, performing medical procedures on patients. Several depict heart and brain transplants (I
have seen several photos of these, and can attest to the descriptions). Surely, no uneducated farmer could
even begin to fathom such things? Then the sheer number of stones became apparent. The farmer finally
admitted that he had sold them for some time, perhaps thousands of them, before he became famous. The
doctor currently owns 11,000 stones (at latest count) and estimates the total in existence to be about 15,000.
Even if one were to accept the unlikely notions that this man understood surgery, art, carving stone, and the
history of the Incas..., and dinosaurs, and flying reptiles..., and a host of other disciplines, all of which is
most improbable; there is the issue of simple math for one man to carve 15,000 stones would mean:
he began as a teenager; 2.
years without missing a single day.
he carved one stone a day; 3. he continued this 7 days a week for 41
To refute this simple logic would mean:
he carved more than one a day (impossible to even do one); 2: he had help and lots of it’ 3: they
came from someone else.
Even if one accepts the idea that he had help in the hills, other farmers or such, the pure knowledge of the
scenes would deny that any group of people could possess the wide scientific knowledge to complete the
accurate details.
Dr. Cabrera, by then a trusted friend of the farmer, learned that the man was released from prison once he
signed the confession that he was cheating the tourists. He agreed not to pretend the stones came from the
hills but that he had indeed carved them himself. It was either that or go to prison for selling government
possessions (the international antiquity laws). The story, however, died the death of all shams and no
reputable investigator would be stained by falling for the same hoax. BBS had been ridiculed beyond belief,
and had thoroughly and painfully apologized to their public for airing the sham.
Meanwhile, the doctor continued his research with geologists to interpret the maps on several stones
showing a weird configuration of the world. Some angles and land masses looked vaguely familiar, but the
majority were badly skewered into strange shapes. Geologists have confirmed that based on current
computer projections, the shapes indicated on the rocks are indeed accurate for the planet earth, as it was,
about 13,000,000 (million) years ago, and as seen from above!!!!
I have seen several of these photos, they are not some weird, distorted collection of vague notions, but very
clear and distinct carvings showing land masses and oceans.
Now, Dr. Cabrera had a real problem. A farmer insists that he carved the stones himself and therefore,
Cabrera has had no success in getting anyone to take the stones seriously. At first, the doctor was only
considering the aspect that his stones dated back to the Incas, or pre-Columbian era. But now, his stones
appear to be 13 million years old, not a mere few thousand. This would be pre-stone age!!!
How on earth could this man convince anyone of stature to even look at the stones, with their brief history
in the press, much less consider them to predate stone-age man ???
The doctor maintains he has two enormous problems in getting anyone to take him seriously. One, there are
so many stones. Like diamonds, we expect anything of value to be rare and difficult to obtain. There are
thousands of the things just sitting around in Ica. Second, and this is the real issue, one would have to
accept the notion that some highly-intelligent form of man occupied this planet millions of years before the
first known man could even swing a club. This is simply not acceptable.
I’ve seen several photos of stones showing men in robes riding flying reptiles and dinosaurs, very similar to
the animals and reptiles shown in the movie, “Jurassic Park.” To accept this concept would invalidate every
book ever written about ancient man, and everything since then. I’ve searched the net looking for
references. But nowhere, outside of Peru, can I find anyone with any information.
Maybe it is a hoax, but if so, it is the greatest one I’ve ever read about. And the magnitude? Think about it.
You’re some kind of a trickster on a grade scale. Okay, do you spend years of your life carving complicated
pictures in rock and then scatter them in the hills? Why? Where’s the profit? What’s the reason? Who
benefits? This farmer, selling them off a vendor’s cart?
I simply don’t get it. Somewhere, somehow, there is an explanation. I want to know: Who carved them?
When? How? How did they acquire the knowledge? And, why did they carve them?
Additional information on the ICA Stones of Peru
A translation of the preface to EXISTIO OTRA HUMANIDAD
An ancient library on over 50,000 carved stones: the Ica Stones of Peru... by Sr. J.J. Benitez
“In 1969, in a white rocky desert in the department of Ica in Peru, Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea, discovered
and collected over 11,000 engraved stones from a very ancient time. These, plus an estimated 40,000 to
50,000 more of the same, constituted a vast library of information from the past, even up to a million years
ago. They describe another humanity who apparently lived on this planet many thousands of years ago. The
good Peruvian Doctor Cabrera has his fantastic collection on display in his house on the Plaza de Armas in
the city of Ica.
“11,000 stones engraved with advanced knowledge in medicine, zoology, biology, law, geography, religion,
astronomy and astronautics detailing the knowledge of that advanced society. The figures of the other
humanity engraved on these stone tablets looked very much like men of Earth. For the first time, Earth
humanity is confronted with the surprising evidence that someone before him knew the secrets of surgery,
astronomy, space flight, and many other things—such as the movement of the continents that make up our
world. All this, and much more still to be discovered, lies there in the Peruvian desert called Ocucaje.
“Doctor Javier Cabrera noticed that this ‘library’ of information engraved on stones was divided into series
and sections in their respective locations, forming distinct ‘volumes’ of stones, among which were a series
demonstrating knowledge of medicine and surgery including detailed explanations of heart, brain, liver, and
kidney transplants. Methods of overcoming rejection of organ transplants was described. There were
descriptions of Caesarian section and acupuncture, of work with genetic codes and prolongation of life.
There were descriptions of electronic systems that could control biological life functions of the body while
it was being worked on by the doctors.
“There was a series of tablets devoted to astronomy and knowledge of the universe, among which were
examples that described the occupation of our planet by these beings long before contemporary man.
Thirteen constellations were specifically described by the creators of these tablets. These historians
indicated other places in the heavens where life exists— vegetable, animal and intelligent. That civilization
recorded the passing of a great comet, millions of years ago that produced catastrophic disturbances in the
society of the time. “They knew of existing life in distant stars and nebulosities. There were descriptions of
technical devices and machines that traveled in space without consuming fuel. There were explanations of
the figures and lines drawn on the plains of Nazca. There was also a drawing of the hemispheric maps of
another planet that was not Earth, another planet having intelligent life that was also capable of traveling in
“There were a series of tablets describing plant and animal life long extinct. There were drawings of men
provided with apparatus reminiscent of cowboys, mounted on four legged animals in pursuit of great
saurians, the dinosaurs of millions of years ago. These men had larger heads and smaller stature and were
shown pursuing various types of dinosaurs such as Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Iguanodontes. There were
tablets showing the biological cycles of these great saurians and even some domesticated examples of them.
“There were a series of tablets dedicated to the ancient continents of our world and two matched circular
stones showing the eastern and western hemispheres of this planet at that time, hemispheres that showed
Earth geography millions of years ago. These hemispheric maps showed continents that no longer exist
today such as the mythical Atantis and Mu, and even others. Among these tablets, was also a story of a
great evacuation or departure of men from Earth. On stones of great weight, the civilization engraved the
story of the departure from Earth of the elite scientists and professionals, straight to a physical planet that
today would be considered a part of the Pleiades!” [from Benitz, pgs 11-22, complete reference below] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- J.J. Benitez is a well-known and respected
Spanish journalist and researcher who has spent considerable time and energy with Peruvian scientist, Dr.
Javier Cabrera Darquea. The above is a summary from the Preface to Benitez’ book: Benitz, J.J. “Existio
Otra Humanidad.” Barcelona: Plaza & Janes, 1994, 203p, map. Also see: Cabrera, Javier. “El Mensaje de
las Piedras Grabadas de Ica.” Lima: INTI-Sol Editores, 1980, 372p, map. Author Unknown (for following
article) (found at:
After a UFO experience many years ago, Anthony Seratites, a Dow Chemical engineer, was suddenly
awakened to a new concept of matter and energy, being shown, way back then, that there is no ultimate
particle in physics as it was being taught, that what appears to be protons, electrons, gluons, muons, quarks,
neutrinos, etc., and all their invisible, to us, anti-particles, are nothing more than photon quanta organized
in different ways. The photon quanta are not visible until they become organized into something, and they
can just as easily become organized into an anti-something from our point of view. He visualized a photon
quanta as part of a wave. It had vector and curvature, curl, or spin. He discovered that the vector could be
reversed by simply inverting the curve, or the curve could be reversed by turning it over at 90 degrees to the
other axis. In either case, its accumulation into matter was the same but now opposite or antimatter.
Seratites’ diagram of an electron alone had some 228 parts. He spent years developing his concepts and
diagrammed many atoms in a book titled THE STRUCTURAL NATURE OF MATTER, and then went on
to diagram more atoms and same molecules in another volume called THE UNIVERSAL FIELD LAW and
THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF CREATION OF MASS/ ENERGY. both by Anthony D. Seratites. What he
learned was that matter can be instantly converted to antimatter by simply inverting the quanta, which
changes its direction of spin, and that they mutually repel each other and do not seek to cancel out. The
antimatter world is no more rare than the matter world, as they are one and the same in different aspect.
There is as much antimatter as there is matter and they balance.
Seratites is best known as the inventor of Seranwrap, the thinnest, lightest, strongest, and most vapor
resistant of all films up to that time, and it was a product of his new ideas about chemistry coming out of
his new physics. He may someday be recognized as the father of the renaissance in physics.
He was not alone in these new concepts though. Wilbert B. Smith, B.A., M.A., former head of the
Canadian Department of Transport’s Project Magnet, entertained similar ideas as he developed what he
called his Quadrature Concept, which was published after his death in 1962 under the title THE NW
SCIENCE, authored by him. He too found that there is no ultimate physical particle; that all is the result of
awareness within the creative consciousness. Simply awareness in the Tempic Field of the Creative
Consciousness produces vector and curl. That vector and curl is equivalent to a photon quantum, which is
the result of awareness impinging on the Tempic Field of the All. Simultaneous with the action of vector
and curl comes the reaction of vector and curl energies in the opposite directions, resulting in opposite
manifestation maintaining the balance in the all. The ultimate result in the physical world is observed as
matter and antimatter.
He also concluded that nothing more than awareness impinging on the Tempic Field of the All
Consciousness was the actual first cause, and the origin of the photon and ultimately matter. Matter is
nothing else than the final stages of thought manifest, with energy someplace in between.
UFO Artifacts
The question as to whether or not we have received visitors from space can probably only be answered with
certainty if and when we find indisputable evidence for such a visit here on Earth. Such a proof could
consist of the discovery of artifacts whose exact age can be determined, and whose external and internal
structure can be regarded as “time-anomalous”. In recent years numerous micro-objects have been found in
the Urals, which appear to fulfill these requirements. This is the first published report of the discovery.
For many years now, researchers in our field have been suggesting that artifacts left by extraterrestrial
visitors might be found in geological deposits. Much evidence has been found, principally by Dr. Johannes
Fiebag from apparently paradoxical events in the Earth’s history, that genetic manipulation experiments
have been carried out over hundreds of millions of years by extraterrestrial, which culminated in the
creation of us humans.
Unfortunately for us, any discovery of possibly technical artifacts from ancient times would seem to be very
unlikely. For the geological events of only the last million years are documented today in a mere few
centimeters of sedimentary strata. Even as regards very recent events - I am thinking of the end of the
Second World War - we aware of how quickly technical objects can disappear. Weapons, ammunition, and
even large finds are already almost completely rusted away and disintegrating.
In view of this, the finds made recently in Russia are all the more astonishing. In the years 1991-1993, gold
prospectors on the small river Narada, on the eastern side of the Ural mountains, have found unusual,
mostly spiral-shaped objects. The size of these things ranges from a maximum of 3 cm (1.2 in.) down to an
incredible 0.003 mm, about 1/10,000th of an inch! To date, these inexplicable artifacts have been found in
their thousands at various sites near the rivers Narada, Kozhim, and Balbanyu, and also by two smaller
streams named Vtvisty and Lapkhevozh, mostly at depths between 3 and 12 meters (10 and 40 ft.)
The spiral-form objects are composed of various metals: the larger ones are of copper, while the small and
very small ones are of the rare metals tungsten and molybdenum. Tungsten has a high atomic weight, and is
also very dense, with a melting point of 3410 deg. C (6100 deg. F). It is used principally for the hardening
of special steels, and in unalloyed form for the filaments of light bulbs. Molybdenum also has a high
density, and a respectable melting point of 2650 deg. C (4740 deg. F). This metal too is used for hardening
steels and giving them corrosion-resistant properties, these being used principally for highly-stressed
weapon parts and vehicle armor. At the present time, these more-than-mysterious objects are being
investigated by the Russian Academy of Sciences in Syktyvka (capital city of the former Soviet Republic of
Komi), Moscow, St. Petersburg, and also a scientific institute in Helsinki, Finland. Exact measurements of
these often microscopically-small objects have shown that the dimensions of the spirals are in the so-called
Golden Mean ratio. Since ancient classical times this fraction has been the “iron rule” in architecture and
geometry. Its usefulness is in the fact that if a certain length is divided into two using this ratio, the ratio of
the original length to the larger piece is the same as that of the larger piece to the smaller piece.
Quite apart from such subtleties, these objects are obviously the product of an inexplicable and highly
advanced technology; they bear remarkable resemblance to control elements used in micro-miniature
devices in our very latest technology, so-called nanomachines. This technology is still in its infancy with
us, but already engineers are thinking of applications which are pure science-fiction. Among other things,
they envisage constructing microprobes for use in medicine which can be implanted, such as for carrying
out operations inside blood vessels which are not possible with present surgical techniques.
*** Pictures for this paragraph below, did not print out*** Figure 3 - 500X magnification What was the
purpose of this object, illustrated here in 100x and again in 500x magnification? (Figs 2, 3). Fig. 1 shows
another object in its entirety over a scale-bar 200 microns wide (8/1000ths inch)! All tests carried out to
date give an age for the objects of between 20,000 and 318,000 years, depending on the depth and the
situation of the site. (3,4) But even if it was only a mere 2,000 or 20,000 years, we are faced with the
inevitable question: who, of all the people in the world, was at that time capable of creating such superfine
micro-filigree objects, something which our own technology is only now just beginning to achieve?
-----Following is a synopsis of evidence presented by Tom Van Flandern. in his book Dark Matter, Missing
Planets and New Comets (Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated) in the chapter titled “A Synthesis of
Recent Planetary Breakup Evidence” (pages 215 - 236).
Evidence Related to Asteroids Evidence Related to Comets Evidence Related to Planets and their Moons
Other Miscellaneous Evidence Evidence Related to Asteroids
The asteroids inhabiting the belt between Mars and Jupiter have tilts and ellipticity that don’t conform with
the theory that they condensed in the same manner that the planets did.
The mean relative velocities between asteroids (about 5 km/sec) are more indicative of a breakup and not of
formation from a solar nebula. The asteroids should be highly fragmented due to the predicted mean time
between collisions (about 5% the age of the solar system). Because they are not suggests that their
formation is recent. The asteroids show the same characteristic distribution as fragments from exploded
satellites orbiting the Earth.
The Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt appear to be a natural result of an explosion but cannot be easily
explained in the conventional asteroid formation theory. Asteroid satellites appear to be common. Satellites
would be a natural byproduct of an explosion origin, but highly unlikely in the conventional theory.
Tidal forces and collisions should have eliminated most asteroid satellites long ago (assuming they formed
when the planets did). This also implies that the asteroids are much younger then previously believed.
There still are about 1000 asteroids larger then 1 km in Earth-crossing orbits. These should have been
virtually eliminated, mostly by Earth collisions, in about 30,000,000 years. This again suggests that
asteroids are very young.
Evidence Related to Comets
Lagrange pointed out in 1814 that the elongated orbits of comets would be a natural byproduct of an
explosion in the solar system, but are not consistent with formation through condensation from a nebula.
Comets are conventionally thought to come from the “Oort cloud,” a theoretical cloud containing more than
a trillion comets orbiting the sun about 1000 times farther out then Pluto. The exploded planet theory offers
a viable and simple alternative to this hypothesis.
Many new comets coming from the “Oort cloud” develop tails at 2.8 au from the Sun. The exploded planet
theory places comet origins at 2.8 au (the location of the exploded planet). When these comets pass 2.8 au
for the first time, orbiting material is able to escape due to the shrinking gravitational sphere of influence of
the comet. This escaping matter forms the tail of the comet. (Note: Dr. Tom Van Flandern hypothesizes that
comets are simply asteroids that were flung into large elliptical orbits from the explosion and thus have the
same origin as asteroids. This contradicts the common belief that comets are “dirty snowballs” of volatiles.)
The ratio N2/NH3 was observed at 1/10 for Haley’s Comet, contrary to the 100-200 ratio for conventional
comet models. This suggests a comet origin much closer to the sun then the outer solar system or farther
out, as the conventional models suggest. 84% of comets arrive from one hemisphere of the sky and 16%
from the other (after correction for selection events). This is required by the exploded planet theory.
Comets originating from the “Oort cloud” should have a more uniform ratio.
The optical reflectivity of asteroids and comets is very low, as expected from the charred residue of an
explosion. The dirty snowball model of comets predicts ice, which is lacking in the reflection spectra of
comets. New comets loose an order of magnitude in brightness on their first approach to the Sun, but old
comets show no further decrease in brightness. This holds if the comets are asteroid type entities. On their
first approach to the Sun they would loose satellites as their gravitational sphere of influence shrank, but on
subsequent passes all the satellites that would have escaped have already done so.
Evidence Related to Planets and their Moons
Mercury’s slow rotation would cause one hemisphere of the planet to be more heavily cratered during the
initial blast wave. This cratering characteristic has been observed.
The abundance of deuterium on Venus relative to hydrogen indicates abundant water in the past, more than
can be accounted for by comet impacts alone. (Note: The missing planet is theorized to have had an
abundance of water which would have been ejected during the explosion.) Tektites, a meteorite found on
earth, may be the remains of the initial blast wave. These glassy meteorites were melted prior to entering
the Earth’s atmosphere (entering the atmosphere also re-melted the objects). The planetary explosion
provides a natural source for these meteorites.
The Earth’s climate changed from warm, equatorial-like conditions (uninterrupted for 50,000,000 years) to
a succession of ice ages over the past 3,000,000 years or so. A massive influx of water vapor from the
explosion event may have been responsible for this. Regions of the Earth show evidence for a massive
flood several million years ago. The Spokane Flood evidence indicates a short-lived event involving not
less than 2000 cubic kilometers of water discharged per day. This could have been caused by a major
impact event in the Pacific Ocean, or a direct result of a massive influx of water from the breakup event.
The calculated cratering rate on the Earth and the Moon from the present populations of Earth-crossing
comets and asteroids exceeds the total observed cratering by a factor of eight. This discrepancy would be
easily explained if the impactor population has been this high for only the last few million years. The
breakup event could help explain the origin of magnetism in lunar rocks as well as radioactivity in lunar
soil, neither of which can be native to the Moon.
Mars shows direct evidence for a recent influx of cratering in the form of a number of small, fresh craters.
It is conventionally thought that the larger, older craters were obliterated suddenly by some unknown past
event. Martian winds and sand should erode craters at the rate of 200 meters per million years. Craters older
than 100 million years should be long gone, but Mars is covered with craters.
Mars shows evidence that there was enough water for a brief period of time to produce flowing rivers and
channels. Sinuous rilles on the Moon and Mars are almost certainly water-carved features and relatively
recent as well (as indicated by the lack of overlay craters). The theory that these rilles are the result of lava
flows is inconsistent (lava is not known to carve sinuous features). Comets and asteroids appear to be about
20% water by bulk, suggesting that the breakup event could have been the source of a sudden, short-lived,
massive influx of water. It is known that water flow on an airless body is possible, since ice forms
immediately over the surface, preventing evaporation of the flowing water beneath.
Phobos will tidally decay into the Martian atmosphere in about 30-40 million years, only 1% the age of the
solar system. This is less coincidental if Phobos originated 3,200,000 years ago as a captured asteroid from
the explosion event. A gap in the spacing between the planets Mars and Jupiter is large enough to
accommodate a missing planet. Jupiter’s mass is insufficient to have interfered with the formation of a
normal planet at this location.
Jupiter will have swept up almost all the mass from the exploded planet that did not escape the solar
system. Jupiter’s excess heat flux over what it receives from the Sun may be an indication of relatively
recent mass accretion by the planet The “Great Red Spot” on Jupiter (as well as other similar spots on the
gas giants) may be the site of an unusually large impact, perhaps from one of the largest surviving
fragments from the explosion event. The debris may now be held together by gravitation and cohesion, and
remain floating in the planet’s atmosphere.
All atmosphere-less bodies in the outer solar system are coated with an extremely dark material. This may
be the carbonaceous residue from the blast Those which rotate more slowly than one month (Iapetus and
possibly Nereid) are coated on only one side. Pluto, which can rotate pole-on at times, is coated on holy one
hemisphere. Triton, whose orbital tilt hides one polar region from view for years at a time, is coated
everywhere except the southern polar regions, which are icy bright.
Spectrally, the dark material on outer solar system satellites is the same as Type C and Type D asteroids,
both of which are associated with carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.
Other Miscellaneous Evidence
AT the present time our solar system is embedded in a uniform, X-ray absorption-free emitting region of
variable extent. Evidence indicates that the X-rays originate within a few hundred parsecs and may be
associated with gamma-ray bursts. The observed background soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet spectra
seem to suggest that an energetic explosion of possibly supernova proportions occurred within the last
4,000,000 years, affecting the interstellar medium surrounding the Sun. Radio scintillation maps suggest
that the solar neighborhood is encapsulated in an envelope of plasma turbulence, conventionally thought to
be the relic of a supernova explosion of a nearby massive star.
Unless the exploded planet was a lot less massive than the evidence suggests, chemical or collisional
processes do not generate enough energy to blow it apart. Nuclear processes are indicated by meteoritic
evidence. It has been objected that planets are not hot enough in their cores for nuclear reactions, yet natural
surface fission reactors have been known to operate even on the Earth’s surface in the geologic past. But
the most natural way to produce the isotopic anomalies observed in meteorites, and supply abundant
energy, is by a matter-antimatter explosion. This speculative possibility might result from magnetic
separation and storage of the antimatter in a planet over billions of years before the explosion; or from
some sort of chain-reaction high-energy antimatter generation process; or from the intervention of
intelligent beings (which shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand).
The primary source of gamma-ray bursts must be within 500 parsecs, because of their uniformity over the
sky, and the lack of indicators of cosmological distances. Fainter bursts do concentrate toward the galactic
plane, but must still lie within a few kiloparsecs of the Sun, and cannot be spread uniformly throughout
space or within our galaxy. There is a great variety of observed bursts with unknown sources, which fail to
match up with known astronomical objects at any other wavelengths. There are abundant bright bursts, but
a deficit of faint bursts. Some spikes have durations as short as 0.2 milliseconds, requiring either relativistic
beaming or small source bodies, probably only kilometers across. This picture would be neatly explained
by an exploding shock wave from the planetary explosion event, producing such bursts whenever it ran into
matter in any form. Specifically, the high energy of gamma-ray bursts would be a natural consequence of
antimatter from the explosion encountering interstellar matter. Evidence for the local bubble in the
interstellar medium exists in observations at all wavelengths from gamma-ray through radio. There also
appears to be a trough in the nearby interstellar dust which is roughly Sun-centered. This evidence supports
the planetary explosion hypothesis.