Biology Unintended Consequences Item Template Life Science Biology Unintended Consequences Item Template Biology End-of-Course Exam The documents on the following pages are designed to provide item and rubric templates for classroom practice. Directions for use: Use the templates by making the following modifications: On Items: Revise text in red with prompts appropriate to the item used in classroom practice. On Rubrics: Revise text in red italics with student responses appropriate to the item used in classroom practice. Revise text in red with information from the item. Science Assessment Development Team 11/26/12 Biology Unintended Consequences Item Template 0 Describe a solution to a problem in a biological system that can be solved using a technological design process. Describe two unintended consequences of the solution. In your description, be sure to: Describe two unintended consequences of the solution. Describe how each unintended consequence could affect a component of the system/ecosystem. One unintended consequence: Another unintended consequence: Biology Unintended Consequences Item Template Scoring Rubric for: Unintended Consequences Performance Description A 2-point response demonstrates the student understands the Content Standard APPE: Perfect solutions do not exist. All technological solutions involve trade-offs in which decisions to include more of one quality means less of another. All solutions involve consequences, some intended, others not. Item Specification 1: Describe trade-offs and/or unintended consequences for one or more given solution(s) to a given technological design problem. The response describes two unintended consequences of the solution by: Describing two unintended consequences of the solution AND Describing how each unintended consequence could affect a component of the system/ecosystem. Describe unintended consequence: Describe effect on system/ecosystem : A 1-point response demonstrates the student has partial understanding of the Content Standard. The response describes one unintended consequence of the solution, and describes how that unintended consequence could affect a component of the system/ecosystem. A 0-point response demonstrates the student has little or no understanding of the Content Standard. General Notes: 1. Responses that …