Notes: Topographic Maps

Notes: Topographic Maps
I. Topographic Maps
A. Topographic maps show the _____________________________________of the land.
B. They also show ____________________________ features such as roads, development, trails,
II. Contour Lines
A. Topographic maps use Contour Lines to show _________________________ and land shape.
B. A Contour Line is
C. The ___________________________________ is the difference in elevation between two
consecutive contour lines
D. __________________________- a contour line that is numbered with the elevation.
III. How Topographic Maps are made
A. The land is ___________________________ to find the elevation of the land.
B. A contour interval is chosen based on how ______________________the land is.
C. Lines are drawn connecting places with equal _____________________.
D. Contour lines _________________________ or intersect.
IV. Interpreting land shape
A. Contour lines that are spaced close together show _____________________ land. Elevation
is increasing over a short distance.
B. Contour lines that are spaced far apart show land that is ____________________________
Elevation isn’t changing much in a given distance.
*Compare the landform on the left with its
topographic map below and identify the following
Steep Slope
Gentle Slope
Main river channel
Smaller drainage creeks
Man-made road
Highest point of elevation
Sea level (lowest elevation)
Ocean or Bay
VI. Mountains and depressions
A. Contour lines form closed circles around ____________________________.
B. An area of depression is indicated with __________________________ pointing in on the circle.
This indicates that elevation goes down.
Depression contour lines of a crater
VII. Rivers
A. Because rivers erode land, the area beside a river has a ________________ elevation than the
land around it. This appears as dips in the contour lines. The point of the contour line dip
always points ___________________________, or up hill.
(Remember: due to GRAVITY, water always flows DOWN a hill!)