Debate Assignment

New France Debate Assignment
Your Task: Using proper debate format you will work with 2 or 3 of your peers argue whether the French were
a positive or negative influence on New France. You are encouraged to use your persuasive writing piece as
well as the print resources in the classroom and online resources to help defend your perspective on this issue.
Groups and positions on this topic will be drawn randomly. Therefore, you will need to be prepared to
support each side of as well as provide rebuttals as to why the other perspective is incorrect. Plenty of
information to support both is available in your class notes and through the research you have already done for
your persuasive writing piece. You will be given both a group mark as well as an individual mark for your
efforts with this project. This is shown on the rubric on the last page of your debate preparation booklet. It
can also be downloaded from the grade 7 website.
You should not need to complete any of this at home. Plenty of class time will be provided for you to prepare
you arguments, research your perspective and rehearse with your group. Below is a “suggested” model for how
to manage your class time so that you are ready for presentations on h Thursday, Jan. 12. Remember you
have already done the bulk of this work by researching and writing your persuasive writing piece.
Steps to Complete This Task Effectively:
1. Meet with your assigned group and discuss what you already know about the topic. Read through your
Debate Package and look over the rubric. Make sure you ask your teacher to clarify anything you do
not understand
2. As a group consider the evidence you have to support your perspective on this argument. Consider
where your strengths are and in what areas do you need to do some extra research
3. Consider the alternative perspective and how you will discredit their claims (i.e., consider you rebuttals)
4. Complete the Debate Organizer that is found in your Debate Package and decide on the order in
which you will be speaking (NOTE: if you are in a 3 person team one person will speak twice—this
should be the first speaker—extra marks WILL NOT be given to the person who speaks twice
5. Rehearse your presentation (using debate structure outline) so you are confident and ready to present
Suggested Use of Class Time:
Listen as debate is explained;
Period 1
Period 2
draw for your topic and group
Decide on your supporting
arguments and divide up the
research for this
Meet with Group; read over
debate package; consider what
you have and what you need to
be successful
Meet and discuss where you
are at/who needs help
Complete front of debate
Lab time for research if
needed—focus on rebuttals by
considering what the opposing
team will argue
Together complete the back
pg. of the debate organizer
Rehearse debate
Use the 20 min. of rehearsal
time to fine tune your
DEBATES 1 and 2 will
BEGIN: Note Groups with 4
people in them will be
presenting this period
Pro side speaker 1—2 min. to present topic and overview of reasons
Con side speaker 1—2 min. to rebuttal present their opinion
1 min. time for both sides to prepare rebuttal and next steps
Pro— speaker 2 – 2 min. rebuttal/present
Con— speaker 2—2 min. rebuttal/present
1 min. rebuttal planning
Pro—speaker 3—2 min. rebuttal/present
Con—speaker 3—2 min. rebuttal/present
Pro 1—speaker 4 (or 1 again) 1 min. summary
Con 1—speaker 4 (or 1 again) 1 min. summary
Judging will take place to confirm the successful side. Rubrics will be given at the end of all debates
Debate Format/Structure