Running title: Disturbance-driven changes in variability DISTURBANCE-DRIVEN CHANGES IN THE VARIABILITY OF ECOLOGICAL PATTERNS AND PROCESSES Appendix S1. Studies included in the review of disturbance effects on variability. Authors Response* T# (disturbance return interval / recovery time) S† Prediction based on S-T‡ Prediction consistent with empirical results? Ecosystem Disturbance(s) Bennett 2004 Prairie Agriculture Soil phosphorus concentration (1/2)/50 1 Unstable system Yes Diekmann et al. 2007 Forest Shifting cultivation Soil nutrient concentrations 10/ (recovery range:10-20) 1 Lower-higher variability Yes Fuhlendorf et al. 2006 Prairie Fire and grazing Vegetation cover and structure 3/1 0.3 Lower-higher variability Yes Kashian et al. 2005 Forest Fire Stand density 200/2 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Spatial increase Fraterrigo and Rusak Reed et al. 2000 Marine El Niño Kelp forest community abundance Schlesinger et al. 1996 Semi-arid grassland Grazing and drought Soil nutrient concentrations For grazing: (1/10)/40 1 Unstable system Yes Su et al. 2006 Semi-arid grassland Grazing Soil nutrient concentrations (1/10)/40 1 Unstable system Yes Terlizzi et al. 2005 Marine Sewage discharge (1/10)/10 0.3 Unstable system Yes Fraterrigo et al. 2005 Regenerated Forest Agriculture, harvesting 50/60 1 Lower-higher variability Yes Guo et al. 2004 Forest Harvest 50/50 1 Much higher variability Yes Guo et al. 2004 Forest Girdling Forest floor litter mass, soil nutrient concentrations 50/20 1 Much higher variability Yes Mou et al. 2005 Forest Harvest, girdling Cover of species regenerating from seed bank 50/50 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Stark et al. 2003 Marine Sewage discharge Soft-sediment benthic abundances 1/1 0.5 Higher-much higher variability Yes Total molluscan population abundance Soil phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium concentrations Forest floor litter mass, soil nutrient concentrations ~3/2 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes 2 Fraterrigo and Rusak Marine Industrial effluent Coleman et al. 2006 Marine Release from grazing Piazzi et al. 2004 Marine Sewage discharge Warwick & Clarke 1993 Marine Organic inputs, drilling, El Niño, mining Warwick & Clarke 1993 Marine Organic inputs, drilling, El Niño, mining Balestri et al. 2004 Sea grass growth and morphological (1/10)/30 characteristics 1 Unstable system No 1/3 0.5 Lower variability No (1/10)/30 1 Unstable system No Meiobenthos and macrobenthos 1/5 0.5 Lower variability No Reef fish (1/4)/10 0.5 Unstable system No Benthic intertidal community composition 1 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Benthic intertidal community composition 1.5 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Benthic intertidal community composition 3 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Rocky intertidal algal cover and biomass Epiphyte community composition and population abundance Temporal increase Bertocci et al. 2005 Marine Bertocci et al. 2005 Marine Bertocci et al. 2005 Marine Biomass removal, low intensity Biomass removal, medium intensity Biomass removal, high intensity 3 Fraterrigo and Rusak Bradley & Mustard 2005 Semi-arid grassland Invasive by an exotic plant Annual plant productivity 1/~0 (no recovery) 1 Unstable system Yes Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, high frequency Plant community composition 1/1 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, medium frequency Plant community composition 4/1 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, low frequency Plant community composition 1 Higher-much higher variability Yes Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, medium frequency Grasshopper community composition 4/3 1 Much higher variability Yes Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, low frequency Grasshopper community composition 20/3 1 Much higher variability Yes Cottingham et al. 2000 Freshwater Eutrophication Algal pigment concentrations 4/2 1 Much higher variability Yes Hsieh et al. 2006 Marine Commercial fish harvest Fish population abundance 5/10 1 Unstable system Yes Micheli et al. 1999 Terrestrial Predator removal Bird abundance (1/10)/10 1 Unstable system Yes 20/1 4 Fraterrigo and Rusak Freshwater Invasion by an exotic planktivore Zooplankton abundance (1/10)/20 1 Unstable system Yes Freshwater Predator addition Zooplankton populations and community abundance 3/20 1 Unstable system Yes Prairie Fire, high frequency Grasshopper community composition 1/3 1 Lower variabilityunstable system No Marine Sewage discharge Molluscan community composition (1/10)/365 0.3 Unstable system Yes Stark et al. 2003 Marine Sewage discharge 1/12 0.5 Lower variability Yes Fraterrigo et al. 2005 Regenerated forest Agriculture, harvesting 50/60 1 Lower-higher variability Yes Guo et al. 2004 Forest Harvest, girdling Total plant cover 50/50 1 Much higher variability No Lane & BassiriRad 2005 Prairie Agriculture Soil organic matter content 50/50 1 Much higher variability No Micheli et al. 1999 Rusak et al. 2001 Collins 2000 Spatial decrease Terlizzi et al. 2005 Benthic community composition Soil carbon, nitrogen, and calcium concentrations 5 Fraterrigo and Rusak Forest Harvest, girdling Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, high frequency Jones et al. in press Freshwater Typhoon Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, medium frequency Collins 2000 Prairie Fire, low frequency Marine Oil spill Marine Sewage discharge Mou et al. 2005 Cover of species regenerating from stumps or dispersed seeds 50/50 1 Higher-much higher variability No 1/3 1 Lower variabilityunstable system Yes (1/300)/2 1 Much higher variability No 4/3 1 Much higher variability No 20/3 1 Much higher variability No Intertidal macroinvertebrate abundance >100 1 Unchanged-lower variability Yes Encrusting benthos abundance (1/10)/30 0.5 Unstable system No Temporal decrease Bird and small mammal community composition Bacterioplankton community composition Bird and small mammal community composition Bird and small mammal community composition No effect Queiroz et al. 2006 Chapman et al. 1995 6 Fraterrigo and Rusak 7 Meio- and macrobenthic (1/2)/30 1/4 Unstable system No anundance * Different metrics were used to calculate variability, but are unspecified here. Refer to the individual studies for more detail. Lardicci et al. 1999 Marine Thermal pollution # S refers to the spatial extent of disturbance, calculated as the size of disturbance relative to ecosystem size. Appendix S1. Continued. † T refers to the frequency and intensity of disturbance, calculated as the disturbance return interval relative to the recovery time of the response variable. ‡ Refer to Fig. 1 to map the state space and generate predictions for given values of S and T. Appendix S2. Parameterization and assumptions used to revise the Turner et al. (1993) model. The landscape equilibrium model developed by Turner et al. (1993) generates predictions about the effects of disturbance on variability using a simple simulation model of vegetation dynamics where disturbance resets succession at one or more sites in a 100x100 landscape grid. As they did, we used two key parameters to define the state space used to characterize the response of landscape dynamics. A spatial parameter, S (the ratio of the size of the disturbance to the size of the landscape / maximum = 1), characterized the x-axis, and a temporal parameter, T (the ratio of disturbance return time [1/frequency] to recovery time), characterized the y-axis. By conducting simulations across a variety of disturbance sizes and frequencies, a wide range of values of T and S could be explored. Simulation output consisted of both the mean and variance (SD) of the proportion of the landscape occupied by a particular successional stage and was calculated over 100 time steps (Turner et al. 1993). To facilitate comparisons among different disturbances and ecosystems, we place several important restrictions on this successional model of landscape dynamics. First, we assume that the most representative ecosystem state is one characterized by the mature successional stage (stage 8), thus providing a terminal and definitive recovery target for all ecosystems. Second, we assume that equilibrium dynamics (area of state space with low variance and a high percentage of mature vegetation – cf. Turner et al. Fig. 5) are equivalent to unchanged conditions following disturbance. Finally, although the area identified as "unstable" in the Turner et al. (1993) model had a low standard deviation at the end of the simulation (100 time steps), the state space represents large, frequent disturbance events that consistently reset recovery trajectories and would result in an overall increase in variability compared to pre-disturbance conditions. In the literature, systems undergoing such state changes also show an increase in variability because Fraterrigo and Rusak 9 patterns are compared relative to the pre-disturbance state. Thus, we characterized systems as “unstable” if response variability increased and they showed evidence of transitioning into a nonrecoverable state following disturbance. Note that plotted trajectories were extrapolated beyond T=0.75 (Fig. 5).