CS-117 harrassment and bullying

Harassment & Bullying Policy
CBC1 & CBC2 Standard 16.1.1.c.vii,
QAIS Quality Areas 1, 2, 5 and 7; OSHCQA Principles 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 8.6
Introduction and Definitions
There is a legal onus on employers to educate about and prevent harassment and bullying,
including sexual, verbal, emotional and physical harassment. The purpose of this document is to
provide a basic reference which outlines the approach of the School to harassment and bullying.
The focus is on improving working relationships by clarifying what is regarded as acceptable
behaviour by all staff, students and parents.
The School will address all forms of harassment and bullying, whether sexual or non sexual, and
whether it occurs between:
staff and staff
staff and students
staff and parents
students and students
parents and students
The term “staff” refers to all employees of The Hutchins School, as well as those who work at the
school in a voluntary capacity, including student teachers, parent help, and tuckshop helpers.
The term “student” refers to all students who attend The Hutchins School, including students from
Collegiate and Fahan who undertake courses at the school.
This document:
States the policy of the School on harassment and bullying
Discusses the nature of harassment and bullying
Defines and describes the roles and responsibilities of management and staff within
the School in the prevention and elimination of harassment and bullying
Provides procedures for the resolution of complaints of harassment and bullying
made by employees, voluntary workers, parents or students.
The Hutchins School | Policies and Procedures
Policy Created by:
Document Title:
Document Version:
Benjamin Searle
Harassment and Bullying Policy
Date of First Issue:
Last Review Date:
Next Review Date
Page 1 of 4
13 March 2009
1 November 2009
1 November 2011
Harassment & Bullying Policy
CBC1 & CBC2 Standard 16.1.1.c.vii,
QAIS Quality Areas 1, 2, 5 and 7; OSHCQA Principles 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 8.6
Policy Statement
The Hutchins School is committed to providing all staff and students with a working and learning
environment free from harassment and bullying. All staff and students are required to honour and
support this commitment. All members of staff are responsible for the well being of students.
The School’s Aims and Mission Statement focus on the individual and the maintenance of the
School as a caring, Christian community.
Harassment and Bullying: Definitions
There are several types of harassment, which include:
Under the Racial Discrimination Act 1992 racial harassment is the denigration of a person’s racial or
cultural characteristics, ethnic origin or religious beliefs through words, jokes, gestures, bullying or
other behaviour that he or she finds offensive.
Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, disability harassment occurs when people are
denigrated and treated in a disrespectful or different manner because of a disability.
The Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act describes sexual harassment as “an unwelcome
request for sexual favours” or “other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.” (Sections 28(4)
and 29(3) Sex Discrimination Act 1984). It encompasses a range of physical, verbal and
psychological behaviours which may be either implicit or explicit in nature.
The Hutchins School | Policies and Procedures
Policy Created by:
Document Title:
Document Version:
Benjamin Searle
Harassment and Bullying Policy
Date of First Issue:
Last Review Date:
Next Review Date
Page 2 of 4
13 March 2009
1 November 2009
1 November 2011
Harassment & Bullying Policy
CBC1 & CBC2 Standard 16.1.1.c.vii,
QAIS Quality Areas 1, 2, 5 and 7; OSHCQA Principles 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 8.6
Sexual harassment has nothing to do with mutual attraction or consenting friendships.
Some general characteristics of sexual harassment can be found in Appendix I.
Workplace Bullying
Workplace bullying includes any behaviour that intimidates, insults, offends, degrades or humiliates
a person. It may be a single or repeated event. Examples include rudeness, shouting, intimidation,
abusive, offensive or threatening language, personal attacks, invasion of personal space,
unwelcome phone calls at home, interference during sporting fixtures, unnecessary interruptions to
class, physical attacks.
See Also: Appendix II.
Natural Justice
Individuals accused of harassment and bullying in the terms of these guidelines have the right in
Common Law to be afforded natural justice.
An accused person has the right to be informed of the nature of the accusation in the first instance
respond to the allegations
be treated fairly and equitably
have the matter handled confidentially and impartially
be afforded an impartial hearing
be advised and supported by a union or another designated party
Persons who make complaints under the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act or who provide
information or documents for the purpose of a statutory inquiry are protected against victimisation
if they act in good faith. The protection is lost if the allegation is false or not made in good faith.
The Hutchins School | Policies and Procedures
Policy Created by:
Document Title:
Document Version:
Benjamin Searle
Harassment and Bullying Policy
Date of First Issue:
Last Review Date:
Next Review Date
Page 3 of 4
13 March 2009
1 November 2009
1 November 2011
Harassment & Bullying Policy
CBC1 & CBC2 Standard 16.1.1.c.vii,
QAIS Quality Areas 1, 2, 5 and 7; OSHCQA Principles 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 8.6
Links to Other Policies
Child Protection
Harassment and Bullying – Appendices 1-3
Privacy and Confidentiality
Sources and Further Reading
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
Privacy Act 1988
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
The Hutchins School | Policies and Procedures
Policy Created by:
Document Title:
Document Version:
Benjamin Searle
Harassment and Bullying Policy
Date of First Issue:
Last Review Date:
Next Review Date
Page 4 of 4
13 March 2009
1 November 2009
1 November 2011