Bryansk region

Bryansk Region
Bryansk Region
Direct: Central Federal District
Economic region: Central region
Territory: 34.9 thousand sq. km
Administrative centre: Bryansk
Distance from Bryansk up to Moscow - 379 km
Large cities: Bryansk, Klentsy
Region is formed on June, 5, 1944
Population (2002) – 1,410.3 thousand residents
Direct: Central Federal District
Economic region: Central region
Territory: 34.9 thousand sq. km
Administrative centre: Bryansk
Distance from Bryansk up to Moscow - 379 km
Large cities: Bryansk, Klentsy
Region is formed on June, 5, 1944
Population (2002) – 1,410.3 thousand residents
The region is located in the central part of East European plain.
The main rivers are the Desna, the Navly and the Eput. The
climate of region is moderately continental. The average
temperature of January is - 7°C, of July is + 18°C. There are
deposits of peat, phosphorites and limy materials in the region
territory. Bryansk region has no own fuel resources except peat
which is poorly suitable for use in the fuel purposes. Gas, coal
and mineral oil are imported. The electric power in the region
basically is transferred from other regions.
The Bryansk region is one of the largest industrial regions of
Central Russia. The greatest specific gravity in the industry
structure is occupied by mechanical engineering and metal
working, electronic, light, food, wood, woodworking and the
pulp-and-paper industries as well. The industry of building
materials is advanced.
The share of animal industries in the agricultural branch is
approximately 1/3 of gross outputs. Another part is plantgrowing. The basic branch is potato-growing.
The length of railways counts 1,055 km. The length of
highways count 11,265 km, including 83.72% with firm
The region is located in the central part of East European plain.
The main rivers are the Desna, the Navly and the Eput. The
climate of region is moderately continental. The average
temperature of January is - 7°C, of July is + 18°C. There are
deposits of peat, phosphorites and limy materials in the region
territory. Bryansk region has no own fuel resources except peat
which is poorly suitable for use in the fuel purposes. Gas, coal
and mineral oil are imported. The electric power in the region
basically is transferred from other regions.
The Bryansk region is one of the largest industrial regions of
Central Russia. The greatest specific gravity in the industry
structure is occupied by mechanical engineering and metal
working, electronic, light, food, wood, woodworking and the
pulp-and-paper industries as well. The industry of building
materials is advanced.
The share of animal industries in the agricultural branch is
approximately 1/3 of gross outputs. Another part is plantgrowing. The basic branch is potato-growing.
The length of railways counts 1,055 km. The length of
highways count 11,265 km, including 83.72% with firm