Transition Plan Instructions - Douglas County School System

Instructions for Completion of:
Douglas County Schools - Program for Exceptional Children
IEP/Individualized Transition Plan
The plan should be handwritten and updated annually. The updated plan should be moved forward
with the current IEP.
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 Include student’s full name, date of birth, and current school (may change as the plan is updated).
 Student and Parent Interviews can also be updated. Add each additional update to the line.
 Desired Measurable Post Secondary/Outcome Completion Goals:
 These are goals that will be completed after high school and must be stated as such.
 Education/Training example:
After graduation, Amy will attend technical college and pursue certification in the
healthcare field.
 Employment example:
Upon graduation from high school, Jessica will work full-time at a daycare.
 Independent Living example:
After graduation from high school, Andrew will live in his own home.
 The diploma type the student is pursuing must be determined during the initial development of
the plan. If this changes, write in the change and date.
 All parents and students regardless of diploma type should initial the statement regarding the
admission requirements for military and secondary schools.
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 Transfer of Rights - Students and parents must be notified one year prior to 18th birthday of
transfer of rights.
 Extracurricular Activities - Refer to Parent/Student questionnaire or other information given by
the student.
 Vocational Interests - This can be written initially and updated annually. Refer to Parent/Student
 Vocational Strengths/Weaknesses –
 Strength examples:
Understands subject content, punctual, has necessary materials, works well with team.
 Weakness examples:
Chronic absentee, does not complete work, difficulty working with others.
 Part time jobs - If the student has not held a part-time job “none” may be written. As the plan is
updated it may be appropriate to indicate that the student will not hold a part time job while in
high school. The reason for this (extracurricular activities, focus on academics, health concerns
etc.) may also be listed.
 Job training through Community Based Vocational Training or Work-Based Learning - This is
optional and may not be appropriate for all students.
 Additional Assessments – As other assessments are given list the name and/or type and the date
assessed. May include vocational interest inventories, learning style inventories, personal interest
inventories, career aptitude tests, etc.
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 Post-Secondary Educational/Career Training
 Required for all students
 IEP Transition Goal
 Select one of the options. If choosing post secondary school as an option, choose either
college or technical college, not both. If the student changes his/her decision, check the
new choice, initial it and date it. “Other” could include training/instruction provided
through different agencies.
 After an option has been selected write in the number of transition activities the student
will complete. For example: If 3 items are checked under the activities section, then write
“. . . as measured by participation in 3 Transition Preparation Activities.”
 Transition Preparation Activities
 Check items that apply at the time of the plan. When initial plans are written all items
should not be checked. This allows for individualization as the student progresses
through high school.
 If activities state “Participate in the following . . .” please list the activities.
 If visiting the career center is checked, write in the minimum number of times.
 Visits to the career center need to be begin by the 11th grade.
 If visiting colleges/technical colleges activity is selected, write in the number of places the
student (and parents) will visit.
 Add any additional goals under “other.” An additional page 3 can be attached for more
room if needed. These goals should be reviewed annually or until completed.
 Person or Agency Responsible
 This should be someone that is either present at the meeting or has previously
committed to helping the student reach their goal.
 Date to be Initiated
 This should be the date that the activity is initially selected or checked, either at the
initial development of the ITP or at an annual update review.
 Date Completed/Achieved Outcomes
 This could be the actual date of the achieved outcome, the annual review of the ITP date,
or the Summary of Performance (SOP) date. If the goal has not been completed by the
time the SOP is written indicate why the outcome has not been achieved.
 Examples of achieved outcome include but are not limited to: has applied to college/
technical college, has applied for financial aid, has completed requirements for a CBI seal,
has visited the following schools, and/or results of the GHSGT are attached.
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 Employment
 Required for all students
 IEP Transition Goal
 Select an option or write in another option that is appropriate for the student.
 After an employment option has been selected write in the number of transition
activities the student will complete. For example: If 3 items are checked under the
activities section, then write “. . . as measured by participation in 3 Transition
Preparation Activities.”
 Transition Preparation Activities
 Check items that apply at the time of the plan. When initial plans are written all items
should not be checked. This allows for individualization as the student progresses
through high school. Add any additional goals under “other”. An additional page 4 can be
attached for more room if needed.
 If “Participate in the following employment readiness activities” is selected, write in the
 If “Independent work experience” is selected, a specific business does not have to be
named, however list the area the student would like to work in.
 If “Meet with the following adult agencies” is selected, the agencies must be listed.
 Person or Agency Responsible
 This should be someone that is either present at the meeting or has previously
committed to helping the student reach their goal.
 Date to be Initiated
 This should be the date that the activity is initially selected or checked, either at the
initial development of the ITP or at an annual update review.
 Date completed
 This could be the actual date of the achieved outcome, the annual review of the ITP date,
or the Summary of Performance (SOP) date. If the goal has not been completed by the
time the SOP is written indicate why the outcome has not been achieved.
 Examples of achieved outcome include but are not limited to: participated in work-based
learning program through CTI, participated in CBVT, has met with (adult agency), resume
has been developed in business or CBI class, and/or has obtained a driver’s license.
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 Adult Daily Living
 This section may not be appropriate for all students. Students in CBI programs should
have this page completed.
 IEP Transition Goals
 Select as appropriate the environment the student is preparing to live in, if they are
developing self advocacy skills, if they need to identify community resources and any of
the other items the student and their family might be considering.
 After all appropriate options have been selected write in the number of transition
activities the student will complete. For example: If 3 items are checked under the
activities section, then write “. . . as measured by participation in 3 Transition
Preparation Activities.”
 Transition Preparation Activities
 Check items that apply at the time of the plan. When initial plans are written all items
should not be checked. This allows for individualization as the student progresses
through high school. Add any additional goals under other. An additional page 5 can be
attached for more room if needed.
 If “Obtain GA ID card or driver’s license” is checked, select only one option. If this
changes at a later date, initial and date the change.
 If any of the activities with (list) beside them is selected, list the resources.
 Person or Agency Responsible
 This should be someone that is either present at the meeting or has previously
committed to helping the student reach their goal.
 Date to be Initiated
 This should be the date that the activity is initially selected or checked, either at the
initial development of the ITP or at an annual update review.
 Date Completed
 This could be the actual date of the achieved outcome, the annual review of the ITP date,
or the Summary of Performance (SOP) date. If the goal has not been completed by the
time the SOP is written indicate why the outcome has not been achieved.
 Examples of achieved outcomes may include: has obtained ID card or driver’s license, has
participated in IEP meetings on the following dates, participates in community activities
through (club, church, etc.), and/or SSI application completed on (date).
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 Personal/Social/Sexual Responsibility
 This page may not be appropriate for all students. The committee should determine if
goals in this area are needed and appropriate for the student.
 IEP Transition Goal
 Write in the number of transition activities the student will complete. For example: If 3
items are checked under the activities section, then write “. . . as measured by
participation in 3 Transition Preparation Activities.”
 Transitional Services
 Activities listed in this section should be specific for the student’s needs. Examples of
goals for this section include but are not limited to: medical care, drug and alcohol
awareness, budgeting, banking, shopping, meal preparation, hygiene, housekeeping,
interpersonal skills, criminal/civil actions, concerns regarding sexual development, job
related social skills, problem solving, voter registration, selective services registration,
and/or mental health. An additional page 6 can be attached for more room if needed.
 Person or Agency Responsible
 This should be someone that is either present at the meeting or has previously
committed to helping the student reach their goal.
 Date to be Initiated
 This should be the date that the plan is initially written or updated.
 Date Completed
 This could be the actual date of the achieved outcome, the annual review of the ITP date,
or the Summary of Performance (SOP) date. If it has not been completed by the time the
SOP is written indicate why the outcome has not been achieved. Achieved outcomes will
be dependent upon the activities that are written under Transitional Activities.