Reading EOG Released Question Stems

5th Reading EOG Released Question Stems
Goal 1: Vocabulary usage and decoding
In the (number of paragraph) paragraph, what does the word (word in italics)
In paragraph (number of paragraph), what does the word (word in italics) mean?
When a person starts this recipe, about how long is it before the dough is ready to
be placed in the oven? (definition of about)
The (reading piece, here a recipe) says, “(line from the reading)” What does the
word (word in italic) mean?
Goal 2: Reading Comprehension strategies, drawing conclusions, identifying and
interpreting elements of fiction and nonfiction
Where did (character) find the (animal or object)?
Why does (character) not want to admit that (a name) is a good name for the (a
The selection begins, “(first sentence of the selection)” What is the author’s
purpose in beginning the selection this way?
The author mentions (a famous person) as an example of what?
According to the author, which is a good way of carrying out a plan to achieve a
What is the author trying to do in paragraph (number of paragraph) of the
The author urges readers, “(author’s advice).” Which activity would help a person
do that?
What is the effect of listing multiple (examples of what article is about) in the
opening and closing paragraphs?
Which quotation expresses an opinion of the author?
How does the author emphasize the importance of (the major point of article)?
Which would most likely be a use for (an article used by the characters in the nonfiction piece)?
According to the selection, what was one effect of the (character’s actions in a
non-fiction piece)?
According to the selection, which item best completes the graphic organizer? (the
question gave a bubble map describing the article’s main topic and left one bubble
Which statement about (main topic of article) is best supported by the selection?
Who is most likely the speaker in the poem?
Why does the speaker refer to “(line or phrase from the poem)”?
How does the arrangement of the stanzas affect the poem?
What does the poet use to emphasize the emotions of the (characters) in the
Which is the best summary of the poem?
Based on the information in the poem, which statement is most likely true?
What is the purpose of this selection? (a recipe, in this case)
Which step belongs in box (number of box)? (question shows a sequence of steps
with one box blank)
In step (number of step), what is being (action described in recipe)?
What would make it easier for someone to follow this (reading selection, in this
case a recipe)?
Which experience is most similar to (a character’s) experience at the (event from
What is the purpose of this selection? (from a non-fiction, travel brochure)
How are (item in a non-fiction piece) and (another item in a non-fiction piece)
What best describes (an object in a non-fiction piece) action?
How is a (object in a non-fiction piece) different from other (items in non-fiction
What is emphasized with the diagram of a (object described in article)? (in this
case, a diagram of a geyser)
Which statement best completes the graphic organizer? (sequence map missing
one box in the sequence)
Goal 3: Respond to selections using critical, evaluative and interpretative processes,
comparing/contrasting/evaluating characters, events,
Which word best describes (character from story)?
Why does (character) name the (name the character gave an animal)?
What does (character) do that suggests he/she is (adjective to describe
How can (character) best be described? (answer gives what character likes to do)
How is (a character’s) opinion of the (animal or object) different from (a different
How were the (one group) and (another group) similar in their handling of (a
crisis)? (comparing two different groups of people and how they handled a crisis)
How does (character from poem) show that she is surprised?
What is the effect of ending each stanza with words in capital letters? (or another
grammatical different way of writing)
At the end of the selection, which statement describes (main character)?
Which best describes (main character) at the beginning of the selection?
Which adjectives best describe (character from fiction)?
Which statement best describes (character from fiction)?
What is the importance of (character’s actions) near the end of the story?
What is the most likely reason (a real character’s actions in the history of a real
5th Grade Reading Weights:
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Please contact Ben Taylor @ with any questions.