Electrical Transport Properties of Individual multi-wall carbon nanotube 計畫編號:甲-91-E-FA04-1-4 執行期限:93 年 4 月 1 日至 94 年 3 月 31 日 主持人: 彭宗平 共同主持人: 齊正中 計畫參與人員:杜建明 蔡孟諺 Introduction With many unique properties, Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted so much attention and have great potential for fabrication of nanometer-scale molecular electronic devices. For the understanding of some of the basic transport mechanisms involved in the electronic transport through CNTs, today studies become more and more oriented toward measurements on individual CNT. In these years, however, we have developed the technique and platform for measuring the electrical properties of CNTs. We have successfully measured several MWNTs and found the best fitting models of the electrical transport. Based on our experience, we will improve the platform and technique for further study. Fig. 1 Four leads on individual MWNT. 1.70 -5 Electrical Transport Properties of MWNTs Resistivity (10 m) 1.65 The electrical properties of two kinds of MWNTs synthesized with different method are shown below. First, we have discussed the electrical properties of individual MWNT, provided by Prof. Tai’s group, synthesized by LPCVD method. Fig. 1 shows the four leads of MWNT. I-V characteristics and R-T behaviors of individual MWNT are studied over a temperature range of 263-4.2K. The variation of resistivity ρ with the square root of temperature (T) is linear and is shown in Fig.2. Indeed, the range of resistivities is between 1.46x10-5 .m and 1.68 x10-5 .m. These values compare well to those reported for MWNTs made with arc discharge method1. The resistivities are little lower than that of SWNT about 10-6 .m2-3. We have tried many models to fit our data, such as thermally activated transport; weak localization and variable range hopping 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 0 2 4 6 8 T 1/2 10 12 14 16 18 1/2 (K ) Fig.2. Variation of Resistivity with square root of temperature. but none can fit the data well. However, Altshuler and Aronov model4,5 can fit the data well in a wide temperature range. This model predicts that the electron - electron scattering in the presence of random impurities leads to a pseudogap in density of state near Fermi level. According to the model, we have plotted resistivity (ρ) with the square root of temperature (T1/2) over the entire experimental temperature range (4.2 – 263K) Fig.2. This behavior has been reported for disordered Aluminum films and doped semiconductors6-7 in a narrower temperature, typical 2 K~ 10 K. In present case, the resistivity (ρ) with approximately the square root of temperature (T1/2) dependence can be the form Fig.3 SEM photo of ferrocene catalyzed CNT Δρ / ρ0 ~ βT1/2 Fig.4 I-V characteristics of ferrocene catalyzed MWNT. 240 240 200 G (S) 200 G (S) Where ρ0 is a constant and its value is 1.71 x10-5 .m. Experimental value of β exp is –8.82x10-6 and β exp< 0. According to Altshuler and Aronov model, β< 0 means that the interaction between electrons is effectively repulsive in this disordered MWNT. We also use free electron model to estimate the fitting value of β fit (= – 4.26x10-6). Comparing with βexp, we find β fit /β exp ~50. The discrepancy may be caused by the uncertainty of carrier density of CNT film and effective mass of the quasi-1 dimension SWNT because formula, however, is for 3-dimension case. 120 160 0 of The SEM photo of the ferrocene catalyzed MWNT, provided by Prof. Perng’s group, is shown in Fig.3. We also successfully measure the four-probe I-V (Fig.4) and R-T characteristics of this MWNT. The I-V curve is linear over the temperature range 300-4.2K and may be attributed to the work functions of Nb (contact material and work functions for Nb~ 4.3 eV) being very close to that of MWNTs, (work function of MWNTs ~ 4.5-4.8 eV). 500 1000 T 1500 2000 4/3 120 0 Electrical Transport Properties ferrocene catalyzed MWNT 160 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Temperature (K) Fig.5 Variation of conductance with temperature. The inset shows the best fitting of conductance with T 4/3. The tube resistance is estimated to be 0.470 k at room temperature, which corresponds to 0.235 k/m of the nanotube length and the resistance increases to 0.896 k (i.e. 4.48 k/m) at 4.2K. We assume that carriers pass through the entire cylindrical cross sectional area of the nanotube, the resistivity of the nanotube is 1.18x10-6 .m at room temperature to 2.25x10-6 .m at 4.2K. The behavior of conductance (G) v.s. temperature (T) and the best fitting of conductance with T4/3 is shown in Fig.5. We have tried several models, which are used to explain the behaviors of semiconductors, but none can fit the data well. A simple power law of 4/3, which is usually to explain the transport in disordered superconductors, metals and disordered alloys can fit the data well. This power can be the form G = Go + mT ( = 1.33) Where G o is a constant and m and are the fit parameters. If is in the range 3-5, it shows that the electron-phonon scattering would dominate the temperature dependence of resistivity8-10. However, if 2, it means that the electron-electron scattering 12 dominates the behavior. The similar values of were reported by Gurvitch et al. and Webb et al. in their study of low temperature resistivity of ordered and disordered A15 compounds11-13. In our case, =1.33 gives the best fitting and it means that the electron-electron scattering dominates the behavior of MWNT at low temperature. Summary and Future works Reviewing our study, although we have successfully explained the electrical transport properties of the measured MWNTs, the lack of the further measurement of the individual MWNTs, such as Hall measurement, limits our study in intrinsic properties of CNTs. In the present progress on Hall measurement, we collaborated with Instrument Technology Reasearch Center (ITRC), and try to utilize the focus ion beam (FIB) to fabricate central leads for Hall measurement as shown in Fig.6. Unfortunately, there is one very thin undesirable deposited metal layer around the metal leads and CNT when we use FIB to fabricate the leads, as shown in Fig.7. We are trying to use Ion-milling technique to overcome this problem. Fig.7. Undesirable thin metal layer around two open leads. The conventional technique of e-beam lithography was employed to make the fine leads connected to the individual 1-D nanostructure. Although the study of the electrical transport property of individual carbon nanotube (CNT) has been realized by using this technique, there are some serious limitations existing. For example, we can measure the electrical transport properties of CNT, but we still cannot identify the structure of the one that we have measured. So, we are trying to design a new platform to suspend the CNTs, even other 1-dimension nanomaterials, for further TEM or optical spectrum analysis. Making big holes on Si substrate and small holes on Si3N4 membrane such that TEM could be used to identify the structure of the CNT. The design is shown in Fig.8. Fig.6. Four leads and a set of central side-contacted leads deposited on individual CNT. Fig.8. New platform for TEM and Optical spectrum analysis. If the new platform works successfully, we can identify the structure of measured nanostructure. We expect this will provide a powerful experimental tool for controlled investigations of CNTs and other intriguing nanomaterials. Reference [1].C. Schonenberger, A. Bachtold, C. Strunk, J.-P. Salvetat, and L. Farro, Appl. Phys. A 69, 283 (1999). [2]. L. Farro, C. Schnonenberger, in ; M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, Ph. Avouris (Eds.), Carbon nanotubes, Springer 2001, pp. 329-391. [3]. A. Thess, R. Lee, P. Nikolaev, H. Dai, P. Petit, J. Robert, C. Xu, Y. H. Lee, S. G. Kim, A. G. Rinzler, D. T. Colbert, G. E. Scuseria, D. Tomanek, J. E. Fischer, and R. E. Smalley, Science 273, 483 (1996). [4].B. L. Altshuler and A. G. Aronov, Solid State Commun. 30, 115 (1979). [5].B. L. Altshuler and A. G. Aronov, JETP Lett, 27, 662 (1978). [6]. R. C. Dynes and J. P. Garno, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 137 (1981). [7]. E. L. 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