GRAPHIC NOVEL PROJECT Your goal is to take the super hero you developed and create a graphic novel featuring this character. Your novel will include the following elements: __Origin story and description of super hero __Description of his society and its problem __Debut event in which super hero shows off his powers __Description of villain __First battle with villain __Villain’s evil plan __Round 2: villain’s revenge __Climactic battle __Epilogue You will illustrate all nine elements with at least four panels each (1 page), but you can use more panels. Steps: 1. Complete graphic organizer 2. Complete storyboard 3. Complete an illustration a day including text and illustration 4. Complete cover page 5. Take it home for finishing touches and binding (string and holes, staples) Illustrations must be full-page, colored, neatly executed, and creative. Since this is a choice project, the assumption is that you have artistic skill so use it. I look forward to some wonderful published works!!! GRAPHIC NOVEL RUBRIC (100 POINTS) Cover page (10 points) ___________ _____ Title (2) _____Author’s name (2) _____Illustration (6) Text (45) _____Written neatly around illustrations (7) _____Includes the following (18) __Origin story and description of super hero __Description of his society and its problem __Debut event __Description of villain __First battle with villain __Villain’s evil plan __Round 2: villain’s revenge __Climactic battle __Epilogue _____Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation (10) _____Creativity in language, character and plot development (10) Illustrations for story (45 points) ___________ _____ Each page is completely covered with illustration and color (20) _____Illustrations are neatly executed (20) _____Creativity (5) TOTAL ___________ Super Hero Story Board Super Hero Super Hero’s Powers Villain Villain’s Powers Society they live in Problems the hero confronts Sequence of Events in Story 1. Origin: Where did the super hero come from and how did he acquire his powers? 2. Society he lives in: describe the society and the problems it faces that the super hero is dedicated to fighting. 3. Debut: give the super hero a chance to flex his or her super hero muscles. 4. Every super hero has a day job? Introduce the super hero’s alter ego. 5. Round 1: first encounter with super villain. Your hero may be tempted to kill the villain off, but he must either let the villain go or you can have the villain escape. 6. Super villain makes his evil plans which include revenge. What are his plans for society and the super hero? 7. Round 2: villain’s attempt at revenge (what is your super hero’s vulnerability? How does he escape for the clutches of the villain? 8. Round 3: climactic battle. How does the super hero thwart the villain’s evil plans and save the day? 9. Epilogue: What happens to the villain? What happens to society when the villain is neutralized? What happens to the super hero?