JONG CHUL YE - Image Formation and Processing Group

20 J Scenic Drive
Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520
Tel: (914) 588-2363
Philips Research USA
345 Scarborough Road
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Tel: (914) 945-6133
Fax: (914) 945-6580
9/2001 – Present
Philips Research
Briarcliff Manor, NY
Senior Member Research Staff,
Wireless Communication and Networking Department
Robust wireless video over 802.11 WLAN project
Various issues around robust wireless video streaming
algorithm using IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN including
scalable video coding, rate-distortion optimization and QoS
Standardization activities for H.26L (JVT)
2/2001 – 8/2001
Polaroid Corporation
Senior Image Scientist,
Image Science Laboratory
Wayland, MA
Wavelet Image Processing
Investigated image denoising technique using wavelet shrinkage
and wavelet domain wiener filtering
Implemented JPEG2000 for multiple printers
Developed a dust/scratch removal algorithms for scanner
2/1999 – 1/2001
University of Illinois Urbana, IL
Postdoctoral Research Associate,
Coordinated Science Laboratory
- Information Theoretic Imaging
Developed a general ‘domain derivative’ technique for the
computation of the Cramer-Rao bound to assess the fundamental
estimation performance of 2-D and 3-D object boundary
Proposed a new information theoretic estimation performance
criterion ‘asymptotic global confidence regions’ for the analysis
of 2-D and 3-D parametric shape estimation problem
Extended the asymptotic global confidence region for misspecified
model cases for non-parametric shape estimation problem
Investigated a new model order selection criterion for function
estimation by minimizing the global confidence region size
Pattern Recognition
- Investigated the 2-D parametric shape representation using
Fourier and wavelet descriptors
Performed comparative studies of shape estimation performance
using Fourier and wavelet descriptors
Developed a probabilistic confidence level for the Hausdorff
distance between templates and estimates in 2-D object
recognition problems
Variation Methods and PDE’s for Image Processing
Developed a level set approach with O(N log N) complexity for
image reconstruction from sparse Fourier sampling
Implemented a level set approach for edge preserving
deconvolution problem of binary object
Derived a general domain diffusion equation for discontinuous
images using differential geometry
Investigated limited angle tomography and super-resolution ISAR
algorithm using level set approach
8/1995 – 1/1999
Purdue University
West Lafayette
Research Assistant
Nonlinear Image Reconstruction
Extensive researches on frequency domain optical diffusion
tomography problems
Analyzed the noise model of the optical diffusion tomography and
proposed a shot noise model for measurement statistics
Implemented a fast and accurate image reconstruction algorithm
for nonlinear optical tomography problem using multigrid
implementation of the iterative coordinate descent (ICD)
optimization and the generalized Gaussian Markov random field
(GGMRF) a priori model
1/1995 – 7/1995
Korean Automation
System Research
Research Scientist
- Implemented video conference software using H.261 and TCP/IP
network programming
2/1993 – 12/1995
Seoul National
Seoul, Korea
Research Assistance
MPEG2 error detection and concealment
Designed MPEG2 bit stream error detection algorithms using
redundant bits check
Spatial domain MPEG2 error concealment algorithms using
smoothness constraints
Proposed a motion vector smoothing technique and lost motion
vector recovery algorithm for robust transmission of motion
MPEG 4 low bit rate coding
Proposed a segmentation based DCT coding technique and motion
estimation algorithm
1/1989 – 3/1989
Daewoo Electronics
Seoul, Korea
Purdue University
GPA 4.0/4.0
US-IN-West Lafayette
Ph. D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, signal and image
processing area (optics minor)
Thesis: estimation and reconstruction for the optical diffusion nonlinear
inverse problem
Seoul National
South Korea- Seoul
Masters Degree
GPA 4.0/4.3
M.S.E.E. in Control and Instrumentation Engineering, signal and image
processing area
Thesis: Model-based low-bit rate video sequence coding using
segmentation based motion estimation and transform coding
Seoul National
South Korea- Seoul
Bachelors Degree
GPA 3.7/4.3
B.S.E.E. in Control and Instrumentation Engineering, automatic control
Thesis: Two-wheel robot design using stepping motor control and IR
sensor processing
Journal Articles
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, "A self-referencing level-set
method for image reconstruction from sparse Fourier samples," to
appear on Int. Jour. Comp. Vision, 2001
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, "Cramer-Rao bounds for
parametric shape estimation in inverse problems," to appear on
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2001.
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler, and P. Moulin, "Asymptotic global confidence
regions in parametric shape estimation problems," IEEE Trans. on
Information Theory., , vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1881-1895, August,
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler, and P. Moulin, "Cramer-Rao bounds for
parametric boundaries of targets in inverse scattering problems,"
IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat.., vol. 49, no. 5, May 2001.
J.C.Ye, C.A.Bouman, R.P.Millane, and K.J. Webb, "Nonlinear
multigrid algorithms for Bayesian optical diffusion tomography",
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 909-922,
June 2001.
J.C.Ye, K.J.Webb, C.A. Bouman, and R.P.Millane,``Optical diffusion
tomography using iterative coordinate descent optimization in a
Bayesian framework," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, vol. 16, no. 10, pp.
2400-2412, October, 1999.
J.C.Ye, K.J.Webb, R.P. Millane, and T.J.Downar, ``Modified
distorted Born iterative method with an approximate Frechet
derivative for optical diffusion tomography," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A.,
vol. 16, no. 7 , pp.1814-1826 , July, 1999.
J.C.Ye, R.P. Millane, K.J. Webb and T.J.Downar, ``Importance of
the grad(D) term in frequency-resolved optical diffusion imaging,''
Optics Letters, vol. 23, no. 18, pp. 1423-1425, September, 1998.
Conference papers and presentations
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, "Cramer-Rao bound for
parametric shape estimation in inverse problems", to appear Proc.
IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 2002.
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, "A self-referencing level-set
method for image reconstruction from sparse Fourier samples," in
Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 2001.
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, "A self-referencing level-set
method for image reconstruction from sparse Fourier samples," in
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Variational and Level Set Methods in
Computer Vision, 2001.
J.C.Ye, Y. Bresler, and P. Moulin, "Global confidence regions in
parametric shape estimation," in ICASSP 2000, Turkey.
J.C. Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, "Fourier descriptors for
parametric shape estimation in nonlinear inverse scattering
problems," in SPIE's Internation Symposium on AeroSense 2000,
Orlando, Florida.
R.P. Millane, C.A. Bouman, K.J. Webb and J.C. Ye, "Multigrid
Bayesian method for optical diffusion tomography," in SPIE Annual
meeting, 2000 (invited paper).
J.C.Ye, C.A.Bouman, R.P.Millane and K.J.Webb, "Nonlinear
multigrid optimization for Bayesian diffusion tomography", in Proc.
IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Kobe, Oct.,
R. P. Millane, J.C. Ye, C.A. Bouman and K.J. Webb, "Efficient
algorithms for Bayesian optical diffusion imaging", in Proc. Image
and Vision Computing New Zealand 1999, D. Pairman and H. North
(eds.), Landcare Research, Lincoln, NZ, 223-228 , 1999.
J.C.Ye, C.A.Bouman, K.J.Webb and R. P. Millane, "Bayesian optical
diffusion imaging,", in Proc. SPIE, Denver, July, 1999.
J.C. Ye, C.A. Bouman, K.J. Webb, ``A localized relaxation
algorithm for Bayesian diffusion tomography using the generalized
Gaussian Markov random field prior model,'' '98 OSA Annual
meeting, Baltimore, USA, 1998.
K.J.Webb, J.C. Ye, C. A. Bouman and R. P. Millane,"Optical
diffusion imaging using nonlinear multigrid optimization", in
Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), Nice, France, 1015 September, 2000.
K.J. Webb, J.C. Ye, C. A. Bouman and R. P. Millane, "Nonlinear
multigrid optimization for soft tissue imaging using a Bayesian
optical diffusion approach", in NIH/OSA conference, 2000 (invited
J.C. Ye, K.J. Webb, R.P. Millane, and T.J. Downar, ``Unified
parameter rstimation algorithm for diffusion imaging using the
optimal search,'' '98 OSA Annual meeting, Baltimore, USA, 1998.
J.C.Ye, K.J.Webb, R.P.Millane and T.J.Downar, ``Optimal
parameter updating for optical imaging,'' IEEE International Conf.
on Image Processing (ICIP), Chicago, Oct., 1998.
J.C.Ye, R.P. Millane, K.J.Webb and T.J.Downar, ``The effect of the
``grad(D)'' term in optical diffusion imaging,'' OSA Signal
Recovery and Synthesis Topical Meeting, Kona, Hawaii, June,
J.C.Ye, K.J.Webb, R.P.Millane and T.J.Downar, ``A weighted
distorted Born iterative method for optical diffusion imaging,'' '97
OSA Annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct., 1997.
J.C.Ye, K.J.Webb, T.J.Downar and R.P. Millane, ``Weighted cost
function reconstruction in optical diffusion imaging,'' SPIE Symp.
on Signal and Image Proc., San Diego, CA, July, 1997.
C.S. Park, J.C.Ye and S.W.Lee, ``Lost motion vector recovery
algorithm,'' Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), '94, London, U.K. May, 1994.
Standardization Contributions
Y. Chen, and J.C.Ye , JVT C-125, "Flexible data partitioning for
improved robustness," Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG &
ITU-T VCEG (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6), 3rd
Meeting: Fairfax, VA, May 10-14.
J.C.Ye, and Y.Chen, JVT D-136, “Flexible data partitioning mode for
streaming video”, Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITUT VCEG (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6), 4th
Meeting: Klagenfurt, Austria, July 22-26, 2002
Filed Patent Applications
J.C.Ye and Y. Chen, “Design of the optimal entropy-constrained
scalar quantizer for a Laplace-Markov source”, PHIL-0045, May
J.C.Ye and Y. Chen, “Method for enhancing videos from drift-free
scalable bitstream”, PHIL-0046, May 2002.
Patent Disclosures
7 disclosures on the robust wireless video streaming
available upon request and company approval
Reviewer of IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE Trans. on
Multimedia, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Technical committee member for IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing (ICIP), Buffalo, NY, 2002.
Optical Society of America (OSA) New Focus Travel Grant Award
Korean Government Oversea Scholarship Award (1995-1998)
Purdue Ismail Award (1998)
Purdue computational science and engineering fellowship (1997-1998)
Seoul national university scholarship for academic excellence (1989)
Ranked No. 1 at the national high school entrance exam in Korea