Linear Time Series Models

Linear Time Series Models
A (discrete) time series [a (discrete)
stochastic process] is a sequence of random
numbers (or vectors) indexed by the
t 0
y1,y2,… { yt }1
…,y-1,y0,y1,… { yt }
The objective of time series analysis is to
infer the characteristics of the stochastic
process from a data sample (i.e., a partial
realization of the process) and any additional
information we have about the process.
The characteristics of a sequence of random
 Finite dimensional joint distributions
 Moments of the fidi’s (means, variances,
In order to be able to use data to draw
inferences about the stochastic process that
generated these data, there has to be some
characteristics of the stochastic process that
remain stable over time: E.g., the mean, the
variance …
A covariance stationary stochastic process
is a stochastic process with the following
properties –
E(yt) = μ for all t
Var(yt) = σ2 for all t
Cov(yt,yt-s) = γs for all t,s
A strictly stationary stochastic process is a
stochastic process whose fidi’s are time
invariant –
Pr ob( yt1  1 ,..., ytn   n )  Pr ob( yt1  m  1 ,..., ytn  m   n )
for all integers m,n,t1,…,tn and real numbers
 Although covariance and strict
stationarity are not precisely the same
conditions and neither one implies the
other, for most practical purposes we can
think of them interchangeably and, in
particular, implying that the sequence of
r.v.’s has a common mean, variance, and
stable covariance structure.
 In theoretical time series work, strict
stationarity turns out to be the more
useful concept; in applied work
covariance stationarity tends to be more
 In evaluating whether a data sample is
drawn from a stationary process, we tend
to look at whether the mean and variance
appear to be fixed over time and whether
the covariance structure appears stable
over time. The most obvious failure of
stationarity – time trend in the mean.
 Although most time series models
assume stationarity whereas many
(most?) economic time series data
appear to be nonstationary, there are
often simple transformations of these
series that can be plausibly assumed to
be stationary: log transformations and,
possibly, linear detrending or firstdifferencing.
If yt is a stationary process then, according
to the Wold Decomposition Theorem, it
has a moving average (MA)
y t   ci  t i
 the ci’s are square summable
 the εt’s are white noise
 the εt’s are the innovations in the y’s
If yt has an MA(∞) form and that MA is
invertible, then yt has a finite-order
autoregressive representation (AR(p)):
yt  a1 yt 1  ...  a p yt  p   t
 the ε’s are the innovations in the y’s
 the parameters a1,…,ap meet the
stationarity condition, i.e., the roots of
the characteristic equation
(1-a1z-…-apzp) = 0
are strictly greater than one in modulus.
Linear autoregressions (or, linear stochastic
difference equations) are straightforward to
estimate and form a very useful model for
univariate forecasting.
While the univariate autoregression clearly
accounts for the persistence in the
(conditional mean of the) y’s, it does not
account for the interdependence between the
y’s and other time series.
A simple and natural extension of the
univariate autoregressive model is the vector
autoregressive (VAR) model:
Yt = A1Yt-1 + …+ ApYt-p + εt
 Yt is an n-dimensional jointly stationary
 A1,…,Ap are nxn matrices satifying the
stationarity condition. That is, the
solutions to the determinantal equation
det(I-A1z-…-Apzp) = 0
exceed one in modulus
 εt is n-dimensional white noise with
covariance matrix Σεε and is the
innovation in Yt.