The AQA unit curriculim.

Art and Architecture in the Greek World. The CIV1A Proscription.
A critical study of significant aspects of the development of Greek public buildings in the
sixth, fifth and fourth centuries BC, and the development of free-standing and
architectural sculpture in the same period.
1. The New York Kouros. [New York Metropolitan Museum]
2. Anavysos Kouros. [Athens National Archaeological Museum]
3. Berlin Standing Goddess. [Berlin Pergamon Museum]
4. Peplos kore. [Athens Acropolis Museum]
5. Kritios Boy. [Athens Acropolis Museum]
6. Tyrannicides [Copy in Naples Archaeological Museum]
7. Delphic Charioteer. [Delphi Museum]
8. Artemision Zeus. [Athens National Archaeological Museum]
9. Riace Warriors. [Reggio Museum]
10. Diskobolos. [Copy in Rome National Archaeological Museum]
11. Doryphoros. [Copy in Naples Archaeological Museum]
12. Karyatid figure from the Erectheion [London British Museum + Athens Acropolis
13. Nike by Paionios. [Olympia Museum]
14. Kephisodotos’ Eirene and Ploutos (Peace and Wealth) [Munich Glyptothek]
15. Praxiteles’ Hermes and Dionysus. [Copy in Olympia Museum]
16. Praxiteles’ Aphrodite of Knidos. [Copy in Vatican Museums].
17. Apollo Sauroctonos [Copy in Paris Louvre]
18. Lysippos’ Apoxymenos. [Copy in Vatican Museums)
19. Marathon Boy [Athens National Archaeology Museum]
20. Grave stele of Hegeso [Keramikos museum]
21. Grave stele of Dexileos [Keramikos museum]
22. Ilissos stele [Athens National Archaeological Museum]
Architectural Sculpture.
 The pedimental sculpture of the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina.
 The metopes and pedimental sculpture of the Temple of Zeus, Olympia:
[Olympia Museum]
 The metopes, frieze and pedimental sculpture from the Parthenon, Athens:
[Athens Acropolis Museum and London British Museum]
 The Temple of Zeus, Temple of Hera and the Philippeion at Olympia.
 The 5th century temples and the Propylaea of the Athenian Acropolis.
 The temples of Paestum.
 The Temple of Apollo Epikuros at Bassae.
 The Tholos of Epidauros.
The study will include consideration of:
 The main characteristics of the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Orders, and their use
in the buildings studied.
 The relationship between sculpture and architecture.
 The use of space and the relationship between buildings.
 The uses of Greek sculpture in its public and religious context.
 The techniques and effects of working in marble and bronze.
 The religious, political, cultural, social and aesthetic context of the architecture
and sculpture studied.