
Inscriptions from St. Tighernach’s Church of Ireland Graveyard
By Theo McMahon, Sean Slowey and Maire O Neill
Extracted from Clogher Record 1988
Transcriptists note: A history of the Church is given in the Clogher Reocrd 1988 article. A map of the graveyard is also
Some early inscriptions that were badly worn could not be verified as there is a gap in the burial
records between 1725 and 1800.
Erected by Thomas Allely of Clinkeen in memory of his wife Elenor who departed this life August
the 12th 1837 aged 58 years. [Flat stone, incised lettering.]
This stone was placed here by George Allely of Clinkeen in memory of his son James Allely who
departed this life March the 8th 1822 aged 22 yrs. [Flat stone.]
In Memoria Roberti Gillespie qui decedet e vita in 15th die Januarii anno domini 1845 annosos
trigintos quinque annos et Gulielmus eJus (sic) filii qui decedet e vita anno 1850 anosos nonos
annons. Also in memory of his grandson James George Olley born 26th July 1861 died 31st July
1875. “And that from a child thou hast known the hold scriptures which are able to make thee wise
unto salvation th[r]ough faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2nd Timothy 3rd chap: 15th verse. [Large flat
stone, under trees. In the burial book the name appears as Alley.]
Sacred to the memory of David Andrews of Clones who departed this life November 18, 1862 aged
52 yrs. [Large flat stone.]
Sacred to the memory of Catherine wife to Bernard Armstrong of Clinkirk who departed this life
24th June 1852 aged 55 years. Also the above Bernard Armstrong died 18th April 1881 aged 82
years. [Flat stone.]
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Welsh of Lisnaroe who departed this life 12th Septr. 1833 aged
84 years. This stone is erected by her grandchild Robert Armstrong of Clinkeehan Co. Monaghan in
token of respect for one much loved and esteemed by her numerous relatives. “Even so them also
which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”. 1st Thess. iv. 14. [Upright stone.]
Erected by W.M. Kerr of Clones for his posterity June the 4th 1829. Robert Kerr who departed this
life 4th September A.D. 1862 aged 62 years. Also his wife Sarah Kerr who departed this life 30 th
April 1868 aged 62 years. Samuel Topping 26th April 1872 aged 24 years. Sarah Jane Topping 22nd
September 1872 aged 6 months. Frederick William Armstrong died March 22nd 1881. James
Armstrong died 20th Oct. 1888. Sarah Kerr died 28th April 1891. Robt. Armstrong died 29th Dec.
Erected to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73rd year exchanged
mortality for life Nov 20th 1840. And of Annie Armstrong his wife who entered the same happy
exchange January 11th 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter wife of James
McLannahan, land agent, who entered into the kingdom prepared for her on the 23rd October 1850
aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph Thomas Mitchell
grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years. [This flat stone is
broken and it appears that no. 121 is a replica but with one additional inscription.]
Sacred to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73th year exchanged
mortality of life November 20th 1840. And of Anne Armstrong his wife who made the same happy
exchange on the 11th day of January 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter
wife of James McLannahan, Land agent, who entered into the Kingdom prepared for her on the 23 rd
of October 1850 aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph
Thomas Mitchell grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years.
Also of Maria wife of James Fiddis of Hollywood House in this county died 21st of May 1873 aged
64 years. [Upright stone. High iron surround. See no. 122.]
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Armstrong Esq. M.R.C.S.E., a resident of Clones for nearly half a
century. As a man, he was endowed with superior intellectual powers, which were highly cultivated,
and uniformly devoted to usefulness. In his profession, he had extensive and successful practice:
and in civil and religious life, was esteemed for his public worth and private virtues. By his death,
the charitible and religious institutions of the place, have been deprived of a warm supporter and
liberal contributor; society has been bereft of one of its brightest ornaments, and the Church of
Christ, of a valuable member. His numerous acquaintances have lost a sincere friend, and the poor a
kind benefactor. To his family especially, with whom he enjoyed a happiness rarely found in the
domestic circle, his death is an irreparable loss; but their loss is his infinite gain. He was born in
1768, and exchanged mortality for life, November 20th 1840. This tablet is erected as a memorial of
fond attachment, to one of the kindest of husbands and best of fathers, by his bereaved widow and
sorrowing children. [White marble memorial.]
Sacred to the memory of Martha Armstrong who departed this life at Clinkeehan November 1807,
aged 37 years. This monument is erected in fond remembrance of a good mother by her affectionate
sons Robert Armstrong of Clinkeehan, Co. Monaghan and James Armstrong of Baltimore, U.S.
America. “She being dead yet speaketh.” [White marble tablet in chancel. Sculptor: Harrison,
Underneath are deposited the remains of the Revd Adam Averell, A.B., T.C.D., who departed this
life at Mount Salem, Clones, on the 10th day of January 1847, in the 93rd year of his age and 70th
year of his ministry. He was ordained in 1777 by the Bishop of Clonfert, and for nearly 30 years
presided over the Annual Conference of the Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Society of Ireland. This
monument is erected by the Conference as a small tribute of esteem for his devotedness as a
Christian minister and a faithful servant of his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. [Large granite
memorial. Shirley, op.cit., p.324 has an incorrect transcription of this stone.] {Transcriptists note: a
photograph of this headstone can be found in Clogher Record 1988.}
Averill. In loving memory of Wesley Averill, Clontivern, died 31st Dec. 1966 aged 74 years. Also
his wife Elizabeth (Lily) died 9th Nov. 1968 aged 70 years. “At rest.”
Thomas Averell of Mulnamoy placed this stone over the remains of his wife Margaret who died in
peace 29th day of April 1825 in the 56th year of her age. Thomas Averell who departed this life on
the 18th of April 1849 aged 82 years. Ellen Averell of Clones who departed this life on the 29th of
September 1865 aged 49 years. [Flat stone.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Erected in loving memory of Hugh Baird who died March 17th 1896 aged 82 years. Also his
daughter Mary Anne who died Jany. 2nd 1903 aged 53 years. Also his beloved wife Arabella Baird
who died 15th July 1908 aged 93 years. [This large upright stone has fallen forward and is broken in
three sections. Lendrum, Clones.]
Sacred to the memory of Jane (Beatty) the beloved wife of William Trimble of Enniskillen died 9 th
August 1845 aged 44 yrs. She did him good and not evil all the days of her life. She was a helpmate
indeed and a woman of surpassing excellence.
Erected by George Washington Bell Esqr. Redhill, to the memory of his ….her George Fredrick
Bell, Barister at Law Esqr. Who died Novbr. The 1st 1830 aged 30 yrs.
Sacred to the memory of Anne Bell Wife to John Bell and daughter to John Little late of Redhills
dept. this life Aug. 28th 1828 aged 40 years.
Here lyeth the body of Joseph Bennet who dyed the 26th April 1730 aged (..) years. [Flat stone
badly weathered.]
Erected by James Bevis of Clones in memory of his aunt Jane Bevis who died in 1859 aged 50
years. [Flat stone.]
In loving memory of James Henry Bevis, Carn, Clones, died 28th March 1894. Susanna Bevis died
12th March 1899. Josephine Bevis died 4th January 1915. James Henry Bevis died 15th November
1959. Erected by their family. [Small upright black marble stone.]
G.Bs 1817. [Probably a marker stone of the Bevis family.] (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
{transcriptists note: a photograph of this stone can be found in Clogher Record 1988.}
Here lyeth the body of Matthew Blackly Yonger (sic) who deceased November the 28: 1703: in age
26. And the body of Matthew Blackly: older: who deceased November the: 26: 1704. [Beautifully
carved flat stone with mortality symbols. Lettering in relief. Shirley is in error in his transcription of
this stone. A Matthew Bleakley (Blackly) is mentioned in ‘The Clones Rent Roll, 1681’ in Clogher
Record 1988.]
Here lyeth the body of Matthew Blackly Yonger (sic) who deceased November the 28: 1703: in age
26. And the body of Matthew Blackly: older: who deceased November the: 26: 1704. [Beautifully
carved flat stone with mortality symbols. Lettering in relief. Shirley is in error in his transcription of
this stone. A Matthew Bleakley (Blackly) is mentioned in ‘The Clones Rent Roll, 1681’ in Clogher
Record 1988.]
Here lyeth the body of Sam Bradford who departed this life Decebr (sic) 22 1749 aged 53 years.
Also his wife Mary Bradford who departed this life April (10)th 1751 aged 51 years. Also of his son
John Bradford who died 28 Augst. 1812 aged 72. Also of his grandaughter Mary wife of Thos.
Dobson of Legnakelly who died 22nd of Nov. 18(24) aged 65 years. [Flat stone.]
JB. Sacred to the memory of Isabella, the dearly beloved wife of John Brady of Johnstown, who
died 10th September 1887, in sure and certain hope of eternal life. Also of her sons Henry, died 23 rd
November 1848. John Cochrane, 7th January 1870. Robert Samuel, 3rd April 1872. Charles 3rd
March 1879. And of her husband who died 27th January 1889. “At evening time it shall be light”.
[Upright marble stone with urn carving. White sandstone surround with iron railing.
Beneath this stone lye the remains of Bernd., Clonolly of Clones who departed this life 15 th day of
June 1794 aged 51 years. Also Bernd., his son who died the 29th of July 1791 aged 10 months. And
in the same Christian hope, Ellen Maria Conolly otherwise Bradshaw wife of William Conolly of
Bachelors Walk, Dublin, who died on the 3rd July 1833. Also their infant son John Bernard Conolly.
Also their son William Thomas Conolly who departed this life on the 1st of January 18(15) aged 16
years. [Large flat stone.]
Underneath are laid (in certain hope of the resurrection unto life) the mortal remains of John
Bradshaw, Solicitor, who fell asleep in Jesus the 21st day of Augt. 1839 aged 68 years. “To him to
live was Christ to die is gain. Reader is it so with thee?” In the same blessed hope his widow Jane
Eliza slept in peace 18th Septr. 1853 aged 78 years. Revelations xiv. 13. [Flat stone.]
In loving memory of John Brady Esqr J.P., D.L., Johnstown, Clones, who died 27 January 1889.
Also of his wife Isabella who died 10 September 1887. “He giveth his beloved sleep.” This tablet is
erected by their children. [White marble tablet in chancel. Sculptor: A.P. Sharp, Dublin.]
To the honoured memory of Act. Squadron Leader John A. Bright, Flight Lieut. James F. Ruske,
William Robert Bryans, John Robert Bailey, who gave their lives for their country in the World
War, 1939-1945. [White marble tablet. Sculptor: Lendrum, Clones. Located behind the pulpit.]
Sacred to the memory of Margaret the dearly beloved wife of John Bright, Clones who died January
27th 1910 aged 70 years. Also Violet youngest daughter of above who died August 21st 1886. And
Matilda Crawford (Tillie) fourth daughter of above who died November 25th 1899. Also the above
John Bright who died February 4th 1912 aged 72 years. [Upright stone.]
To the honoured memory of Act. Squadron Leader John A. Bright, Flight Lieut. James F. Ruske,
William Robert Bryans, John Robert Bailey, who gave their lives for their country in the World
War, 1939-1945. [White marble tablet. Sculptor: Lendrum, Clones. Located behind the pulpit.]
Here lyeth: y body of James Brown who departed this life Desember (sic) y: 20: 1751 aged 82
years. Also: y: body of John Brown son to: y: above James Brown who departed this life (April y:
15: 1775 agd (..) y (..). [Large flat stone with elaborate coat of arms.] {transcriptists note: a
photograph of this headstone can be found in Clogher Record 1988.}
Erected by James Courtney of Clones in memory of his beloved daughter Elizabeth who died 19th of
May 1844 aged 12 years. Also her (..)ther James Courtney who died on the 5th of April 1859 aged
(..4) years. Matilda wife of James Courtney died Sept. 6th 1875 aged 72 yrs. Thomas Browne died
Sept. 10th 1872 aged 47 years. [Large flat stone with surface flaking badly. The burial book gives
James’s age as 64 years.]
To the honoured memory of Act. Squadron Leader John A. Bright, Flight Lieut. James F. Ruske,
William Robert Bryans, John Robert Bailey, who gave their lives for their country in the World
War, 1939-1945. [White marble tablet. Sculptor: Lendrum, Clones. Located behind the pulpit.]
This tomb was erected by Archd. Burnside of Clones in memory of his beloved wife Elizabeth who
departed this life February 2nd 1833 aged 56 years. It is also in memory of Archibald Burnside of
Clones who departed this life Decr. 29th 1870 aged 95 years. Also his nephew John Burnside,
Fivemiletown, who departed this life Decr. 29th 1875 aged 74 years. Also Henry Lowe, Clones, who
died 6th November 1890 aged 62 years. Also Elizabeth A. Lowe who died June 9th 1899 aged 80
years. Henry Lowe died 25th April 1914. Margaret A. Lowe died 13th December 1937. [Large raised
Erected by Margret Calvin of Creevlea in memory of her husband John Calvin who departed this
life March 17th 1807 aged 29 years. Also of her mother Mary Henry who departed this life of the 6 th
January 182(3) aged 79 years. Also of her father George Henry who departed this life January the
6th 1833 aged 78 years. In memory of her son William Calvin who departed this life Sept. 9th 1838
in the 31st year of his age.
In loving memory of Joseph Carson of Clincorn House who entered into life 14 July 1901. “He that
overcometh, shall inherit all things” Also Isabella his wife died 17th April 1938. “Blessed are ye that
sow beside all waters.” [Upright polished granite stone: Lendrum, Clones.]
In loving memory of Geraldine, the beloved wife of Rev. Gilbert Kemmis who died 10th March
1912. “To be with Christ which is far better.” Phil. 1.23. In loving memory of Evangeline Sophia
Marguerite second daughter of Joseph and Isabella Carson who died 7th January 1952. “Forever
with the Lord.”
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
In memory of William Robert Cassidy, Tievegarrow, died 22nd April 1958. His wife Rebecca died
14th October 1949. Their daughter Mary Eleanor died 29th March 1966. Their son William died 8th
October 1977. And their son John died 7th February 1987. “Abide with me.”
Erected to the memory of James Clarke, Fairview House, Co. Fermanagh who departed this life 7 th
November 1864 aged 65 years. Also his mother Elizabeth of Clones who died 7th February 1845
aged 51 years. His father Andrew of Clones who died 7th February 1845 aged 89 years. His sister
Sarah wife of Saml. Clarke, Newtownbutler, who died 15th June 1818 aged 23 years. His sister
Mary Scott wife of Dr. Hoskins, Clones, who died 20th August 1856 aged 45 years. J.T. Tarrant
Hoskins died 5th March 1886 aged 77 years. Andrew Clarke died 28th Oct. 1876 aged 72 years.
[This upright stone is encased in an iron frame.]
Alx. Clarke, 1859. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
Beneath this stone lye the remains of Bernd., Clonolly of Clones who departed this life 15th day of
June 1794 aged 51 years. Also Bernd., his son who died the 29th of July 1791 aged 10 months. And
in the same Christian hope, Ellen Maria Conolly otherwise Bradshaw wife of William Conolly of
Bachelors Walk, Dublin, who died on the 3rd July 1833. Also their infant son John Bernard Conolly.
Also their son William Thomas Conolly who departed this life on the 1st of January 18(15) aged 16
years. [Large flat stone.]
In memory of the loving and dearly beloved Margaret Edith Elizabeth the cherished, precious and
only child of John and Kate Dudgeon, who gently fell asleep in Jesus her Saviour in whom she
trusted December 15th 1868 aged 14 years and nine months. Her deeply affectionate, guileless
nature, made her the centre of love and happiness in her home, and highly esteemed by all who
knew her. “Not gone from memory, not gone from love, but gone to her Father’s home above.”
“Brief life is here our portion, Brief sorrow, short lived care, the life that knows no ending, the
tearless life is there.” Job. 19.25.26: Pas. 31. 19.20: Matt. 5.8: 1 Thes. 4.14. [White marble tablet in
chancel. Sculptor: Coates, Dublin.]
Dormit non mortua est. Here rests in hope of blessed resurrection Elizabeth Cochrane relict of the
Reverend James Cochrane, Rector of the parish of Belleek, who departed this life on the 23 rd of
February 1842 aged 86 years. [Raised tomb. The information on the headstone differs from that
given by J.B. Leslie in his Clogher Clergy and Parishes, p. 121.]
JB. Sacred to the memory of Isabella, the dearly beloved wife of John Brady of Johnstown, who
died 10th September 1887, in sure and certain hope of eternal life. Also of her sons Henry, died 23 rd
November 1848. John Cochrane, 7th January 1870. Robert Samuel, 3rd April 1872. Charles 3rd
March 1879. And of her husband who died 27th January 1889. “At evening time it shall be light”.
[Upright marble stone with urn carving. White sandstone surround with iron railing.]
In memory of Gore Gregory Cochrane born 3rd July 1818, died 30th November 1860. Also his eldest
son Robert Strangman Cochrane, F.R.C.S.I., born Dec. 1851, died Sep. 1900. Also Elizabeth
Matilda wife of the above Gore Gregory Cochrane born 11th September 1817 died 9th January 1905.
Also Annie daughter of Gore Gregory Cochrane born 28th Jan. 1858 died 26th Jan. 1930. [Sculptor,
J. McCullough, Marble works, Armagh.]
Erected by Miss Cochran of Clones to the memory of her beloved sister Mrs. Jane McMurray who
departed this life on the 14th day of may 1846 in the full hope of a glorious ressurection. [Raised
Here lyeth ye body of John Cole who died July ye 15: 1756 aged 52 years. Mary Coyle died
October ye 4: 1757 aged 45 years. Margaret Cole died March 2d 1708 agd 21 yrs. Also Jas Cole
died 26 July 1820 aged 55 yrs. And Martha his wife died 19th April 1840 aged 66 years. [Large flat
stone decorated with coat of arms—worn.]
Erected by James Courtney of Clones in memory of his beloved daughter Elizabeth who died 19th of
May 1844 aged 12 years. Also her (..)ther James Courtney who died on the 5th of April 1859 aged
(..4) years. Matilda wife of James Courtney died Sept. 6th 1875 aged 72 yrs. Thomas Browne died
Sept. 10th 1872 aged 47 years. [Large flat stone with surface flaking badly. The burial book gives
James’s age as 64 years.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Here lyeth ye body of John Cole who died July ye 15: 1756 aged 52 years. Mary Coyle died
October ye 4: 1757 aged 45 years. Margaret Cole died March 2d 1708 agd 21 yrs. Also Jas Cole
died 26 July 1820 aged 55 yrs. And Martha his wife died 19th April 1840 aged 66 years. [Large flat
stone decorated with coat of arms—worn.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Here lyeth the body of Hugh Crawford who departed this life ye 13 of November 1731 aged (..)
years. Erected by David Crawford. And also Margaret Crawford who departed this life ye 12th of
March 173(..) aged 56. [Large flat stone with mortality symbols.]
Sacred to the memory of Margaret the dearly beloved wife of John Bright, Clones who died January
27th 1910 aged 70 years. Also Violet youngest daughter of above who died August 21st 1886. And
Matilda Crawford (Tillie) fourth daughter of above who died November 25th 1899. Also the above
John Bright who died February 4th 1912 aged 72 years. [Upright stone.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Erected by his wife in loving memory of Howel Douglas Davis who died on 30th Oct 1895 aged 52
years. Also his wife Martha Davis died 1st May 1917 aged 80 years. “Thy will be done.” [Sculptor:
Lendrum, Clones. This stone has fallen forward.]
Erected by Jean Davis in memory of her beloved husband John Davis of Skeahorn who departed
this life May the 8th 1838 aged 36 years. Also of Jane his wife who departed this life Nov. 17th 1892
aged 83 years. Letitia Frances died Decr. 1916 aged 56 years.
In memory of Mathew Davis who died 22nd Jany. 1887 aged 86. Also of his wife Ann who died 18th
Jany. 1895 aged 88.
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
To the memory of Mary Ann the beloved wife of Robert Dixon, Clones, who departed this life (..)
(….). Also her [belov]ed husband (…) who departed this life (…) 1887 aged 6(1). “Released from
the body to be with the Lord.” [Flat stone in 20 fragments.]
Here lyeth the body of Sam Bradford who departed this life Decebr (sic) 22 1749 aged 53 years.
Also his wife Mary Bradford who departed this life April (10)th 1751 aged 51 years. Also of his son
John Bradford who died 28 Augst. 1812 aged 72. Also of his grandaughter Mary wife of Thos.
Dobson of Legnakelly who died 22nd of Nov. 18(24) aged 65 years. [Flat stone.]
Sacred to the memory of George Cecil Rowan dearly beloved son of the Rev. J.W. and Pauline
Dockeray who departed this life Feb 26th 1864 aged 9 months. “He shall gather the lambs with his
arm and carry them in his bosom.” Isia. xl. 2.
A tribute of affection to George Douglas, Henry McCarney, William McMurray, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Joseph Sproule, John Sproule, Robert Sproule former pupils of this
Sunday School, who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918. This tablet was
removed here from Gortnawinney Schoolhouse when sold in the year 1953. [Marble tablet located
in north-east porch.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Erected by Ralph Dudgeon Esqr. of the Leager for his posterity March 24th 1827. The above Ralph
Dudgeon departed this life on the 7th day of November 1827 aged 75 years. Also Mary Dudgeon his
wife who departed this life on the 15th day of June 1829 aged 69 years. [Large tomb formerly
surrounded by railings which now stand against north wall.]
In loving remembrance of John Dudgeon called to rest 1st December 1889. Ezek. 9.4. Rev. 2.17. “In
Love in Faith in Hope.” [Engraved on bible stand.]
In memory of the loving and dearly beloved Margaret Edith Elizabeth the cherished, precious and
only child of John and Kate Dudgeon, who gently fell asleep in Jesus her Saviour in whom she
trusted December 15th 1868 aged 14 years and nine months. Her deeply affectionate, guileless
nature, made her the centre of love and happiness in her home, and highly esteemed by all who
knew her. “Not gone from memory, not gone from love, but gone to her Father’s home above.”
“Brief life is here our portion, Brief sorrow, short lived care, the life that knows no ending, the
tearless life is there.” Job. 19.25.26: Pas. 31. 19.20: Matt. 5.8: 1 Thes. 4.14. [White marble tablet in
chancel. Sculptor: Coates, Dublin.]
CD. This memorial was erected by Creighton Duggan, Clones, in affectionate remembrance of his
beloved wife Elizabeth who departed this life on the 2nd day of February 1888 in sure and certain
hope of a glorious ressurection. Capt. Frederick J. Duggan their eldest son killed in action at Bois
Grenur 21st March 1916. Interred at Erquinghem. Also the above Creighton Duggan died 29th
September 1921 aged 77 years. “I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter
day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see
God: whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold and not another.” Job. xix. 25, 26, 27.
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Here rest the remains of Mr. Henry Edwards who departed this life on the 21st day of July 1839
aged 25 years. Likewise of Mr. George Taylor who after a long, useful and consistent life entered
into eternal rest February 4th 1841 aged 65 years. “The righteous shall be had in everlasting
remembrance.” This stone was placed here by Arthur and William Edwards to perpetuate the
memory of their brother and uncle. [Large flat stone with high iron surround.]
Erected by W.M. Elliott of Clones for his posterity Jany. 1850. The Family Burial Place of George
Elliott, Clonfad, 1878. [The latter part of the inscription is on a cast iron plaque.]
(…) Also John Elliott son to Gilbert Elliott of Annaugh(a)d who departed this life December the
16th 1805 aged 66 years. [Flat stone in centre of south pathway. Top lettering completely worn.]
Sacred to the memory of the Elliotts of Drumard 1879. [Iron plaque affixed to railings.]
“Thy will be done.” In loving memory of Herbert J. Elliott, Annashanco, who died 3 rd June 1912
aged 20 years. Also of his father James Wm. Elliott died may 6th 1945 aged 79 years. Also of his
mother, died 18th December 1952. Sisters Phoebe died 10th May 1978. Madge died 1st March 1985.
Erected by his father and mother [Stone re-erected 30.5.1985.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Sacred to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73th year exchanged
mortality of life November 20th 1840. And of Anne Armstrong his wife who made the same happy
exchange on the 11th day of January 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter
wife of James McLannahan, Land agent, who entered into the Kingdom prepared for her on the 23 rd
of October 1850 aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph
Thomas Mitchell grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years.
Also of Maria wife of James Fiddis of Hollywood House in this county died 21st of May 1873 aged
64 years. [Upright stone. High iron surround.]
Erected to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73rd year exchanged
mortality for life Nov 20th 1840. And of Annie Armstrong his wife who entered the same happy
exchange January 11th 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter wife of James
McLannahan, land agent, who entered into the kingdom prepared for her on the 23rd October 1850
aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph Thomas Mitchell
grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years. [This flat stone is
broken and it appears that no. 121 is a replica but with one additional inscription.]
To the glory of God and in loving memory of Venble. George Finlay, D.D., late Archdeacon of
Clogher, for thirty years rector of this parish. Entered into rest 9th Feb. 1905. “Thine eyes shall see
the king in his beauty.” Isaiah xxxiii.17. Erected by his widow. [Brass plaque located above the
This stone is placed here by James Fitzgerald of Glenaveley in memory of his wife Dorothy
Fitzgerald who died 21st Septr 1801 agd 29 yrs. Also his second wife Elizabeth Fitzgerald who died
the 9th of March 1817 aged (..) years. Underneath this stone lieth the remains of Mr. James
Fitzgerald of Clonavella who departed this life on Sunday the 7th day of April 1833 aged 62 years.
And also the remains of his son John Fitzgerald who departed this life on the 17th day of September
1818 aged 17 years. William Fitzgerald died February 11th 1860 aged 52? Years. “In hope of eternal
life through our Lord Jesus Christ”. [Flat stone.]
This monument was here placed in memory of Mrs. Dorothy Whiteacre of Clones who departed this
life the 10th day of October 1798 aged 62 years. Also Mr. George Whiteacre of Clones who
departed this life the first day of March 180(5) aged 84 years. Also Dorothy Parr otherwise
Fitzgerald who departed this life the 21 of September 180(1) aged (..) years. Sacred to the memory
of the Parrs of Clones. Hester Parr who died Feb. 1st 1853 aged 56 years. Catherine Parr who died
October 2nd 185(5) aged 60 years. John C. Parr who died Febry (sic) 22nd 1858 aged (..) years. John
Parr who died April 17th 1863 aged 84. [Flat broken stone surrounded by high iron railings.]
Here lieth the body of John Fitzgerald of Clinavilla who departed this life the 2 nd day of December
in the year of our Lord 1818 aged 84 years. Also Robert Fitzgerald who died 1823 aged 24 years.
Also Margaret wife to James Fitzgerald of Clones who departed this life on the 6th of June 1835 in
the full assurance of faith aged 58 years. Also John Fitzgerald who died on the 30th August 1838
aged 42 yrs. Eliza wife to F. Fitzgerald who fell asleep in Jesus 11th September 1856 aged 38. Also
James husband of the above Margaret Fitzgerald who died 23rd January 1858 aged 95 years.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” [Large flat slab.]
This tomb has been erected by Robert Fitzgerald, Merchant of Cavan, to the sacred memory of his
beloved wife Isabella who departed this life the 8th April 1830 agd 45 yrs. Also his son James agd 8
yrs. Also his daughter Isabella who died on the 27th day of March 1841 aged 19 years. Also Robert
Fitzgerald their parent who departed this life on the 16th day of June 1841 aged 55 years.
Sacred to the memory of William Henry Fitzgerald of Clones who departed this life June the 14th
1822 aged 42 years. Elizabeth Fitzgerald departed this life January 30, 1868 aged 90 years.
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
In affectionate remembrance of Martha, died 15th January 1854 aged 75 years. Thomas Forster died
July 1858 aged 97 years. Emily Charlotte, died 22nd May 1865 aged 15 months. Thomas Henry died
20th March 1872 aged 3 months. George Forster who departed this life 17th August 1884 aged 59
years. Erected by his loving wife Bouchier. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” Rev.
In loving memory of Elizabeth Gauley, Annyanaum, died 18th Jany. 1958 aged 59 years and her son
John Henry (Jack) died 14th Novr. 1972 aged 39 years. Also her husband Joseph died 4th March
1974. “Forever with the Lord.”
Placed here by M. George of Clones in memory of her beloved niece M.A. Roddy who departed
this life Octr. 1st 1853? Aged 24 yrs. Mary George of Clones departed this life on the 9 th day of
Septr. 1859 in the 74th year of her age. “In hope of eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
[Large flat stone broken in two.]
In memory of James Turner, Manorwaterhouse, who died 16th March 1871 aged 55 years. And of
Margaret his wife who died 18th Jan. 1885 aged 60 years. “Thy will be done.” [Sculptor: Gemmell,
Belfast. This upright stone is broken in two.]
In Memoria Roberti Gillespie qui decedet e vita in 15th die Januarii anno domini 1845 annosos
trigintos quinque annos et Gulielmus eJus (sic) filii qui decedet e vita anno 1850 anosos nonos
annons. Also in memory of his grandson James George Olley born 26th July 1861 died 31st July
1875. “And that from a child thou hast known the hold scriptures which are able to make thee wise
unto salvation th[r]ough faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2nd Timothy 3rd chap: 15th verse. [Large flat
stone, under trees. In the burial book the name appears as Alley.]
To the glory of God and in memory of Sergeant James Graham 2nd Bn. Coldstream Guards, born
1791 died 1845. In the defence of Hougoumont, during the Battle of Waterloo, he was one of the
five Coldstreamers who successfully defended the main gate. He was selected by the Duke of
Wellington from the army at Waterloo for a pension offered by the Revd. John Norcross. “The men
did the work faithfully.” 2 Chron. xxxiv. 12. Placed by the Coldstream Regiment of Guards 1906.
[Brass memorial plaque. A record of the citation which is framed and hanging beside these two
plaques can be found in Clogher Record 1988., including details of the Battle of Waterloo]
The above tablet to the memory of Sergeant James Graham, who was born in this parish in 1791,
was originally placed in the Church of England Chapel at the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin.
On the handing over of the Hospital to the Irish Free State it was secured for re-erection in this
church by the courtesy of the Officer Commanding the Coldstream Guards, and through the
intervention of Seton Pringle, F.R.C.S.I., a native of Clones. Sergeant Graham, died in 1845 in the
Royal Hospital.
Erected by Charles Gray in memory of his father John Gray died 17th October 1826 aged 66 years.
Also of James Gray son of the above John Gray died 7th June 1847 aged 32 years. Also of Martha
Gray relict of the above John Gray died 9th September 1850 aged 79 years. Also their daughter Eliza
Keary died 9th December 1892 aged 79 years. Samuel Keary died on the 2nd April 1904, aged 96
years. Also Charles Keary died 3rd August 1932 and his wife Mary Keary died 26th November 1936.
[Upright in sandstone. S. Sharp, Dublin.]
In loving memory of Charles Gray Keary, died 8th January 1956. James Samuel Keary died 29th
May 1959. Elizabeth Frances Keary died 2 December 1962. John William Keary died 29 April
1965. [Grave has iron surround.]
Erected by Thomas Gray, Clontivern, in loving memory of his wife Elizabeth who died 31 st January
1917 aged 72 years. Also his daughter Margaret Matilda (Tillie) died 26th February 1916 aged 33
years. Also the above Thomas Gray who died 14th June 1919 aged 74 years. Also his daughter Mary
Jane died Sept. 21st 1941. Also his son John F. died 1st July 1947 aged 58 years. Also his son
William died 8th May 1957 aged 71 years. “Tis but a little time till we meet again.” [On two bookshaped stone plaques are the following inscriptions. In loving memory of our dear mother Lizzie
Gray died 8th July 19(09) aged 66 years. “Thy will be done.” In loving memory of our dear father
John Gray died 23rd April 1908 aged 68 years. “Thy will be done.” From Kate and Hettie. [White
upright marble stone. Lendrum, Clones.]
LEGHORN. George Leghorn died 1st September 1894 aged 76 years. Clementina Grieg his wife
who died 7th March 1910 aged 82 years. Charles Leghorn his son died 18th December 1888 aged 18
years. Their children Georgina and George died in infancy. John Greig Leghorn born in Clones
1856, died in Spokane, USA, 1828. Francis Leghorn born in Clones 1865, died in Ashland, USA,
1884. James Frederick Leghorn born in Clones 1868, died in Olympia, USA, 1923.
This stone was erected as a tribute of respect to the memory of Frederick C. Gray by a few who had
the pleasure of his acquaintance. He died at Clones October 27 1847 aged 85 years sincerely (sic)
and deservedly regretted. [Large flat stone.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Erected by Martha Hamilton of Oakfield in fond remembrance of her parents John Pierce Hamilton
and Margaret Hamilton his wife. Also of her brothers and sisters who all departed this life in sure
hope of a glorious ressurection. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” Rev. xiv. 13. Martha
Hamilton died 10th April 1895 aged 86 years.
Here lyeth ye body of James Hamilton who died Sep. ye 22: 17(..) aged 79 years. Here lyeth ye
body of John Hamilton who departed this life June ye 14 1753 aged 52 years. [Large flat stone with
elaborate coat of arms.]
M.H. [possibly Hamilton marker stone.] (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
J.P.H. 1822. [possibly Hamilton marker stone.] (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
Erected by Margaret Thomson to the memory of her beloved husband Frith Thomson who died at
Glenvar on 11th May 1889 aged 49 years. “God is love.” “Who shall separate us from the love of
Christ.” Also his wife Margaret Thomson who died at Glenvar on the 28th Sept. 1914 aged 74 years.
“Peace perfect peace.” And their daughter Rita Hamilton Thomson died at Bushford 3 rd Oct. 1930
aged 51 years. “Until the day dawn and the shadows flee away.” [Upright granite stone with granite
surround. No. 117 is also within this surround.]
This tablet is erected by the parishioners of Clones, to the memory of Cassandra, the beloved wife
of the Revd. Thomas Hand, Rector of this parish who died the 21st day of October 1868. During the
Famine of 1847, and subsequent years she contributed largely to relieve the distress then prevalent,
and was the means under God of bringing comfort to many families. To posterity she has left
enduring monuments which testify to her zeal and self-sacrifice, in promoting the moral and
spiritual well-being of the people of this district, by whom she was held in high estimation, and who
now deeply deplore her loss. [White marble tablet. Sculptor: R. Montgomery, Belfast. Located in
the chancel. Mrs. Cassandra Hand was responsible for the introduction of crochet lace to Clones.
See E. D'’arcy, Irish Crochet Lace (Portlaoise, 1984).]
Sacred to the memory of the Rev. John H. Jameson who departed this life on the 13th day of Decr.
1843 the 3rd of his ministry aged 26. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth but the word of Our
Lord shall stand for ever”. Isa. 40, chap. 8th. Also the memory of Fanny A. Harris who departed this
life on the 18th March 1852 aged 87 years. Also the infant son of J. Johnstone Esq. aged 6 months.
Sacred to the memory of Martha Armstrong who departed this life at Clinkeehan November 1807,
aged 37 years. This monument is erected in fond remembrance of a good mother by her affectionate
sons Robert Armstrong of Clinkeehan, Co. Monaghan and James Armstrong of Baltimore, U.S.
America. “She being dead yet speaketh.” [White marble tablet in chancel. Sculptor: Harrison,
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Placed by Richard Henry of Legnakelly to the memory of his wife Elizabeth who departed this life
16th Feby 18 (..) aged 60 yrs. Also her beloved husband Richard Henry who departed this life the
9th of June 1861 aged 83 yrs. Also their beloved daughter Rachel Henry who departed this life 8 th of
March 1883 aged 71 yrs. [Large flat stone.]
Erected by Margret Calvin of Creevlea in memory of her husband John Calvin who departed this
life March 17th 1807 aged 29 years. Also of her mother Mary Henry who departed this life of the 6 th
January 182(3) aged 79 years. Also of her father George Henry who departed this life January the
6th 1833 aged 78 years. In memory of her son William Calvin who departed this life Sept. 9th 1838
in the 31st year of his age.
This memorial was erected by John H. Parr in memory of Anne Jane his beloved wife who died 26 th
November 1899. “Jesus says, whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die”. Also the above
John H. Parr who died 16th March 1925 aged 69 years. [ Upright headstone facing north, lettering in
lead. Lendrum, Clones. Iron plaque attached to surrounding railing in memory of the Henry Family,
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Underneath are deposited the remains of Richd. Hill Esqr who departed this life on the 22nd of June
1835 aged 56 years in the lively hope of a joyful ressurection through the merits of a blessed
Redeemer. [Large raised slate-type stone.]
In loving memory of Joseph Holden, died 18th May 1915 aged 82 years. Also his wife Martha, died
3rd March 1893 aged 57 years. Also their sons William, died 13th Dec. 1930 aged 65 years. And
Robert James, died 24th April 1959, aged 82 years. Also his wife Margaret Jane died 29th Dec. 1972
aged 79 yrs. Erected by their son Wm. Holden, Couraghy (sic). [Upright decorated marble stone,
Sculptor W. Lendrum.]
W.H. [Possibly a Holden marker.] (Inscribed stone in the
cemetery walls)
Erected by Wm. Holdsworth in memory of his father Wm. Holdsworth of Drumedorany who
departed this life May 29 1826 aged 56 yrs. [Large flat stone.]
In loving memory of Susan A. Hoskins died 27th Nov. 1927. “Forever with the Lord.” [Headstoneall
enclosed with iron railings.]
“Forever with the Lord.” Josephine Hoskins fell asleep 2nd March 1879. “Our knowledge of that life
is small. The eye of Faith is dim. But tis enough that Christ knows all and she is now with him.”
Also Anna Hoskins died 20th Sept. 1914. [Small upright stone lettered in lead.]
Erected to the memory of James Clarke, Fairview House, Co. Fermanagh who departed this life 7th
November 1864 aged 65 years. Also his mother Elizabeth of Clones who died 7th February 1845
aged 51 years. His father Andrew of Clones who died 7th February 1845 aged 89 years. His sister
Sarah wife of Saml. Clarke, Newtownbutler, who died 15th June 1818 aged 23 years. His sister
Mary Scott wife of Dr. Hoskins, Clones, who died 20th August 1856 aged 45 years. J.T. Tarrant
Hoskins died 5th March 1886 aged 77 years. Andrew Clarke died 28th Oct. 1876 aged 72 years.
[This upright stone is encased in an iron frame.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
In loving memory of Mary Jane Hughes who died 17th Feb. 1916 aged 44 years. Also her sister
Eliza Anne who died 17th April 1916 aged 37 years. Their father William Hughes died 11th June
1918 aged 80 years. “And if our fellowship below on Jesus be so sweet what heights of rapture shall
we know when round his throne we meet.”
J. Robert Humphreys, died 2nd July 1883 aged 2 yrs. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
To the glory of God, and in loving memory of John Read Hunter, Esq. Physician of Dublin. Erected
by his widow Ethel Eliza, one of the Porter family of this parish. [Brass plate at base of reading
In loving memory of Catherine Kellett who entered into rest March 1844 aged 83. James Taylor
Hurst M.D. well beloved 2nd August 1847 aged 53. Also to the dear memory of Margaret E. Hurst
his devoted wife who was taken to her eternal rest 10th Septr 1892 in her 95th year. Beloved and
mourned. [Upright granite stone. High iron surround. Dr Hurst is mentioned as giving evidence on
the death of a Famine victim in March 1847. See B. Ó Mórdha’s, ‘The Great Famine in Monaghan:
A Coroner’s Account’, Clogher Record, 1960-1, p.40-1.]
This stone is placed here this 25th day of March 1818 by Mrs. Irons of Clones widow of the late
William Irons, P.W.M., preacher who was one of the best husbands and kindest of fathers, he was
early removed from the field of his Christian and useful labours in the prime of life in the year 1828
and in the 33rd year of his age. He left six infant children three of whom William, Ellen and Anna
have since departed this life and are with him laid under this tomb. [Large flat tombstone in four
fragments.] {transcriptionists note: date recorded accurately as published in Clogher Record 1988.}
Erected by Gerd. Irvine of Lissegerton in memory of his wife Ann who departed this life 16 th
August 1839. Also his son Gerd. who departed this life in 1826. Also his daughter Elenor who
departed this life July 11th 1841 aged 25 years. [Large flat stone.]
Presented to the parish of Clones for the glory of God and in memory of his parents by S.K. Jackson
Esq J.P., of Cara House. [Small brass plate on pulpit.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Sacred to the memory of the Rev. John H. Jameson who departed this life on the 13 th day of Decr.
1843 the 3rd of his ministry aged 26. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth but the word of Our
Lord shall stand for ever”. Isa. 40, chap. 8th. Also the memory of Fanny A. Harris who departed this
life on the 18th March 1852 aged 87 years. Also the infant son of J. Johnstone Esq. aged 6 months.
In loving memory of Jane Wilson, who died 6th October 1875 aged 41 years. Also her husband
Adam Wilson died 20th January 1889, aged 78 yrs. And their son Adam Wilson died 13th February
1870, aged 13 years. Also their grandsons Pte. Stephen Y. Johnston, Irish Guards, killed in action in
France 1917 aged 19 years. In loving remembrance by their children. [Upright, black marble,
decorated stone.] Robert Johnston died 28th June 1944 aged 77 years. “To be with Christ which is
far better.” His wife A.M. Johnston who died 9th April 1951 aged 83 years. [The last two
inscriptions are on a stone plaque.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Sacred to the memory of the Rev. John H. Jameson who departed this life on the 13th day of Decr.
1843 the 3rd of his ministry aged 26. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth but the word of Our
Lord shall stand for ever”. Isa. 40, chap. 8th. Also the memory of Fanny A. Harris who departed this
life on the 18th March 1852 aged 87 years. Also the infant son of J. Johnstone Esq. aged 6 months.
Erected by Charles Gray in memory of his father John Gray died 17th October 1826 aged 66 years.
Also of James Gray son of the above John Gray died 7th June 1847 aged 32 years. Also of Martha
Gray relict of the above John Gray died 9th September 1850 aged 79 years. Also their daughter Eliza
Keary died 9th December 1892 aged 79 years. Samuel Keary died on the 2nd April 1904, aged 96
years. Also Charles Keary died 3rd August 1932 and his wife Mary Keary died 26th November 1936.
[Upright in sandstone. S. Sharp, Dublin.]
In loving memory of Charles Gray Keary, died 8th January 1956. James Samuel Keary died 29th
May 1959. Elizabeth Frances Keary died 2 December 1962. John William Keary died 29 April
1965. [Grave has iron surround.]
In loving memory of Catherine Kellett who entered into rest March 1844 aged 83. James Taylor
Hurst M.D. well beloved 2nd August 1847 aged 53. Also to the dear memory of Margaret E. Hurst
his devoted wife who was taken to her eternal rest 10th Septr 1892 in her 95th year. Beloved and
mourned. [Upright granite stone. High iron surround. Dr Hurst is mentioned as giving evidence on
the death of a Famine victim in March 1847. See B. Ó Mórdha’s, ‘The Great Famine in Monaghan:
A Coroner’s Account’, Clogher Record, 1960-1, p.40-1.]
A.R. Kells. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
In loving memory of Geraldine, the beloved wife of Rev. Gilbert Kemmis who died 10th March
1912. “To be with Christ which is far better.” Phil. 1.23. In loving memory of Evangeline Sophia
Marguerite second daughter of Joseph and Isabella Carson who died 7th January 1952. “Forever
with the Lord.”
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Erected by W.M. Kerr of Clones for his posterity June the 4th 1829. Robert Kerr who departed this
life 4th September A.D. 1862 aged 62 years. Also his wife Sarah Kerr who departed this life 30 th
April 1868 aged 62 years. Samuel Topping 26th April 1872 aged 24 years. Sarah Jane Topping 22nd
September 1872 aged 6 months. Frederick William Armstrong died March 22nd 1881. James
Armstrong died 20th Oct. 1888. Sarah Kerr died 28th April 1891. Robt. Armstrong died 29th Dec.
In never fading memory of Alexander Knight, M.D., Etna Lodge, Clones, whom God called home
on Good Friday 1894, aged 72 years. “He rests from his labours and his works do follow him.”
[Brass plaque in chancel. Sawier, Dublin.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Erected by Margrt (sic) Leary of Crosslea, in memory of her dear father Thomas Leary who
departed this life October 9th 1830 aged 85 years. Also his nephew Robert Swann who departed this
life 30th July 1862 aged 10 yrs. Also in moving memory of Mary Swann wife of James Swann who
departed this life Apl. (sic) 27th 1884. [Flat stone.]
In loving memory of our dear father James Lee, who died 7th Feb. 1909 aged 49 years. And of our
beloved mother Rebecca Lee who died 5th Sept 1930 aged 68 years. Also our brother Albert, who
died 6th Oct. 1905 aged 4 years. And William Lee, who died 16th June 1943. Also James Lee, who
died 31st March 1944. Also Fred Lee, who died 12th August 1958. John Lee, who died 10th Feb.
1960. “Heaven is my home.” Elizabeth Lee, who died 1st May 1965. Erected by their family.
[Upright marble stone, iron surround.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Sacred to the memory of Anna the beloved wife of Henry Leeds who departed this life 30 th May
1858 aged 30 years. Also their two infant daughters Marion and Lucy Leeds. “Them also which
sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.” 1st Thess. 4th. 14th. [Upright stone lettering badly
LEGHORN. George Leghorn died 1st September 1894 aged 76 years. Clementina Grieg his wife
who died 7th March 1910 aged 82 years. Charles Leghorn his son died 18th December 1888 aged 18
years. Their children Georgina and George died in infancy. John Greig Leghorn born in Clones
1856, died in Spokane, USA, 1828. Francis Leghorn born in Clones 1865, died in Ashland, USA,
1884. James Frederick Leghorn born in Clones 1868, died in Olympia, USA, 1923.
In loving memory of Edward Lendrum, Clonboy, died 15th May 1979 aged 75 years. “The Lord is
my shepherd”.
In loving memory of Joseph Holden, died 18th May 1915 aged 82 years. Also his wife Martha, died
3rd March 1893 aged 57 years. Also their sons William, died 13th Dec. 1930 aged 65 years. And
Robert James, died 24th April 1959, aged 82 years. Also his wife Margaret Jane died 29th Dec. 1972
aged 79 yrs. Erected by their son Wm. Holden, Couraghy (sic). [Upright decorated marble stone,
Sculptor W. Lendrum.]
This memorial was erected by John H. Parr in memory of Anne Jane his beloved wife who died 26 th
November 1899. “Jesus says, whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die”. Also the above
John H. Parr who died 16th March 1925 aged 69 years. [ Upright headstone facing north, lettering in
lead. Lendrum, Clones. Iron plaque attached to surrounding railing in memory of the Henry Family,
In loving memory of George Pogue Cloughagaddy who died 23 rd August 1894 aged 72 years. Also
his wife Anne Pogue who died 10th Jan. 1887, aged 81 years. Their son William Pogue who died
22nd Feby, 1912 aged 64 years. And their son Robert Pogue who died 4th Dec. 1924 aged 76 years.
[Upright decorated stone. Lettering inlaid in lead. Lendrum, Clones.]
Erected in loving memory of Hugh Baird who died March 17th 1896 aged 82 years. Also his
daughter Mary Anne who died Jany. 2nd 1903 aged 53 years. Also his beloved wife Arabella Baird
who died 15th July 1908 aged 93 years. [This large upright stone has fallen forward and is broken in
three sections. Lendrum, Clones.]
Erected by Thomas Gray, Clontivern, in loving memory of his wife Elizabeth who died 31 st January
1917 aged 72 years. Also his daughter Margaret Matilda (Tillie) died 26th February 1916 aged 33
years. Also the above Thomas Gray who died 14th June 1919 aged 74 years. Also his daughter Mary
Jane died Sept. 21st 1941. Also his son John F. died 1st July 1947 aged 58 years. Also his son
William died 8th May 1957 aged 71 years. “Tis but a little time till we meet again.” [On two bookshaped stone plaques are the following inscriptions. In loving memory of our dear mother Lizzie
Gray died 8th July 19(09) aged 66 years. “Thy will be done.” In loving memory of our dear father
John Gray died 23rd April 1908 aged 68 years. “Thy will be done.” From Kate and Hettie. [White
upright marble stone. Lendrum, Clones.]
In loving memory of Joseph Carson of Clincorn House who entered into life 14 July 1901. “He that
overcometh, shall inherit all things” Also Isabella his wife died 17th April 1938. “Blessed are ye that
sow beside all waters.” [Upright polished granite stone: Lendrum, Clones.]
Erected by his wife in loving memory of Howel Douglas Davis who died on 30th Oct 1895 aged 52
years. Also his wife Martha Davis died 1st May 1917 aged 80 years. “Thy will be done.” [Sculptor:
Lendrum, Clones. This stone has fallen forward.]
In memory of the Storey Family and to renew the markings of the place which has been their family
burying ground for over two hundred years. “The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.”
Erected by Anna Storey, Clones October 1911. [Large flat stone. Sculptor, Lendrum, Clones.]
To the honoured memory of Act. Squadron Leader John A. Bright, Flight Lieut. James F. Ruske,
William Robert Bryans, John Robert Bailey, who gave their lives for their country in the World
War, 1939-1945. [White marble tablet. Sculptor: Lendrum, Clones. Located behind the pulpit.]
T. Lipton, Sept. 5th 1827. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls) {transcriptists note: a photograph
of this stone can be found in Clogher Record 1988.}
In loving memory of Archibald Little who died 15th Sept. 1904. Also his wife Mary Anne died 9th
April 1927. And their son William aged 17 years. Their daughter Jane, died 22nd April 1928. And
their daughter Mary Anne who died the 18th May 1954. “Peace perfect peace”. [Upright, decorated,
black marble stone.]
Sacred to the memory of Anne Bell Wife to John Bell and daughter to John Little late of Redhills
dept. this life Aug. 28th 1828 aged 40 years.
Here lieth the remains of Francis Lough of Mullinacly who departed this life the 4th day of April in
the year of Our Lord 1829 aged 65 years. [Large flat stone inside railed-off enclosure.]
….es… Ann Lough who departed this life the 17th day of April in the year of our Lord 1829
aged 31 yrs. [Large flat stone top broken and missing.]
This stone has been erected in memory of Prudence the beloved wife of Matthew Lough of
Legnakelly who departed this life the 8th day of January 1849 aged 68 years. The above named
Matthew Lough died October 25th 1862 aged 89 years. “And I heard a voice from heaven saying
unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit,
that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them.” Rev. 14. ver. 13.
This tomb was erected by Archd. Burnside of Clones in memory of his beloved wife Elizabeth who
departed this life February 2nd 1833 aged 56 years. It is also in memory of Archibald Burnside of
Clones who departed this life Decr. 29th 1870 aged 95 years. Also his nephew John Burnside,
Fivemiletown, who departed this life Decr. 29th 1875 aged 74 years. Also Henry Lowe, Clones, who
died 6th November 1890 aged 62 years. Also Elizabeth A. Lowe who died June 9th 1899 aged 80
years. Henry Lowe died 25th April 1914. Margaret A. Lowe died 13th December 1937. [Large raised
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Here lies the body of Samuel Madden Esqr of Hilton who departed this life June the 11 th in the year
of our Lord 1817 aged 58. [E.P. Shirley in his The History of County of Monaghan (London,
1879), p.324, erroneously gives the year of death as 1814.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
In loving memory of Jacob Marshall Mark M.R.C.V.S., who died Nov. 2nd 1911 aged 41 years.
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
A tribute of affection to George Douglas, Henry McCarney, William McMurray, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Joseph Sproule, John Sproule, Robert Sproule former pupils of this
Sunday School, who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918. This tablet was
removed here from Gortnawinney Schoolhouse when sold in the year 1953. [Marble tablet located
in north-east porch.]
Erected by Rose Reid, Clones, in loving memory of her sister Jane Reid who died 22nd February
1892. Also Rose Reid who erected this monument died 31st January 1903. “Caste thy bread upon
the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days.” [Upright, decorated, lead lettering. J.
McCullough, Armagh.]
In memory of Gore Gregory Cochrane born 3rd July 1818, died 30th November 1860. Also his eldest
son Robert Strangman Cochrane, F.R.C.S.I., born Dec. 1851, died Sep. 1900. Also Elizabeth
Matilda wife of the above Gore Gregory Cochrane born 11th September 1817 died 9th January 1905.
Also Annie daughter of Gore Gregory Cochrane born 28th Jan. 1858 died 26th Jan. 1930. [Sculptor,
J. McCullough, Marble works, Armagh.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Sacred to the memory of Marshall Moore of Analore died 28th April 1892 aged 78 years. And his
wife Sarah Elizabeth McKean died in Dublin November 15th 1905 in her 80th year. “Looking unto
Jesus.” Heb. 12.2. [Large upright stone with heavy granite surround.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Sacred to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73th year exchanged
mortality of life November 20th 1840. And of Anne Armstrong his wife who made the same happy
exchange on the 11th day of January 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter
wife of James McLannahan, Land agent, who entered into the Kingdom prepared for her on the 23 rd
of October 1850 aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph
Thomas Mitchell grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years.
Also of Maria wife of James Fiddis of Hollywood House in this county died 21st of May 1873 aged
64 years. [Upright stone. High iron surround.]
Erected to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73rd year exchanged
mortality for life Nov 20th 1840. And of Annie Armstrong his wife who entered the same happy
exchange January 11th 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter wife of James
McLannahan, land agent, who entered into the kingdom prepared for her on the 23rd October 1850
aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph Thomas Mitchell
grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years. [This flat stone is
broken and it appears that no. 121 is a replica but with one additional inscription.]
McM. In loving memory of our dear father and mother Samuel McMaster died April 18, 1897.
Sarah McMaster died Novr. 29, 1934. Also their eldest son Thomas S. McMaster who died 31st
March 1939.
Erected by Miss Cochran of Clones to the memory of her beloved sister Mrs. Jane McMurray who
departed this life on the 14th day of may 1846 in the full hope of a glorious ressurection. [Raised
A tribute of affection to George Douglas, Henry McCarney, William McMurray, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Joseph Sproule, John Sproule, Robert Sproule former pupils of this
Sunday School, who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918. This tablet was
removed here from Gortnawinney Schoolhouse when sold in the year 1953. [Marble tablet located
in north-east porch.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Erected in affectionate remembrance of my beloved father Richard Mills died 18 th Oct. 1873 aged
74 yrs. Also my mother Dorcas Mills died 15th July 1881 aged 80 years. Also my sister Ann Mills
died 4th April 1919 aged 88 years. And my brother Frank Mills died 23rd June 1920 aged 90 years.
“Not gone from memory, not gone from love, but gone to their father’s home above.” [Upright,
decorated, lead lettering.]
Sacred to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73th year exchanged
mortality of life November 20th 1840. And of Anne Armstrong his wife who made the same happy
exchange on the 11th day of January 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter
wife of James McLannahan, Land agent, who entered into the Kingdom prepared for her on the 23 rd
of October 1850 aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph
Thomas Mitchell grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years.
Also of Maria wife of James Fiddis of Hollywood House in this county died 21st of May 1873 aged
64 years. [Upright stone. High iron surround.]
Erected to the memory of Surgeon Thomas Armstrong of Clones who in his 73rd year exchanged
mortality for life Nov 20th 1840. And of Annie Armstrong his wife who entered the same happy
exchange January 11th 1844 aged 76 years. Also of Matilda their youngest daughter wife of James
McLannahan, land agent, who entered into the kingdom prepared for her on the 23rd October 1850
aged 38. Margaret Armstrong died the 15th April 1826 aged 20 years. Also Joseph Thomas Mitchell
grandson of the above Thomas Armstrong who died 13th May 1868 aged 16 years. [This flat stone is
broken and it appears that no. 121 is a replica but with one additional inscription.]
This tablet is erected by the parishioners of Clones, to the memory of Cassandra, the beloved wife
of the Revd. Thomas Hand, Rector of this parish who died the 21st day of October 1868. During the
Famine of 1847, and subsequent years she contributed largely to relieve the distress then prevalent,
and was the means under God of bringing comfort to many families. To posterity she has left
enduring monuments which testify to her zeal and self-sacrifice, in promoting the moral and
spiritual well-being of the people of this district, by whom she was held in high estimation, and who
now deeply deplore her loss. [White marble tablet. Sculptor: R. Montgomery, Belfast. Located in
the chancel. Mrs. Cassandra Hand was responsible for the introduction of crochet lace to Clones.
See E. D'’arcy, Irish Crochet Lace (Portlaoise, 1984).]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Sacred to the memory of Marshall Moore of Analore died 28th April 1892 aged 78 years. And his
wife Sarah Elizabeth McKean died in Dublin November 15th 1905 in her 80th year. “Looking unto
Jesus.” Heb. 12.2. [Large upright stone with heavy granite surround.]
Sacred to the memory of George Nicholl who died July 1854 aged 80 years. Also his wife Ann
Nicholl who died Septr. 1856 aged 80 years. Also Sarah Nicholl the beloved wife of Simon Nicholl
who died 8th Novr. 1893 aged 85 years. And also her beloved husband Simon Nicholl who died 8th
May 1895 aged 86. Also Robert Nicholl son of above Simon Nicholl who died 18 th February 1929
aged 90 years. [Large upright decorated stone. Lettering inlaid in lead. Iron railing.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
To the glory of God and in memory of Sergeant James Graham 2nd Bn. Coldstream Guards, born
1791 died 1845. In the defence of Hougoumont, during the Battle of Waterloo, he was one of the
five Coldstreamers who successfully defended the main gate. He was selected by the Duke of
Wellington from the army at Waterloo for a pension offered by the Revd. John Norcross. “The men
did the work faithfully.” 2 Chron. xxxiv. 12. Placed by the Coldstream Regiment of Guards 1906.
[Brass memorial plaque. A record of the citation which is framed and hanging beside these two
plaques can be found in Clogher Record 1988., including details of the Battle of Waterloo]
The above tablet to the memory of Sergeant James Graham, who was born in this parish in 1791,
was originally placed in the Church of England Chapel at the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin.
On the handing over of the Hospital to the Irish Free State it was secured for re-erection in this
church by the courtesy of the Officer Commanding the Coldstream Guards, and through the
intervention of Seton Pringle, F.R.C.S.I., a native of Clones. Sergeant Graham, died in 1845 in the
Royal Hospital.
In Memoria Roberti Gillespie qui decedet e vita in 15th die Januarii anno domini 1845 annosos
trigintos quinque annos et Gulielmus eJus (sic) filii qui decedet e vita anno 1850 anosos nonos
annons. Also in memory of his grandson James George Olley born 26th July 1861 died 31st July
1875. “And that from a child thou hast known the hold scriptures which are able to make thee wise
unto salvation th[r]ough faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2nd Timothy 3rd chap: 15th verse. [Large flat
stone, under trees. In the burial book the name appears as Alley.]
John Talbot Oram died 25th Sept 1911, aged 12 years. Matt. Xix 14.
This memorial was erected by John H. Parr in memory of Anne Jane his beloved wife who died 26 th
November 1899. “Jesus says, whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die”. Also the above
John H. Parr who died 16th March 1925 aged 69 years. [ Upright headstone facing north, lettering in
lead. Lendrum, Clones. Iron plaque attached to surrounding railing in memory of the Henry Family,
This monument was here placed in memory of Mrs. Dorothy Whiteacre of Clones who departed this
life the 10th day of October 1798 aged 62 years. Also Mr. George Whiteacre of Clones who
departed this life the first day of March 180(5) aged 84 years. Also Dorothy Parr otherwise
Fitzgerald who departed this life the 21 of September 180(1) aged (..) years. Sacred to the memory
of the Parrs of Clones. Hester Parr who died Feb. 1st 1853 aged 56 years. Catherine Parr who died
October 2nd 185(5) aged 60 years. John C. Parr who died Febry (sic) 22nd 1858 aged (..) years. John
Parr who died April 17th 1863 aged 84. [Flat broken stone surrounded by high iron railings.]
In loving memory of George Pogue Cloughagaddy who died 23 rd August 1894 aged 72 years. Also
his wife Anne Pogue who died 10th Jan. 1887, aged 81 years. Their son William Pogue who died
22nd Feby, 1912 aged 64 years. And their son Robert Pogue who died 4th Dec. 1924 aged 76 years.
[Upright decorated stone. Lettering inlaid in lead. Lendrum, Clones.]
Erected by James Porter of Drum in memory of Rebecca Porter the beloved wife of his son Joseph
Porter who departed life the 25th of June 1844. [Upright stone.]
To the glory of God, and in loving memory of John Read Hunter, Esq. Physician of Dublin. Erected
by his widow Ethel Eliza, one of the Porter family of this parish. [Brass plate at base of reading
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
To the glory of God and in memory of Sergeant James Graham 2nd Bn. Coldstream Guards, born
1791 died 1845. In the defence of Hougoumont, during the Battle of Waterloo, he was one of the
five Coldstreamers who successfully defended the main gate. He was selected by the Duke of
Wellington from the army at Waterloo for a pension offered by the Revd. John Norcross. “The men
did the work faithfully.” 2 Chron. xxxiv. 12. Placed by the Coldstream Regiment of Guards 1906.
[Brass memorial plaque. A record of the citation which is framed and hanging beside these two
plaques can be found in Clogher Record 1988., including details of the Battle of Waterloo]
The above tablet to the memory of Sergeant James Graham, who was born in this parish in 1791,
was originally placed in the Church of England Chapel at the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin.
On the handing over of the Hospital to the Irish Free State it was secured for re-erection in this
church by the courtesy of the Officer Commanding the Coldstream Guards, and through the
intervention of Seton Pringle, F.R.C.S.I., a native of Clones. Sergeant Graham, died in 1845 in the
Royal Hospital.
Erected by Rose Reid, Clones, in loving memory of her sister Jane Reid who died 22 nd February
1892. Also Rose Reid who erected this monument died 31st January 1903. “Caste thy bread upon
the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days.” [Upright, decorated, lead lettering. J.
McCullough, Armagh.]
In ever loving memory of John Robinson, who was for over 40 years Parochial Sec. & Treasurer of
the Select Vestry of this parish. Having served his own generation, by the will of God, he fell
asleep, October 22nd 1918, aged 85. Also his daughters Margaret Jane, who from her 12th year was
organist of Clones Parish Church, and died on Christmas Day 1891. And Mary Georgina who died
in Toronto, March 9th 1919 and was interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. “With Christ
which is far better”. Also Mary, his wife who died March 7th 1924, aged 82. “Until the day break”.
Also his youngest daughter Maude who died March 23rd 1933. Also his daughter Caroline who died
July 8th 1938. Erected by his sorrowing wife and children. [Upright decorated stone, lettering in
Placed here by M. George of Clones in memory of her beloved niece M.A. Roddy who departed
this life Octr. 1st 1853? Aged 24 yrs. Mary George of Clones departed this life on the 9 th day of
Septr. 1859 in the 74th year of her age. “In hope of eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
[Large flat stone broken in two.]
Here lyeth the body of L….Roulan? who died June ye (..) 1749 aged 4 years. [Large flat stone badly
Sacred to the memory of George Cecil Rowan dearly beloved son of the Rev. J.W. and Pauline
Dockeray who departed this life Feb 26th 1864 aged 9 months. “He shall gather the lambs with his
arm and carry them in his bosom.” Isia. xl. 2.
To the honoured memory of Act. Squadron Leader John A. Bright, Flight Lieut. James F. Ruske,
William Robert Bryans, John Robert Bailey, who gave their lives for their country in the World
War, 1939-1945. [White marble tablet. Sculptor: Lendrum, Clones. Located behind the pulpit.]
In never fading memory of Alexander Knight, M.D., Etna Lodge, Clones, whom God called home
on Good Friday 1894, aged 72 years. “He rests from his labours and his works do follow him.”
[Brass plaque in chancel. Sawier, Dublin.]
Members of the Church of Ireland from the parish of Clones who served in the Great War 1914-18:
A. Averell, T. Carson, H.G. Crawford, T.M. Crawford, J. Crowe, R. Crowe, S.A. D’Arcy, T.N.
D’Arcy, W. Davies, J.F. Dawson. T. Dawson, H.T.O. Day, A. Deering, R.F. Deering, R. Donnelly,
R. Donnelly, jun., G.E. Duggan, R. Eakin, J.H. Ferguson, R.N., J. Ferguson, J.G.E. Fitzgerald, M.
Fitzgerald, J.W. Gray, W.T. Hayes, G. Hetherington, E. Howe, T.R. Henry, H.K. Jackson, R.
Johnston, G.H. Kennedy, G.W. Knight, J.A. Knight, W.M. Knight, G. Leake, S. Lee, H.
McCullagh, J.W. McCullagh, R.E.J. McCullagh, W.H. McCullagh, T. McDonagh, W. McDonagh,
Rev. J.H. McKew, E.L. Magrath, J.G. Magrath, T. Magrath, W.R. Magrath, P. Maguire, W. Marron,
W. Molloy, W.A. Noble, W. Preston, J. Scott, R.N. [Large limestone tablet on front of church.]
Erected by Charles Gray in memory of his father John Gray died 17th October 1826 aged 66 years.
Also of James Gray son of the above John Gray died 7th June 1847 aged 32 years. Also of Martha
Gray relict of the above John Gray died 9th September 1850 aged 79 years. Also their daughter Eliza
Keary died 9th December 1892 aged 79 years. Samuel Keary died on the 2nd April 1904, aged 96
years. Also Charles Keary died 3rd August 1932 and his wife Mary Keary died 26th November 1936.
[Upright in sandstone. S. Sharp, Dublin.]
In loving memory of John Brady Esqr J.P., D.L., Johnstown, Clones, who died 27 January 1889.
Also of his wife Isabella who died 10 September 1887. “He giveth his beloved sleep.” This tablet is
erected by their children. [White marble tablet in chancel. Sculptor: A.P. Sharp, Dublin.]
Erected by George Shegog of Munilly in memory of his son George who died 16th January 1831
aged 3 years and four months. Sophia Shegog died 25th March 1856 aged 15 years. Also George
Shegog Esq of Munilly father of the above who died on 26th. Sept. 18(5)9 aged 67 years. Also his
wife Margaret who died 13th December 1870 aged 70 years. And their children William who died
Aprile (sic) 1867 aged 40 years. George Alexander who died 11th May 1873 aged 37 years. Mary
Jane who died 26th January 1875 aged 46 years.
Beneath are interred the mortal remains of Margaret wife of the Revd. John E.H. Simpson, Vicar of
Drumsnatt in this county. She departed this life in hope of a joyful ressurection June the 6 th 1847
aged 52. “To me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil. 1.21. Also her husband Revd John E.H.
Simpson who departed this life 20th June 1876 aged 85 years. “He being dead yet speaketh.” Heb.
11th 4th. Also her daughter Elizabeth Jane born 22nd Decr. 1817. Fell asleep in Jesus 3rd June 1878.
These all die in faith. [Flat stone. Surrounded by high railings. J.B. Leslie in his Clogher Clergy and
Parishes (Enniskillen, 1929) p.186, gives his age as 87 at death.]
In loving memory of Francis T. (Frank) fourth son of John and Minnie Skelton of Ashgrove who
died 8th June 1916 of wounds received in action in France aged 23 years and who is buried here.
Also Gibson F. fifth son killed in action in France 12th Sept. 1916 aged 21 years. Also their father
John Skelton who died 30th July 1938. Also their mother Mary Anne who died 14th August 1943. “If
we be dead with him we shall also live with him.” [Upright marble stone in rusticated effect.]
A tribute of affection to George Douglas, Henry McCarney, William McMurray, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Joseph Sproule, John Sproule, Robert Sproule former pupils of this
Sunday School, who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918. This tablet was
removed here from Gortnawinney Schoolhouse when sold in the year 1953. [Marble tablet located
in north-east porch.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
A tribute of affection to George Douglas, Henry McCarney, William McMurray, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Joseph Sproule, John Sproule, Robert Sproule former pupils of this
Sunday School, who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914-1918. This tablet was
removed here from Gortnawinney Schoolhouse when sold in the year 1953. [Marble tablet located
in north-east porch.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
In memory of the Storey Family and to renew the markings of the place which has been their family
burying ground for over two hundred years. “The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.”
Erected by Anna Storey, Clones October 1911. [Large flat stone. Sculptor, Lendrum, Clones.]
In loving memory of James Alexander Swann L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.I., M.D., J.P., of Crosslea House,
Drum, Co. Monaghan, born June 28, 1857, died may 16 1911. Ida Mary his wife, born June 21
1863, died March 30 1931. Their children James Leary Swann, born January 19 1894, and was
accidentally drowned at Portland Oregan, U.S.A. on April 27 1918. And William Palmer Swann,
Richard Orpen Swann, Mary Swannn all of whom died in infancy. [Upright stone. Lettering in
Erected by Margrt (sic) Leary of Crosslea, in memory of her dear father Thomas Leary who
departed this life October 9th 1830 aged 85 years. Also his nephew Robert Swann who departed this
life 30th July 1862 aged 10 yrs. Also in moving memory of Mary Swann wife of James Swann who
departed this life Apl. (sic) 27th 1884. [Flat stone.]
Sacred to the memory of the Revd. John Taylor A.M., Rector of Rossory who departed this life 31st
Decr. 1846 in the 58th year of his age and the 34th of his ministry having for 20 years laboured as
curate of this parish. [Flat stone with deep cracks. This clarifies the date of death of Revd. John
Taylor. See Leslie, op.cit., p.242.]
Here rest the remains of Mr. Henry Edwards who departed this life on the 21st day of July 1839
aged 25 years. Likewise of Mr. George Taylor who after a long, useful and consistent life entered
into eternal rest February 4th 1841 aged 65 years. “The righteous shall be had in everlasting
remembrance.” This stone was placed here by Arthur and William Edwards to perpetuate the
memory of their brother and uncle. [Large flat stone with high iron surround.]
This tomb was erected by W.M. Thompson of Clones M.D., M.R.C. Surgeons in London to the
memory of his father Dr. John Thompson who died October 8th 1815 aged 50 years. Also of his
wife Elizabeth who died February 28th 1824 aged 30 years. Also of his son John William who died
April 28th 1833 aged 9 years. Also his mother Elizabeth Thompson who died 29th day of June 1836
aged 74 years. Within this tomb is also laid the remains of the above named William Marshall
Thompson who departed this life April 13th 1847 aged 48 years. [Flat stone.]
Sacred to the memory of the Thompson family Gortnawinnie and Clonkirk. “Peace perfect Peace.”
[Upright stone with fine iron surround.]
Erected by Margaret Thomson to the memory of her beloved husband Frith Thomson who died at
Glenvar on 11th May 1889 aged 49 years. “God is love.” “Who shall separate us from the love of
Christ.” Also his wife Margaret Thomson who died at Glenvar on the 28th Sept. 1914 aged 74 years.
“Peace perfect peace.” And their daughter Rita Hamilton Thomson died at Bushford 3rd Oct. 1930
aged 51 years. “Until the day dawn and the shadows flee away.” [Upright granite stone with granite
surround. No. 117 is also within this surround.]
Erected by W.M. Kerr of Clones for his posterity June the 4th 1829. Robert Kerr who departed this
life 4th September A.D. 1862 aged 62 years. Also his wife Sarah Kerr who departed this life 30 th
April 1868 aged 62 years. Samuel Topping 26th April 1872 aged 24 years. Sarah Jane Topping 22nd
September 1872 aged 6 months. Frederick William Armstrong died March 22nd 1881. James
Armstrong died 20th Oct. 1888. Sarah Kerr died 28th April 1891. Robt. Armstrong died 29th Dec.
Sacred to the memory of Jane (Beatty) the beloved wife of William Trimble of Enniskillen died 9 th
August 1845 aged 44 yrs. She did him good and not evil all the days of her life. She was a helpmate
indeed and a woman of surpassing excellence.
In memory of James Turner, Manorwaterhouse, who died 16th March 1871 aged 55 years. And of
Margaret his wife who died 18th Jan. 1885 aged 60 years. “Thy will be done.” [Sculptor: Gemmell,
Belfast. This upright stone is broken in two.]
In loving memory of The Right Reverend Richard Tyner, D.D., Bishop of Clogher 1944-1958 who
died Easter day 1958 and his wife Aileen Mary who died 7th August 1986. [Upright stone with
carving of bishop’s mitre.]
Unlettered. [Large flat stone.]
Unlettered. [Flat stone.]
Here lyeth the body of John (…)man who departed this life July (..) 187(2). [Rough irregular stone
inscribed vertically and leaning against the north wall.]
Unlettered. [Large flat stone.]
Unmarked railed-off plot.
Unlettered. Flat stone broken in two.]
Indeciperable. Er (….) [Writing worn off. Top carved with mortality symbals, skull, cross bones,
bell, hour-glass and coffin. ‘Memento Mori’ indented.]
Unlettered. [Large sandstone slab. Ornate coat of arms. No lettering.] {transcriptists note: a
photgraph of this stone can be found in Clogher Record 1988.}
Unlettered. Large flat stone with mortality symbols incised.
Unmarked plot. [Granite surround: no headstone.]
….B…. Born at….He died at Clones….17….this….by his…son….[Flat slab, illegible. Top broken
off and surface flaking badly.]
Unlettered. [Large flat stone with mortality symbols.]
Unlettered. [This large flat stone has slipped off its pedestal.]
1696 [possibly a date stone.] (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls) {transcriptists note: a
photograph of this stone can be found in Clogher Record 1988.}
J.D. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
I.A, 1 (.) 29 (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
G.N. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
[Worked stone with design, no lettering.] (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
P.P. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
G. McK. 1840. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
J.M. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
I McO. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
A.S. 1822. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
T.T. “6 feet in frunt” (sic). There are two of these stones similarly marked 6 feet apart in the wall.
(Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
I.H. (Inscribed Stone in the Cemetery Walls)
In loving memory of Eliza beloved wife of James Watson, died May 10th 1876 aged 37 years. Also
their daughter Martha died Feby. 14th 1882 aged 14 years. Annie died Sep. 20th 1886 aged 21 years.
Maggie died Dec. 4th 1887 aged 13 years. Also James Watson died June 29th 1905 aged 73 years.
[Upright decorated stone with iron surround.]
Erected by Thomas Welsh of Templetate in memory of his wife Eleanor who departed this life the
26th of Feby. 1831 aged 43 years. She lived respected by all who knew her and died in hope of a
blissful immortality. Also in memory of the said Thomas Welsh who departed this life 23 rd
December 1836 aged 50 years.
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Welsh of Lisnaroe who departed this life 12th Septr. 1833 aged
84 years. This stone is erected by her grandchild Robert Armstrong of Clinkeehan Co. Monaghan in
token of respect for one much loved and esteemed by her numerous relatives. “Even so them also
which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”. 1st Thess. iv. 14. [Upright stone.]
This monument was here placed in memory of Mrs. Dorothy Whiteacre of Clones who departed this
life the 10th day of October 1798 aged 62 years. Also Mr. George Whiteacre of Clones who
departed this life the first day of March 180(5) aged 84 years. Also Dorothy Parr otherwise
Fitzgerald who departed this life the 21 of September 180(1) aged (..) years. Sacred to the memory
of the Parrs of Clones. Hester Parr who died Feb. 1st 1853 aged 56 years. Catherine Parr who died
October 2nd 185(5) aged 60 years. John C. Parr who died Febry (sic) 22nd 1858 aged (..) years. John
Parr who died April 17th 1863 aged 84. [Flat broken stone surrounded by high iron railings.]
In loving memory of the Reverend Richard John Williamson, M.A., Chancellor of Clogher and
Rector of Clones parish 1934-1965 died 8th December 1965. ‘What doth the Lord require of thee
but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.’ Micah vi. 8. [Marble headstone in
form of open book.]
To the glory of God and in memory of the Revd. Richard John Williamson, M.A., Chancellor of
Clogher, Rector of the parish of Clones from 1934 until his death 8th December 1965 aged 65 years.
This tablet and the electric motor on the church bell were erected by the parishioners as a token of
affection and esteem. “The Lord is my shepherd.” Ps. 23.1. [Brass tablet behind the pulpit.]
In loving memory of Jane Wilson, who died 6th October 1875 aged 41 years. Also her husband
Adam Wilson died 20th January 1889, aged 78 yrs. And their son Adam Wilson died 13th February
1870, aged 13 years. Also their grandsons Pte. Stephen Y. Johnston, Irish Guards, killed in action in
France 1917 aged 19 years. In loving remembrance by their children. [Upright, black marble,
decorated stone.] Robert Johnston died 28th June 1944 aged 77 years. “To be with Christ which is
far better.” His wife A.M. Johnston who died 9th April 1951 aged 83 years. [The last two
inscriptions are on a stone plaque.]
Erected by Thomas Welsh of Templetate in memory of his wife Eleanor who departed this life the
26th of Feby. 1831 aged 43 years. She lived respected by all who knew her and died in hope of a
blissful immortality. Also in memory of the said Thomas Welsh who departed this life 23 rd
December 1836 aged 50 years.
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Welsh of Lisnaroe who departed this life 12th Septr. 1833 aged
84 years. This stone is erected by her grandchild Robert Armstrong of Clinkeehan Co. Monaghan in
token of respect for one much loved and esteemed by her numerous relatives. “Even so them also
which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”. 1st Thess. iv. 14. [Upright stone.]
1914-1918. To the honoured memory of Capt Fred. J. Duggan, Sergt. Major Samuel Craig, D.C.M.,
Sergt. Major Joseph Sproule, Sergt. John Sproule, James Courtney, Thomas H. Davis, William
Davis, George Douglas, James Ferguson, William J. Grindle, James Hayes, Howard E. Johnston,
Stephen Johnston, Henry Macartney M.M., William McMurray, John W. Nicholl, Francis T.
Skelton, Gibson F. Skelton, Robert Sproule, Robert Woods, who gave their lives for their country in
the Great War 1914-1918. “Here at least were men who meant and did the best they knew.”[ White
marble tablet over south-east door.]
This tomb was erected by Christopher Wright of Edenforen in memory of his beloved wife Jane
Wright who departed this life July 24th 1843 aged 68 years. [Large flat stone.]
Here lyeth the body of Matthew Blackly Yonger (sic) who deceased November the 28: 1703: in age
26. And the body of Matthew Blackly: older: who deceased November the: 26: 1704. [Beautifully
carved flat stone with mortality symbols. Lettering in relief. Shirley is in error in his transcription of
this stone. A Matthew Bleakley (Blackly) is mentioned in ‘The Clones Rent Roll, 1681’ in Clogher
Record 1988.]