מכללת לו י נסק י לחי נ וך yaavudga V :aay ogav ד"ר ששון איילת:מרצה A 2: S dvcnavdA אוצר מילים:2 מיומנויות פדגוגיות מתקדמות:שם שיעור 0-7300016-0 :מספר שיעור ב:סמסטר 3 :שעות שבועיות 3 :נקודות זיכוי דרישות קדם aavdyaavudga V :aay ogav A 3: vdv דקדוק:3 מיומנויות פדגוגיות מתקדמות ד"ר איילת ששון:מרצה Advanced Pedagogical Skills: vocabylary -) דקדוק – מיומנויות מתקדמות (מתמחות:שם שיעור 7300010-0 :מספר שיעור ש:סמסטר 2 :שעות שבועיות 2 :נקודות זיכוי )דקדוק – הבנה והערכה (מתמחות Syllabus – 2013 – 2014 6100030-0 Advanced Grammar Skills - Lecture and Workshop Dr. Ayelet Sasson Two Semesters – Two hours a week Rationale Lexicon is the building material for our language, which is at the heart of practically every human interaction. Students aiming to become English teachers in Elementary School and Junior High should master it. The course will focus on the different perspectives pertaining to the teaching of vocabulary in the EFL classroom in the light of the controversy concerning the place of vocabulary in the English lesson. The lexicon will be presented not as an end but as a means to reaching the highest achievable standards of excellence in the four domains of foreign language teaching. Course goals 1. To review the basic vocabulary structures taught in classes studying English as a foreign language 2. To present the different approaches to vocabulary teaching 3. To enable students to become aware of the difference between knowing vocabulary and being able to transmit this knowledge to their pupils. 4. To discuss the importance of adequate integration of vcabulary into the English lesson. 1 מכללת לו י נסק י לחי נ וך Course Description The course will deal with the following topics: Review of Basic vocabulary structures What does learning vocabulary involve? Form, meaning and use Mode of Teaching The course is based on lectures, class workshops and practice Students’ Obligations and Assessment Obligations 1. To attend classes regularly. 2. To become knowledgeable about the assigned structure for each week. 3. To do all the homework assignments Assessment Minimum passing Grade – 70 Class Contribution and Preparation (10%) Reading responses (30%) Lesson plan +teaching demonstration (30%) Philosophy of teaching grammar paper (30%) Background Reading Teaching Vocabulary: some useful references. Cobb, T. & Horst, M. (2001).Reading academic English: carrying learners across the lexical threshold. In J. Flowerdew & M. Peacock, Research perspectives in English for academic purposes. (315-329). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Coxhead, A.(2000) A new Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly, 34(2): 213-238. Coxhead, A. & Nation, P. (2001). The specialised vocabulary of English for academic purposes. (252-267).In J. Flowerdew & M. Peacock, Research perspectives in English for academic purposes. (315-329). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Hoey, M. (2003). What’s in a word? [Electronic version] MED Magazine(10). Retrieved February 5, 2005 at http://www.macmillandictionary.com/medmagazine/August2003/10-Feature-Whats-in-a-word.htm 2 מכללת לו י נסק י לחי נ וך Hulstijn, J. and B. Laufer. (2002a).Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language: The construct of task-induced involvement. Applied Linguistics 22(1), 1-26. Hulstijn, J. and B. Laufer. (2002b). Some empirical evidence for the Involvement Load Hypothesis in vocabulary acquisition. Language Learning 51, 539-558. Jiang, N. (2004). Semantic transfer and its implications for vocabulary teaching in a second language. Modern Language Journal, 88, 416-432. Nation, P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. New York: Cambridge University Press. Read, J. (2000). Assessing vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Read, J. (2004). Research in teaching vocabulary. [Electronic version] In Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 146-161. 3