Spanish I C O M M U N I C A T I O N Objective The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in Spanish. Benchmarks To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy both orally and in writing. 2. Express likes and dislikes, requests, descriptions, and directions. 3. Ask questions and provide responses based on self and familiar material, such as family members, personal belongings, school and leisure activities, time, and weather. SOL SI.1 Sample Strategies The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in Spanish using familiar phrases and sentences. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Initiate, participate in, and close a brief oral or written exchange in Spanish with emphasis on the present time. 2. Use formal and informal forms of address in familiar situations in Spanish. 3. Use gestures and simple paraphrasing to convey and comprehend messages. SI.2 Sample Resources Students will write a skit where they introduce both teachers and students to a new student. Students create silhouettes where they describe themselves, their likes and their dislikes. Students give directions to other students using provided map. Students are given the name of a star/athlete & must describe him/her to a classmate who must guess the identity of the person. Students bring in photos/ drawings of family members & describe them. Students put on a fashion show in which they describe what each model is wearing. Textbook Laserdisc CD-ROMs Audio tapes Class posters Students give a scenario & roles and converse (ex. – in a restaurant: one student is waiter, one is customer) Formal/informal greetings Textbook Laserdisc CD-ROMs Audio tapes Class posters Spanish tv channels Index cards Situational transparencies Spanish I Objective C O M M U N I C A T I O N The student will understand simple spoken and written Spanish based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media. The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand simple spoken and written Spanish. Benchmarks SOL To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Identify the main ideas and some details when reading and listening in Spanish. 2. Comprehend simple, culturally authentic announcements, messages, and advertisements that use familiar vocabulary and grammatical structures in Spanish. 3. Understand simple instructions in Spanish, such as classroom procedures or basic computer terminology. SI.3 To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Differentiate among statements, questions, and exclamations. 2. Use basic gestures, body language, and intonation to clarify the message. SI.4 Sample Strategies Sample Resources Students listen to or read a children’s book in Spanish and answer main idea questions about the story Have students read catalogs and make up an order form of things that they want Play BINGO with class expressions Read scholastic magazines *textbook *laserdisc *cd-roms *audio tapes *class posters *catalogs Students listen to or read a children’s book in Spanish and answer main idea questions about the story Have students read catalogs and make up an order form of things that they want *textbook *laserdisc *cd-roms *audio tapes *class posters *Spanish TV channels *catalogs Spanish I C O M M U N I C A T I O N Objective Benchmarks The student will present orally and in writing information in Spanish that contains a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Present in Spanish information gathered from informal conversations, class presentations, interviews, readings, and/or a variety of media sources. 2. Describe in Spanish basic familiar information, such as self, family members and others, events, interests, school, recreational activities, and personal belongings with emphasis on control of the present tense. 3. Demonstrate increasing attention to accuracy in intonation and pronunciation in Spanish especially when presenting prepared material orally. 4. Demonstrate increasing attention to accuracy in word order, punctuation, accents and other diacritical marks, and spelling when writing in Spanish. SI.5 SOL The student will present rehearsed material in Spanish, including brief narratives , monologues, dialogues, poetry, and/or songs To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal techniques, such as voice inflection, gestures, and facial expression. 2. Communicate ideas in an organized manner using appropriate visual and/or technological support. SI.6 Sample Strategies Sample Resources Students give short presentations of projects to the class in Spanish. Family tree in Spanish. *textbook *laserdisc *cd-roms *audio tapes *class posters Write children’s books – have a day to gather in a circle on the floor, share the books and have cookies and milk. Students will communicate commands and requests to one another using intonation Memorize songs, poems, and skits. *testbook *laserdisc *cd-roms *audio tapes *class posters *Spanish TV channels *songs *poetry Spanish I C U L T U R E S Objective The student will develop an awareness of perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. Benchmarks To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Identify some viewpoints of Spanish-speaking cultures, such as those relating to time, education, transportation, and the role of family members. 2. Identify some customs and traditions of Spanish-speaking cultures, such as greetings, celebrations, holiday practices, and forms of address that demonstrate politeness. 3. Identify some historical and contemporary individuals associated with important events from Spanish-speaking cultures. 4. Identify some products of Spanishspeaking cultures, such as natural and manufactured items, creative and fine arts, recreation an pastimes, dwellings, language, and symbols. SOL SI.7 Sample Strategies Students read about, watch videos about, then discuss holidays in various Spanishspeaking cultures. Students record a telephone message inviting a friend to do something at a certain time. A second student records a message to accept or decline. Research a holiday and report the customs to the class. Play Jeopardy, using question words to give and request information. Play Charades to act out idiomatic expressions. Sample Resources *textbook *laserdisc *cd-roms *audio tapes *class posters Spanish I C U L T U R E S Objective Benchmarks The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures are interrelated. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Recognize that Spanish-speaking cultures are shaped by viewpoints, customs/traditions, and products of speakers of Spanish, such as the concept of the extended family, a daughter’s fifteenth birthday celebration, and typical foods. 2. Identify major cities and geographical features and why they are significant in Spanish-speaking cultures. SOL SI.8 Sample Strategies Prepare a recipe from a Spanish-speaking country. Compare and contrast the geography of different countries. Learn the countries and capitals by singing along to “Rock of Capitals”. Reproduce a map of a city located in a Spanishspeaking country. Give commands to the class to reach certain landmarks in the city. Create a treasure hunt using commands and the same map. Current events. Sample Resources *textbook *laserdisc *cd-roms *audio tapes *class posters *Spanish TV channels *maps Spanish I C O N N E C T I O N S Objective Benchmarks The student will recognize how information acquired in the study of Spanish and information acquired in other subjects reinforce on another. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Identify examples of vocabulary, phrases, proverbs, and symbols from the Spanish language that are used in other subjects. 2. Relate content from other subject areas to topics discussed in the Spanish class, such as current events from Spanish-speaking countries or the influence of Spanish-speaking explorers and settlers on various regions of the United States. SOL SI.9 Sample Strategies Research current events in Spanish-speaking countries. Compare and contrast political systems of USA and Spanish-speaking countries. Write to penpals in Mexico or another Spanish-speaking country. Interview Spanish-speaking students or staff members in your school asking about differences and similarities in the cultures. Research and write a description of an American city that has a lot of Hispanic characteristics. Show how those shape the city. Make a list of Spanish vocabulary used in English. Sample Resources * Websites such as: * Guest speakers of native origin (speak on politics, etc.) * Library/media center for research Spanish I C O M P A R I S O N S Objective Benchmarks The student will demonstrate an understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between Spanishspeaking cultures and the cultures of the United States. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Compare patterns of behavior and interaction in the United States with those of Spanish-speaking societies. 2. Demonstrate an awareness that social practices and personal interactions differ among cultures. 3. Demonstrate an awareness of unique elements of the student’s own culture. SI.10 SOL Discussion/debate of comparison of USA and Spanish-speaking countries. Discuss imports and products. Pretend to grocery shop for products. Sample Strategies *market *textbook *cd-roms *videos Sample Resources The student will compare basic elements of the Spanish language to the English language. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Recognize differences in sound systems, writing systems, cognates, gender, and level-appropriate idioms. 2. Recognize basic sound distinctions and intonation patterns and their effect on communicating meaning. SI.11 Discuss cognates with students whenever they come up in vocabulary, reading, listening, etc. Write and perform dialogues and skits that include questions, answers, idioms, contractions and various intonations. Do dictations and read out loud. Listen to simple descriptions and draw a picture of what you hear. *textbook *audio tapes *songs *videos Spanish I C O M M U N I T I E S Objective The student will identify situations in which Spanish language skills and cultural knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. Benchmarks To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Identify examples of the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries that are evident in and through media, entertainment, and technology. 2. Identify resources, such as individuals and organizations accessible through the community or the internet, that provide basic cultural information about the Spanish-speaking world. SOL SI.12 Sample Strategies Students prepare a report on a Spanish-speaking country using the internet. Attend plays that have cultural content. Use the internet to find out about the foods, meal times, and etiquette that are traditional in different Spanish-speaking countries. Plan a meal where students bring foods of different Hispanic countries. Role play ordering food in a restaurant and taking orders using me gustaria, querria, etc. Prepare ads in Spanish for a newspaper. Sample Resources *internet *field trips *menus *TV *videos