History Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II 1918 – 1939 Advanced Higher 7897 Autumn 2000 HIGHER STILL History Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II 1918 – 1939 Advanced Higher Support Materials CONTENTS Course Requirements Using this Unit Chronological Study PART ONE COURSE ISSUES: A FRAMEWORK FOR STUDENTS Theme 1 The Creation of the Weimar Republic Theme 2 A Period of Relative Stability Theme 3 The Collapse of Weimar Theme 4 The Transformation of Post-Weimar Society PART TWO CURRENT RESEARCH Section One Introduction Section Two Historiography of the Weimar Republic: 1970-2000 Section Three Historiography of the Third Reich: 1970-2000 PART THREE THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC: SOURCES Section One Section Two Section Three Section Four Section Five The Foundations of the Republic: 1918-1923 Foreign Policy: 1918-1933 Republican Stability: 1924-1929 The Collapse of the Republic: 1930-1933 Nazism in the Weimar Republic: 1918-1933 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II – 1918-1939 (AH) i CONTENTS (CONTINUED) PART FOUR THE THIRD REICH: SOURCES Section One Politics and Economics: 1933-1939 Section Two The Nazi Social and Racial Revolution: 1933-1939 Section Three Hitler’s Foreign Policy: 1933-1939 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II – 1918-1939 (AH) ii COURSE REQUIREMENTS General Aims This Advanced Higher context has to fulfil the overall aims for this level of historical study i.e.: to acquire depth in the knowledge and understanding of historical themes. to develop skills of analysing issues, developments and events, drawing conclusions and evaluating sources. Course Content The content to be covered is described in the following terms: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II A study of the changing nature of political authority, the reasons for changes and the consequences of the changing character of political authority, focusing on the themes of ideology, authority and revolution. The creation of the Weimar Republic, including: military defeat, the November Revolution and the Treaty of Versailles; social and political instability; economic crisis and hyper-inflation. A period of relative stability, including: currency reform and the Dawes plan; social welfare provision; the Stressemann era in foreign affairs. The collapse of Weimar, including: economic depression and mass unemployment; the weakening of democracy, Bruning to Schleicher; the rise of Nazism; Hitler and the Nazi takeover of power. The transformation of post-Weimar society, including: Nazi consolidation of power in Germany; Nazi economic policy; Nazi social and racial policies; the impact of foreign policy on domestic circumstances. Assessment Course requirements describe the criteria that students are expected to meet as consisting of the ability to: handle detailed information in order to analyse events and their relationship thoroughly use this analysis to address complex historical issues including consideration of alternative interpretations draw a series of judgements together by structured, reasoned argument reaching well-supported conclusions. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 1 Learning Experiences The kinds of activities expected of a student who is taking an Advanced History course are outlined as follows: Students should: engage in wide-ranging, independent reading relevant to their historical studies interpret and evaluate historical source material, relating it precisely to its context in order to show awareness of the complexity and elusiveness of historical truth become aware of different interpretations of history by different historians and the reasons for these record systematically information derived from a variety of sources, such as books, notes, lectures, audio-visual materials make use of historical terms and concepts encountered in the study of complex primary and secondary evidence take part in formal and informal discussion and debate based on and informed by historical evidence and knowledge develop the skills of extended communication for a variety of purposes including descriptive and analytical essays or oral responses, responses to source-based questions and a Dissertation; opportunities should be provided for revision and redrafting of extended writing following critical review develop individual and independent learning skills, especially those relating to the preparation and production of a Dissertation. It is important that the students should understand the historical themes that run through the chosen topic and not simply learn about a series of discrete historical issues. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 2 USING THIS UNIT The material in this unit is intended to support students’ work on this course by: expanding the course content to provide a more detailed framework for student study providing stimulus material to encourage debate and discussion providing source handling exercises appropriate to the course requirements making reference to suitable texts. Teachers may wish to: provide an introductory lecture for an aspect of the course, this introduction to be followed by purposeful note-taking by students investigating the relevant aspect more fully raise a question/problem/issue to be discussed, followed by note-taking, and concluded with further discussion raise an issue for students to explore, given an assigned case to argue, to be followed by formal debate provide stimulus materials in any appropriate form, to be followed by detailed research of the issue through student note-making select essay titles for collaborative planning of an essay outline use sources for collaborative work on handling sources effectively. Sources It is essential that sources are used regularly and are drawn from all parts of the course. Sources should include extracts from the works of historians. Where appropriate, differing interpretations by historians should be used and the reasons for these differences carefully considered. Students’ study of historians’ works should include identifying and describing historians’ viewpoints. The student material which follows is structured to: provide a framework for the course which students can use to develop more detailed notes raise issues to form the basis for student research and to use for discussion, debate and essay/practice provide a selection of primary sources provide appropriate activities. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 3 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 4 CHRONOLOGICAL SURVEY 1871 18 January 1914 August Germany at war with Russia, France and Britain. 1916 29 August Hindenburg and Ludendorff form new Supreme Army Command (OHL). 1917 7 April William II promises reform of voting system. 19 July Peace Resolution passed by the Reichstag (SPD Centre and left liberals). 3 March Germany and USSR sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. 1918 27 September William I becomes Emperor of the German Empire Army High Command calls for an armistice. 3 October Request for an armistice sent to President Wilson. 4 October Prince Max of Baden becomes Chancellor at the head of a majority government including Socialists (SPD), and Centre and liberal politicians. 26 October Germany becomes a constitutional monarchy by an Act of Parliament. 3-9 November 9 November Revolution spreads throughout Germany. Abdication of William II. Republic proclaimed. Ebert becomes Chancellor in SPD-USPD Coalition. 1919 10 November Ebert and Groener agreement. 11 November Armistice signed with the Allies. 5-11 January Spartacist Rising in Berlin. 19 January Election of National Assembly. 11 February Ebert elected National (Reich) President. 28 June 11 August 1920 The Treaty of Versailles signed. Weimar Constitution comes into force. 24 February The Nazi (NSDAP) Party founded in Munich. 13-16 June Right-wing Kapp Putsch fails. 6 June First elections to the Reichstag. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 5 1921 24-29 January French proposal that Germany pay reparations for the sum of 269,000,000,000 gold marks. (In May 1921 the figure was set at 132,000,000,000 gold marks, and for Germany to pay 26% of her export earnings and the costs of the Allied occupation.) 1922 26 August Erzberger murdered by right-wing extremists. 16 April Germany and USSR sign the Treaty of Rapallo during Genoa Conference on reparations and reconstruction. 24 June Rathenau murdered by right-wing extremists. 22 November 1923 Cuno becomes Chancellor. 11 January French and Belgian troops enter the Ruhr. 13 January German government under Cuno proclaims passive resistance in the Ruhr. July – November 13 August Hyperinflation at its peak. Stressemann becomes Chancellor. 26 September Stressemann’s government abandons passive resistance unconditionally in the Ruhr. 8-9 November Hitler Putsch in Munich. 15 November Rentenmark introduced to stabilise the currency. 1924 29 August 1925 28 February Death of Ebert. Hindenburg elected President in April. 5-16 October Locarno Conference. Germany becomes a member of the League of Nations. 1926 1927 Reichstag accepts Dawes Plan on reparations. 16 July Law on Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance provides progressive welfare legislation. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 6 1928 1929 1930 20 May Reichstag Elections: Nazis win 12 seats. 29 June Grand Coalition formed. SPD re-enter government. 27 August Kellogg-Brand Pact outlaws war. 3 October Death of Stressemann. 29 October Crash on Wall Street Stock Exchange. 12 March Reichstag accepts Young Plan on reparations. 29 March Bruning appointed Chancellor following the resignation of Muller as head of Weimar’s last majority government. 14 September Reichstag Elections: significant Nazi gains. They become the second largest party with 107 seats. 1931 6 July 1932 10 April Hindenburg re-elected President after a second ballot. Hitler takes second place. 30 May Von Papen appointed Chancellor. 27 July Von Papen suspends Prussian government and introduces direct rule in Germany’s largest state. 31 July Reichstag Elections: Nazis become the largest party with 230 deputies. 6 Nov Reichstag Elections: significant Nazi losses. They remain the largest party with 196 deputies. 3 Dec Schleicher succeeds von Papen as Chancellor. 30 Dec. 1933 Moratorium (suspension) on reparations. Official unemployment figure of 4,380,000. 30 January Hitler appointed Chancellor in a coalition cabinet. 27 February Reichstag fire. 28 February Presidential decree suspends civil liberties. 5 March Last Reichstag Elections. The Nazis win 288 seats out of 647 seats. 13 March Goebbels becomes Minister for Propaganda. 23 March Enabling Act passed which effectively ended parliamentary government in Germany. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 7 1933 1934 1 April National boycott of Jewish shops. 2 May Free trade unions dissolved. 10 May Burning of books throughout Germany. 14 July Nazi Party becomes the only ‘legal’ political party. 14 October Germany leaves the League of Nations. 26 January German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact signed. 30 June 1935 19August After the death of Hindenburg, Hitler becomes President as well as Chancellor of Germany. 15 January Plebiscite in Saar votes for reunion with Germany. 16 March Reintroduction of conscription. 18 June 15 September 1936 7 March September 1937 1938 SA Chief of Staff Ernst Rohm arrested and killed along with other colleagues in ‘Night of the Long Knives’. Anglo-German Naval agreement signed. Nuremberg Race Laws passed. German troops enter the Rhineland. Four Year Plan announced to make German economy ‘capable of war’. 1 November Rome-Berlin Axis announced by Mussolini. 5 November Hossbach Memorandum records Hitler’s plans for territorial expansion. 26 November Schacht resigns as Minister of Economics. 4 February Resignation of leading German generals announced. 12 March Anschluss with Austria. 30 September Munich Agreement cedes Sudetenland to Germany. 9 November Kristallnacht. Organised pogroms against the Jews. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 8 1939 15 March Hitler seizes Prague. This is followed by a Franco-British guarantee to Poland on 31 March. 23 August Nazi-Soviet Pact signed. 1 September Germany invades Poland. 3 September Britain and France declare war on Germany. 1940 22 June France signs an armistice with Germany. 1941 22 June Germany invades the Soviet Union. 1942 20 January Wansee Conference in Berlin on the ‘Final Solution’. 1943 30 January German Sixth Army capitulates at Stalingrad. 1944 6 June Allied invasion of Normandy. 20 July Stauffenberg Bomb Plot to assassinate Hitler. 1945 4-11 February 30 April 8 May ‘Big Three’ conference at Yalta. Adolf Hitler commits suicide in Berlin. Unconditional surrender of Germany to the Allies. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 9 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 10 PART ONE: COURSE ISSUES - A FRAMEWORK FOR STUDENTS THEME 1: THE CREATION OF THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC This first main area of the course involves the study of the creation of the Weimar Republic including: military defeat the November Revolution and the Treaty of Versailles social and political instability economic crisis and hyper-inflation. This is the crucial base on which the course is built. It requires an appreciation of military, political, social and economic matters. It needs a grasp of the wider context surrounding events in Germany, including the attitudes of Allied leaders who shaped the Treaty of Versailles, and events in Russia. This section of the course therefore deals with the key concepts of: ideology authority revolution. From careful study of this theme, an understanding of the inter-action between these concepts will be developed. Issues for investigation/discussion There are many questions to think about in this section e.g. Were the circumstances in which Weimar was born a burden that was impossible to overcome? Was the Versailles Treaty so unfair to Germany as to leave the Weimar Republic an impossible legacy? Was political opinion in Germany so completely divided that uniting behind the Weimar Government was never going to be possible? Was the Weimar Constitution fundamentally flawed? Did the way the war ended leave Germans with the illusion that they had not been properly militarily defeated? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 11 Part A: Military Defeat From August 1914, Germany had waged total war. As one historian has commented, ‘The amount of blood and treasure invested in the First World War made it difficult for Germans to contemplate a future in which the German Reich was not victorious.’ AJ Nicholls, ‘Weimar and the Rise of Hitler’, MacMillan, 2000 The apparently sudden coming of setbacks that threatened defeat was therefore a profound shock that had enormous political consequences. Notes will be required on the following dimensions: 1. From Success to Failure from the German Army, 1918 This involves considering: (i) German victory over Russia (ii) The Treaty of Brest Litovsk (iii) The Ludendorff Offensive in the West (iv) Allied counter-offensives, July-August (v) German retreat (vi) The collapse of Germany’s allies. 2. Where did power lie? This involves considering: (i) The character and government of Kaiser William II (ii) The German political systems; Reichstag and Bundesrat (iii) The power and influence of Army leaders (iv) The main political parties, their leaders, supporters and policies. 3. Revolution from above? This involves considering: (i) Ludendorff’s views on the need for an armistice (ii) His views on the need for a parliamentary democracy (iii) Prince Max of Baden and the forming of a parliamentary cabinet (iv) The request by Germany for an armistice. Issues to discuss Was Ludendorff simply trying to avoid being blamed for defeat? Should the Social Democrats have agreed to enter the Government? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 12 Part B: The November Revolution This section covers a remarkable series of events in later October and November 1918 that include Germany becoming a republic and the First World War finally coming to an end. The Historian, William Carr, argues that ‘The German Revolution, like the March Revolution in Russia, was spontaneous in its origins. ….It was also a bloodless revolution.’ Notes will be required on the following aspects: 1. Problems of peace-making This involves considering: (i) The German request for an armistice (ii) President Wilson’s demands (iii) Ludendorff’s resistance and resignation. 2. Constitutional monarchy is established This involves considering: (i) Limitations on the Emperor’s powers (ii) The establishment of government responsible to the Reichstag (iii) Controls over the military. 3. Conditions in Germany This involves considering: (i) The effects of the allied blockage (ii) The shock of defeat (iii) Evidence of differences between classes and between regions; tensions in society (iv) Evidence of anti-Semitism. 4. Naval Mutiny This involves considering: (i) The mutiny in two cruisers and the reasons for this (ii) The spread of the mutiny in Kiel (iii) The widening of protest to include workers and soldiers in Germany (iv) The setting up of workers’ and soldiers’ councils. 5. Political Revolution This involves considering: (i) Different left-wing political groups (ii) The setting up of the Bavarian Republic (iii) The Kaiser’s abdication (iv) Ebert becomes Chancellor. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 13 6. A Troubled Government This involves considering: (i) The Ebert-Groener Pact (ii) Signing the armistice (iii) Forming a new government (iv) Workers and Soldiers councils; the Berlin Congress (v) Limits on Government control of Germany. 7. The Far Left Fails This involves the following: (i) The Spartacists, their leaders and their beliefs (ii) How the Rising came about (iii) Its failure; Noske’s use of Freikorps, the death of their leaders (iv) The issue of workers councils, the miners’ strike (v) Resentment at the use of controls and central planning. Issue to debate ‘Ebert’s aim was to avoid a real social revolution in Germany.’ What can be said for and against this view? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 14 Part C: The Treaty of Versailles With the First World War over, the new Weimar Government not only had to struggle to impose its authority in Germany, it also had to face the consequences of the peace treaty that was being worked out by the victorious Allies. It is therefore important to build up detailed knowledge of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the motives and concerns of the men who created the Treaty, the reactions in Germany to the terms of the Treaty, and the consequences for the Weimar Government of accepting the Treaty. The war had not been fought on German soil and only months earlier German forces had ended Russia’s part in the war and advanced west as far as the River Marne. It is not surprising that defeat was difficult to accept. Notes will be required on the following dimensions: 1. The peace aims of the Allies This involves considering: (i) The USA, President Wilson and the 14 Points (ii) Lloyd George, Britain, and naval and imperial and economic concerns (iii) France and Clemenceau and French concerns for security. 2. The Treaty of Versailles This involved considering: (i) Territorial arrangements including a ban on uniting with Austria (ii) Military restrictions on Germany and the army of occupation in the Rhineland (iii) Financial arrangement including war guilt, reparations and overseas instruments (iv) Overseas arrangements including colonies and the fleet. 3. German Responses This involves considering: (i) Popular expectations of the peace (ii) The attitudes of leading politicians (iii) The arguments against the Treaty (iv) An evaluation of the justice of German complaints (v) The decision to sign the Treaty (vi) Attitudes in Germany towards the Treaty (vii) The emergence of the ‘stab in the back’ view. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 15 Issues to consider and discuss The historian A J Nicholls states that the Versailles Treaty ‘still left the Germans considerably more territory than united Germany has today.’ How justified was German hostility to the Treaty of Versailles? How far is it fair to argue that ‘The only treaty acceptable to the Germans was one drawn up as if they had won the war’? The historian William Carr argues ‘What the German Nationalists could not do ….was bring themselves to accept the fact of Gemany’s military defeat.’ Why was it possible for them to do this? What might be the results of such an attitude? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 16 Part D: Social and Political Instability This part of the course deals with the years 1919-22, a time when the new Republic struggled to become established and faced threats to its stability from both the left and right wings. The Treaty of Versailles was signed by two ministers of the Weimar Government on 28th June 1919; reactions to this Treaty therefore form a factor in the problems of this period. Some historians believe the kind of political system that was created by the new Weimar Constitution of 1919 was itself partly to blame for the troubles that developed in the following years. Notes will be needed on the following: 1. The New Constitution This involves considering: (i) Elections and the drafting of the constitution (ii) The Länder and their powers; the Reichsrat (iii) The President and his authority; Ebert the first President (iv) The Reichstag; the chancellor and his responsibilities (v) The electoral system; people’s rights (vi) Problems and tensions in the constitution. 2. Political Parties and their Policies This involves considering: (i) The Social Democrats and Independent Social Democrats (ii) The Democrats (iii) The People’s Party (iv) The Centre (v) The National People’s Party (vi) The Communists. 3. Supporters and Opponents of the Weimar Government This involves considering the attitudes of: (i) Trade Unions (ii) The Army (iii) The Civil Service (iv) The Judiciary (v) The Educational Systems (vi) A series of Chancellors in office (vii) The murders of leading politicians. 4. The Kapp Putsch This involves considering: (i) The causes of and supporters of the Putsch (ii) The seizure of control in Berlin; army attitudes (iii) The general strike (iv) The end of the Putsch (v) Why sympathiseres were not dealt with firmly. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 17 5. The Nationalist Socialist German Works Party This involves considering: (i) Drexler and the German Workers Party (ii) Aspects of Hitler’s early life shaping his beliefs (iii) The Party’s principles (iv) The importance to Hitler of racial views (v) Hitler’s rise in the Party and the reasons for this (vi) To whom did the Party appeal? Issues to discuss Do you agree that ‘the Weimar Constitution provided a recipe for tension, quarrels and instability?’ Why did not those wholly committed to the Republic deal more firmly with their opponents? How true is it to state that the Army managed to become ‘a state within a state’? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 18 Part E: Economic Crisis and Hyper-inflation 1923 proved to be a very troubled year for the Republic, a year in which troubles in Germany and foreign pressure combined to being about a major crisis. The reactions of political parties and the Army to the crisis showed how insecure the Republic’s foundations were. The crisis was weathered and brought to the fore the man who was to be Weimar’s leading statesmen - Gustav Stressemann. Events included Adolf Hitler’s first bid for power. Notes should be made on the following aspects: 1. Trying to meet Allied demands? This involves considering: (i) The final reparations bill presented to Germany (ii) Economic problems in Germany i.e. - Debates - Wartime losses - The need to tackle post-war problems - The difficulty of enforcing a strict taxation policy - Signs of inflation (iii) The Wirth Government and the policy of ‘fulfilment’ (iv) Von Seeckt and the Army policy of avoiding military restrictions (v) The Treaty of Rapallo and avoidance of restrictions. 2. The occupation of the Ruhr This involves considering: (i) German inability to meet reparation demands (ii) Poincaré and the Franco-Belgian occupation (iii) The Cuno Government and passive resistance (iv) The use of French workers; violence, strikes and sabotage. 3. Inflation This involves considering: (i) How the Ruhr occupation worsened the state of the economy (ii) Price rises and the fall in value of the Mark (iii) Who benefited (iv) Damage done to wages, savings and attitudes to the Republic. 4. Reactions in Germany This involves considering: (i) Bavaria as a shelter for Patriotic League paramilitaries (ii) Von Kahn’s policies (iii) Army attitudes to events in Bavaria (iv) Army intervention to remove left-wing governments in Saxony and Thuringia (v) Stressemann, his career and personality (vi) Stressemann resumes reparation payments (vii) Hitler’s Munich Putsch and its consequences. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 19 Issues to consider Why did Britain and France press so hard for reparations? Did their reasons differ? Should the French be blamed for their actions? Why was Bavaria so important a centre of right-wing activity? Why did not Hitler’s failure simply make him a figure of ridicule? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 20 THEME 2: A PERIOD OF RELATIVE STABILITY During the years 1924 to 1929, the Weimar Republic seemed to flourish. Living standards rose, industrial production increased, exports grew. These developments took place amid a background of international negotiations that helped to stabilise the German economy and seemed to have sorted out the question of reparations agreements. In foreign affairs too, Germany moved back into a world of better relations with the countries that had so recently been her enemies. French troops left the Ruhr and Allied troops began to leave the Rhineland. Germany’s changed status was marked by her entry into the League of Nations. Yet all was not entirely well. Foreign money poured into Germany, attracted by high interest rates, and might just as easily leave. Extremist political parties on left and right continued to denounce the Republic and its policies. Those who accepted the Weimar political system were fragmented in different political parties and did not find it easy to co-operate with one another. The Army continued to fail to offer enthusiastic backing for the Weimar Republic. The concepts of ideology and authority pervade this part of the course as people with differing political beliefs clashed and the government continued to struggle to assert really effective and generally accepted authority. Issues to consider / investigate / discuss How soundly-based was Germany’s economic recovery of 1924-1929? How ready were Germans at this time to now accept the territorial arrangement made in the Versailles Treaty? How secure and stable was the Weimar political system? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 21 Part A: Currency Reform and the Dawes Plan During 1923 runaway inflation had caused great harm to many in Germany. This problem was tackled by Stressemann when he became Chancellor in August. The Reichstag gave him full power to try to solve the problem. The reforms that followed worked well. In August 1924 the Reichstag accepted a plan to settle the problem of fixing reparations repayments at a figure acceptable to Germany. These events show how intertwined foreign and domestic policies had come to be in deciding the effectiveness of the Weimar Government’s authority. Notes will be required on the following aspects: 1. Currency Reform This involves considering: (i) The use of land and industrial values as a base on which to secure the currency (ii) The loan provided for the Reichsbank (iii) The creation of the Rentenbank and a new currency (iv) Luther as Finance Minister (v) The importance of Schacht as Currency Commissioner. 2. Cutting Costs This involves considering: (i) Cutting expenditure in Government (ii) Tax increases (iii) Restoration of confidence. 3. The Dawes Plan This involves considering: (i) The importance of Herriot and MacDonald’s elections to office (ii) US pressure to sort out reparations (iii) The Dawes Committee (iv) The proposed reparation repayment system (v) Security for repayment from revenues: a loan from the West (vi) German critics of the Plan (vii) Its successful passage through the Reichstag. What do you think …. Were the key reasons why these economic reforms were successful? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 22 Part B: Social Welfare Provision – and Problems The recovery of the mid to late 1920s allowed the Weimar Government to improve living conditions for many people in terms of better transport, housing, schools and hospitals. However, the opponents of the Republic continued to be very active whilst its supports failed to combine together in reply. The tensions and differences finally led to the end of what had been a reasonably stable Government over the issue of the provision to be made for the unemployed. Notes will be required on the following: 1. Areas of complaint This involves considering: (i) Farmers and their reasons for complaint (ii) The complaints of small businessmen, craftsmen etc. (iii) The growth of small parties representing them (iv) The attitude of Army, Civil Service and University (v) The forming of an alliance between far right parties. 2. Problems of Government This involves considering: (i) The death of Ebert and the election of Hindenburg (ii) The dependence of German prosperity on foreign loans (iii) Confirmed tensions between pro-Weimar parties (iv) The death of Stressemann. 3. Success and Failure This involves considering: (i) The electoral achievements of moderate parties (ii) The setting up of the Reichsbanner (iii) The Young Plan to scale down reparations (iv) The 1927 reform of social insurance (v) Opposition to this and the end of the Müller Government, 1930. Issue to clarify Why were pro-Weimar political parties unable to work better together? Was it personalities or policies that separated them? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 23 Part C: The Stressemann Era in Foreign Affairs From 1924 to 1929 Stressemann dominated German foreign policy-making. His formidable skills brought Germany a whole range of benefits in terms of her status and helpful to bring a reduction in her reparations bill. His death in October 1929 was a serious blow to the Republic. Historians have been careful to point out that Stressemann was very much a German Nationalist, however. Notes will be required on the following aspects: 1. Gustav Stressemann This involves considering: (i) His personality, beliefs and skills (ii) His early career (iii) The aims of his foreign policy. 2. His Circumstances This involves considering: (i) British foreign policy aims (ii) French foreign policy aims (iii) Russian foreign policy aims (iv) His attitude to eastern frontiers. 3. A Deal in the West, 1925 This involves considering: (i) The Geneva Protocol (ii) Negotiations with Britain and France (iii) The Treaty of Locarno (iv) His attitude to eastern frontiers. 4. Skilful Progress This involves considering: (i) The evacuation of the Ruhr (ii) Partial evacuation of the Rhineland (iii) Entry to the League of Nations (iv) The Treaty of Berlin (v) The Kellogg Briand Pact (vi) The evacuation of the rest of the Rhineland (vii) The Young Plan and the removal of further Allied controls. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 24 Issues to consider There has been considerable debate about Stressemann, his motives, his aims, his skill in building an image as a diplomat in search of a peaceful settlement of German frontiers. In 1926 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. How accurate is this image? What can be said against it? Does he deserve to be known as ‘a good European’? What contacts and connections did he build up with German minorities living in other lands? How seriously did he regard the Treaty of Locarno? Was it just a tactic? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 25 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 26 THEME 3: THE COLLAPSE OF WEIMAR The third area of the course requires the study of: Economic depression and mass unemployment The weakening of democracy; Bruning to Schleicher The rise of Nazism Hitler and the Nazi take over of power. Between 1930 and 1933 the Weimar Republic was hit by the economic depression that had a severed impact on many countries of the world. This section of the course deals with the Republican Governments’ attempts to deal with the crisis and with the political consequences of the events of the period. By spring of 1933, parliamentary government had effectively ended, swept aside by the country’s recently appointed Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, the leader of the National Socialist Party. Nazi beliefs differed sharply from those of the parliamentary parties; Nazi strategies fed down from the authority of their leader. In this section of the course; therefore, the three key concepts are all central to understanding i.e. Ideology Authority Revolution. Issues to consider / investigate / discuss A great deal is concentrated in this short period including: Could the Weimar Republic have avoided the collapse of parliamentary government? What made it possible for Hitler to rise so rapidly to the post of chancellor? Who supported the Nazi Party? Was it primarily the economic crisis that destroyed the Weimar Republic? What was the role of the Army in the events of these years? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 27 Part A: Economic Depression and Mass Unemployment The world economic crisis that developed rapidly from the collapse of the USA’s Wall Street Stock Exchange in October 1929 soon made its impact on Germany. In March 1930 Bruning of the Centre Party had become Chancellor and for two years he struggled no deal with the crisis that hit German farming, industry, trade and finance. In the election that Bruning called in September 1930 pro Weimar parties did badly, extreme parties (especially Nazis and Communists) did well. It is against this background, and heavily dependent on President Hindenburg’s support, that Bruning tried to cope with the economic crisis. Notes will be required on the following aspects: 1. World Depression This involves considering the background to the crisis in Germany including: (i) Wall Street Crash and the stock market crisis (ii) Bank failures (iii) Crisis in farming and industries and price falls (iv) World trade problems and increasing tariffs. 2. The Depression in Germany This involves considering: (i) German dependence on foreign loans and the withdrawal of loans (ii) Business failures and problems of trade (iii) Farming crisis (iv) Banking troubles (v) Rising unemployment. 3. Government policies under Bruning This involves considering: (i) Falling government tax revenues (ii) Government cuts and their consequences (iii) The problem of sustaining the Mark’s value (iv) Tax increases (v) The unsuccessful attempt at customs union with Austria. 4. The End of Reparations This involves considering: (i) Bruning’s aim of ending reparations (ii) Hoover and US readiness to end inter-allied debts (iii) British and French responses (iv) The virtual end of reparations. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 28 Issues to consider / investigate / discuss What criticisms were made in Germany of Bruning’s policies? Were they justified? Should he have acted differently? How far were Germany’s deep problems, 1929 – 32, the result of mistaken policies pursued 1924-1929? Was the economy in an unsound condition anyway? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 29 Part B: The Weakening of Democracy; Bruning to Schleicher Bruning became Chancellor in March 1930. At the end of January 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. The period between these dates is a critical time in understanding why the parliamentary democracy that had survived since the war finally came to an end. Political dealing between parties took place against the background of the economic depression and the effects that this had on Germany’s voters. The 1930 election saw big gains for the extremes of left and right yet the remaining parties still seemed to fail to collaborate to resist movements determined to end parliamentary democracy. Running through this section is the key question of how far the Weimar Republic brought about its own downfall. Once Hitler became chancellor the parliamentary system was rapidly dismantled. Notes will be needed on the following aspects: 1. The Bruning Government This involves considering: (i) The influence of Schleicher (ii) Bruning’s political beliefs, qualities, etc (iii) Why Bruning replaced Müller (iv) His reliance on Hindenburg (v) His budget proposals and clash with the Reichstag. 2. The 1930 Election This involves considering: (i) The election results and the reasons for them (ii) The problems facing the Socialists (iii) How the Government survived. 3. The Crisis of 1932 This involves considering: (i) The Presidential campaign (ii) The failure of constitutional supporters to effectively organise (iii) Army attitudes (iv) The fall of Bruning and appointment of von Papen (v) The July and November elections and the reasons for the results (vi) Von Papen’s attack on the Prussian Government (vii) The replacement of von Papen by Schleicher. Issue to debate What can be said for and against the view that: ‘The real turning point in the collapse of Weimar democracy was the fall of Bruning not the fall of Müller’? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 30 Part C: The Rise of Nazism The rapid rise of the Nazi Party during the early 1930s to become the largest party in the Reichstag deserves careful consideration. The character and polices of the Party, its power structure, its methods and its leadership all require attentions. Notes will be needed on the following aspects: 1. Who supported the Nazis? There is no simple answer to this; areas of particular strength should be considered including: (i) Nazi strength in the provinces (ii) Nazi appeal to the middle classes (iii) Nazi strength in Protestant areas (iv) Attitudes in the Army (v) Where Nazi finances came from. 2. What were Nazi policies? There are shifts here, but aspects to consider include: (i) Nationalism (ii) Anti-Marxism (iii) Racialism (iv) Hostility to Versailles (v) Strong government and strong leader (vi) Ideas for reform. 3. What were Nazi methods? Aspects to include: (i) Marches and rallies (ii) The SA and the use of violence (iii) Propaganda (iv) The skilful exploiting of circumstances including the Young Plan and the economic crisis. 4. Adolf Hitler Aspects to include: (i) His control over the Party (ii) His oratory (iii) His skill as a political opportunist (iv) Other key figures in the Party. Issue to discuss ‘Was Hitler’s support strongest in Protestant provincial Germany?’ History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 31 Part D: Hitler and the Nazi Take-over of Power Having become Chancellor, General von Schleicher lasted just two months in office. He lacked a secure political base and had earned the enmity of von Papen. Although it did not prove easy to persuade Hindenburg to appoint Hitler, he eventually agreed to do so. Right wing nationalist parties celebrated believing that they had won the ability to control Hitler. Events rapidly showed them that they were wrong. Notes will be required on the following aspects: 1. The Fall of Schleicher This involves considering: (i) His attempt to secure the backing of a section of the Nazis led by Strassen (ii) His plans for reforms and the hostility they met (iii) Von Papen and the right wing deal with Hitler (iv) The fall of Schleicher. 2. Hitler arrives in office This includes: (i) His appointment as Chancellor (ii) His Cabinet (iii) Calling an election (iv) Using the power of the state in the campaign, including Goering’s authority in Prussia. 3. Democracy is Overturned This includes: (i) The Reichstag Fire (ii) The use of it to suspend basic political rights (iii) The electoral results (iv) The Enabling Law. Issue to discuss ‘There was nothing inevitable about Nazi success.’ Do you agree? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 32 THEME 4: THE TRANSFORMATION OF POST-WEIMAR SOCIETY The last main area of the course requires the study of: Nazi consolidation of power in Germany Nazi economic policy Nazi social and racial policies The impact of foreign policy on domestic circumstances. The means used to assert power and the use made of power mean that all three key concepts are of relevance i.e. Ideology Authority Revolution. Issues to consider / investigate / discuss The nature of Nazi rule and Hitler’s own intentions have been the subject of much debate among historians. As you build up notes consider the following issues: Is Hitler’s role absolutely central to all that happened in these years? What difference did Nazi rule make to the lines of ordinary Germans? What opposition did the Nazis face inside Germany? How do you explain the German economic recovery? Was it due to Nazi policies? Is it possible, in any way, to see Nazi policies as a continuation of what had been happening before 1933? The historian Ian Kershaw notes: ‘More than half a century after the destruction of the Third Reich, leading historians are far from agreement on some of the most fundamental problems of interpreting and explaining Nazism.’ Ian Kershaw, ‘Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation’, Arnold, 2000 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 33 Part A: Nazi Consolidation of Power in Germany Once installed as Chancellor and with the powers provided by Hindenburg’s declaration of a state of emergency as well as the Enabling Law, Hitler moved swiftly to assert full control over the political system. The death of Hindenburg enabled him to gather in presidential power too. However, his political skills also showed themselves in a refusal to push through too rapid a revolution; he was determined to carry the Army and big business with them rather than alarm them by a rush of radical measures. Those (among whom SA leaders loomed large) who did not agree with this caution were dealt with brutally. Notes will be required on the following: 1. The Elimination of Democracy This involves considering: (i) The dissolution of other parties; Germany as a one party state (ii) A one party election; the use of plebiscites (iii) The destruction of Länder democracy and abolition of the Reichsrat (iv) Death of Hindenburg and Hitler as Führer (v) The Cabinet empowered to pass laws. 2. The Elimination of Enemies This involves considering: (i) Reasons for tension between Hitler and the SA leaders (ii) Reasons for action (iii) The ‘Night of the Long Knives’ (iv) The elimination of other potential enemies (v) Why this brutality was accepted. 3. The Assertion of control over the Army This involves considering: (i) The Army oath of loyalty to Hitler (ii) The removal of Blomberg and other leaders (iii) The appointment of new leaders (iv) The absolution of the War Ministry; Hitler as Commander in Chief. 4. The Spread of Nazi Organisations This involves considering: (i) The end of free trade unions; the Labour Front (ii) The creation of a unified police; Himmler, Heydrich and the Gestapo (iii) Himmler and the growth of an independent SS (iv) The use intimidation, violence, concentration camps (v) Nazi organisations for the young, teachers, doctors, civil servants, etc. 5. Propaganda This involves considering: (i) The importance of Goebbels (ii) The use of the media (iii) The use of rallies and marches. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 34 Issues to consider How effective was the very centralised Nazi state? Did it work smoothly? Did it contain rivalries, feuds, etc, and if so, was this deliberate? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 35 Part B: Nazi Economic Policy Between 1933 and 1939 the German economy recovered, unemployment fell, public works (like road building) were much in evidence and there were strong Nazi claims that a major achievement had been accomplished as a result of their policies. This has been questioned by historians and it is important to gather information not only on what the Nazis did in terms of economic policy but also to consider whether they were, in any way, creating original policies that actually delivered results. Notes will be needed on the following aspects: 1. Tackling Unemployment This involves considering: (i) The use of labour in public works (ii) Conscription (iii) Encouraging women not to work (iv) Manipulating statistics. 2. Economic Revival This involves considering: (i) The rearmament programme (ii) Subsidies to farmers (iii) Construction work – roads, houses, etc (iv) Encouraging the motor industry (v) Export subsidies (vi) World trade revival. 3. Economic Management This involves considering: (i) Schacht and the banking system (ii) Central control of wages and prices (iii) Trying to make Germany more self-sufficient (iv) Economic agreement with other countries. Issue to investigate and discuss How far was economic recovery a Nazi achievement? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 36 Part C: Nazi Social and Racial Policies Nazi control over German society made it possible for an attempt to be made to reshape peoples’ ideas and beliefs. This involved control over the school curriculum and over teaching staff. It also included control over what adults read and heard. The churches, whose ministers and priests preached rather different beliefs, found this a difficult situation and one that led to conflict. The Nazi racial views could now be enforced in an increasingly cruel manner. This section of the course will require notes on a number of aspects: 1. Serving the State This involves considering: (i) Service on public works for young people (ii) Nazi organisations for the young (iii) Re-shaping the school curriculum (iv) Purging the teaching profession (v) Nazi views on women’s roles in society. 2. Controlling the Churches? This involves considering: (i) The Nazi Concordat with the Pope (ii) Breaking the Concordat – Nazi interference in the Catholic Church (iii) Clashes with clergy (iv) The attempt to control the Protestant Churches (v) Niemoller and protest (vi) The Confessional Church and Nazi attacks on it. 3. Racial Policy This involves considering: (i) The nature of Nazi beliefs (ii) Early restrictions on Jews (iii) The Nuremberg Laws, 1935 (iv) Crystal Night (v) Further anti-Jewish measures. Issue to discuss Why was Nazi policy against Jewish people so little resisted? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 37 Part D: The Impact of Foreign Policy on Domestic Circumstances An overall knowledge and understanding of Nazi foreign policy up to the outbreak of the Second World War is essential for this section but should be seen not just in its own right but in terms of what is says about Hitler, about the nature of Nazism. This foreign policy tackled one of Hitler’s main causes – the desire to end the Treaty of Versailles – and his success here helped sustain his popularity in Germany. The needs of foreign policy affected the economy very directly. This section of the course will require notes on several aspects: 1. The Main Episodes in Foreign Policy 1933-39 This involves considering: (i) Leaving the League and the disarmament conference (ii) Non-aggression pact with Poland (iii) Recovery of the Saar (iv) Naval treaty with Britain (v) Occupation of the Rhineland (vi) Deals with Italy and Japan (vii) Union with Austria (viii) Sudeten Crisis and Munich (ix) Danzig, Poland and the Nazi-Soviet Pact. 2. The Impact of foreign Policy in Germany This involves considering: (i) Its effects on employment and the economy in terms of conscription and rearmament (ii) Effects on popular acceptance of the Nazi regime and its methods (iii) Its effects on the Army’s attitudes to Hitler (iv) Its effects on Hitler’s personal standing. Issue to debate The historian Tim Mason has argued that Hitler was ‘worried by the fear that if the period of peace and relative prosperity of the late 1930s were to continue for too long, the German people would lose what he imagined to be their sense of aggressive discipline, militarism and ideological fervour.’ From ‘Re-evaluating the Third Reich’ ed T Childers and J Caplan, 1993, Holmes and Meier What can be said for and against this view of Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 38 PART TWO: CURRENT RESEARCH SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION Twentieth century German history in general and the history of Germany between 1933 and 1945 specifically continue to hold a collective fascination for many people. Indeed at school level in Scotland the Advanced Higher the German history context is by far the most popular option. The out-pouring of literature, most notably on the Third Reich, makes it a difficult and time consuming exercise for even the most conscientious of classroom teachers to keep pace with and assimilate the available literature. Any student of the Advanced Higher German history course will quickly become aware that in the last three decades there has been a massive outpouring of historiographical material on Germany between 1918 and 1939. It is no longer sufficient, if it ever was, for any student of the period to simply explain and analyse what happened. Anyone looking at the German past must have a historiographical understanding of what has happened in the twentieth century. Three excellent historiograpical essays which collectively deal with the period 1918 to 1939 have been written by Eberhard Kolb, John Hiden and John Farquharson as well as Ian Kershaw. The historiography of the Weimar Republic is well-documented by Eberhard Kolb (The Weimar Republic, 1990) in a book in which the author gives a relatively up-to-date detailed explanation of the state of research on the period from 1918 to 1933. John Hiden and John Farquharson (Explaining Hitler’s Germany, 1983) have written a thorough and detailed guide of what historians have said about the Third Reich in the last fifty years. An excellent guide to recent debates on the Third Reich is by Ian Kershaw (The Nazi Dictatorship, 1993). Even at the school textbook level an author like Jane Jenkins (Hitler and Nazism, 1998, p.49, p.51 and pp.100-101) makes reference to key historiographical debates and arguments. SECTION 2: HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC – 1970s2000 Even with the passage of time, many books published in the last thirty years on the Weimar Republic continue to be implicitly as well as explicitly influenced by the darkening shadow of the Third Reich. As recently as 1993 E. J. Feuchtwanger (From Weimar to Hitler: Germany, 1918-33, 1993), in the Preface to his general history of the Weimar Republic, states ‘The history of the Weimar Republic is overshadowed by the catastrophic consequences of its collapse’. Feuchtwanger goes on to admit it is difficult ‘to prevent the question of ultimate failure from being too dominant.’ And yet it is worth remembering that, in simple arithmetic, the Weimar Republic lasted for fifteen years whilst the Third Reich lasted for only twelve years. A wide variety of books are available, especially in German, on the history and the historiography of the Weimar Republic. The 1980s and 1990s saw a significant growth in the number of English language books on the history of Germany between 1918 and 1933. The history of the Weimar Republic can be conveniently divided into three distinct periods. Firstly came the establishment of the Republic between 1918 and 1923. This was a relatively neglected period of study until the late 1960s and early 1970s which saw a growth of research on the Republic’s early years and re-examined the political History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 39 alternatives available to the revolutionary government in 1918 and 1919. Secondly there were the mid years of the Republic between 1924 and 1928. This was a time when Germany’s new democracy enjoyed a period of relative political stability and economic prosperity. These, the least ‘dramatic’ years of the Republic have not, historically and historiographically speaking, attracted as much interest from historians as the other two periods. And yet the 1990s has seen a growing level of research into this period. This research has shown that social, economic and political conflict was much more in evidence in the so-called ‘golden years’ than had previously been thought possible. The final years of the Republic understandably dominated and continue to dominate much post-war research. Historians have tried to explain the long-term and immediate short-term reasons as to why to the Weimar Republic collapsed in 1933. The German Revolution has been the subject of much historical debate. Historians have argued and continue to argue about the immediate post-war situation in Germany. Historians still debate the possibility of using the term the ‘German Revolution’ about the years 1918-1919. There are those who have argued that significant political changes had already taken place towards the end of the war and even before 1914. Debate also continues as to whether it was feasible for major social, economic and political changes to take place in a country that that was still essentially ‘conservative’. Perhaps in the past historians have focused too much on what was going on in Berlin and the other major cities and not looked enough at small town and rural Germany. Research into the early years of the Republic produced books in German by historians like Eberhard Kolb and Reinhard Rurup and in English by Francis Carsten (Revolution in Central Europe, 1918-1919, 1972). The consensus view of historians is that the social basis for change in Germany at this time was wider than had previously been believed. Moreover the forces for change on the extreme left were less strong than they appeared in reality, and therefore the ruling authorities had more freedom of action than had previously been thought possible. The timidity of the Social Democrats can be explained in terms of trusting the old elites and distrusting the spontaneous mass movements that existed in the immediate post-war years. Research in the last two decades has argued that the democratic potential of the workers’ and soldiers’ councils, was decidedly contentious. Work on the economy (G. Feldman, The Great Disorder. Politics, Economics and Society in the German Inflation 1914-1924, 1993) and on business (H.A. Turner, German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, 1985) has done much to shed light on Germany in the years after the end of the Great War. Viewed from the late 1990s, there has not yet been published a comprehensive and wide ranging English-language history of the November Revolution. From the East German perspective, it is significant that there have been two detailed accounts of the German Revolution, published in 1968 (J. Drabkin, Die Novemberrevolution 1918 in Deutschland, 1968) and 1978 (Illustrierte Geschichte der deutschen November-revolution 1918-19, 1978). Until the late 1950s the Marxist-Leninist line in East Germany was that the German Revolution had been an unsuccessful proletarian revolution. However, from the late 1950s East German historians began to view the Revolution of 1918-1919 as being ‘by its character a bourgeois-democratic revolution’. Marxist orthodoxy argued that the masses had not yet been sufficiently organised, and this organisation was to be provided by the founding of the Communist Party at the beginning of 1919. (A worthwhile study of the historiography of the German Revolution from the East German historiographical History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 40 perspective is provided by A. Dorpalen in German History in Marxist Perspective, 1985.) On Weimar politics there is a need to research the lines of continuity or discontinuity between the political parties of the Wilhelmine era and those established in the immediate post-war years in the new Weimar Republic. More research also needs to be done on the collapse, particularly after 1928, of the party political system. It is interesting to note that the majority of German language studies on individual parties have tended to concentrate on the early and latter years of the Weimar Republic rather than on its middle years. For English language instances of this see, for example, the books by Evans on the Centre Party (The German Center Party, 1870-1933, 1981); by Leopold in a biography on Hugenberg with reference to the Conservative Nationalists or DNVP (Alfred Hugenberg. The Radical National Campaign against the Weimar Republic, 1977); and by Fowler on the Communists (Communism in Germany under the Weimar Republic, 1983). Put briefly it should be noted that there are still many gaps in the political history of the Weimar Republic. There is a noticeable absence of good biographies of the Republic’s numerous Chancellors. Regional studies of the various parties are conspicuous by their absence. And finally there is also work to be done on the social composition of the parties and how, if at all, that changed composition between 1918 and 1933. Until the 1960s political history dominated research on the Weimar Republic. However, a symposium held in West Germany in 1973 reflected the growing interest in the social and economic history of the Republic. Unfortunately for English language students, few of these studies have been translated from their original German into English. During the course of the next three decades numerous German language studies focused on the socio-economic background to political events in Germany between 1918 and 1933. A consensus developed amongst historians that the formation of the Central Working Association between trade unions, employers and government in 1918-1919, was significant as an exercise in co-operation, which, however, had ended by 1924. Inevitably much has been written about the inflation of 1923. Early studies looked at the events surrounding the years 1922 and 1923 in isolation. In the mid 1970s G. Feldman (The Great Disorder. Politics, Economics and Society in the German Inflation 1914-1924, 1993) looked the origins of the inflation back into the war years. (Coincidentally Feldman has also written extensively about the effects of reparations on Germany.) Borchardt has looked at length at who specifically gained by the inflation of 1923, and, how the inflated currency of that time in the short-term directly affected the German middle classes, and in the long-term indirectly led to the collapse of the Republic. In English Holtfrerich (The German Inflation 1914-1923, 1986) has argued that the inflation was inevitable. Fraenkel and others have seen the Ruhr lockout of 1928, when 250,000 workers were excluded from the workplace, as a significant turning point in the social history of the Weimar Republic. The lockout showed that even before the Great Depression, in the period of so-called ‘stabilisation’, the Republic was having to deal with a potentially explosive situation between employers, trade unions and governments. The years between 1924 and 1928 were not quite the ‘years of stability’ as they had once been perceived as labour and capital were in conflict and as the Republic saw the break up of the party system. Research on the mid years of the Republic, notably by Borchardt (Perspectives on Modern German Economic History and Policy, 1991), has shown that the Republic’s economy did not show an upturn History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 41 that was suddenly reversed by the onset of the Great Depression. Put simply Borchardt argued the Republic after 1918 was living beyond its means. He argued, in numerous publications in the early 1980s, that the German economy could not have, even if the Great Depression had not occurred, continued to carry on as it was doing. Yet some German historians have questioned the premise presented by Borchardt that economic sense lay with employers, rather than with trade unions and the various governments, and that the pressure for higher wages was acting as a destabilising force on the German economy in the 1920s. The 1980s and 1990s witnessed a succession of numerous English language studies which looked at the economic factors involved in the collapse of the Weimar Republic. In particular Henry Ashby Turner has written extensively about the role of big business. The early chapters of one of Turner’s books (German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, 1985) provides a detailed account of big business during the Weimar Republic, not least in its relationship with National Socialism. Harold James (The German Slump: Politics and Economics, 1924-1936, 1986) has also written about the linkage of politics and economics from the mid 1920s to the mid 1930s. There is no shortage of other English language studies recently published which look at the German economy and the problems it had to deal with and how they impinged on the politics of the day. See, for example the works by Abraham (The Collapse of the Weimar Republic, 1986); James (The German Slump: Politics and Economics 1924-1936, 1986); Kershaw (Weimar: Why Did German Democracy Fail?, 1991); Kruedener (Economic Crisis and Political Collapse, The Weimar Republic 1924-1933, 1991) and Balderston (The Origins and Course of the German Economic Crisis, 1993). As mentioned earlier the collapse of the Republic dominated much of the immediate post 1945 research on the Weimar Republic. In the 1950s and 1960s the nature of presidential government after 1930 stimulated a great deal of historical debate, most notably between Conze and Bracher. The publication of Heinrich Bruning’s Memoirs in 1970 gave credence to the view that his appointment as Chancellor in September 1930 signalled a move towards an authoritarian form of government and an end to democracy. Various other topics relevant to this period, for example the SPD’s ‘toleration’ of the Bruning cabinet and the reaction of the SPD, trade unions and also the reaction of the Prussian government to von Papen’s coup d’etat against Prussia on 20 July 1932, remain the subject of historical debate and controversy. A number of historians continue to be critical of the passive role played by the SPD and the Prussian government in the early 1930s. And yet any attempt at armed resistance by democratic forces to save the Republic might well have led to the establishment of a right-wing authoritarian dictatorship. In the final analysis the extensive range of research on the viability of the Weimar Republic now points the way in favour of accepting that it was not doomed from the start and that monocausal explanations of its collapse have been superseded, in the light of much research, by multi-causal explanations of the Republic’s demise. Hitler’s accession to power was not inevitable. In the final analysis political miscalculation on the part of certain key individuals rather than any actions on the part of Hitler led to the end of the Republic in January 1933. The collapse of the Republic is inevitably linked to the rise of the Nazis. The dramatic rise of National Socialism from 1928 attracted and continues to attract much attention from German and non-German scholars. Historians focused on specific aspects of the Nazi Party to give a clearer picture of the Nazi movement before 1933. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 42 From the early 1970s numerous studies appeared which looked at the Party at a regional level most notably Jeremy Noakes (The Nazi Party in Lower Saxony, 19211933, 1971). The 1970s and 1980s witnessed the publication of numerous books on the organisational structure of the Party, for example on the SA by Bessel (Political Violence and the Rise of Nazism. The Storm Troopers in Eastern Germany 1925-34, 1984) and Fischer (Stormtroopers. A Social, Economic and Ideological Analysis, 1929-35, 1983); on the SS by Koehl (The Black Corps. The Structure and Power Struggles of the Nazi SS, 1983); on students by Giles (Students and National Socialism in Germany, 1985); and on youth by Stachura (Nazi Youth in the Weimar Republic, 1975). This period also witnessed a reassessment of the social basis of National Socialism and a re-examination and reassessment of the prevailing view that Hitler and his movement was supported by rural and small town Protestant Germans in northern, central and eastern Germany. Childers (The Nazi Vote. The Social Foundations of Fascism in Germany, 1919-1933, 1983) argued that the social base of support for the Party was neither so static nor so narrow than had previously been supposed. Hamilton’s (Who Voted for Hitler?, 1982) analysis of voting patterns in selected German cities has shown that a significant number of upper and upper middle class voters voted for the Nazis. Even amongst the working classes, the Nazis, as various works by Fischer have shown (for example The Rise of the Nazis, 1995), made crucial inroads into obtaining their support at a time of high unemployment. The relationship of big business to National Socialism was inevitably the subject of much research in East Germany. Put simply East German historians argued that German fascism under the Nazi take-over was an extreme form of monopoly capitalism. By way of contrast the American historian Henry Ashby Turner (for example in German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, 1985) refuted the ‘well established’ view that the Nazis received a great deal of financial support from big business. Another historian Feldman, in various German language studies published in the 1970s and the 1980s, took issue with Turner and argued that money alone from big business did not pave the way for the Nazi take-over in 1933. Feldman argued that as the 1920s progressed big business moved away from supporting or having any sympathy in favour of the Weimar Republic in favour of supporting an authoritarian form of government. Weimar foreign policy has been closely scrutinised by historians. Since 1945 German criticisms of the vindictive nature of the Versailles Settlement have somewhat abated and a greater understanding of the difficulties confronting the peacemakers in 1919 has gained greater credence. Schulz (Revolution and Peace Treaties, 1917-1920, 1974) argued that the Great War heavily influenced the terms agreed upon at Versailles. In a lengthy study Mayer (Politics and Diplomacy of Peacemaking. Containment and Counter-Revolution at Versailles 1918-1919, 1967) looked not just at the so-called ‘German question’ but also at how the domestic political circumstances of each of the powers represented at Versailles affected their country’s specific decision-making in 1919. Mayer even went on to argue that the desire to ‘contain’ Bolshevik Russia at the end of the War was the crucial feature of international politics at this time rather than any desire to punish Germany. There is certainly a greater willingness on the part of historians to accept that at Versailles Germany was treated more leniently than has been acknowledged in the past. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 43 Indeed in a German language study Andreas Hillgruber (Grossmachtpolitik und Militarismus im 20. Jahrhundert, 1974) has contended that because Germany was treated ‘leniently’ in 1918 and 1919 then the room for diplomatic manoeuvre on the part of the Weimar Republic in international affairs was greater than it had been before 1914 under William II as Emperor or even when Bismarck was Imperial Chancellor. How the Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of the Nazis and to the collapse of the Weimar Republic is still a matter of much debate amongst historians. Bracher (for example in The German Dictatorship, 1971) has shown that numerous factors led to the collapse of the Republic and that Versailles alone did not bring about the rise of Hitler. In the final analysis few historians would argue with the view that the Treaty of Versailles did play a role in destabilising the Weimar political system. A great deal has been written on reparations. Given the complex nature of the subject it is no surprise to note that even the ‘experts’ disagree on how much the Germans actually paid. The release of French documents in the early 1970s led to the questioning of the long-established view that France pursued a draconian peace on Germany. McDougall (France’s Rhineland Diplomacy 1914-1924, 1978) and others argued that, on the contrary, immediate post-war French governments adopted a moderate stance on the issue of reparations. Poincare’s occupation of the Ruhr in 1923 occurred only when all attempts at a negotiated peace had failed. However, the theme of reparations and how it continued to affect post-war Franco-German relations is still the subject of continuing debate. Revisionist work on post-1918 French foreign policy by French historians like Baechler, Bariety and Jeannesson has done much to shed new light on German politics and historical writing of the time. The relationship between Germany and Russia in the 1920s attracted much attention from German historians in the 1970s and the 1980s, not least because of the ongoing relationship of East and West Germany with the Soviet Union. The Treaty of Rapallo, signed by Germany and Russia in 1922, was viewed in the West for many years as a Russo-German conspiracy. Original research by a number of German historians from the 1950s through to the 1980s confirmed the view that there was no possibility of a Russo-German conspiracy against the West, and that it suited both Germany and Russia, as the international outcasts after 1919, to put pen to paper at Rapallo for mutually beneficial reasons. Writing in German in 1977 Klaus Hildebrand may be as close to the truth as any historian when he argued that a ‘fear of isolation’ propelled Germany into signing the Treaty of Rapallo. Gustav Stressemann remains the dominant figure in German foreign policy between 1918 and 1933. Before 1970, with the obvious exception of Third Reich historians, the great majority of works on Stressemann were highly complimentary and saw him as a ‘good European’ whilst a few saw him as a ‘German nationalist’. After 1970 a consensus view evolved which saw him as being no different to any other European statesman of the time. He was a realist and a nationalist who ‘looked after’ the interests of his own country in the existing diplomatic system. In other words he was working within the European power system as it existed in the 1920s. Wishing to ensure a restoration of an independent German foreign policy after the War, Stressemann realised he would have to work within, however unpalatable it might be, the parameters set by Versailles in 1919. The use of Germany’s economic power was the only possible leverage available to him in the light of a lack of military power. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 44 All his ‘actions’ from the Dawes Plan to the Young Plan must be seen in this light. Moreover Stressemann never forgot that he would have to satisfy French demands for security to achieve his goals. With his death in 1929 there is no doubt that successive Chancellors, namely Bruning, von Papen and Schleicher adopted a more assertive and aggressive foreign policy. SECTION 3: HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE THIRD REICH - 1970S-2000 Over fifty years after its collapse, the legacy of the Third Reich continues to haunt the German people and the German historical profession. It is even debatable if they will ever be able to master the Nazi past – the so-called Vergangenheitsbewaltigung (See Ian Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship, 1993, p.1). Some historians believe that the academic and intellectual tools of the historian are simply inadequate to deal with a phenomenon that was largely irrational. They see it as impossible to give an adequate explanation of Nazism. It is certainly true that the history of Germany between 1933 and 1939, and indeed up to 1945, is more a matter of contentious and heated debate amongst historians than the history of Germany between 1918 and 1933. The issue of continuity and change continues to be a dominant theme when placing the Third Reich in a wider historical context in German history. Historians still argue over the extent to which Hitler and his movement was the logical culmination of German history extending back beyond the Weimar years into the nineteenth century and even into the more distant past. A consensus view largely prevails that the rise of Nazism can be placed in a short-term (for example the effects of World War I, the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic, and the effects of the Great Depression) and long-term (for example the effects of industrialisation and the political legacy of Bismarck) context linked to the political machinations which, in December 1932 and January 1933, brought the Chancellorship to Hitler. Disagreements continue to manifest themselves away from this bigger picture. It is highly unlikely that the issue of continuity and change will go away. Historians continue to be fascinated and intrigued by this topic. This continuing fascination is discussed at some length in a recent study by Richard Evans (Rethinking German History, 1990). The pioneering work of Fritz Fischer (Germany’s Aims in the First World War 1966 and also War of Illusions, 1973) continues to influence German historical scholarship in the field of continuity and change. The continuing relevance and topicality of his work was reflected in the translation into English, by an Australian historian Roger Fletcher, of his famous polemical essay Bundnis der Eliten (From Kaiserreich to Third Reich Elements of Continuity in German History 1871-1945, 1986). The place of Hitler in the history of the Third Reich continues to dominate much historical scholarship on the period between 1933 and 1945. The question is continually asked how important is Adolf Hitler to an understanding of the history of the Third Reich? The last two decades of the twentieth century witnessed the debate between the ‘intentionalist’ and ‘structuralist’ historians as to the central importance or otherwise of Hitler. The ‘intentionalists’ argued that as an individual Hitler was pivotal to an understanding of the history of the Third Reich. Thus Klaus Hildebrand argued that Hitler’s pathological anti-Semitism led to the annihilation of European Jewry because it was his ultimate ‘intention’ to exterminate the Jews. (See also G. L. Mosse, The Crisis of German Ideology, 1964). In terms of foreign policy Hitler’s ideological goals, outlined in Mein Kampf and elsewhere, in the early 1920s, shaped his actions in the 1930s and 1940s. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 45 Rainer Zitelmann has argued that Hitler wanted to ensure that the German economy was developed and advanced in technological and industrial terms and so he ensured the economic revival of Germany after 1933 because of his reflationary policies. Such views which give Hitler a determining role in the period are refuted by the ‘structuralists’ who see an undue emphasis being given in history to the role of Adolf Hitler as an individual. Two prominent ‘structuralists were Martin Broszat and Hans Mommsen. As a key ‘functionalist’ Martin Broszat moved away from the Hitler-centred treatment of Nazism when looking at the nature of government in the Third Reich. First published in German in 1969, Broszat’s The Hitler State looked at the character and structure of government, policy formation and power relations in the Third Reich. Previously Bracher had argued that Hitler had consciously and skilfully ruled Germany by a ‘divide and rule’ strategy. Broszat however argued that the ‘divide and rule’ strategy was not consciously devised by the regime, but rather was the unwillingness of Hitler to establish an ordered system of authoritarian government. Hans Mommsen (for example see his article in G. Hirschfelsd’s [ed.] The Policies of Genocide) argued that the implementation of the ‘Final Solution’ in the war years cannot be attributable to Hitler alone but rather needs to be explained in terms of improved bureaucratic initiatives which had their own inbuilt momentums. On anti-Semitism some ‘structuralists’ historians would argue the persecution of the Jews leading to the Holocaust came about largely because it was driven by lowerranking officials in Nazi Germany. ‘Structuralists’ never seek to deny the importance of Hitler but they would contend that Hitler is not as important as made out by the ‘intentionalists’. Furthermore ‘structuralists’ would argue in favour of the importance of political and administrative structures in shaping the history of Germany during the Third Reich. These structures and institutions largely determined the history of Germany at this time with various interest groups competing frantically for power and influence in an anarchic manner. An American critic of the ‘structuralists’, David Crew, has argued that their type of history does not deal with ordinary people in their everyday lives and so can be criticised because it depersonalises history. Another critic, the Cambridge historian Richard Evans, has argued that the ‘structuralists’ have tended to write in a political vacuum and not given appropriate emphasis to the social and economic forces at work in German society. Ian Kershaw (The Nazi Dictatorship, 1993) has come to the conclusion that there are elements in the ‘intentionalist’ and ‘structuralist’ approaches that can be brought together in some sort of synthesis to establish a greater understanding of the Third Reich. Despite the publication of biographies by non-academics like Joachim Fest (1973) and John Toland (1977), the 1970s and 1980s witnessed a move away from writing biographical history by professional historians. This does not necessarily mean to say that the ‘Hitler industry’ showed or shows no signs of abating. (Christian Leitz [The Third Reich, 1999, p.2] makes reference to the fact that about 120,000 publications on Adolf Hitler have been produced.) Such a move is in keeping with the desire of historians to place Hitler, not least by the structuralists, in the wider context of the history of the Third Reich. Yet curiously enough the late 1990s saw the appearance of the first volume of a two part ‘biography’ of Adolf Hitler by the essentially ‘structuralist’ British historian Ian Kershaw (Hitler 1889-1936, 1998). Kershaw was at pains to explain how, in the context of his unique time, this obscure Austrian came to rule over the most powerful and advanced state in Europe. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 46 In his Introduction Kershaw argues that the circumstances of the time involving factors like social Darwinism, xenophobic nationalism, defeat in the Great War and the events surrounding the history of the Weimar Republic ensured that this Austrian drifter was catapulted to power. Even when Hitler came to power in 1933, Kershaw sees developments in Nazi Germany, taking place in spite of Hitler (through the actions and exertions of other leading Nazis and lesser officials and zealous supporters throughout Germany) and not because of Hitler (who was lazy and indolent). The 1980s saw the so-called Historians’ Dispute or Historikerstreit which flared up between the distinguished historian Martin Broszat and other eminent German historians. (Anyone wishing to study the Historikerstreit at length should consult the edited collection of sources produced by Gates and Knowlton, Forever in the Shadow of Hitler?) Quite apart from its content the Dispute showed how rancorous and personally vituperative German scholarship and German historians could be. Broszat argued it was important for the historical profession to try to understand Hitler and Nazism and move away from the continuing demonisation of Hitler and the Third Reich (or what Ian Kershaw has called ‘bland moralisation’). Broszat felt it was no longer adequate or analytically sufficient to call Hitler, as William Shirer had done, as ‘evil’ and possessing ‘a demonic personality’. He argued in various German language studies that Hitler should be brought back into mainstream history and analysed by historians as a historical figure and phenomena. In the jargon of the time he felt it was important to move towards the ‘historicisation’ or Historisierung of Hitler. In response, amongst others, Saul Friedlander argued that placing Nazism in the wider context of German history would downplay the moral awfulness of regime. Secondly the concept of ‘historicisation’ was too vague and open-ended and demanded clarification if individual actions by people during the Nazi era ranging from ‘normality’ to ‘criminality’ were to have any meaning. In the 1980s Michael Sturmer (Forever in the Shadow of Hitler?, 1993) argued that it was important, in a domestic context of pacifism and a lack of national self-confidence, that German historians should present their country’s history in a positive national identity for the German people. Sturmer argued that Germany’s unique and exposed position in central Europe had largely determined her tragic history. Therefore in a sense he felt the personal responsibility of German leaders for both world wars was somehow diminished. At the same time Ernst Noltke attracted enormous controversy by contending that Bolshevism in Soviet Russia and Nazism were interrelated and that Bolshevism triggered a response in Germany which crystallised into Nazism. Noltke went on to argue that Stalin and Pol Pot, amongst others, should be examined in the same context as Hitler. Some critics of Noltke interpreted this as an attempt to relativise or ‘historicise’ the Nazi era and experience. (For a sample of Noltke’s writing in English see ‘Between Myth and Revisionism? The Third Reich in the Perspective of the 1980s’, in H.W. Koch’s Aspects of the Third Reich.) Noltke argued in favour of Nazism as a bulwark and protective barrier against Communism and the evils of Stalinism. Furthermore he contended that the Nazi experience should be treated as dispassionately as other past historical events. In a wider perspective he placed Nazism as the counterpoint to Soviet communism in a European civil war between 1917 and 1945. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 47 Critics of Noltke argued that his views were trying to ‘rehabilitate’ and ‘normalise’ and ‘relativise’ the Nazi past. (And yet it should be remembered that Noltke always strenuously denied that he was trying to ‘rehabilitate’ the Nazis.) Another German historian, Hans-Ulrich Wehler, has argued that the evils of the Third Reich should be faced and confronted so that Germany could move forwards as a liberal and democratic State. The German past, particularly the Nazi past, was crucial in impinging upon the politics of the present. For decades after the Second World War many historians portrayed the Third Reich as a ruthlessly efficient and monolithic ‘totalitarian’ state. Such historians had looked at Germany ‘from the top’ down by investigating the nature of Hitler’s rule and how various institutions and organisations had been affected by National Socialist rule. Once again Hitler and his henchmen ‘influenced’ and ‘determined’ much historical writing. This image has been hard to dispel and still lingers on, at least in the mind of the general reader. However, in the 1970s social historians began to look at history ‘from below’ and how the ordinary German people themselves had been affected in their ‘everyday life’ or ‘Alltagsgeschichte’ by the Nazi regime. (Yet as long ago as the early 1930s a leading Communist, Ernst Ottwald, wrote about the ‘unknown National Socialist’. On this see Hiden and Farquharson, Explaining Hitler’s Germany, 1989, pp.167-68.) Major impetus to this new social history ‘from below’ was given by two massive studies taking place in Germany. In the south Martin Broszat and other German historians were editing the ‘Bavarian Project’, whilst in the west Lutz Niethammmer was editing the ‘Ruhr Oral History Project’. (It should, however, be noted that the ‘Ruhr historians’ still used fairly generalised ‘top down’ conceptual models.) Both research projects looked at the mundane and not so mundane ways in which the Nazi State impinged upon and affected the lives of individual Germans as they went about their daily business. Incidentally social history had thereby gained a respectability and credence amongst a number of German academics that would have been unknown and unheard of a generation earlier when political history dominated German historical scholarship. This new perspective of the Nazi regime ‘from below’ has done much to create a newer understanding of the Hitler State. The so-called ‘Alltagsgeschichte’ has also served the useful function of allowing younger people to understand how ordinary people like themselves behaved during the Third Reich. It is something they can identify with because of the personal nature of the history. This has been acknowledged by some of the more moderate critics of the Project. However more strident critics of ‘Alltagsgeschichte’ such as E. Hennig have said that this type of history has tended to lead to the accumulation of sterile facts describing what life was like without setting them in an analytical or theoretical framework. The study of anti-Semitism continues to play a prominent role in the history of the Third Reich. It is still not easy to explain why possibly the most cultured nation in Europe carried out the brutal and systematic annihilation of 6,000,000 Jews. It is also not easy for the historian to use the tools of scholarship to come to an understanding of the Holocaust and the genocidal persecution of a people. The perspective provided by non-Jewish scholars is inevitably different from that provided by Jewish historians. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 48 The controversial nature of this topic and the strong feelings it arouses, not least between Jews, was reflected in the publication of Daniel Goldhagen’s (Hitler’s Willing Executioners, 1996) best-selling book in the mid 1990s. (For a discussion of the reaction to Goldhagen’s book see Ron Rosenbaum’s Explaining Hitler, 1998, pp.337-68. The chapter in Rosenbaum’s book discusses the reaction to Goldhagen’s book at a symposium held North America in 1996 which the author attended.) Goldhagen claimed that the German people were aware of what was happening to the Jews in the east. He goes on to argue that up to half a million Germans were, by the end of the war, actively engaged in the persecution of European Jewry. Goldhagen believes that the roots of the mass killings went back in to the nineteenth century and was the result of an ‘eliminationist anti-Semitism’. In 1997 another prominent Jewish historian, Saul Friedlander (Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1997) published a book in which he referred to what could be termed ‘redemptive anti-Semitism’. The German people were looking for a ‘redeemer’ who would ‘save’ them from their enemies and in particular the Bolshevik menace. Friedlander also wrote that the German people were a curious mix of racial and Christian anti-Semitism allied to a xenophobic Wagnerian nationalism. Research on the persecution of the Jews in the Third Reich has understandably concentrated on the Holocaust. (Otto Dov Kulka, ‘Major Trends and Tendencies of German Historiography on National Socialism and the ‘Jewish Question’ (1924-1984)’, Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, 30, 1985; Saul Friedlander, ‘From Anti-Semitism to Extermination. A Historiographical Study of Nazi Policy Towards the Jews and an Essay in Interpretation’, Yad Vashem Studies, 16, 1984; M. Marrus, ‘The History of the Holocaust. A Survey of Recent Literature’, Journal of Modern History, 59, 1987.) Anti-Semitism as a topic of study on the Third Reich will continue to arouse controversy and heated debate. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 49 PART THREE: THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC - SOURCES SECTION ONE: THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC - 1918-1923 Source A On 1 October 1918 Ludendorff asks the SPD be brought into government. I have asked His Majesty to bring those people into the government who are largely responsible that things have turned out as they have. We shall therefore see these gentlemen enter the ministries, and they must now make the peace which has to be made. They must now eat the soup which they have landed us in ! Source B Workers and soldiers – Your hour has come. Now, after long endurance and days of silence, you have set about the task. It is not too much to say: at this time the world is watching you, and you hold the fate of the world in your hands. Workers and soldiers! Now that the hour has come, there can be no going back. The same ‘socialists’ who have laboured for four years in the pay of the government, who have in recent weeks put you off with the ‘people’s government’, with parliamentary government and other trash, are now doing everything to impair your struggle, and to break up the movement. (Manifesto of the Spartacus Group, 8 November 1918.) Source C On 9 November 1918 the SPD leader Ebert accepts the post of Chancellor. Prince Max of Baden… Has turned over to me the task of carrying on the affairs of the Reich Chancellor. I have in mind to form a government by consent of the parties and will give a public report on this shortly. The new government will be a people’s government. Its goal will be to bring peace to the German people as soon as possible, and to establish firmly the freedom which it has achieved. Fellow Citizens: I ask you all for your support in the heavy tasks that await us. You know how seriously the war has threatened the sustenance of the people … The political revolution should not interfere with the feeding of the population. (Chancellor Freidrich Ebert’s Manifesto, 9 November 1918) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 50 Source D In his memoirs General Groener remembers his secret telephone conversation with Ebert on 10 November 1918. In the evening (10th November) I telephoned the Reich Chancellery and told Ebert that the army put itself at the disposal of the government, that in return for this the Field-Marshal and the officer corps expected the support of the government in the maintenance of order and discipline in the army. The officer corps expected the government to fight against Bolshevism and was ready for the struggle. Ebert accepted my offer of an alliance. From then on we discussed the measures which were necessary every evening on a secret telephone line between the Reich Chancellery and the high command. The alliance proved successful. We (the high command) hoped through our action to gain a share of the power in the new State for the army and the officer corps. If we succeeded, then we would have rescued into the new Germany the best and strongest element of old Prussia, despite the revolution. Source E In ‘Mein Kampf’ Hitler rails against the November Revolution and its perpetrators. And so it had all been in vain. In vain all the sacrifices and privations; in vain the hunger and thirst of months which were often endless; in vain the hours in which, with mortal fear clutching at our hearts, we nevertheless did our duty; and in vain the death of two million who died … There followed terrible days and even worse nights – I knew that all was lost. Only fools, liars and criminals could hope in the mercy of the enemy. In these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for this deed … There is no making pacts with Jews; there can only be the hard: either – or. I, for my part, decided to go into politics. Source F The liberal newspaper the ‘Frankfurter Zeitung’ appeals to the National Assembly on 10 February 1919. The German National Assembly in Weimar should resolve as a matter of urgency that a large notice be put up in every room used by the politicians and wherever the machinery of party runs. This notice should bear the message, in letters of fire: ‘Do not forget: the German people has carried out a revolution!’ History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 51 Source G Article 48, Weimar Constitution, 1919. If any state does not fulfil the duties imposed upon it by the Constitution or the laws of the Reich, the Reich President may enforce such duties with the aid of the armed forces. In the event that public order and security are seriously disturbed or endangered, the Reich President may take the measures necessary for their restoration… Source H The Constitution of 1919 included numerous basic welfare rights. Welfare provision was a contentious issue throughout the history of the Weimar Republic. Article 161, Weimar Constitution, 1919. In order to maintain public health and the ability to work, to protect motherhood and to make provision against the economic consequences of old age, infirmity and the vicissitudes of life, the Reich will provide a comprehensive system of insurance, in which those insured will make a vital contribution. Article 163, Weimar Constitution, 1919. Every German has the moral obligation, his personal freedom notwithstanding, to exercise his mental and physical powers in a manner required by the welfare of all. Every German shall be given the opportunity to earn his living through productive work. If no suitable opportunity for work can be found, the means necessary for his livelihood will be provided. Further particulars will be given in subsequent legislation. Source I Hugo Preuss, a prominent architect of the 1919 Constitution, expresses his concern about how the German people will cope with the new democratic political order. I have often listened to debates with real concern, glancing rather timidly to the gentlemen of the Right, fearful lest they say to me: ‘Do you hope to give a parliamentary system to a nation like this, one that resists it with every sinew of its body? Our people do not comprehend at all what such a system implies.’ One finds suspicion everywhere; Germans cannot shake off their old political timidity and their deference to the authoritarian state. They do not understand that the new government must be blood of their blood, flesh of their flesh, that their trusted representatives will have to be an integral part of it. Their constant worry is only: ‘how can we best keep our constituted representatives so shackled that they will be unable to do anything?’ (Hugo Preuss, Staat, Recht und Freiheit [1926] as translated in Republican and Fascist Germany, J Hilden, Longman 1996) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 52 Source J Heinrich Stroebel, a member of the USPD, comments on the events of November 1919. Except for a handful of political careerists and profiteers, the whole country feels greatly depressed by the course and results of the revolution. Today, as the first anniversary of the birth of the Republic approaches, not only are the Junkers and upper bourgeoisie simply itching to give it a mortal blow at the first opportunity, not only is it an object of scorn for the small man and the peasant, but it is so even for the proletariat, which feels mocked and cheated, and considers democracy simply the façade behind which capitalist exploitation and military despotism are carrying on exactly as they did under the monarchy… Source K On 13 March 1920 Wilhelm Kapp, a senior civil servant, issued a proclamation and tried to establish a conservative regime in Berlin. His Putsch failed. The Reich and nation are in grave danger. With terrible speed we are approaching the complete collapse of the State and of law and order. The people are only dimly aware of the approaching disaster. Prices are rising unchecked. Hardship is growing. Starvation threatens. Corruption, usury, nepotism and crime are cheekily raising their heads. The government, lacking in authority, impotent, and in league with corruption, is incapable of overcoming the danger. Away with a government in which Erzberger is the leading light ! We shall govern not according to theories but according to the practical needs of the State and the nation as a whole. In the best German tradition the State must stand above the conflict of classes and parties. We reject the granting of class-advantage either to the Right or the Left. We recognise only German citizens … Everyone must do his duty ! The first duty of every man today is to work. Germany must be a moral working community! Source L In ‘Mein Kampf’ Hitler comments on the reaction of the authorities to the French occupation of the Ruhr and the need for ‘national renewal’. But anyone who in the spring of 1923 wanted to make France’s occupation of the Ruhr an occasion for reviving out military implements of power had first to give the nation its spiritual weapons, strengthen its will power, and destroy the corrupters of this most special national strength … Regardless what type of resistance was decided on, the first requirement was always the elimination of the Marxist poison from our national body … To fight France with the deadly enemy in our ranks would have been sheer idiocy … For never in our history have we been defeated by the strength of our foes, but always by our own vices and by the enemies in our own camp. Since the leaders of the German state could not summon up the courage for such a heroic History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 53 deed, logically they could only have chosen the first course, that of doing nothing at all and letting things slide … To be sure, this so-called passive resistance as such could not be maintained for long … Hence any so-called passive resistance has an inner meaning only if it is backed by determination to continue it if necessary in open struggle or in undercover guerrilla warfare. Source M Monthly averages of Dollar Quotations for the Mark between 1914 and 1923: July 1914 4.2 January 1919 8.9 July 1919 14.0 January 1920 64.8 July 1920 39.5 January 1921 64.9 July 1921 76.7 January 1922 191.8 July 1922 493.2 January 1923 July 1923 August 1923 September 1923 October 1923 November 15 1923 17,972.0 353,412.0 4,620,455.0 98,860,000.0 25,260,208,000.0 4,200,000,000,000.0 Source N A personal recollection of the hyper-inflation of 1923. May I give you some recollections of my own situation at that time? As soon as I received my salary I rushed out to buy the daily necessities. My daily salary, as editor of the periodical ‘Soziale Praxis’, was just enough to buy one loaf of bread and a small piece of cheese or some oatmeal. On one occasion I had to refuse to give a lecture at a Berlin city college because I could not be assured that my fee would cover the subway fare to the classroom, and it was too far to walk. On another occasion, a private lesson I gave to the wife of a farmer was paid somewhat better – by one loaf of bread for the hour. (Personal memoir of Dr Freida Wunderlich, found in J W Hiden, The Weimar Republic, 1974,p.86) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 54 ACTIVITIES Essays 1. Conditions seemed to exist for a remodelling of Germany after the First World War. Discuss. 2. Do you agree with the view that the conditions in which the Weimar democracy was born were not all that helpful to allow it to flourish? 3. To what extent were the German people willing to accept the Constitution of 1919 ? 4. How significant were the years from 1918 to 1923 in the history of the Weimar Republic ? Source-based Questions 1. How accurate an account of the handing over of power to the civilian government is given by Sources A C and D? 2. Why did General Groener telephone Ebert on 10 November 1918 as indicated in Source D? 3. Explain why the architect of the German Constitution in Source I was concerned about whether the German could cope with the new democratic order. 4. Do you agree with the view of Wilhelm Kapp in Source K that The Reich and nation were in ‘grave danger’ in 1920? 5. How ‘representative’ of the German people on the occupation of the Ruhr by the French were the views expressed by Hitler in Source L? 6. How convincing is the personal recollection in Source N of the hyper-inflation of 1923 ? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 55 SECTION TWO: FOREIGN POLICY - 1918-1933 Source A We cannot sign a document which our enemies call a peace. Any government which, by its signature, gives this work of the devil the halo of light, sooner or later will be driven out of office. Is this peace a surprise to us? Unfortunately, yes. No one could possibly have believed in such cunning madness. We all expected a peace of agreement and justice. We read about it carefully and with good faith what the false prophet across the big pond promised to us and all the world. Now we can see how Old England and that revenge-laden chauvinist, Clemenceau, urged on by Foch, put together a peace like those of the old days. There is not the least trace of an understanding of the times, or any foresight into the future. There it is - a grey, bureaucrat’s treaty, put together by small, narrow-minded, hate-ridden politicians. In a few years all this wicked bungling will be wiped away . (Alfred von Wegerer, in ‘Der Tag’, 28 May 1919) Source B Articles 231 and 232 of the Peace Treaty of Versailles signed on 28 June 1919. The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany acknowledges, that Germany and her Allies are responsible for all the losses and damage which the Allied and Associated Governments and their peoples have sustained as a result of the war unleashed against them by the aggression of Germany and her Allies. … The Allied and Associated Governments demand, and Germany undertakes, that compensation be made for all losses… Source D In late June of 1919 Gustav Bauer, a member of the new SPD-Centrist coalition, acknowledges German acceptance of the Treaty of Versailles. Surrendering to superior force but without retracting its opinion regarding the unheard-of injustice of the peace conditions the government of the German Republic therefore declares its readiness to accept and sign the peace conditions imposed by the Allied and Associated Governments. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 56 Source D A Foreign Office Official comments on the new found relationship between Germany and Russia. (The Treaty of Rapallo was signed on 16 April 1922). Just three years have passed since the German Foreign Minister, Wather Rathenau, and the Russian People’s Commissar, Chicherin, concluded at Rapallo the now famous treaty which purified the atmosphere … Between Germany and Russia and agreed on co-operation between the two peoples in the laborious business of political and economic reconstruction. Just three years – and the ‘Rapallo-line’ is now surely a basic component of the political creed of both countries. No German political party could - in spite of criticism of and reservations about individual details - determine upon any other policy. (Herbert von Dirksen, May 1925, found in Hitorisches Lesebuch 1914 –1933, 1968) Source E In September 1922 von Seeckt comments on Germany’s borders in the east. Poland’s existence is intolerable, incompatible with the survival of Germany. It must disappear, and it will disappear through its own internal weakness and through Russia - with our assistance … With Poland falls one of the strongest pillars of the Treaty of Versailles, the preponderance of France … The re-establishment of the broad common frontier between Russia and Germany is the precondition for the regaining of strength of both countries … In all these enterprises, which to a large extent are only beginning, the participation and even the official knowledge of the German government must be entirely excluded. The details of the negotiations must remain in the hands of the military authorities. Source F Declaration of the Reparations Commission, 26 December 1922. On 20 October 1922, the French Delegation requested the Commission to declare Germany in default as regards her obligation to furnish timber to France during 1922. Under the above order all sawn timber should have been delivered to France before 30 September, and the 200,000 telegraph poles before 30 November 1922. On the latter date, the deliveries were still considerably in arrears. Source G From a letter by General J. H. Morgan, British Military representative on the Inter-Allied Council, 20 February, 1925. Everything that an ingenious brain could devise and a subtle intellect invent, down even to giving companies of infantry of the new army the numbers and badges of the old, has been done to ensure that, at the touch of a button, the new army shall expand to the full stature of its predecessor. The proofs in my possession are overwhelming. Your government tells us repeatedly that our work is done and that there is nothing left for us to find out. They tell us the Treaty of Versailles has been loyally executed. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 57 Source H Article 1 of the Treaty of Mutual Guarantee, Locarno, 16 October 1925. The high contracting parties collectively and severally guarantee … The maintenance of the territorial status quo resulting from the frontiers between Germany and Belgium, and between Germany and France, and the inviolability of the said frontiers as fixed by or in pursuance of the Treaty of Peace signed at Versailles on the 28th June, 1919, and also the observance of the stipulations of Article 42 and 43 of the said treaty concerning the demilitarised zone. Source I Gustav Stressemann outlines some of his foreign policy aims in a letter to the exCrown Prince on 7 September 1925. In my opinion there are three great tasks that confront German foreign policy in the more immediate future In the first place the solution of the Reparations question in a sense tolerable for Germany, and the assurance of peace, which is an essential premise for the recovery of our strength. Secondly, the protection of Germans abroad, those 10 to 12 millions of our kindred who now live under a foreign yoke in foreign lands. The third great task is the readjustment of our eastern frontiers; the recovery of Danzig, the Polish corridor, and a correction of the frontier in Upper Silesia ... The most important thing for the first task of German policy mentioned above is, the liberation of German soil from any occupying force. We must get the stranglehold off our neck. Source J Germany becomes a member of the League of Nations on 8 September 1926. More than six years have passed since the League was founded. A long period of development was thus necessary before the general political situation made it possible for Germany to enter the league, and even in the present year great difficulties have had to be overcome … Even before her entry, Germany tried to promote friendly Cupertino. The action she took led to the Locarno pact and arbitration treaties with her neighbours. The German government is resolved to persevere with this policy and is glad to see that these ideas, which at first met with lively opposition in Germany, are now being more and more accepted. (The League of Nations Official Journal: Special Supplement, No. 44.) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 58 ACTIVITIES Essays 1. Discuss the view that the German reaction to the Versailles Settlement was out of all proportion to the terms imposed. 2. How valid is the view that Germany was treated leniently in the Versailles Settlement? 3. To what extent was Weimar Foreign Policy affected by her military weakness after 1919? 4. Stressemann was a great European rather than a good German. Do you agree with this assessment of the German Foreign Minister? Source-based Questions 1. How far do Sources A C reflect the views of the German people on the Treaty of Versailles? 2. Discuss the view that Sources F and G accurately reflect the German position on reparations? 3. What light does Source D shed on Russo-German relations in the 1920s ? 4. Does Source E accurately reflect the Reichwehr’s involvement in German foreign policy and domestic policy between 1918 and 1933? 5. To what extent does Source I reveal Stressemann to be a ‘good German’? 6. Does Source H reflect the ‘high point’ for international relations in Europe in the 1920s? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 59 SECTION THREE: REPUBLICAN STABILITY - 1924-1929 Source A A German commentator on American-German relations in 1924. Therefore political and economic collaboration with the USA is a worthwhile goal for Germany… It will not mean much of a temporary basis. On the contrary, it will mean striving for, and achieving, the involvement of American capital methodically and to the greatest possible extent in Germany, in private industry in terms of loans to national and municipal ventures. Germany must deliberately make herself a debtor nation of the USA. By dint of the economic interest, the political interest of the USA in Germany will also develop. (Herbert von Dirksen, May 1925, found in Hitorisches Lesebuch 1914 –1933) Source B Extract from the Agreement between the Reparations Commission and the German Government (Dawes Plan) 9 August 1924. Being desirous of carrying into effect the plan for the discharge of reparations obligations and other pecuniary liabilities of Germany under the Treaty of Versailles proposed to the Reparation Commission on April 9 1924, by the First Committee of Experts appointed by the Commission – which plan is referred to in this agreement as the Experts’ (Dawes) Plan - and of facilitating the working of the Experts’ Plan… The German Government undertakes to take all appropriate measures for carrying into effect the Experts’ Plan and for ensuring its permanent operation… Source C Proclamation by Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, 12 May 1925. I have taken my new important office. True to my oath, I shall do everything in my power to serve the well-being of the German people, to protect the constitution and the laws … In this solemn hour I ask the entire German people to work with me. My office and my efforts do not belong to any single class nor to any stock or confession, nor to any party, but to all the German people … My first greetings go to the entire working population of Germany which has suffered much. It goes to our brothers outside the German borders, who are inextricably bound together with us by ties of blood and culture … And it goes finally to our German youth, hope of our future. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 60 Source D Speech by Wilhelm Keil to the SPD Congress in Heidelberg, 1925. We Social Democrats feel ourselves to be the real representatives of the democratic republic, and we must, therefore, defend it with all our might … In essence, the Social Democrats are, and remain, the advocate of the poor, the workers and the disinherited. We must use all our power in public life to defend the vital interests of the working people and of the innocent victims of the capitalist economy against the patronage of property. Thus when we are in opposition, our demands must not exceed those limits which we would have to honour if we were in power. Source E Dr Hjalmar Schacht, memorandum, December 1929. The Young Plan is a treaty structure which is the only possible way to solve the reparations question and to restore world peace. This Plan expresses the most serious sense of moral responsibility which its authors feel not only to their own people, but to the entire civilised world. We have a right to ask the governments not to endanger this pacific achievement by insisting upon unilateral interests… The German people have a right to expect foreign governments to cease their efforts to squeeze out of German industry special payments and sacrifices which go beyond the terms of the Young Plan. Source F Gustav Stressemann comments on political leadership in 1929. The supplanting of the individual by the organisation is the prime evil of modern political life. A person is not only the representative of a professional organisation, a local association or a mass body of one sort or another: his significance lies in himself … We must strive to achieve reform of the parliamentary system. We must demand that the spirit of party be confined to what is vitally required for Germany’s development, that Parliament itself exert the pressure to produce a real and not merely formal majority. But if that fails in the present situation, because of the parties themselves, then let the cry go up, ‘Res venit ad triaros!’ and let responsible individuals find the courage to govern - that is, to assume leadership. (From The Weimar Republic, D Peukert, Allen lane 1991) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 61 TASKSHEET Essays 1. Do you agree with the view that economic recovery was largely responsible for stabilising the Weimar Republic in the mid 1920s? 2. Discuss the significance of the appointment of Hindenburg as President of the Weimar Republic in 1925? 3. Were the Socials Democrats the ‘real’ defenders of the Weimar Republic? 4. Is it right to say Gustav Stressemann was a ‘republican by conviction’? Source-based Questions 1. Does Source A accurately reflect the importance of reparations for Germany in the 1920s? 2. To what extent does Source B accurately reflect the position of the German people on the Dawes Plan? 3. What light does Source C shed on the political history of the Weimar Republic? 4. Do you agree with Source D that the Social Democrats were right to see themselves as the ‘real representatives’ of the Weimar Republic? 5. Sources C and D agree on how the economic and political interests of the German working classes were to be protected. Discuss. 6. In what ways are Source F critical of the Weimar parliamentary ‘system’? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 62 SECTION FOUR: THE COLLAPSE OF THE REPUBLIC - 1930-1933 Source A Count Harry Kessler, a friend of the murdered Rathenau, laments the death of Stressemann on 3 October 1929 in his diaries. At the barber about midday overheard a conversation: ‘Stressemann is dead’ … It is an irreplaceable loss, whose effects cannot be predicted. That is how it is viewed here, too … The general feeling is one not only of consternation, but also of anxiety about what will happen now. I am afraid above all that the death of Stressemann will have very serious domestic repercussions, such as a rightward trend in the People’s Party, a breach in the coalition, and the facilitating of dictatorial tendencies. The legend is born; Stressemann has become an almost mythical figure through his sudden death … He is the first to enter Valhalla as a truly European statesman. Source B A letter to the Army from the Minister of Defence, General Groener, 22 January 1930. National Socialists as well as Communists aim at the destruction of the existing system by means of violence. That means civil war … The Reichswehr has to find its way free from these extremes. It cannot entertain fantastic plans, vague hopes, high-sounding slogans. It carries an enormous responsibility for the continuance of the national state. It knows that its attitude in the hour of peril will decide the fate of the nation … It is the sacred task of the Wehrmacht to prevent the cleavage between classes and parties from ever widening into suicidal civil war. Source C Count Harry Kessler is dismayed at the electoral success of the Nazis on 14 September 1930. (diary entry) A black day for Germany. The Nazis have increased their representation tenfold, they have risen from 12 to 107 seats and have thus become the second largest party in the Reichstag. The impression abroad is bound to be catastrophic, the aftermath, both diplomatically and financially will be dreadful. With 107 Nazis, 41 Hugenbergers, and over 70 Communists, that is to say some 220 deputies who radically reject the present German State and seek to overthrow it by revolutionary means, we are confronted with a political crisis which can only be mastered by the formation of a strong united front of all those forces which support or at least tolerate the Republic… In fact, the next move must be (if there isn’t a Putsch) the formation of a ‘Grand Coalition’ between the present governing parties and the Social Democrats, as otherwise government will simply come to a halt ... National Socialism is the feverish symptom of the dying German petty bourgeoisie; but this poison of its illness can bring misery to Germany and Europe for decades to come. This class cannot be saved; but in its death-throes it can bring terrible new suffering to Europe. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 63 Source D The KPD observes the September 1930 Election. While the revolutionary progress of the working-class movement increased unabated even after the election of 14 September 1930, the bourgeoisie took a further step along the way towards the creation of a fascist state. The Bruning Government, which destroyed the surviving achievements of the revolution of 1918, which dismantled the Weimar Constitution clause by clause, which eliminated the influence of the parliament and turned itself into the executive organ of the employers’ frantic offensive against the living standards of the proletariat… Has become a government for the realisation of the fascist dictatorship. (Fascism and Democracy in the Theses of the KPD, 1931-32) Source E Hermann Dietrich, Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister, comments on the fall of Bruning on 30 May 1932. The deeper reasons for Bruning’s removal lie in the fact that a class of people who had ceased to exercise any decisive influence in the state, namely the old Prussian element, decided that they would like to rule once more … This element made its first attempts to seize power at the time of the formation of Bruning’s government. Bruning was supposed to give the helm a turn to the right … But events were too strong for him so he was dismissed because he did not fulfil the gentlemen’s expectations. Source F Von Papen recollects his appointment as Chancellor in a ‘Cabinet of Barons’ in May 1932. He (Schleicher) gave me a general survey of the political situation, described the crisis within the cabinet, and told me that it was the President’s wish to form a cabinet of experts, independent of the political parties. It had become technically impossible to form a parliamentary cabinet, because no combination could command a majority. The sole remaining constitutional solution was the formation of a presidential cabinet by the chief of State … He no longer considered it possible to combat a party as strong as the Nazis by negative means, which had only resulted in the steady and threatening growth of their power … Schleicher left me in no doubt that he was acting as spokesman for the army, the only stable organisation remaining in the State, preserved intact and free of party political strife by von Seeckt and his successors. He then turned the conversation to the subject of who could lead the new cabinet…to my amazement Schleicher now suggested that I should take over this task myself … History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 64 A quarter of an hour later I stood before the President … ‘You cannot possibly leave an old man like me in the lurch’ … Such a call, I felt transcended party obligations. I clasped the Field Marshal’s hand. Schleicher, who had been waiting in the next room, came in to offer his congratulations. Source G The pastoral letter of the Bishops in Prussia on the subject of the elections of 31 July, 1932. The imminent elections of deputies to the German Reichstag are of great importance, not only in the political context but also on account of the influence of legislators and the Government on the promotion and protection of religious interests and the position of the Church in the life of the nation. This lays on all Catholic Christians the patriotic duty of exercising their vote in a manner befitting the responsibility of a true citizen and a faithful Catholic Christian. Vote for deputies whose character and attested attitude bear witness to their commitment to peace and social welfare, and to the protection of confessional schools, the Christian religion and the Catholic Church. Beware of agitators and parties which are not worthy of the trust of the Catholic people. Source H Otto Meisner gives evidence to the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946. Schleicher came to Hindenburg with a demand for emergency powers as a prerequisite of action against the Nazis. Furthermore, he believed it necessary to dissolve, and even temporarily eliminate, the Reichstag, and this was to be done by presidential decrees on the basis of Article 48 - the transformation of his government into a military dictatorship … Schleicher first made these suggestions to Hindenburg in the middle of January 1933, but Hindenburg at once evinced grave doubts as to its constitutionality. In the meantime von Papen had returned to Berlin, and by arrangement with Hindenburg’s son had had several interviews with the President … Source I A Rhineland newspaper reports on the growing political crisis late January 1933. Reich Chancellor von Schleicher today informed the Reich President…that the present national government would be unable to defend itself vis a vis the Reichstag if it did not obtain in advance the power to dissolve parliament. Reich President von Hindenburg stated that he could not grant this proposal because of current conditions. Reich Chancellor von Schleicher then announced the resignation of the government … Reich President von Hindenburg summoned former Chancellor von Papen and requested him to clarify the political situation and to suggest possible procedures. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 65 ACTIVITIES Essays 1. The existence of Article 48 ensured the collapse of the Weimar Republic. Discuss. 2. Discuss the view that the ‘old order’ betrayed the Weimar Republic between1930 and 1933. 3. Do you agree with the view that the collapse of the Weimar Republic was inevitable? 4. The achievement of the Weimar Republic was that it lasted for fourteen years. Do you agree with this view? Source-based Questions 1. Was the death of Stressemann as described in Source A ‘an irreplaceable loss’? 2. What circumstances led the author of Source B to write to the Army? 3. How accurate is the Communist analysis of the Election of September 1930 in Source D? 4. Is Source E correct in claiming the old order ‘had ceased to exercise any decisive influence’ in German political life? 5. What light do Sources A, D and F shed on political life in Germany in the early 1930s? 6. How far do Sources C and F agree on the growing threat of the Nazis in the early 1930s? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 66 SECTION FIVE: NAZISM IN THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC - 1918-1933 Source A Part of the Programme of the Nazi Party, February 1920 1. 2. 3. 4. We demand the union of all Germans in a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of national self-determination. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealing as with other nations, and the revocation of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and settle our surplus population. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the State. Only those of German blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. Accordingly no Jew may be a member of the nation. Source B The nineteen year old Hans Frank hears Hitler speak for the first time in January 1920. I was strongly impressed straight away. It was totally different from what was otherwise to be heard in meetings. His method was completely clear and simple. He took the overwhelmingly dominant topic of the day, the Versailles Diktat, and posed the question of all questions: What now German people? What’s the true situation? What alone is now possible? He spoke for over two-and-a-half hours … Everything came from the heart, and he struck a chord with all of us… He concealed nothing … of the horror, the distress, the despair facing Germany … When he finished, the applause would not die down … From this evening onwards, though not a party member, I was convinced that if one man could do it, Hitler alone would be capable of mastering Germany’s fate. (from Hitler 1889 –1936, I Kershaw, Allen Lane, 1998) Source C Part of Hitler’s closing speech at his trial, 27 March 1924. The fate of Germany does not lie in the choice between a Republic and a Monarchy but in the content of the Republic or the Monarchy. What I am contending against is not the form of a state as such, but its ignominious content. We wanted to create in Germany the precondition which alone will make it possible for the iron grip of our enemies to be removed from us. We wanted to create order in the state, throw out the drones, take up the fight against international stock exchange slavery, against our whole economy being cornered by trusts, against the politicising of the trade unions, and above all, for the highest honour and duty which we, as Germans, know should be once more introduced - the duty of bearing arms, military service. And now I ask you: Is what we wanted high treason? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 67 Source D Hitler writes in ‘Mein Kampf’ about the representative individual. When from his workshop or big factory in which he (the individual) feels very small, he steps for the first time into a mass meeting and has thousands and thousands of people of the same opinion around him … he is swept away by three or four thousand others into the mighty effect of suggestive intoxication and enthusiasm, when the visible success and agreement of thousands confirm to him the rightness of the new doctrine and for the first time arouse doubts in the truth of his previous conviction then he himself has succumbed to the magic influence of mass … suggestion. Source E In ‘Mein Kampf’ Hitler comments on the masses. The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward. Source F An interview with Hitler in 1924. I noticed that he barred in particular any reminder of the putsch and any question concerning his policy towards the Party schism … I gladly eschewed the subject as too delicate. But the lesson it taught was another matter, which Hitler himself took up. ‘From now on’, he said, ‘we must follow a new line of action. It is best to attempt no large reorganisation until I am freed … When I resume active work it will be necessary to pursue a new policy. Instead of working to achieve power by armed conspiracy, we shall have to hold our noses and enter the Reichstag against the Catholic and Marxist deputies. If outvoting them takes longer than outshooting them, at least the results will be guaranteed by their own Constitution!’ (Reported in I Knew Hitler, Kurt Ludecke, London 1938,pp.217-218) Source G The growth in membership of the NSDAP. 1924 1928 1931 1933 1935 1939 1942 1945 55,000 70,000 130,000 850,000 2,500,000 5,300,000 7,100,000 8,500,000 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 68 Source H A National Socialist report on a meeting in Berlin in February 1927. On the 11th of this month the Party held a public mass meeting in the Pharus (Beer) Halls’ in Wedding, the real working class quarter, with the subject: ‘The Collapse of the Bourgeois Class State’. Comrade Goebbels was the speaker … When the meeting was opened by Comrade Daluege, the SA leader, there were, as was expected, provocative shouts of ‘On a point of order!’ … Within seconds both sides had picked up chairs, beer mugs, even tables, and a savage fight began… The fight was quickly decided: the KPD left with 85 wounded … On our side we counted 3 badly wounded … When the police appeared the fight was already over. Marxist terrorism had been bloodily suppressed … (from Nazism:1919-1945 Vol I ,J Noakes and G Pridham (Eds), University of Exeter, 1983) Source I In 1927 Gregor Strasser explains why he became a National Socialist. How did all those tens of thousands in all parts of Germany become National Socialist? Perhaps I may be allowed to recall how I became one … Before the war we did not bother with politics … (During the war) the best soldiers were frequently those who had least to defend at home. He co-operated, he did his duty unfailingly… Because we had become nationalists in the trenches we could not help becoming Socialists in the trenches … Those who have fought together with us and who are hostile towards the nation because it has not bothered with them must be emancipated so that Germany will in future be strong and the master of her enemies. (from Nazism:1919-1945 Vol I ,J Noakes and G Pridham (Eds), University of Exeter, 1983) Source J At an election meeting in March 1928 Hitler speaks on nationalism and socialism. We can conclude that bourgeois nationalism has failed, and that the concept of Marxist socialism has made life impossible in the long run. These old lines of confrontation must be eradicated along with the old parties, because they are barring the nation’s path into the future. We are eradicating them by releasing the two concepts of nationalism and socialism and harnessing them for a new goal, towards which we are working full of hope, for the highest form of socialism is burning devotion to the nation. (from Nazism:1919-1945 Vol I ,J Noakes and G Pridham (Eds), University of Exeter, 1983) Source K The ‘Voelkischer Beobachter’analyses Election results on 31 May 1928. … The election results from the rural areas in particular have proved that with a smaller expenditure of energy, money and time, better results can be achieved there than in the big cities. In small towns and villages mass meetings with good speakers are events and are often talked about for weeks, while in the big cities the effects of History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 69 meetings with even three or four thousand people soon disappear. Local successes in which the National Socialists are running first or second are, surprisingly, almost invariably the result of the activity of the branch leader or of a few energetic members. Source L A breakdown of recent research on the social structure of the membership of The Nazi Party in various regions of Germany between 1925 and January 1933(in percentages) is given below. Region Lower Class Lower & Middle Middle Class Upper Middle Class & Upper Class Unknown Status Western Ruhr 50.8 38.3 1.0 6.5 Hanover-South Brunswick 37.1 45.5 5.4 11.9 Hesse-Darmstadt 39.4 50.1 4.0 6.5 Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern 42.9 46.3 5.4 5.4 Hesse-Nassau-South 41.6 45.5 4.3 8.6 Posen-West Prussia 37.6 48.4 3.2 10.8 TOTAL 41.9 45.9 4.6 7.6 Source M No one doubts that National Socialism owes its electoral success to the old and new middle classes. Even if half of the young new voters since 1928 were to have voted National Socialist, that would only be around a million votes. The rising generation, therefore, can only partially explain the inflating of the NSDAP. …. It is not the great current of contemporary ideas which the middle classes have allowed to carry them along - it is worry and anxiety, which oppresses them. For years the middle class man has kept his head down or sought rescue … His special interests; he has gone with this party or that party, and it has always got worse. He has realised the futility of his splintered parties. (Theordore Geiger, ‘Panic in the Middle Class’, an article in the German journal, ‘Die Arbeit’, 1930) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 70 Source N Writing in 1934, a middle class member of the SA, reflects on how his family was affected by the Great Depression. I was born on 14 May 1910 in Wurselen of Catholic parents … Because of the financial crisis within my family - my father and three of my siblings had recently lost their jobs - I had to break off my studies. During the following years I tried to obtain a position commensurate with my education, but without success. Only some two years after my school exams was I able to obtain work at the Goulay mine, where I had previously worked frequently during my school holidays. Although the work has absolutely nothing to do with my training, I am none the less happy to be able to support my parents to a degree. My father is still unemployed and my brother only got back to work a couple of weeks ago. What I will achieve professionally and how I shall make use of my skills and knowledge is still not clear to me. Source O Albert Speer on why he joined, along with his mother, the National Socialist Party in 1931. Here it seemed to me was hope. Here were new ideals, a new understanding, new tasks … The peril of communism which seemed inexorably on the way, could be checked, Hitler persuaded us, and instead of hopeless unemployment, Germany could move toward economic recovery. He had mentioned the Jewish problem only peripherally. But such remarks did worry me although I was not an anti-Semite … It must have been during these months that my mother saw an SA parade on the streets of Heidelberg. The sight of discipline in a time of chaos, the impression of energy in an atmosphere of universal hopelessness, seems to have won her over also. Source P Address by Hitler to German industrialists, January 1932. Unemployment is driving millions of Germans to look on Communism as the logical theoretical counterpart of their actual economic situation. We cannot cure this state of affairs by emergency decrees. There can only be one basic solution: a realisation that a flourishing economic life must be protected by a flourishing, powerful state. Today we stand at a turning-point in Germany’s destiny. Either we work out a body-politic as hard as iron from the conglomeration of parties, or Germany will fall into final ruin. Source Q The Nazi Propaganda department issues a directive during the presidential election campaign of Spring 1932. … Hitler poster. The Hitler poster depicts a fascinating Hitler head on a completely black background. Subtitle: white on black - ‘Hitler’. In accordance with the Fuhrer’s wish this poster is to be put up only during the final days (of the campaign). History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 71 Since experience shows that during the final days there is a variety of coloured posters, this poster with its completely black background will contrast with all the others and will produce a tremendous effect on the masses … Source R Extracts Goebbel’s Diary on the closing days of Bruning’s cabinet. 8 May 1932: On Saturday the delegates come and give us some information. The Fuhrer has an important interview with Schleicher in the presence of a few gentlemen of the President’s immediate circle. All goes well. The Fuhrer has spoken decisively. Bruning’s fall is expected shortly. The President of the Reich will withdraw his confidence from him. The plan is to constitute a Presidential Cabinet. The Reichstag will be dissolved. Repressive enactments are to be cancelled. We shall be free to go ahead as we like and mean to outdo ourselves in propaganda. 11 May 1932. The Reichstag drags on. Groener’s position is shaken. The army no longer supports him. Even those with most to with him urge his downfall. This is the beginning; once one of these men falls, the whole Cabinet, and with it the system, will crash. Bruning is trying to salvage what he can. Source S From a conversation between Hitler and Hindenburg on 13 August 1932. The President of the Reich opened the discussion by declaring to Hitler that he was ready to let the National Socialist Party and their leader Hitler participate in the Reich government and would welcome their Cupertino. He then put the question to Hitler whether he was prepared to participate in the present government of von Papen. Herr Hitler declared that … His taking part in Cupertino with the existing government was out of the question. Considering the importance of the National Socialist movement he must demand the full and complete leadership of government and state for himself and his party. Source T Extract from a report of the Reich Minister of the Interior, summer, 1932. Looked at politically, objectively, the result of the election is so fearful because it seems clear that the present election will be the last normal Reichstag election for a long time to come. The so-called race of thinkers and poets is hurrying with flags flying towards dictatorship and thus towards a period that will totally be filled with severe revolutionary disturbances. The elected Reichstag is totally incapable of functioning, even if the Centre goes in with the National Socialists, which it will do without hesitation if it seems in the interests of the party… The one consolation could be the recognition that the National Socialists have passed their peak… But against this stands the fact that the radicalism of the right has unleashed a strong radicalism on the left. The communists have made gains almost everywhere and thus internal political disturbances have become exceptionally bitter. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 72 ACTIVITIES Essays 1. How important was Adolf Hitler in the rise of the Nazi Party? 2. Why did Hitler adopt a new political strategy after 1923? 3. Why did the National Socialist Party remain a fringe political party until the Election of September 1930? 4. Who voted for the NSDAP? 5. How important was the political activism of the Nazi Party members in securing power in January 1933? Source-based Questions 1. Explain the significance of Hitler’s speech to German industrialists in January 1932 in Source P? 2. Discuss the strategy outlined in Source S for securing power for the Nazis in relation to events in 1932 and 1933. 3. In what ways do Sources B and O agree on the appeal of the Nazis? 4. Compare and contrast the views expressed in Sources D and E on the ‘representative individual’ and ‘the masses’. 5. How far do Sources F and H agree on the electoral strategies adopted by Hitler and the Nazis after 1924? 6. To what extent do Sources K and L agree on who voted for the Nazis? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 73 PART THREE: THE THIRD REICH - SOURCES SECTION ONE: POLITICS AND ECONOMICS - 1933-39 Source A Ludendorff to Reich President Hindenburg in late January 1933. You have delivered up our holy German Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time. I solemnly prophesy that this accursed man will cast our Reich into the abyss and bring our nation to inconceivable misery. Future generations will damn you in your grave for what you have done. Source B Hitler’s ‘Appeal to the German People’ on 31 January 1933. The task before us is the most difficult which has faced German statesmen in living memory. But we all have unbounded confidence, for we believe in our nation and in its eternal values. Farmers, workers, and the middle class must unite to contribute the bricks wherewith to build the new Reich. The National Government will therefore regard it as the first and supreme task to restore to the German people unity of mind and will … We, men of this Government, feel responsible to German history for the reconstitution of a proper national body so that we may finally overcome the insanity of class and class warfare. We do not recognise classes, but only the German people, its millions of farmers, citizens and workers who together will either overcome this time of distress or succumb to it. (from Nazism:1919-1945 Vol I ,J Noakes and G Pridham (Eds), University of Exeter, 1983) Source C Goering on 2 March 1933 My main task will be to stamp out the Communist pestilence. I am going over to the offensive all down the line … The Communists never expected 2,000 of their top-swindlers to be sitting under lock and key just 48 hours later … I don’t need the fire in the Reichstag to take action against Communism, and it’s no secret either that if it had been up to Hitler and me the culprits would already be swinging from the gallows. (The Hitler State, Martin Broszat, Longman, 1981) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 74 Source D A Nazi theorist explains that Hitler’s dictatorship is not ‘legal’. The office of Fuhrer has developed out of the National Socialist movement. In its origins it is not a state office. The office of Fuhrer has grown out of the movement into the Reich … The position of Fuhrer combines in itself all sovereign power of the Reich: all public power in the state as in the movement is derived from the Fuhrer’s power …’Fuhrer power’ is comprehensive and total: it unites within itself all means of creative political activity: it embraces all spheres of national life. (from Politics and Economics in the Nazi State, 1933-45, G Layton, Hodder and Stoughton 1992) Source E Vice Chancellor von Papen on Hitler’s rule in November 1933. We, your nearest and most intimate colleagues, are still spellbound by the unparalleled, most overwhelming recognition, a nation has ever rendered its leader. In nine months the genius of your leadership and the ideals which you newly placed before us have succeeded in creating, from a people internally torn and without hope, a Reich united in hope and faith in its future. Even those who hitherto stood apart have now unequivocally professed their loyalty to you … (from National Socialist Rule in Germany, Norbert Frei, Blackwall, 1993) Source F A contemporary on the responsibility for the Night of the Long Knives in June 1934. The suppression of the Rohm revolt has been like a purifying thunderstorm. The nightmare which has burdened the people has been followed by a liberating sign of relief … Wide sections of the population, however, have been deeply shocked by the shooting of persons completely unconnected with the Rohm revolt. It is realised that these were excesses, which took place without the knowledge and against the will of the Fuehrer and leading figures. (from National Socialist Rule in Germany, Norbert Frei, Blackwall, 1993) Source G Albert Speer on Hitler’s lifestyle in the 1930s. When, I would often ask myself, did he really work ? Little was left of the day; he rose late in the morning, conducted one or two official conferences; but from the subsequent dinner on he more or less wasted his time until the early hours of the evening. His rare appointments in the late afternoon were imperilled by his passion for looking at building plans. The adjutants often asked me: ‘please don’t show any plans today’… In the eyes of the people Hitler was the Leader who watched over the nation day and night. This was hardly so … According to my observations, he often allowed a problem to mature during the weeks when he seemed to be entirely taken up with trivial matters. Then after the ‘sudden insight’, he would spend a few days of incisive work giving final shape to his solution … Once he had come to a decision, he lapsed again into his idleness. (from Hitler and Nazism, Jane Jenkins, Longman, 1998) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 75 Source H Hitler speaks to Party officials on 29 April 1937. It is always hard if someone says, ‘only one person can command; one commands and the rest must obey’ … In a genuine Fuhrer State, it is now, let’s say, the honour of him who leads that he also assumes responsibility … Today the people are happier in Germany than anywhere else in the world. They only become uncertain if there is no leadership … I saw the madness of the belief that the ordinary man does not want any leadership in the first place, I saw this never more starkly than during the war. If a company is faced with a critical situation, the company only has one wish, that it has a decent company commander, and then it will rely on him. (from National Socialist Rule in Germany, Norbert Frei, Blackwall, 1993) Source I Memorandum on the Four Year Plan of August 1936. … I therefore draw up the following programme for a final provision of our vital needs: I. Parallel with the military and political rearmament and mobilisation of our nation must go its economic rearmament and mobilisation … There is only one interest, the interest of the nation; only one view, the bringing of Germany to the point of political and economic self-sufficiency. II. … foreign exchange must be saved in all those areas where our needs can be satisfied by German production. III. … German fuel production must now be stepped up with the utmost speed and brought to final completion within 18 months. IV. The mass production of synthetic rubber must also be organised and achieved with the same urgency. (from Hitler and Nazism, Jane Jenkins, Longman, 1998) Source J Hjalmar Schacht, Economics Minister, on Hitler’s view of economics. As long as I remained in office, whether at the Reichsbank or the Ministry of Economics, Hitler never interfered with my work. He never attempted to give me any instructions, but let me carry out my own ideas in my own way and without criticism … However, when he realised that the moderation of my financial policy was a stumbling block in his reckless plans (foreign policy), he began, with Goering’s connivance, to go behind my back and counter my arrangements. (from Hitler and Nazism, Jane Jenkins, Longman, 1998) Source K In July 1938 an SPD analyst comments on Nazi economic policy. … Under the lash of the dictatorship, the level of economic activity has been greatly increased. The exploitation of labour has been increased; female employment has History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 76 been increased despite the totally contradictory Nazi ideal of womanhood; and a large number of Mittelstandlern (self-employed people) have been transformed into wage-labourers despite the totally contradictory Nazi ideal of their status … (from Hitler and Nazism, Jane Jenkins, Longman, 1998) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 77 ACTIVITES Essays 1. What part did legality play in the consolidation of power by the Nazis between 1933 and 1934? 2. To what extent was the ‘leadership principle’ implemented after 1933? 3. Was Adolf Hitler a weak dictator or master of the Third Reich? 4. ‘The Nazis’ economic policies of 1934-1939 were the chief cause of the war that began in September 1939.’ Do you agree? 5. To what extent did the introduction of the Four Year Plan in 1936 change the German economy? Source-based Questions 1. How accurate is Ludendorff’s prophecy in Source A? 2. Why does Hitler make an ‘Appeal to the German People’ in Source B? 3. Why did the author of Source E extol the virtues of Adolf Hitler? 4. Was the opinion expressed in Source F on the Rohm Revolt held by the majority of the German people? 5. What light does Source G shed on Hitler’s lifestyle? 6. Compare Sources E, G and H about the nature of Hitler’s rule? 7. What light do Sources I and J shed on Hitler’s economic policies? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 78 SECTION TWO: THE NAZI SOCIAL AND RACIAL REVOLUTION: 1933-1939 Source A The German Labour Front is set up in 1933. The German Labour Front is the organisation for all working men, irrespective of their economic or social standing. In it the worker shall stand alongside the employer, no longer separated into groups and associations which serve to perpetuate special economic or social distinctions or interests. In the German Labour Front a person’s worth will be the deciding factor, be he worker or employer … (The Hitler State, Martin Broszat, Longman, 1981) Source B Robert Ley on the Nazi work ethic in 1936. There is one thing we must understand if we are to comprehend the greatness of this time: we are not dealing with a new state system, or a new economic system… Human being are being transformed … National Socialism has the power to free the German people, the individual German, from the injuries inflicted on him which have prevented from performing his task … Of course we do not have a comfortable life. Life on this earth is hard and must be earned through struggle, and earned every day afresh. All we can do is to give you the strength for this struggle, to make you inwardly strong. We can give the worker physical and spiritual health, healthy housing, and a proper livelihood with which to maintain himself and his children. Above all, thanks to Kraft durch Freude, we can offer him a great deal to nourish his spirit. (Fascism, Roger Gribbon (Ed), Oxford University Press, 1995) Source C An interview with an unnamed member of the Nazi Party in 1936. … for five years I remained unemployed and I was broken both in body and spirit and I learned how stupid were all my dreams in those hard days at university. I was not wanted by Germany…then I was introduced to Hitler. You won’t understand and I cannot explain either because I don’t know what happened, but life for me took on a tremendous new significance … I have committed myself, body, soul and spirit, to this movement … I can only tell you that I cannot go back. I cannot question, I am pledged. I beg you not to try to set up conflict in my mind. (from Hitler and Nazism, Jane Jenkins, Longman, 1998) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 79 Source D The Nazi agricultural ‘expert’, Walter Darre, romanticises the peasantry. At the bottom of his heart the true peasant …has only a deep mostly silent contempt for the city dweller or non-farmer … The peasant directs the farm, he is the head, the other limbs; but all together they are visible for the farm … To be a peasant therefore means to have a feeling for the organic and interplay of forces in the work as a whole. (cited in Nazi Ideology before 1933- a Documentation, B Millar Lane and L J Rupp (eds), Manchester 1978) Source E A Nazi Party statement of March 1930, possibly written by the Strasser brothers, emphasises the peasantry will find their place within a broadly based movement. The present distress of the farmers is part of the distress of the entire German people. It is madness to believe that a single occupational group can exclude itself from the German community which shares in the same fate; it is a crime to set farmers and city dwellers against one another, for they are bound together for better or for worse. … The old ruling political parties which led our people into slavery cannot be the leaders on the road to emancipation. The war of liberation against our oppressors and their taskmasters can be successfully led only by a political liberation movement which, although it fully recognises the significance of the farmers and of agriculture for the German workers as a whole, draws together the consciously German members of every occupation and rank. This political liberation movement of the German people is the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Source F At the Nuremberg Rally of September 1934 Hitler comments on the place of women in Nazi society. If one says that man’s world is the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, one might be tempted to say that the world of woman is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children and her house. But where would the greater world be if there were no one to care for the small world ? … Providence has entrusted to women the cares of that world which is peculiarly her own … Every child that a woman brings into the world is a battle, a battle waged for the existence of her people. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 80 Source G A school pupil comments on life in the mid 1930s. No one in our class ever read Mein Kampf. I myself had only used the book for quotations. In general we didn’t know much about National Socialist ideology. Even anti-Semitism was taught rather marginally at school, for instance through Richard Wagner’s essay The Jews in Music – and outside school the display copies of Der Sturmer made the idea seem questionable, if anything… Nevertheless, we were politically programmed: programmed to obey orders, to cultivate the soldierly ‘virtue’ of standing to attention and saying ‘Yes, Sir’, and to switch our minds off when the magic word ‘fatherland’ was uttered and Germany’s honour and greatness were invoked. (from Inside Nazi Germany, D Peubert, Batsford, 1987) Source H A Nazi publication on youth in 1938. The education for Germany, which is organised by the Hitler Youth itself in accordance with the Fuhrer’s will that ‘Youth must be led by youth’ … And just as the Hitler Youth is neither a league for pre-military training, nor a sports club, so it has no room, either, for the cultivation of a separate youth culture in musical groups and Hitler Youth Choirs, in literary clubs and theatrical societies. Whatever is happening within the new German youth happens exclusively in compliance with that great and unalterable law: the commitment to the Fuhrer is the commitment to Germany. (from Fascism, Roger Gribbon (Ed), Oxford University Press, 1995) Source I On German culture in 1938. Now, more than four years after the decisive change which German life experienced on 30 January 1933, the criteria and principles which had to be fought for then have penetrated the general spiritual awareness of the nation. It has long since become self-evident to the overriding majority of the German people that the norms which determine and shape our political life since 1933 must also, through a deep inner necessity, affect the whole spiritual and artistic life of the present and future of our people. This development, for which we must thank the cleansing of German cultural life from all distortions alien to its nature (artfremd), a process which gathered irresistible momentum after 1933 and is now complete … (from Fascism, Roger Gribbon (Ed), Oxford University Press, 1995) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 81 Source J In August 1939 Goebbels speaks on the value of the radio. Broadcasting has certain quite definite tasks to perform, particularly in view of the times in which we are living at this moment. What is needed is not heavy, serious programmes which, after all, only a fraction of the people can grasp: we must provide the broad masses and millions of our people, engaged as they are in a struggle for existence, with as much relaxation and entertainment, edification and improvement, as possible. (from Inside Nazi Germany, D Peubert, Batsford, 1987) Source K The SPD underground (SOPADE) in the 1930s observes the terror in Germany. Terror in its all-embracing form, in its totally inhuman brutality, remains concealed not only from those abroad; even in Germany itself there are certain circles of the population who have no inkling of what is occurring. It is not uncommon for a ‘citizen’ who has absolutely no enthusiasm for the system but has little interest in politics, who crosses the road to avoid a swastika flag which he would be expected to salute, to put the following question with an undertone of accusation: ‘Do you personally know of anyone who is still in a concentration camp from then ?’ (By ‘then’ is meant the take-over in 1933.) (from National Socialist Rule in Germany, Norbert Frei, Blackwall, 1993) Source L An underground Socialist (SOPADE) witnesses peasant hostility to the regime in 1934. The peasants, to a man, are angry about the Hitler system. Market days in the towns …almost assume the character of political meetings. Only a chairman is missing. Everything is discussed and grumbled about … The gendarmes behave as though they had not heard the market-goers. If known Nazis informers turn up, the most that happens is that people move along a bit and talk more quietly, but the informers can sense the mood of the peasants perfectly well. For a long while it has been impossible to speak of the peasants fearing the Nazis. On the contrary, known Nazis avoid the peasants, so as not to be called to account about when they finally intend to start turning their promises into reality. (from National Socialist Rule in Germany, Norbert Frei, Blackwall, 1993) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 82 Source M Lloyd George in 1937 on how Hitler has regenerated Germany. Whatever one may think of his (Hitler’s) methods - and they are certainly not those of a parliamentary country - there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvellous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook … As to his popularity, especially among the youth of Germany, there can be no manner of doubt. The old trust him; the young idolises him. It is not the admiration accorded to a popular leader. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country from utter despondency and degradation… (from Germany: The Third Reich, G layton, Hodder and Stoughton, 1992) Source N In a speech in 1937 Hitler claims to have created a Volksgemeinschaft. We in Germany have really broken with a world of prejudices. I leave myself out of account. I, too, am a child of the people; I do not trace my line from any castle: I come from the workshop … By my side stand Germans from all walks of life who once were workers on the land are now governing German states in the name of the Reich … It is true that men who came from the bourgeoisie and former aristocrats have their place in this Movement … We have not broken down classes in order to set new ones in their place: we have broken down classes to make way for the German people as a whole. Source O In May 1939 a local government official comments on the popularity of the regime. There was hardly a shop window to be seen without a display of the Fuhrer’s portrait and the victorious symbols of the new Reich. The numerous celebrations were very well attended in the garrison towns the population was especially captivated by the military parades. Everywhere was a happy celebration of people, who were not in the slightest disturbed by the agitation incited in the nations which surround us, because they know their fate is safe in the Fuhrer’s hands. (from National Socialist Rule in Germany, Norbert Frei, Blackwall, 1993) Source P The Socialists (SOPADE) in exile comment on Kristallnacht in November 1938. The brutal measures against the Jews have caused great indignation among the population. People spoke their minds quite openly, and many Aryans were arrested as a result. When it became known that a Jewish woman had been taken from childbed, even a police official said that this was too much: ‘Where is Germany heading, if these methods are being used?’ As a result, he was arrested too … After the Jews, who are going to be the next victims? That is what people will be asking. Will it be the Catholics? (from Inside Nazi Germany, D Peubert, Batsford, 1987) History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 83 Source Q Himmler on the Jewish question in the early 1940s. The painful decision had to be taken, to remove this people from the face of the earth. For the organisation that had to perform it, this was the hardest task we have ever faced. It has been performed, I believe I may say, without our men and leaders suffering any harm of mind or spirit … That is all I wish to say about the Jewish question. You know how things stand, and you will keep the knowledge to yourselves. Source R Hitler to Speer in March 1945. If the war is to be lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no need to consider the basis of even a most primitive existence any longer. On the contrary it is better to destroy even that, and to destroy it ourselves. The nation has proved itself weak, and the future belongs solely to the stronger Eastern nation. Besides, those who remain after the battle are of little value; for the good have fallen. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 84 ACTIVITIES Essays 1. How successfully did the Nazi regime promote harmony and remove class conflict in the Third Reich? 2. To what extent did the Nazis succeed in attracting support from German workers in the period 1929 to 1939? 3. Discuss the role of women and the family in the Third Reich. 4. Discuss the reaction of the German people to the persecution of the Jews? 5. How far was resistance possible within the Third Reich, and what forms did it take? Source-based Questions 1. How far would German workers have agreed with the views expressed in Source B? 2. Does Source C accurately reflect the popularity of the Third Reich? 3. What light does Source K shed on the nature of repression in Hitler’s Germany? 4. Discuss the views on the peasantry expressed in Sources D and E? 5. How far do Sources F and G agree on the position of German youth in the Third Reich? 6. Contrast the views expressed by Hitler on the German people in Sources N and R. History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 85 SECTION THREE: HITLER’S FOREIGN POLICY: 1933-1939 Source A Hitler on German foreign policy in ‘Mein Kampf’. Germany will either be a world power or there will be no Germany. And for world power she needs magnitude which will give her the position she needs in the present period, and life to her citizens. And so we National Socialists consciously draw up a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our pre-war period … We stop endless German movement to south and west, and turn our gaze towards land in the east. At long last we break off the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-war period and shift to the soil policy of the future. Source B Hitler’s first major ‘peace speech’ on 17 March 1933. Speaking deliberately as a German National Socialist, I desire to declare in the name of the national Government, and of the whole movement of national regeneration, that we in this new Germany are filled with deep understanding for the same feelings and opinions and for the rightful claims to life of the other nations … Our boundless love for and the loyalty to our own national traditions makes us respect the national claims of others and makes us desire from the bottom of our hearts to live with them in peace and friendship. We therefore have no use for the idea of Germanization. Source C Hitler decides to remilitarise the Rhineland in 1936. In accordance with the fundamental right of a nation to secure its frontiers and ensure its possibilities of defence, the German Government has today restored the full and unrestricted sovereignty of Germany in the demilitarised zone of the Rhineland. Source D On 5 November 1937 Hitler allegedly outlines his foreign policy aims before the leaders of the armed services. (The Hossbach Memorandum.) The aim of German policy was to make secure and to preserve the racial community (Volksmasse) and to enlarge it. It was therefore a question of space … If we did not act by 1943-5, any year could, in consequence of a lack of reserves, produce the food crisis, to cope with the necessary foreign exchange was not available, and this must be regarded as a ‘warning of the regime’. Besides the world was expecting our attack and was increasing its counter measures from year to year. It was while the rest of the world was still preparing its defences (sich abriegele) that we were obliged to take the offensive… If the Fuhrer was still living, it was his unalterable resolve to solve Germany’s problems of space at the latest by 1943-5 History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 86 . Source E A Social Democrat comments on the Anschluss with Austria in March 1938. The atmosphere was similar to that on 30th January 1933, when Hitler became Reich Chancellor. Everyone was carried away by this atmosphere. Only gradually did groups form here and there, and people began to discuss what had happened. You could hear people saying that war was now on the way and they were going home to pack and move out to the villages. But these were isolated voices. The general opinion in the groups was: ‘Let’s face it, Hitler is a great man, he knows what he wants and the world is scared of him.’ … Hitler’s prestige has risen enormously again and he is practically idolised … The western powers simply daren’t do anything against Germany, and even if they do, Germany is strong enough to get its own way. (from Inside Nazi Germany, D Peubert, Batsford, 1987) Source F On 22 August 1939 Hitler addresses his generals. Colonel-General von Brauchitsch has promised me to bring the war against Poland to a close with a few weeks. Had he reported to me that he needs two years or even only one year, I should not have given the command to march and should have allied myself temporarily with Britain instead of Russia for we cannot conduct a long war. To be sure a new situation has arisen. I experienced those poor worms Daladier and Chamberlain in Munich. They will be too cowardly to attack. They won’t go beyond a blockade. Against that we have our autarchy and the Russian raw materials. Poland will be depopulated and settled with Germans. My pact with the Poles was merely conceived of as gaining of time. As for the rest, gentlemen, the fate of Russia will be exactly the same as I am now going through with in the case of Poland. After Stalin’s death - he is a very sick man - we will break the Soviet Union. Then there will begin the dawn of the German rule of the earth. Source G Hitler threatens the Jews with annihilation in a Reichstag speech in January 1939. Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevisation of the earth and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe ! History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 87 ACTIVITIES Essays 1. Were there any guiding principles behind Hitler’s foreign policy? 2. Was Hitler’s foreign policy, 1933-1939, merely a continuation of that of his Weimar predecessors? 3. Why did Germany find itself at war with Britain and France in September 1939? 4. Why was the outbreak of war in September 1939 not marked by uncontrolled enthusiasm in Germany? 5. How far was Germany prepared for war in 1939? Source-based Questions 1. Does Source A accurately reflect Hitler’s foreign policy aspirations? 2. What circumstances led to Hitler’s ‘peace speech’ in Source B? 3. What light does Source C shed on Hitler’s foreign policy? 4. Explain the significance of Source D, the Hossbach Memorandum. 5. How far does Source E express the views of the German people? 6. Why did Hitler make the speech in Source G in January 1939? 7. Compare the views expressed in Sources B and F on Hitler’s Foreign policy? History: Germany: Versailles to the Outbreak of World War II - 1918-1939 (AH) 88