The following is a Nazi election poster which says: Hitler – Our last hope. Read it and answer the questions that follow.
What was the objective of this poster? Find out the clues to support your answer.
It aimed to ask the German people to give support to Hitler. The clues include: it is an election poster. It means it asks for support. Second, there is a word Hitler on the poster. It means the people in the poster should give support to Hitler.
Why did the poster say “Hitler was their last hope”? Use your own knowledge to explain your answer.
It is because the German people believed that only Hitler could save them from the present situation. Before Hitler, the German people felt very shameful. Their government was weak.
Germany was despised. They lived in misery. Hitler was their saviour who could change this.
The following passage explains why the Nazi Germany expanded their territories. Read it and answer the questions that follow.
Although there is a great fall of birth rate, the German population density is still very high. There were 133.5 people living in one square metre. Although we are crowded living together, the low densely populated countries have overseas colonies to provide space for the surplus population. Although the four-year plan does provide us with food and raw materials, we are still inferior to those countries with overseas colonies.
We do not want to be an extinct race. Therefore, we have to encourage high birth rate.
With a high birth rate, we need living space for our growing population …
According to the source, what demands did the Nazi Germany want outside the German boundaries?
They wanted living space for the growing German population, i.e. they wanted land from other countries.
2. What was the rationale behind their demand? Was the rationale reasonable? Use your own knowledge to explain your answer.
The German people were crowded living together but other countries had a lot of space in their overseas colonies. The rationale was unreasonable because this provides only an excuse to seize land from others, or it provides a casus belli for war.
3. What international incidents did the Nazi demands lead to in the mid-1930s?
Since the mid-1930s the Nazi demands led to many crises. They were the German occupation of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, the Munich Conference, annexation of Czechoslovakia, attack on Poland and the Second World War.
The following are a WWII poster and a battle photograph. The photograph is taken on 7 th
December, 1941.
Which countries did the vulture and ostrich in source A respectively represent? How did the latter respond to the action being taken by the former?
The vulture and the ostrich respectively represent Nazi Germany and the United States. It did not take any action to stop the vulture.
Did the country represented by the ostrich change its response after the incident in source B had happened? Use your own knowledge to explain your answer.
It did. The Incident in source B was the Japanese attack on the Pearl Harbour. Since then, the United States participated in the Second World War to stop the Axis Powers from conquering.