RUNNING HEAD: LESSON PLAN 2 Lesson Plan 2 Corinne Blake Liberty University EDUC630 Technology Practices for Instructional Improvement June 6, 2013 1 LESSON PLAN 2 Topic Genetics - Pedigrees Grade 7 Standards of Learning “7Sb.5: Summarize how genetic information is passed from parent to offspring. 7Sc.4: Explain the effects of disease on the major organs and body systems (DoD Education Activity, 2012). “The Living Environment: Heredity In many species, including humans, females produce eggs and males produce sperm. Plants also reproduce sexually--the egg and sperm are produced in the flowers of flowering plants. An egg and sperm unite to begin the development of a new individual. That new individual receives genetic information from its mother (via the egg) and its father (via the sperm). Sexually produced offspring never are identical to either of their parents” (NSES, 1996, p. 108). “Structure and function in living systems Disease is a breakdown in structures or functions of an organism. Some diseases are the result of intrinsic failures of the system. Others are the result of damage by infection by other organisms” (NSES, 1996, p. 158). “Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. LESSON PLAN 2 a. Understand and use technology systems b. Select and use applications effectively and productively c. Troubleshoot systems and applications d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies” (NTES, 2007) Objectives Students will be able to demonstrate how genetic information is passed down from generation to generation using an Ipad application. Students will be able to determine how a genetic disease runs through a family and determine how it affects a body system. Students will be able to transfer their knowledge about genetic inherited traits to the Idea Sketch Ipad application. List of materials One Ipad for each student SmartBoard Family history envelope Ipads should have the following capabilities: o Wifi connection o Idea Sketch app o Packet of instructions/rubrics Class Diversity Though I teach four seventh grade science classes, this lesson is designed to hold the engagement and speak to the diversity of my first period class. This class is composed of 21 students. This is LESSON PLAN 2 a seventh grade science class that takes place at an American school overseas in Germany. The students are children of US military personnel from both the Army and Air Force branches. Their parents are of various ranks and therefore different socio-economic situations ranging from enlisted personnel to Generals. There are currently 12 females and 9 males in this class. There is a diverse range of ethnicity in the class. There are 13 Caucasian, 4 African American, 2 Hispanic and 2 Asian students. One student is on record with an IEPs for ADD and 5 are enrolled in the AVID college prep program at the school. The students were evaluated by their learning styles at the beginning of the year and were assessed to be mainly visual and kinesthetic learners with only three students testing for learning the best by auditory means. Technology Inclusion The lesson uses the integration of technology through direct instruction, guided practice and independent practice. During direct instruction, the teacher will be utilizing a desktop computer with the SmartBoard. This will allow the teacher to demonstrate information to the students as well as have them interact with the application being used to gain familiarity. During the guided and independent practice, the students will be using a school provided Ipad complete with the above-mentioned capabilities. This allows students to work their assignment and be in charge of their own learning. Having a 1:1 student to Ipad ratio will allow students to stay engaged and demonstrate their understanding of the standards through their digital project. This 1:1 ratio is best for the class chosen because the grade level of the students shows that they need a more focused experience in class. Group work would not be conducive for this type of assignment. For instance if a student is having difficulty with this topic students can be paired up to provide peer tutoring however each student will need to create their own final pedigree as well as LESSON PLAN 2 participate in presentations. The application being used is Idea Sketch. This application is a digital graphic organizer that allows the user to create a flow chart of ideas. In addition, using the Ipad to complete this assignment will allow students to apply their previous knowledge to the project in a way that allows them to successfully utilize an Ipad application. Lesson Overview This particular lesson is a two-part assignment. During the first part, students will receive a family history envelope that will give them a scenario about a disease that has been in a family for generations. The students job will be to create a pedigree to track the disease for the past and future generations of the family. In order for students to create their pedigrees, they will need to research the disease identified in their family history envelope, the likelihood of the inheritance of the disease, and how this disease affects the body. They will complete the pedigree using the free application Idea Sketch on the Ipad. This will help students transfer their previous knowledge of how genetic information is passed into a digital format. Students will present their pedigrees to the class while explaining the effects the disease has on the body. Procedures Anticipatory Set (Day 1, first 15 minutes) Computer Use: Most students will have already used an Ipad before however, it is necessary to remind students the proper use and handling of the school issued Ipad. LESSON PLAN 2 Students that have not used an Ipad before may have had some experience using a tablet and can transfer their previous knowledge to the Ipad application. The teacher will make a few connections on how the devices are similar to ease the transition. Genetics: Ask students to recall how genetic information is passed down from generation to generation. Recall the tools that are used such as the Punnett square and pedigree trees to predict the possible genetic outcomes. The teacher will randomly pass out the envelopes and give students time to read their scenarios and become familiar with the situation. Direct Instruction (Day 1, 15 minutes) Teacher will demonstrate using the SmartBoard how to use the Idea Sketch application. The teacher will show the students how to add, connect, write in, move, and change the colors of boxes. A completed example will be shown for student reference. The example will not be like any of the scenarios given to the students so that original thought and creativity can be shown. Guided Practice (Day 1, last 15 minutes) LESSON PLAN 2 During this time, students will practice using the Idea Sketch application creating a graphic organizer on whatever topic they want in order to familiarize themselves with all the tools. The teacher will walk around the room and answer any questions that students might have during this time. Independent Practice (Days 2-4) Students will research their disease and complete their Idea Sketch pedigrees during this time. The teacher will be around for student assistance if needed. Evaluation/ Assessment (Day 5) Each student will present their Idea Sketch pedigrees and describe how the disease affects the body. The students will be assessed by a point valued rubric system worth a total of 50 points. The rubric will assess the accuracy of the information provided in the pedigree, the organization of the information in the Idea Sketch application, appropriate use of the Ipad throughout the project, knowledge of information while presenting, and quality of the information researched. Informal assessments will be done throughout the entire assignment as students work to create their assignments. This will allow the teacher to determine what did and did not work as far as the technology used, programs chosen, and the scientific content being evaluated for the upcoming years. The rubric is as follows: LESSON PLAN 2 Criteria/Points 10 9-8 ACCURACY of the information provided in the pedigree The pedigree has ALL information correct The pedigree has MOST information correct ORGANIZATION of the information in the Idea Sketch application The pedigree can EASILY be read and understood The pedigree can MOSTLY partly be read and understood APPROPRIATE use of the Ipad throughout the project KNOWLEDGE of information while presenting QUALITY of the information researched 7-5 4-3 2-1 The pedigree has SOME information correct The pedigree has LITTLE information correct The pedigree can HARDLY be read and understood The Ipad was handled with care and used properly 40-30% of the time Student knew SOME of the information and used aids with LITTLE eye contact The pedigree has NO information correct The pedigree can only PARTLY be read and understood The Ipad was The Ipad was The Ipad handled with handled with was care and care and used handled used properly 90with care properly 80% of the and used 100% of the time properly time 70-50% of the time Student Student knew Student knew ALL MOST of the knew of the information SOME of information without use of the without use aids and had information of aids and CONSISTENT and used had eye contact aids with CONSTANT SOME eye eye contact contact ALL of the information is correct MOST of the information is correct SOME of the information is correct LITTLE of the information is correct The pedigree can NOT be read and understood The Ipad was handled with care and used properly 20% or less of the time Student knew NONE of the information and used aids the entire time with NO eye contact NONE of the information is correct LESSON PLAN 2 Risk Analysis There is a risk of student absences and time restraints. Allowing students time to come in at lunch and after school to make up work will help to alleviate some of the problems associated with those risks. Battery life can become an issue for back-to-back classes if the Ipads do not have enough time to charge. Having some extra Ipads on hand can help to make sure there is one Ipad for everyone. There is always a chance for technology malfunction. o As a backup, students can also create hand drawn pedigrees to complete their assignments. o Students can also use traditional means of research such as the library or the class set of encyclopedias. o Students can email their projects to the teacher/themselves or save them to the camera roll on the Ipad in order to backup projects. Another risk could be students being locked out of the system because they forgot their network password. This is a rare case this late in the school year; however, I am trained to be able to unlock student accounts if this were to occur. LESSON PLAN 2 References DoD Education Activity. (2012). 7th grade science standards. Retrieved from NETS for Students. (2007). Iste.nets. Retrieved from NSES. (1996). National science education standards. Retrieved from