TOWARDS DEFINING THE SCOPE OF MEANING IN ESL IN NIGERIA SOLA T. BABATUNDE 1. INTRODUCTION Semantics is not a single-well-integrated discipline. It is not a clearly defined level of linguistics, not even comparable to phonology or grammar. Rather it is a set of studied of the use of language in relation to many different aspects of experience, to linguistic and nonlinguistic context, to particular bit of language is appropriate (Palmer, 1981:206). Words are not coined in order to extract the meaning of their elements and compile a new meaning from them. The new meaning is there first, and the coiner is looking for the best way to express it without going to too much trouble. If parts can be found whose meanings suggest the one in mind, so much the better, but that is not essential (Bolinger, 1965:109). Semantics is generally defined as the study of meaning, and it seeks to convey and classify human experience through language. When the study of the meaning of utterances first began, scholars in this field concerned themselves with arguments which have now been discovered to be mainly tangential to the understanding of how words combine to convey human experience. For instance, there was an initial pre-occupation with the distinction between “being meaningful” and “having meaning” (Lyons, 1968:402). The progressive accumulation of research evidence, influenced largely by the diversity of view points, goals and orientations, has led to a continuous re-examination, and redefinition of what should be the scope and goals of intellectual endeavours in meaning explication. Leech’s (1983:4) summary of this “confusion” is illuminating: Socio-linguistics has entailed a rejection of Chomsky’s abstraction of Psycholinguistics the and “ideal native artificial speaker/hearer. intelligence place emphasis on a ‘process’ model of human language abilities at the expanse of Chomsky’s disassociation of linguistics theory, from psychological process. Text linguistics and discourse analysis have refused to accept the limitation of linguistics to sentence grammar. Conversational analysis has stressed the primary of the social dimension of language study … pragmatics … (discusses) meaning in use, rather than meaning in the abstract. One clear picture from the rather long quotation above is the undue compartmentalization of these approaches and insights. This weakness has thus rubbed off so much of the gain derivable from the cumulative insight into the process of understanding utterances, the factors involved in this understanding, the format for the precise representation of meaning at all levels of language study, the definitions of meaning – dependent properties 1 of expressions and relations between them, and the explication of how human beings relate utterances to background experiences. This chapter, in a practical manner, offers a definition of the scope of linguistics meaning in ESL in Nigeria. This is done by attempting a semantic interpretation of Niyi Osundare’s poem titled “Ekuulee e”, published in the “Nigerian Tribune” of January 8, 1989. On the basis of the analysis of the poem, a conclusion is drawn on what a semantic study that is worth its salt in ESL (in Nigeria) should involve. 2. A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF “EKUULEE O (1)” 1. That is what the gecko chants at the portals purple twilights 2. And the walls throw open their welcoming hands; E kuulee o. These are the first lines of this poem. Apart from “e kuuleee o” which is a Yoruba expression used by someone just coming into greet the people at home, the remaining part of the quotation above has English words; but note of the fact that the lines above are essentially odd. What is odd about the lines? Look at the lines again. The poem has seven (7) stanzas of unequal number of lines. Let us take the remaining lines of the first stanza as we begin to examine the address of the seeming English words in the poem: 3. That is what alapandede chirrups from the plump distance of baobab tops. 2 4. And house spread out their eaves for her coasting guide; 5. The weaverbird knows the magic of a talkative coming, cruising back to base with a quarry of straw in its wandering beak. 6. Ile koko n’tagbe Ile koko n’tagbe Ile ko Ile ko The outstanding oddness of the lines above is easily represented using the rhetorical feature of personification. In terms of examining the semantic relations between the words in each thought unit, our knowledge of the world makes it strikingly odd to us that a gecko intentionally “chants” such that inanimate walls could “thrown open their welcoming hands”. Our experience of the world does not normally attribute such intentional actions to “things” e.g. a bird and other inanimate objects. The second outstanding oddness of this first stanza is the use of nonEnglish expressions; that is, the Yoruba expressions, “Ekuulee o”, “alapandede”, and the refrain “Ile koko n’tagbe”. These help to foreground the native cadence of the poem and to arouse readers’ (‘listeners’) attention. Traditionally, ‘ekuuleeo’ is used by the sojourner to pay homage to the people at home one returning from his journey. The refrain is, on the 3 other hand, incantatory in emphasizing the fact that a kind of wood cock (agbe) in its sojourn will always return home. For these Yoruba expressions to achieve the intended incantatory effects, they should be seen as aspects of the interrelationship between rule-breaking and implicature (Grice 1975 and Pratt, 1977). It is an intentional deviance employed because of the poet’s presupposition that the cooperative principle (CP) is in force, and also because the immediate audience is predominantly Yoruba, for the “Nigerian Tribune” is published in Ibadan. The presupposition is that the audience will make appropriate inferences from the poem. The above is actually the case with the whole poem which is replete with the resonances of literal Yoruba interpretations. This indeed is the crux of the matter with respect to the perceived oddness of utterances in the poem. The poem “Ekuuleee o” treats the theme of homecoming by a traditional oral performer, the poet/persona who has been away from home for “a long season”, mounting “the spur of a thousand clouds” and ploughing “through a thousand seas”. It is an adventure during which the poet discovered many things. The fact is “mounted”, “ploughed”, ‘spread”, “raised”, “heard” etc. The word ‘seen’, for instance, occurs eleven times in this poem. This therefore is a journey of discovery of himself and his land. 4 In this regard, the poet is placed on the same pedestal as the traditional bard. He is able to thus arrest the attention of the audience because his quest has made him more knowledgeable and better informed, and thus in a position to inform others. It is this theme of the homecoming of the sojourner/adventurer that is established in the title and the refrain earlier cited. It is also in this regard that we are better able to establish the incantatory mode of stanza one in which the poet piles up antecedents to convince the people at home that he deserves a warm welcome from them. The reference to antecedents, in consonance with the incantatory mode, has evocative power which placates the people at home and compels them to welcome this traveler/wanderer who flies about, like these birds (gecko, swallow, the weaverbird and the wood cock) in pursuit of a calling. The refrain reiterates a law of nature that “agbe” (the woodcock) does not get lost in the woods, it must surely return to its nest. This bard must also return home and he must again entrance into his home, which is the heart of the audience. The poem begins with a referencing (anaphoric) construction, “That is what the gecko chants … “The demonstrative pronoun “that”, which has been used for deictic reference, performs the role of thematic focusing by making an anaphoric reference to “Ekuu leeo”, the homage-paying term. 5 The simple present tense used in this first line, and indeed in the whole stanza, underscores the universality and constancy of the antecedent actions and reactions being evoked by the poet. For instance, compare (a) and (b) below: a. That is what the gecko chants b. That was what the gecko chanted a. emphasizes that the action is habitual, whereas (b) only reports a past event. The evocative efficacy of incantations lies mainly in the habitual nature of the antecedents being called up by the speaker. This habitual feature is so much elevated that it has now become a natural phenomenon. In addition, the action words (verbs) used in the first stanza effectively point to the role of the poet as a singer of tales. The verbs being referred to are “chants and chirrups”. The “talkative” birds signal their arrival through their chants. These enforced. Rather, the impression given is that they are undertaken out of volition as long as the conditions guiding the action – reaction chain are met: “walls throw open their welcoming hands”, and “house spread out their eaves.” 6 Since this “talkative” of a bard is “cruising back to base (home) with a quarry of straw in (his) wandering beak” (a lot of sweet tales on his lips), the audience would take delight in necessarily listening to him. The point being made is that to unravel the oddness of the first stanza of this poem, for instance, we need to understand the traditional Yoruba role of a poet as a singer of tales, the homecoming motif and the incantatory poetic motif. With this background, one can then proceed to do a lexical analysis of the poem to reveal the meaning suggested by the words in the linguistic and socio-cultural contexts of use. It is instructive to note that in each case, the poet has a choice; that is, in terms of the words to use, the collocational range of the words, and their grammatical patterning. It is therefore on the basis of what the poet eventually decides to come up with (choice and collocation) that an inference is made on the intended effect of the message on the audience. The inference made by the audience begins from their knowledge of the denotative meaning of the utterance and proceeds to other meanings (compare Leech’s seven types of meaning) that are super-imposed on the denotative meaning. the success or failure of the audience in unraveling the meaning intended by the speaker/poet is a factor of the shared background experience (MCB’s) between poet/speaker and audience. 7 Before proceeding with this summary of the insights required for adequate meaning explication, let us point out a few more meaning-bearing features of the sample poem. The conclude discussions on the habitual action being called up by the poet, one significant grammatical and collocational pattern deserves to be mentioned: the Noun Phrases (NPs): Their welcoming hands Her coasting glide Its wandering beak Have the constituent, Det + Adjectivized gerund + N. The premodification of the Heads of these NPs by the deverbalized (-ing) nouns give the impression that the attributes are inherent to the nouns. This is a corroboration of our earlier submission that the action – reaction chain called up by the poet are habitual (indeed natural) events of the subjects, and this further heightens the evocative power of the incantation. The progressive tense of the utterances “a talkative coming” and “cruising back to base”, are also significant in cohesively foregrounding the imperative nature of the reaction expected by the poet from the audience. Following the example of our analysis of stanza one, you can proceed to identify the odd expressions in the remaining part of the poem. It should be increasingly observed that native cadences are too obvious in 8 lines to pass by unrecognized. The clear implication is that the poet exploits the socio-cultural affinity he has with his audience. For instance, the passage of season with all its attendant indicators, is the fore grounded motif in stanza two. The traditional perception of the passage of season and the cyclical nature of this passage helps to sustain the incantatory mould into which the poem is cast: A long season has passed Days mounting days, weeks mounting weeks We have seen the gallant moons galloping by On the saddle of the sky;… Our nights will never reap their dawns Without a compost of sprouting So as days come after days to become weeks etc., the mention of “moons” (not moon) gets clarified. In other words, several moon phases have been witnessed in the passage of time. Expectedly, the stanza ends on an emphatic note of hope, because after a dark night there will be a new dawn from where new/fresh visions will sprout. As the lexical choice and collacational pattern of the poem are being analysed, attention could be given to such forms as idioms, borrowings, coinages, analogy, transfer and semantic shift (cf. Adegbija, 1989 and Babatunde, 197). It would be seen at the end of the analysis that the lexical 9 and semantic features of the poem have their root in the poet’s sociocultural background (origin). To enhance effective linguistic communication, therefore, the audience need a knowledge of the sociocultural presuppositions in the poem. At this point, we can then pause to ask ourselves what on the basis of the foregoing, the scope of semantics in ESL is. 3. DEFINING THE SCOPE OF SEMANTICS IN ESL The foregoing discussion has revealed the following: a. Meaning is inferred (albeit negotiated) on the basis of the social, cultural and linguistic presupposition believed to be in force in linguistic communication. Cultural assumptions play very significant roles in this regard. This is why a knowledge of the communicative mode of incantation and the traditional singer of tales is very paramount to the understanding of our sample poem. The poet utilizes much of what he assumes to be shard with the audience in terms of general conventional discourse features and strategies, specific cases of linguistic presupposition, e.g. in code-mixing and lexical and semantic variations of ESL in Nigeria, and the assumed interpersonal knowledge of the poet by the audience. These have been demonstrated in the poem to have a tremendous impact on the form and content of linguistic communication (cf. Babatunde 1994 and 1997). 10 (b) Decoding linguistic meaning in ESL requires a careful examination of both the intra – and intersentential relations. It is necessary that these relations along with the vertical and horizontal axes (choice and collocation) be carefully studied with respect to how they are perceived and utilized by the encoder and how the encoder attempts to influence the decoder to perceive and utilized the relations. The analysis of the first stanza of the poem has been used to illustrate this. Each word in the lines is very carefully chosen in terms of the words and the grammatical form. The cumulative effect of the lines produce the incantatory cadence earlier mentioned, and this effect is further heightened by the assertive (cum “naturalized”) declaration in the refrain. Each stanza of the poem foregrounds a feature as seen in the writer’s understanding and feeling through lexical choice and collocation. Stanza two for instance foregrounds the passage of season. The reader should carefully examine the instances of the use of “season”, its synonyms and other lexical items in this field. In stanza three, the poet suddenly “realizes” that he could use “month”, a variation from the use of “season” and its cultural implications in the previous stanza. What is however foregrounded here is the use of “thousand” and its implied culturally marked meaning. The remaining stanzas of the poem can be carefully each stanza is a progression towards 11 unraveling the tales of the traditional bard as he utilizes the grammatical relations in the units and structures of language, and as he generously exploits the social, cultural and linguistic affinity he believes to be common between him and the audience. (c) Expressions are used to refer, and efforts are made to enable the hearer to perceive the reference and the overall mode of referring. Ultimately, therefore, the perception of the overall meaning (i.e. the overall intention of the speaker) is clearly enhanced by the foregrounded overall system of reference in the form and content of linguistic communication. Getting overall meaning is certainly the concern of semantics. As such, the semantic study of language in communication requires the lexical and supra-lexical levels of analysis. For instance, the meaningfulness of the following utterances is determined by an examination of the way the units (works, phrases etc) are combined and correlated at the levels of linguistic and social contexts: 1. The bachelor’s wives are many 2. He is a married bachelor 3. The boy is the father of the man 4. I am married to my books. Let us again further exemplify the point being made here using the sample poem “thousand” is used twice in stanza three of the poem. Please 12 note the use of the indefinite determiner ‘a’ in each case (i.e. in lines 2 and 4 of the stanza). “A thousand” is used here culturally to connote multitude (or uncountable). The use of “a thousand” to connote numberless is enhanced by the following expressions in the subsequent lines of the stanza: “everywhere”, “kindred ears”, “resounding chorus” and “differing tongues”. By the end of the stanza, it has become clear that the poet it not interested in precisely counting “clouds” and “seas” in lines 2 and 4 of stanza three. In addition, an important mode of reference in the poem is the use of synonyms to denote contrast at the levels of words and discourse. The contrast is effected both overtly and covertly; that is literally and by inference. For instance, the first stanza contrasts “wandering” (going away/about) with “returning”. Apart from “wandering”, the notion of going away is mainly indicated in the poem covertly; whereas returning is overtly marked by “welcoming”, “coasting”, “coming” and “cruising back”. Stanza two contrasts the features of the passage of season. In this case, we have the dry season denoted by “harvested yamfields”, “naked droughts”, “incontinent fires” etc., while the wet season has such features as “juicy tendril of August”, “floods” and ‘thundering rains”. Before the end of the stanza, we now see the poet using the contrast of seasons as an 13 extended metaphor to juxtapose nightfall and dawn on one hand and “dying dreams” and “sprouting visions” on the other. The poet’s positive attitude to the passage of season is indicated by the fact that the stanza ends with the statement, Out nights will never reap their dawns Without a compost of sprouting visions This positive attitude becomes the sustained attitude towards the use of contrast in the poem, especially from stanza four to the end. The weight of evidence from the poem thus clearly suggests to the audience that the poet believes that after every nightfall there will always be a dawn of a new awareness. It is a rewarding exercise for you to examine the forms and modes of contrast in the poem from stanza four to the end of the poem. By the time you get to the end, the social relevance of the tale rendered by our traditional bard here would have become very apparent. So also will an exercise in semantic study become very interesting and rewarding. 4. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY We can now clearly uphold the ideas of Palmer (1981) and Bolinger (1975) quoted at the beginning of this discussion. Palmer especially presents our position on the scope of what semantics is, especially in ESL. This is again summed up in the question: What does the speaker mean by 14 saying X (The utterance) to the Hearer in the given context? This is different from a question that suggests a narrow context-free definition of the scope of meaning; i.e. What does X (the utterance) mean? A comprehensive determination of the scope of semantics will enable us to take cognizance of all the relevant factors and input for the appropriate analysis of linguistic meaning. Hutchinson and Water (1987:12) say A logical development of the functional or notional view of language which had shown that there is more to meaning than just the words in the sentence and the context of the sentence is also important in creating meaning. Among other things, the foregoing discussion has exemplified this point. Finally, meaning is not an exclusively abstract entity, and as opined by Leech (1983:7) in his complementarist view of semantics and pragmatics, any account of meaning in language must be faithful to the facts (of language) as we observe them and must be as simple and generalizable as possible as possible. The facts of language include both the abstract entities and the features of use and usage. The linguistic form and the entire structure of the world view that inform the sensibility of the speaker are necessary inputs to a proper understanding of meaning because it is this perception that informs what meaning S (speaker) intends to express (cf. Babatunde, 1998). 15 REFERENCES Adegbija, E. E. (1989) “Lexico – Semantic Variation in Nigeria English”, World Englishes 8, 2:165-177. Babatunde, S. T. (1995) “The changing socio-cultural Terrain in Nigeria and the Pragmatic Implications for Communication in English” (Forthcoming). Babatunde, S. T. (1997) “Axes to the Roots: A Lexico – Semantic Analysis of Tunde Olusunle’s Fingermarks” in Lawal, (Ed). Stylistics in theory and Practice Ilorin: Paragon Books. Babtunde, S. T. (1998) Structure and Meaning in Olu Obafemi’s Suicide Syndrome in M. P. Awodiya … (ed) Olu Obafemi: Interpretive Essays (Forthcoming). Bolinger, D. L. (1965) “The Atomization of Meaning”, Language, 41, 55573 Grice H. P. (1975) “Logic and Conversation” in P. Cole and J. Morgan (eds) Syntax and Semantics 3: Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press. Hutchinson, T. and Waters, A. (1987) English for Specific Purposes: A Learner-Centred Approach. Cambridge: CUP. Keith, Allan (1986) Linguistic Meaning vol. 1. New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 16 Leech, Geoffrey (1983) Principles of Pragmatics London: Longman. Palmer, F. R. (1981) Semantics. Pratt, M. L. (1977) Toward A Speech Act Theory of Literary Discourse. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 17 APPENDIX SONGS OF THE SEASON (“Sunday Tribune”, Jan. 8, 1989) BY NIYI OSUNDARE E KUULEE O (1) That is what the gecko chants at the Portals purple twilights And the walls throw open their welcoming hands; E kuuleee o. That is what alapandede chirrups from The plump distance of baobab tops And houses spread out their eaves For her coasting glide; The weaverbird knows the magic of a talkative coming, Cruising back to base with a quarry of straw In its wandering beak Ile koko n’tagbe Ile koko n’tagbe Ile ko Ile ko Ile koko n’tagbe … A long season has passed Days mounting days, weeks weeks, We have seen gallant moons galloping by On the saddle of the sky; We have seen the juice tendril of August Brown into spongy rags on the stooping shoulders Of harvested yamfields; The floods which skirted baffled houses In the copper madness of thundering rains Are naked droughts now in the saddening whimpers Of the season of incontinent fires Corpulent dreams have thinned into flimsy nightmares Where bastard apparitions stand guard, A barking gun in each hand But dying dreams are cradling ashes For stirring flames: 18 Our nights will never reap their dawns Without a compost of sprouting visions Ile koko n’tagbe These five months have split like a ripened pod: I have mounted the spur or a thousand clouds And pulled laughing suns by their gentle beards I have ploughed through a thousand seas Fated by romping ranks of seraphic shoals. Everywhere I have spread my mat of songs, Sat kindred ears round the fire of my dreams, And raised a resounding chorus from a tribe Of differing tongues. Ile koko n’tagbe From door to door, from port to port, My goatskin bag has garnered a seasonless wisdom; I have seen rivers glide up mountains Like magic pythons, I have seen men who sneeze in gold Lying each night in beds decked with silver sheets, I have also seen the streets where man Wake dawn after dawn amid a cacophony of empty pots; I have seen men who wield power, Men wielded by power; I have seen horses so tame they claim Their masters’ backs Ile koko n’tagbe Everywhere I have The sturdiest mountain, Bridge across the widest waters, A brave, persistent ray even in a wilderness Abandoned to darkness. Ile koko n’tagbe 19 Everywhere I have seen the smallness of the world And man’s towering stature in its happily abridged version, I have seen the master in every slave, The slave in every master; I have partaken of the triumph of invisible wings Which fly heavy risks beyond the fancy of jealous birds, Where earthly castles look like match boxes, The roads like desperate worms wriggling through The anonymous jungle of abbreviated streets. I have shaken the seaman’s finny hands On coats loud with carousing shells, I have heard the laughter of the prow so cautious Of the scurvy below the deck, In the deep, deep mystery of the sea Ever so whimsical like the temper of a jilted goddess; I have witnessed the triumphant roar of coasting waves, Their teeth sun-white with mischievous guffaws; I have head the shark’s funeral tale From the swollen lips of widowed maidens, Counting bones of shipwrecked dreams And slaves whose fins faltered in the cannibal destiny Of our Middle Passage Ile koko n’tagbe 20