stephen davies - research publications

Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 1
----------------------------------------------------------STEPHEN DAVIES - RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS
2012. The Artful Species: Aesthetics, Art, and Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 301. ISBN 978-0-19-965854-1.
2011. Musical Understandings and Other Essays on the Philosophy of Music.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 221. ISBN 978-0-19-960877-5.
2007. Philosophical Perspectives on Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press., vii +
279. ISBN 978-0-19-920242-3 (cloth), 978–0–19–920243–0 (softback).
2006. The Philosophy of Art. Oxford: Blackwell, 251. ISBN 13: 9781405120227;
10: 1405120223; 13: 9781405120234; 10: 1405120231.
Chinese translation. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Fine Art Publishing
House, 2008, pp.223. ISBN 978-7-5322-5478-1 (softback).
2003. Themes in the Philosophy of Music. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 283.
ISBN 0-19-924157-0; 0-19-928017-7 (paperback)
Published in Chinese translation by Hunan Literature & Art Publishing
House, 2010.
2001. Musical Work and Performances: A Philosophical Exploration. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 374. ISBN 0-19-924158-9; 0-19-927411-8.
1994. Musical Meaning and Expression. Ithaca & London: Cornell University
Press, 417. ISBN 0-8014-2930-7; 0-8014-8151-1.
Published in Chinese translation by Hunan Literature & Art Publishing
House, No. 508, Sec. 1, East 2nd Ring Rd., Changsha, Hunan 410014, P. R.
1991. Definitions of Art. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 243. ISBN 08014-2568-9; 0-8014-9794-9.
1988. Birds at Gibraltar Point: a Systematic List Covering the Years 1949 to 1987.
Lincoln: The Lincolnshire and South Humberside Trust for Nature
Conservation, 70. ISBN 0 9501420 3 4.
Co-authored with Ron HICKLING, illustrations by David BENNETT.
2009. A Companion to Aesthetics. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, xvi + 621. Second
Co-edited with K. HIGGINS, R. HOPKINS, R. STECKER, & D. E. COOPER.
2003. Art and Essence. Westport, CT, Praeger, 252.
Co-edited with A. C. SUKLA.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 2
----------------------------------------------------------1997. Art and Its Messages: Meaning, Morality, and Society. University Park, PA,
Pennsylvania State University Press, 128.
Forthcoming. 'Relativism in Interpretation,'
Milan Orálek (trans. Czech)
Forthcoming. 'John Cage's 4'33". Is it Music?'
Daniel Charles (trans. French), in Les Cahiers de l'Herne
2013. "Ist die Architektur eine Kunst?" Philosophie der Architektur, Christoph
Baumberger (ed.), Michael Webb (trans.), Münster: Mentis, 30-49.
2012. "Muzyka, ogień i ewolucja," dialogi o kulturze i edukacji, nr 1(1), 35–58.
Translated by Paweł Zajadacz.
2012. 'John Cage's 4'33". Is it Music?' Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 90th
Year Special Virtual Issue.
2011. 'Bob, Little Jim, Bluebottle, and the Three Stooges,'
Sophia, 50, 265-268
2011. 'The Musical Expression of Emotion,'
in A Reader in the Philosophy of the Arts, David Goldblatt & Lee Brown
(eds.), (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall), 185-190. Third edition.
Excerpted from The Philosophy of Art.
2010. 'Non-Western Art and Art's Definition,'
in Aesthetics Today: A Reader, edited by R. Stecker & T. Gracyk, (Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), 137-146.
2010. 'The Expression of Emotion in Music,'
in Aesthetics Today: A Reader, edited by R. Stecker & T. Gracyk, (Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), 296-303.
Excerpted from Musical Meaning and Expression, 227-240.
2009. 'Life is a Passacaglia.'
Philosophy and Literature, 33, 315-328.
2009. 'Notations.'
Companion to Aesthetics, S. Davies, K. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D.
E. Cooper (eds.) (Maldern: Wiley-Blackwell), 441-443. Second edition.
2009. 'Performance.'
Companion to Aesthetics, S. Davies, K. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D.
E. Cooper (eds.) (Maldern: Wiley-Blackwell), 460-462. Second edition.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 3
----------------------------------------------------------2008. 'True Interpretations,' In D. Davies & C. Matheson (eds.), Contemporary
Readings in the Philosophy of Literature: An Analytic Approach, Plymouth:
Broadview, 211-216.
2007. 'Balinese Aesthetics.' In S. Feagin (ed.), Global Theories of the Arts and
Aesthetics, Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 21-29.
2007. 'Definizioni funzionali e procedurali.' In Simona Chiodo (ed & trans), Che
Cosa è Arte: La filosofia analitica e l'estetica, Italy: De Agostini Scuola SpANovara, 98-108. [From Definitions of Art, pp. 27-38, 46-7, in Italian.]
2005. 'Functional and Procedural Definitions of Art.' In J. O. Young (ed.),
Aesthetics: Critical Concepts in Philosophy, London: Routledge, 4 vols, Vol. 2,
2005. 'The Expression of Emotion in Music.' In J. O. Young (ed.), Aesthetics:
Critical Concepts in Philosophy, London: Routledge, 4 vols, Vol. 4, 3-18.
2005. 'Is Architecture an Art?' In J. O. Young (ed.), Aesthetics: Critical Concepts in
Philosophy, London: Routledge, 4 vols,, Vol. 4, 300-15.
2005. 'Ontologie delle opere musicali,' Discipline Filosofiche, Michele Gardini
(trans.) (Edizioni Quodlibet; "Elementi di estetica analita"; editor: G.
Matteucci), 15 (2), 143-59. (Reprint of Chapter Two of Themes in the
Philosophy of Music.)
2004. 'Weitz's Anti-essentialism.' In P. Lamarque & S. H. Olsen (eds.), Aesthetics
and the Philosophy of Art: The Analytic Tradition, Oxford: Blackwell, 63-8.
(Reprint of Chapter One of Definitions of Art.)
2004. 'Rock versus Classical Music' In P. Lamarque & S. H. Olsen (eds.), Aesthetics
and the Philosophy of Art: The Analytic Tradition, Oxford: Blackwell, 505-15.
2002. 'Contra the Hypothetical Persona in Music' In Impuls: Tidsskrift for
Psykologi: Musikk, 56 (2/3), 47-57.
2000. 'Art, Definition of.' In Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
London: Routledge, 55.
2000. 'Art, Performing.' In Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London:
Routledge, 55-6
2000. 'Artistic Expression.' In Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
London: Routledge, 58-9.
1998. 'Musical Understanding and Musical Kinds.' In P. Alperson (ed.), Musical
Worlds: New Directions in the Philosophy of Music, University Park, PA: The
Pennsylvania State University Press, 69-81.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 4
----------------------------------------------------------1997. 'Authenticity in Musical Performance.' In P. Maynard & S. Feagin (eds.),
Aesthetics: Oxford Reader Series, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 228-34.
1997. 'Why Listen to Music If It Makes Us Feel Sad?' In J. Robinson (ed.), Music
and Meaning, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 242-53.
1995. 'Why Listen to Music If It Makes Us Feel Sad?' In K. M. Higgins (ed.),
Aesthetics in Perspective, New York, Harcourt Brace, 391-96.
1994. 'Authenticity in Musical Performance.' In A. Neil & A. Ridley (eds.) Arguing
About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates. New York, McGraw-Hill,
1994. 'The Evaluation of Music.' In P. Alperson (ed.), What is Music? An
Introduction to the Philosophy of Music, University Park, PA: The
Pennsylvania State University Press, 307-25.
1993. 'Is Music a Language of the Emotions?' In J. W. Bender & H. Gene Blocker
(eds.), Contemporary Philosophy of Art: Readings in Analytic Aesthetics, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall, 150-9.
1981. 'The Expression of Emotion in Music.' In D. L. Boyer, P. Grim & J. T. Sanders
(eds.), The Philosophers' Annual, 4, 25-44.
1995. 'Symposium on Aesthetics' Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 77 (2).
Forthcoming. "Modest actual mentalism: questions and comments,"
Sztuka i Filozofia: Art and Philosophy,.
2013. 'The Evolutionary Value of an Aesthetic Sense,' Aisthesis – Pratiche,
linguaggi e saperi dell'estetico, 6 (2), (2013), 75-79.
2013. 'Why Make Art?' Island, 134, Spring, 20.
2013. 'Artists' Intentions and Artwork Meanings: Some Complications,'
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 138-139.
2013. 'Performing Musical Works Authentically: A Response to Dodd,' British
Journal of Aesthetic, 53, 71-75.
2012. 'Authentic Performances of Musical Works,' Teorema: Revista
Internacional de Filosofia. 31 (3), 81-88.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 5
----------------------------------------------------------2012. 'On Defining Music,' The Monist, 95, 535-555.
2011. 'Questioning the Distinction between Intra- and Extra-musical Meaning,'
Physics of Life Reviews, 8 (2), 114-115.
2010. 'Why Art is not a Spandrel?' British Journal of Aesthetics, 50, 333-341.
2010. 'The Hypothetical Intentionalist's Dilemma: a Reply to Levinson,' British
Journal of Aesthetics, 50, 307-312.
(co-authored with Robert Stecker)
2010. 'Functional Beauty Examined,' Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 40, 315332.
2010. 'Perceiving Melodies and Perceiving Musical Colors,' Review of Philosophy
and Psychology, 1, 19-39.
2009. 'Responding Emotionally to Fictions,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, 67, 269-284.
2008. 'Trying to Define Art as the Sum of the Arts,' Pazhouhesh Nameh-e
Farhangestan-e Honar (Research Journal of the Iranian Academy of the
Arts), 8, Spring (2008): 12-23. (Also in Persian in the same journal.)
2008. 'Musical Works and Orchestral Colour.' British Journal of Aesthetics, 48,
2008. 'The Origins of Balinese Legong,' Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en
volkenkund (BKI), 164 (2/3), 194-211.
2007. 'La Vita a Ritmo di Passacaglia [Life is a Passacaglia],' Rivista di Estetica,
35, (2), 129-46. Translator Luca Angelone.
2007. 'Balinese Aesthetics,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 65, 21-9.
2006. 'Performance Interpretations of Musical Works,' Nordisk Estetisk Tidskrift,
Nr 33-34, 8-22.
2006. 'Authors' Intentions, Literary Interpretation, and Literary Value,' British
Journal of Aesthetics, 46, 223-47.
2006. 'Balinese Legong: revival or decline?' Asian Theatre Journal, 23, 314-41 (+
2 color plates).
2006. 'Aesthetic Judgment, Artworks and Functional Beauty,' Philosophical
Quarterly, 56, 224-41.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 6
----------------------------------------------------------2005. 'Beardsley and the Autonomy of the Work of Art,' Journal of Aesthetics and
Art Criticism 63, 179-83.
2005. 'Ellen Dissanayake's evolutionary aesthetic,' Biology and Philosophy, 20,
2004. 'The Know-how of Musical Performance,' Philosophy of Music Education
Review, 12, (2), 56-61.
2004. 'The Cluster Theory of Art,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 44, 297-300.
2004. 'Once again, this time with feeling,' Journal of Aesthetic Education, 38, (2),
2002. 'Profundity in Instrumental Music,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 42, 34356.
2001. 'Una improbable última paraula sobre la mort de l'art,' Enrahonar:
Quaderns de Filosofia, 32/33, 191-201. Trans. Gerard Vilar
2001. 'Musical Meaning in a Broader Perspective,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, 59, 261-73.
Co-authored with Constantijn KOOPMAN.
1999. 'Response to Stecker,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 39, 282-7.
1999. 'Rock versus Classical Music,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 57,
1998. 'The Marriage of Susanna', Crescendo, No 50, 16-18.
1997. 'John Cage's 4'33'. Is it Music?' Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 75, 44862.
1997. 'Population Structure, Morphometrics, Moult, Migration, and Wintering of
the Wrybill (Anarhynchus frontalis)' Notornis, 44, 1-14.
1997. 'First Art and Art's Definition,' Southern Journal of Philosophy, 35, 19-34.
1997. 'So, You Want to Sing with the Beatles? Too Late!' Journal of Aesthetics and
Art Criticism, 55, 129-37.
1996. 'Interpreting Contextualities,' Philosophy and Literature, 20, 20-38.
1995. 'Relativism in Interpretation,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 53, 813.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 7
----------------------------------------------------------1995. 'Feather Lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) on Wrybill,' Stilt, No. 27, October, 467.
1994. 'Kivy on Auditors' Emotions,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 52,
1994. 'General Theories of Art versus Music,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 34,
1994. 'Musical Understanding and Musical Kinds,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, 52, 68-81.
1993. 'Comments on David Carrier's Review of my Definitions of Art,' Languages
of Design, 1, 395.
1993. 'Representation in Music,' Journal of Aesthetic Education, 27 (1), 16-22.
1993. 'Formation of the New Zealand Wader Study Group,' Stilt No.23, October,
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1993. 'The Miranda Banders, New Zealand,' Stilt, No. 22, April, 53-6.
1992. 'Mozart's Requiem? A Reply to Levinson,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 32,
1991. 'The Ontology of Musical Works and the Authenticity of their
Performances,' Noûs, 25, 21-41.
1991. '"I have finished today another new concerto..."' Journal of Aesthetic
Education, 25 (4), 139-41.
1991. 'Longevity, Breeding Success and Faithfulness to Wintering Sites of
Wrybill', Stilt, No.19, October, 26-7.
1990. 'Reply to McFee's Reply,' Grazer Philosophische Studien, 38, 185-6.
1990. 'Replies to Arguments Suggesting that Critics' Strong Evaluations Could
Not Be Soundly Deduced,' Grazer Philosophische Studien, 38, 157-75.
1990. 'The Sharp End of Justice,' Political Science, 42 (2), 55-9.
1990. 'Functional and Procedural Definitions of Art,' Journal of Aesthetic
Education, 24 (2), 99-106.
1990. 'Violins or Viols? - A Reason to Fret,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism,
1988. 'True Interpretations,' Philosophy and Literature, 12, 290-7.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 8
----------------------------------------------------------1988. 'Authenticity in Performance: A Reply to James O. Young,' British Journal of
Aesthetics, 28, 388-91.
1988. 'A Defence of the Institutional Definition of Art,' Southern Journal of
Philosophy, 26, 307-24.
1988. 'Transcription, Authenticity and Performance' British Journal of Aesthetics,
28, 216-27.
1988. 'Kripke, Crusoe and Wittgenstein,' Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 66,
1987. 'Banding Near Auckland - 1986/87', Stilt, No.11, October, 55.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1987. 'A Note on Feagin on Interpreting Art Intentionalistically,' British Journal
of Aesthetics, 27, 178-80.
1987. 'Why Isn't the Expression Theory Dead?' Dialectic, 29, 21-7.
1987. 'Authenticity in Musical Performance,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 27, 3950.
1986. 'The Expression Theory Again,' Theoria, 52, 146-67.
1986. 'Moral Arguments on the Export of Live Sheep,' Political Science, 38 (2),
1986. 'Wader Watching in the Auckland Area', Stilt, No.9, October, 35-7.
1984. 'Truth-Values and Metaphors,' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 42,
1983. 'Attributing Significance to Unobvious Musical Relationships,' Journal of
Music Theory, 27, 203-13.
1983. 'The Rationality of Aesthetic Responses,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 23,
1983. 'Is Music a Language of the Emotions?' British Journal of Aesthetics, 23,
1982. 'The Aesthetic Relevance of Authors' and Painters' Intentions,' Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 41, 65-76.
1982. 'Moult in Sanderlings', Stilt, No.3, Spring, 6-10.
1981. 'Skylarks at Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire', Ringing and Migration, 3, 173-9.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 9
----------------------------------------------------------1981. 'Development and Behaviour of Little Tern Chicks,' British Birds, 74, 291-8.
1981. 'Thoughts on the Protection of Little Terns,' Peregrine, 5, 123-4.
1980. 'The Expression of Emotion in Music,' Mind, 89, 67-86.
2012. "Art and Human Evolution," on the Oxford University Press blog at
Reproduced at
2011. 'The Role of Westerners in the Conservation of the Legong Dance.'
Contemporary Aesthetics. Vol 3,
2010. "Music, Fire, and Evolution," Politics and Culture, Issue 1, (accessed April 30, 2010)
Reprinted and translated
'Muzyka, ogień i ewolucja,' dialogi o kulturze i edukacji, nr 1(1), (2012): 35–58. Translated by Paweł
2008. 'Bob, Little Jim, Bluebottle, and the Three Stooges.' Postgraduate Journal of
Aesthetics (British Society of Aesthetics), 5 (1)
2007. 'Life is a Passacaglia.' On-line Danto conference.
2000. 'Balinese Musicians' Assessments of Recorded Performances,'
International Yearbook of Aesthetics, 4, 22-42.
Forthcoming. 'The Aesthetics of Adornments.' In Aesthetics towards Everyday
Life: East and West, edited by Liu Yuedi and C. Carter, Cambridge:
Cambridge Scholars.
Forthcoming. 'Bali and the Management of Culture.' In ?, edited by C. Carter
Forthcoming. 'Così and Character.' In Character, edited by I. Fileva, New York:
Oxford University Press.
Forthcoming. 'And everything nice.' In Body Aesthetics, edited S. Irvin, Oxford:
Oxford University Press
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 10
----------------------------------------------------------2013. "Music-to-listener Emotional Contagion." In The Emotional Power of
Music, edited by Tom Cochrane, Bernadino Fantini, and Klaus R. Scherer,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 169-176.
2012. 'Beauty, Youth, and the Balinese Legong Dance.' In Peggy Zeglin Brand
(ed.), Beauty Unlimited, Indianapolis: University of Indiana Press, 259279.
2011. 'Infectious Music: Music-Listener Emotional Contagion.' In Peter Goldie &
Amy Coplan (eds.) Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 134-148.
2011. 'Cross-cultural musical expressiveness: theory and the empirical
programme.' In Elisabeth Schellekens & Peter Goldie (eds.), The Aesthetic
Mind: Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 376388.
2009. 'The History.' In Legong. Doug Myers (ed.), (Ubud: Amandari), 20-25.
2008. 'Così's Canon Quartet.' In G. Hagberg (ed.), Art and Ethical Criticism.
Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 245-258.
2007. 'Versions of Musical Works and Literary Translations.' In K. Stock (ed.),
Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning and Work, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 79-92.
2007. 'Musikalisches Verstehen [Musical Understandings].' In A. Becker & M.
Vogel (eds.), Matthias Vogel (trans.), Musikalischer Sinn: Beiträger zu einer
Philosophie der Musik, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 25-79.
2006. 'Artistic Expression and the Hard Case of Pure Music.' In M. Kieran (ed.),
Contemporary Debates in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, Oxford:
Blackwell, 179-91.
2003. 'Introduction.' In S. Davies & A. C. Sukla (eds.), Art and Essence, Westport,
CT: Praeger, ix-xix.
2003. 'Essential Distinctions for Art Theorists.' In S. Davies & A. C. Sukla (eds.),
Art and Essence, Westport, CT: Praeger, 3-16.
2003. 'The Experience of Music' In A. C. Sukla (ed.) Art and Experience, Westport,
CT: Praeger, 109-20.
2002. 'What is the Sound of One Piano Plummeting?' In The Segerberg Collection:
Seven Easy Pieces in Honour of Krister, Auckland: University of Auckland
Philosophy Department, 13-21.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 11
----------------------------------------------------------2002. 'The Multiple Interpretability of Musical Works.' In M. Krausz (ed.), Is
There a Single Right Interpretation? University Park, PA: Pennsylvania
State University Press, 231-50.
2001. 'Philosophical Perspectives.' In P. N. Juslin & J. A. Sloboda (eds.), Music and
Emotion: Theory and Research, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 23-44.
2001. 'Musical Representation' In A. C.. Sukla (ed.), Art and Representation:
Contributions to Contemporary Aesthetics, Westport, CT, Praeger, 194-202.
2000. 'Non-Western Art and Art's Definition.' In N. Carroll (ed.), Theories of Art
Today, Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin Press, 199-216.
1997. 'Contra the Hypothetical Persona in Music.' In M. Hjort and S. Laver (eds.),
Emotion and the Arts, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 95-109.
1997. 'Introduction.' In S. Davies (ed.) Art and Its Messages: Meaning, Morality,
and Society, University Park, PA, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1-16.
1994. 'Is Architecture Art?' In M. Mitias (ed.), Philosophy and Architecture,
Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA, Rodopi, 31-47.
1992. 'Sovereigns, Sovereignty and the Treaty of Waitangi.' In G. Oddie & R.
Perrett (eds.), Justice, Ethics and New Zealand Society, Auckland, Oxford
University Press, 41-59.
Co-authored with R. E. EWIN.
1987. 'The Evaluation of Music.' In P. Alperson (ed.), What is Music? An
Introduction to the Philosophy of Music, New York: Haven, 307-25.
1986. 'Why are Non-human Animals Objects of Moral Concern?' In J. Howell
(ed.), Environment and Ethics, Christchurch, Centre for Resource
Management Special Publication No.3, 105-20.
1981. 'Flowering Plants of the Calf of Man, 1980', The Calf of Man Bird
Observatory: Annual Report for 1980, Douglas: The Manx Museum and
National Trust, 38-48.
Forthcoming. 'Music (definitions of).' In W. F. Thompson (ed.), Music in the Social
and Behavioral Sciences: An Encyclopedia, London: Sage Reference.
Forthcoming. 'Emotional contagion.' In W. F. Thompson (ed.), Music in the Social
and Behavioral Sciences: An Encyclopedia, London: Sage Reference.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 12
----------------------------------------------------------Forthcoming. 'Evolution's possible connections to aesthetic experience and art.'
In M. Kelly (ed.), Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, second edition
Forthcoming. 'Evolutionary Approaches to Literature.' In J. Gibson & N. Carroll
(eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature, London:
2013. 'Definitions of Art.' In Gaut & D. McIver Lopes (eds.), Routledge Companion
to Aesthetics, London, Routledge, 3rd edition, 213-222.
2011. 'Notations.' In T. Gracyk and A. Kania (eds.), The Routledge Companion to
Philosophy and Music, London: Routledge, 70-79.
2011. 'Analytic Philosophy of Music.' In T. Gracyk and A. Kania (eds.), The
Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music, London: Routledge, 294–
2010. 'Emotions Expressed and Aroused by Music: Philosophical Perspectives.'
In P.N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music and
Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2009. 'Twentieth-century Anglo-American Analytic Aesthetics.' In S. Davies, K. M.
Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D, E, Cooper (eds.), A Companion to
Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 61-73.
Co-authored with Robert Stecker.
2009. 'Music and Song.' In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D, E,
Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: WileyBlackwell, 91-95.
Co-authored with John Andrew Fisher.
2009. 'Danto, Arthur C(oleman).' In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R.
Stecker, & D, E, Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition.
Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 226-229.
Co-authored with David Novitz.
2009. 'Evolution, Aesthetics, and Art.' In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R.
Stecker, & D, E, Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition.
Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 259-261.
2009. 'Notations.' In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D, E,
Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: WileyBlackwell, 441-443.
2009. 'Performance.' In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D, E,
Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: Wiley-
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 13
2006. 'Art, Performance in.' In Donald M. Borchert (editor-in-chief), J. Robinson
(subject editor), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, New York: Macmillan
Reference USA, Vol. 1, 321-4.
2005. 'Definitions of Art.' In Gaut & D. McIver Lopes (eds.), Routledge Companion
to Aesthetics, London, Routledge, 2nd edition, 227-39.
2003. 'Ontology of Art.' In J. Levinson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 155-180.
2003. 'Music' In Jerrold Levinson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 489-515.
2001. 'Interpretation' In S. Sadie (ed.), New Grove Dictionary of Music, Second
Edition, London, Macmillan. Vol. 12, 497-9.
2001. 'Anglo-American Philosophy of Music, 1960-2000.' In Stanley Sadie (ed.),
New Grove Dictionary of Music, Second Edition, London, Macmillan. Vol. 19,
2001. 'Definitions of Art.' In B. Gaut & D. McIver Lopes (eds.), Routledge
Companion to Aesthetics, London, Routledge, 169-79.
1998. 'Artistic expression' In M. Budd (subject ed), Edward Craig (Editor-inChief), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London, Routledge, Vol. 1,
1998. 'Art, performing.' In M. Budd (subject ed), Edward Craig (Editor-in-Chief),
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London, Routledge, Vol. 1, 468-72.
1998. 'Art, definition of.' In M. Budd (subject ed), Edward Craig (Editor-in-Chief),
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London, Routledge, Vol. 1, 464-8.
1998. 'Theories of Art' In M. Kelly (ed.), Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Oxford,
Oxford University Press, Vol. 4, 380-7.
1998. 'Authentic Performance: Critical Overview.' In M. Kelly (ed.) Encyclopedia
of Aesthetics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, Vol. 1, 162-6.
1996. 'Art as Performance.' In M. M. Eaton (subject ed), Donald M. Borchert
(Editor-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Supplement, New York,
Macmillan Reference, 45-6.
1992. 'Performance' In D. E. Cooper (ed.), Companion to Aesthetics, Oxford,
Blackwell, 320-3.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 14
----------------------------------------------------------1992. 'End of Art, The.' In D. E. Cooper (ed.), Companion to Aesthetics, Oxford,
Blackwell, 138-42.
2011. 'The Role of Westerners in the Conservation of the Legong Dance.'
Contemporary Aesthetics. Vol 3,
2010. "Art, performing,"
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online, Malcolm Budd (subject
ed), Edward Craig (Editor-in-Chief), Retrieved October 18, 2010, from
Revised and expanded version of 1998 hardcopy entry.
2010. "Art, definition of,"
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Malcolm Budd (subject ed),
Edward Craig (Editor-in-Chief), Retrieved October 18, 2010, from
Revised and expanded version of 1998 hardcopy entry.
2012. 'Analytic Philosophy of Music.' In Oxford Bibliographies Online:
Philosophy. Duncan Pritchard (ed.). New York: Oxford University Press,
June 26, 2012.
2013. Peter Goldie, The Mess Inside, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), British
Journal of Aesthetics, 53, 247-249.
2009. Malcolm Budd, Aesthetic Essays, (Oxford: Oxford University Press), Notre
Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2009.08.29,
2009. Andy Hamilton, Aesthetics and Music, (London: Continuum), Analysis, 69,
2008. Peter Kivy, Introduction to a Philosophy of Music, (Oxford: Clarendon
Press), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 76, 222-4.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 15
----------------------------------------------------------2007. Robert L. Solso, The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious
Brain, (Cambridge: MIT Press), British Journal of Aesthetics, 47, 97-9.
2006. Gary Iseminger, The Aesthetic Function of Art, (Ithaca: Cornell University
Press), Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 84, 147-8.
2005. Robert Stecker, Interpretation and Construction: Art, Speech, and the Law,
(Oxford: Blackwell Publishing), Matthew Kieran & Dominic McIver Lopes
(eds.), Imagination, Philosophy, and the Arts, (London: Routledge), and
Berys Gaut & Paisley Livingston (eds.), The Creation of Art: New Essays in
Philosophical Aesthetics, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press),
Review in Philosophical Quarterly, 55, 150-5.
2003. Geoffrey Madell, Philosophy, Music and Emotion. Review in Australasian
Journal of Philosophy, 81, 281-3.
2003. Peter Kivy, The Possessor and the Possessed: Handel, Mozart, Beethoven,
and the Idea of Musical Genius. Review in Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, 61, 73-4.
2003. Theodore Gracyk, I Wanna Be Me: Rock Music and the Politics of Identity.
Review in British Journal of Aesthetics, 43, 200-2.
2002. Paul Duncum and Ted Bracey (eds.), On Knowing: Art and Visual Culture.
Review in Journal of New Zealand Art History, 23, 91-3.
2001. Arthur C. Danto, After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of
History. Review in Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 59, 214-15.
2001. R. A. Sharpe, Music and Humanism: An Essay in the Aesthetics of Music.
Review in Philosophical Quarterly, 51, 243-6.
1999. Israel Scheffler. Symbolic Worlds: Art, Science, Language, Ritual. Review in
Philosophical Review, 108, 430-3.
1999. Jerrold Levinson. The Pleasures of Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays.
Review in Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 57, 371-4.
1999. Jerrold Levinson. Music in the Moment. Review in Philosophical Quarterly,
49, 403-5.
1999. John Cage in conversation with Joan Retalla. Musicage: Cage Muses on
Words Art Music . Review in Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 57, 934.
1999. George Dickie. Introduction to Aesthetics: An Analytic Approach. Review in
British Journal of Aesthetics, 39, 84-6.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 16
----------------------------------------------------------1997. Peter Kivy. Authenticities: Philosophical Reflections on Musical
Performance. Review in Philosophical Quarterly, 47, 238-41.
1995. Robert J. Yanal (ed.). Institutions of Art: Reconsiderations of George
Dickie's Philosophy. Review in Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 53,
1994. Mark Rollins (ed.) Danto and his Critics. Review in Australasian Journal of
Philosophy, 72, 539-41.
1994. Diana Raffman. Language, Music, and Mind. Review in Journal of Aesthetics
and Art Criticism, 52, 360-2.
1994. T. J. Diffey. The Republic of Art and Other Essays. Review in Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 52, 252-4.
1993. Marion Smiley. Moral Responsibility and the Boundaries of Community:
Power and Accountability from a Pragmatic Point of View. Review in
Political Science, 45 (2), 224-6.
1993. Oswald Hanfling's (ed.) Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction. Review
in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 71, 220-2.
1992. Jerrold Levinson. Music, Art, and Metaphysics. Review in Journal of
Aesthetic Education, 26 (2), 110-13.
1992. A. L. Cothey The Nature of Art. Review in Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, 50, 269-70.
1991. Gregory Currie. The Nature of Fiction. Review in Philosophy and Literature,
15, 349-50.
1991. Richard Eldridge. On Moral Personhood: Philosophy. Literature, Criticism,
and Self-Understanding. Review in Philosophy and Literature, 15, 166-7.
1991. Peter Kivy. Sound Sentiment: An Essay on the Musical Emotions. Review in
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 49, 83-5.
1990. Peter Kivy. Music Alone: Philosophical Reflections on the Purely Musical
Experience. Review in Canadian Philosophical Reviews, 10, 368-72.
1989. Rantala, Veikko, Lewis Rowell & Eero Tarasti (eds.) Essays on the
Philosophy of Music, Acta Philosophica Fennica, 43. Review in Theoria, 55,
1989. Torsten Pettersson. Literary Interpretation. Review in Philosophy and
Literature, 13, 384-5.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 17
----------------------------------------------------------1989. Peter Kivy. Osmin's Rage: Philosophical Reflections on Opera, Drama and
Text. Review in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 67, 373-5.
1989. Annette Barnes. On Interpretation: A Critical Analysis. Review in
Philosophy and Literature, 13, 216-17.
1989. Göran Hermerén. The Nature of Aesthetic Qualities and T. Anderberg, T.
Nilstun & I. Persson (eds.) Aesthetic Distinction. Review in Canadian
Philosophical Reviews, 9, 360-6.
1988. Roman Ingarden. The Work of Music and the Problem of Its Identity, Adam
Czerniawski (trans). Critical notice in Journal of Music Theory, 32, 169-76.
1988. Arthur C. Danto. The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art. Review in
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 66, 277-80.
1988. Petra von Morstein. On Understanding Works of Art: An Essay in
Philosophical Aesthetics. Review in Philosophy and Literature, 12, 142-3.
1987. Malcolm Budd. Music and the Emotions: The Philosophical Theories.
Review in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 65, 227-9.
1987. Peter Kivy. Music, Sound and Semblance: Reflections on Musical
Representation. Review in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 65, 120-2.
2006. 'Teaching The Philosophy of Art', American Society for Aesthetics
Newsletter, 26, No 1 Spring 2006, 3-4.
1998. 'Birds' Feathers,' Miranda Naturalists' Trust Newsletter, No. 30, August, 10.
1997 'Annual report of NZWSG Banding 1996-97,' New Zealand Wader Study
Group, Newsletter No.10, August, 1-2.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1996. 'Annual report of New Zealand Wader Study Group's Banding Work,' New
Zealand Wader Study Group, Newsletter No.8, November, 2.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1995. 'Shore Plover on the Kaipara Harbour,' New Zealand Wader Study Group,
Newsletter No.5, April, 1.
1994. 'Annual report of New Zealand Wader Study Group's Banding Work,' New
Zealand Wader Study Group, Newsletter No.3, August, 1-2.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 18
----------------------------------------------------------1993. 'Report of Miranda Banders: 1992/93 Season,' Miranda Naturalists' Trust
Newsletter, August, 1-2.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1993. 'An Aerial Survey of Waders Using Kaipara Habour', OSNZ News, No 67,
June, 8-9.
1992. 'Report of Miranda Banders: 1991/92 Season,' Miranda Naturalists' Trust
Newsletter, October, 4.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1992. 'The Miranda Banders,' Miranda Naturalists' Trust Newsletter, October, 34.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1991. 'Wrybills Recaptured', OSNZ News, No 59, June, 6.
1988. 'Banding Report', Miranda Naturalists' Trust Newsletter, August, 2.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1987 'Miranda Banders in Action Again', OSNZ News, No. 43, June, 5.
Co-authored with Adrian RIEGEN.
1986. 'Why Do Miranda Birds Migrate?' Miranda Trust Newsletter, June, 2.
2012. "Kinds of mind/brain modularity and their relevance to connecting art to
evolution," Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American
Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division, 113-115.
2010. 'The Face of Human Beauty,' Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Meeting of
the American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division, 65-71.
2009. 'Aniruddh D. Patel's Music, Language, and the Brain,' Proceedings of the
2009 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific
Division, 78-83.
2008. 'Bob, Little Jim, Bluebottle, and the Three Stooges,' Proceedings of the
2008 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific
Division, 56-59.
2007. 'Creativity on View,' Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division, March 28-30.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 19
----------------------------------------------------------2006. 'The Musical Transmission of Emotions'', Proceedings of the 2006 Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division, March 2931, 26-32.
2005. 'Response to Stecker's "The Aesthetic: Changing Roles and Changing
Conceptions",' Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American
Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division, 51-55.
2002. 'A Commentary on Theodore Gracyk's I Wanna Be Me' Proceedings of the
2002 Annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific
Division, 48-54.
2002. 'The Know-How of Musical Performance,' Proceedings of the European
Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 10th Anniversary Conference,
Liège.. Conference CD: Pdf/Symposium/Davies.pdf
2002. 'A Philosophical Perspective on Expression in Music Performance'. In C.
Stevens, D. Burnam, G. McPherson, E. Schubert, & J. Renwick (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception &
Cognition. Adelaide, Causal Publications, 71-73. (ISBN 1876346396)
2001. 'What is the Sound of One Piano Plummeting?' Proceedings of the 2001
Annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division, 2934.
'Literary Darwinism,'
University of British Columbia, September 30
'Humans' Aesthetic Appreciation of Non-Human Animals,'
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, April 23
'Is Art a Spandrel?'
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, April 24
'Humans' Aesthetic Appreciation of Non-human Animals,'
Victoria University of Wellington, March 13
'Balinese Gong Kebyar'.
University of California, Santa Barbara, October 9
'Why Art is not a Spandrel'.
University of California, Santa Barbara, October 27
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 20
'Infectious Music: Music-Listener Emotional Contagion,' Jacobs School of Music,
University of Indiana at Bloomington
'Timbral Sonicism Rejected,' Trinity University, San Antonio
'Representation in Photographs and Pictures,' Trinity University, San Antonio
'Musical Works and Orchestral Color,' Amherst College, Amherst
'Perceiving Melodies and Perceiving Orchestral Colors,' William & Mary College,
'Perceiving Melodies and Perceiving Orchestral Colors,' Temple University,
'Life is a Passacaglia,' Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster
'Humans' Aesthetic Appreciation of Non-human Animals,' Franklin & Marshall
College, Lancaster
'Humans' Aesthetic Appreciation of Non-human Animals,' Waikato University
'Representation in photographs and pictures,' University of Canterbury
'Life is a Passacaglia,' University of Canterbury
'Ellen Dissanayake's Evolutionary Aesthetic.' Joint seminar, University of South
Australia and Flinders University, Adelaide
'Aesthetic Judgments and Functionality,' Victoria University of Wellington
'Aesthetic Judgments and Functionality,' University of Southampton University
'Versions of Musical Works and Literary Translations,' Sheffield University
'Versions of Musical Works and Literary Translations,' University of California,
San Diego
'Aesthetic Judgments and Functionality,' San Diego State University
'The Ontology of Musical Works' Trinity University, San Antonio
'The Ontology of Musical Works' Texas Tech University, Lubbock
'The Ontology of Musical Works' The Open University, Milton Keynes
'What is the Sound of One Piano Plummeting?' University of Durham, Durham
'The Experience of Music' University of Durham, Durham
'The Ontology of Musical Works' York University, York
'What Makes a Performance of Beethoven's Fifth a Performance of Beethoven's
Fifth (and not of another work that sounds the same)?' University of
Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
'Goodman on Works and Notations' King's College London
'Rock versus Classical Music' NZ Branch of International Association of Music
'Contra The Hypothetical Persona in Music' University of Colorado at Boulder
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 21
----------------------------------------------------------'Musical Scores And Other Notations' University of Colorado at Boulder
'Discussion of Definitions of Art' University of Colorado at Boulder
'Authenticity In Non-Western And Tourist Music' University of Colorado at
'Discussion of Musical Meaning and Expression' University of Colorado at
'Interpreting Contextualities' University of Miami
'Interpreting Contextualities' University of Florida, Gainseville
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' Florida State University, Tallahassee
'Interpreting Contextualities' Tulane University, New Orleans
'Interpreting Contextualities' Rice University, Houston
'Discussion of "Why Listen to Sad Music?'' University of Texas at Austin
'So You Want To Sing With The Beatles? Too Late' University of Texas at Austin
'Discussion of "Authenticity in Music"' Trinity University, San Antonio 'Authenticity In Non-Western And Tourist Music' Trinity University, San Antonio
'Authenticity In Non-Western And Tourist Music' University of Texas, Arlington
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' Texas Tech University, Lubbock
'Interpreting Contextualities' University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' -Arizona State University, Tempe
'So You Want To Sing With The Beatles? Too Late' San Jose State University, San
'Contra The Hypothetical Persona in Music' University of California, Berkeley
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' University of California, Santa Barbara
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' Uppsala University, Uppsala
'So You Want To Sing With The Beatles? Too Late' - Uppsala University, Uppsala
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' Lund University, Lund
'First Art and Art's Definition' Lund University, Lund
'Non-Western Art and Art's Definition' University of Hull, Hull
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews
'Authenticity in performance' Goldsmith College, University of London 'First Art and Art's Definition' University College, University of London
'So You Want To Sing With The Beatles? Too Late' Mt. Holyoke, Sth Hadley, Mass.
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' University of Maryland, College Park
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant
'Non-Western Art and Art's Definition' University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
'John Cage's 4'33" - Is It Music?' University of Illinois at Chicago
'Non-Western Art and Art's Definition' University of Wisconsin at Madison
'Non-Western Art and Art's Definition' Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota
CONFERENCE PAPERS (1996-2013 only)
'Are Animals Aesthetes and Artists?'
16th Evolutionary Biology Meeting, Marseilles, France, September 18-21.
Invited address.
'Macbeth as Opera,'
Celebrating the Work of Peter Goldie, Manchester, September 14-15
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 22
----------------------------------------------------------'The Aesthetics of Adornments,'
Aesthetics towards Everyday Life: East and West, Changchun, China, 2-3
September. Invited address.
'Kinds of mind/brain modularity and their relevance to connecting art to
European Society for Aesthetics, Universidade do Minho, Braga & Guimarães,
Portugal, 25th - 27th of June
'Kinds of mind/brain modularity and their relevance to connecting art to
American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Monterey,
April 11-13
'Are Art Behaviors Universal?'
Invited Symposium: Art and Evolution, American Philosophical Association
(Pacific), Seattle, April 4-7
'Is Music an Evolutionary Adaptation?'
American Society for Aesthetics 69th Annual Meeting, Tampa, October 26-29
'Bali and the Management of Culture,'
Unsettled Boundaries: Philosophy, Art and Ethics East/West, Marquette
University, Milwaukee, October 12-14
'Landscape Aesthetics and Evolutionary Psychology,'
American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division), San Diego, April 20-23
'Evolutionary Psychologists on Landscape Aesthetics,'
Australasian Association of Philosophy (New Zealand Division), Hamilton,
December 5-9
'Cultural Appropriation,'
American Society for Aesthetics 68th Annual Meeting, Victoria, October 27-30
'Human Beauty and Evolutionary Psychology,'
18th International Congress of Aesthetics, Beijing, August 9-13
'Music and Metaphor,'
British Wittgenstein Society (invited address), Southampton, June 28-29
'The Human Face of Beauty,'
American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Monterey,
April 7-9
'Music, Fire, and Evolution,'
American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Annual Meeting (invited
address), San Francisco, March 31-April 3
'Humans' Aesthetic Appreciation of Non-human Animals,'
Aesthetics and History of Science Workshop (invited address), Dunedin,
February 25-26
'Music and Metaphor,'
The Soul in the Machine: Towards a Theory of Symbolic Expressivity, Freie
Universität Berlin, December 10-13, 2009
invited address
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 23
----------------------------------------------------------'Commentary on 'Projecting Sound: Theory of Musical Representation",'
American Society for Aesthetics 67th Annual Meeting, Denver, October 21-24.
'Functional Beauty Discussed,'
American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division, Vancouver, April 8-12.
invited address
'Author Meets Critics: Patel's Music, Language, and the Brain,'
American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division Annual Meeting, Monterey,
April 15-17
'Music-to-listener Emotional Contagion,'
The Emotional Power of Music, Brocher Foundation, Hermance-Geneva,
Switzerland, June 25-27
invited address
'Bob, Little Jim, Bluebottle, and the Three Stooges,'
Solomon Memorial Conference, Austin, Texas, Feburary 15-16
'Bob, Little Jim, Bluebottle, and the Three Stooges,'
American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division Annual Meeting,
Monterey, March 26-8.
'Why Art is not a Spandrel,'
British Society for Aesthetics Conference, St Edmunds, Oxford, September
'Responding Emotionally to Fictions,'
Presidential address, American Society for Aesthetics 66th Annual Meeting,
Northampton, November 5-8.
'Creativity on Display,'
American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division Annual Meeting,
Monterey, March 28-30.
'Life is a Passacaglia,'
American Society for Aesthetics, Eastern Division Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, April 13-14.
'Cross-cultural Sensitivity to Music's Expressiveness,'
International Society for Research on the Emotions, Queensland, July 1115.
'Cross-cultural Sensitivity to Music's Expressiveness,'
Aesthetic Psychology, Durham, September 23-25.
'Humans' Aesthetic Appreciation of Non-human Animals,' American Society for
Aesthetics, 65th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, November 7-10.
'The Musical Transmission of Emotions,'
American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division Annual Meeting,
Monterey, March 29-31.
'Musical Understandings,' invited keynote address, Music and Philosophy:
Emotion and Reason
Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, June 5-7
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 24
----------------------------------------------------------'Infectious music: music-listener emotional contagion', Empathy: an
International Interdisciplinary Conference, Cal State Fullerton, June 22-23.
'The Origins of Balinese Legong,' Disputations and Debates: A Workshop in
University of Auckland, October 7-8.
'Authors meet Critics: Two Introductory Aesthetics Texts',
American Society for Aesthetics, 64th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, October
'Infectious music: music-listener emotional contagion', Evolution and the
Emotions Workshop,
ANU, Canberra, November 17
'Evolution and the Value of Literature', Literature and Evolution: Possibilities,
Problems, Prospects,
University of Auckland, December 9-11
'Authors' Intentions and Literary Interpretation.' March 26, Invited Paper, 2hour session American Philosophical Association, 79th Pacific Division
Meeting, San Francisco, March 22-7, 2005
'Response to Stecker's 'The Aesthetic: Changing Roles and Changing
Conceptions',' March 31, American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division
Annual Meeting, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, March 30-April 1, 2005.
'The Role of Non-Balinese in the Preservation of Legong' April 13, Music and
Dance Performance: Cross-Cultural Approaches, (AHRC Research Centre
and British Forum for Ethnomusicology), April 12-15, 2005, School of
Oriental and African Studies, London
'More in Defence of Musical Ontology,' Saturday, October 22, American Society
for Aesthetics, 63rd Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, October 1922, 2005
'In the Graveyard with Stravinsky.' Plenary address, opera symposium, Southern
Cross University, Ballina, NSW, April 11.
'Versions of Musical Works.' AAP Conference (July 4-9), Sth Molle Island,
Queensland, July 5
'Aesthetic Judgments and Functionality,' September 10, invited plenary address,
British Society of Aesthetics, Oxford, September 9-12
'Performance Interpretations of Musical Works', September 18, invited plenary
address, Music: Interpretation, Performance, and Perception,
Sigtunastiftelsen, Sweden, September 16-19
'Response to Justin London (Authenticity in 'Outsider' Music: No Commercial
Potential, No Lessons Required), Ted Gracyk (Authenticities Within
Commercial Music), and John Covach (Authenticity at the Borders of
Style)', three hour panel on October 29 at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Aesthetics (October 27-30), Houston, Texas
'Reply to Andrew Kania's 'The Ontology of Rock music'.' American Society for
Aesthetics, 61st Annual meeting, October 1-4, 2003, San Francisco.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 25
----------------------------------------------------------'On the Possibility of Defining Art.' Australasian Association of Philosophy (New
Zealand Division), December 7-10, 2003.
'A Commentary on Theodore Gracyk's I Wanna be Me: Rock Music and the
Politics of Identity' American Society for Aesthetics, Pacific Division,
Asilomar, March 27-29
'The Know-how of Musical Performance' European Society for the Cognitive
Sciences of Music, April 5-8, Liège
'A Philosophical Perspective on Expression in Music Performance,' 7th
International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, July 17-21,
'Stephen Davies' Musical Works and Performances', November 1, American
Society for Aesthetics 60th Annual Meeting, Miami, October 31-November
3. [In this two hour session I responded to discussion of my book by Fred
Maus (University of Virginia), Alan Goldman (University of Miami), and
Gary Iseminger (Carleton College).]
'What is the sound of one piano plummeting?' American Society for Aesthetics,
Pacific Division, Asilomar
'Comments on Monique Roelofs's "Relational Conditions For Aesthetic Exchange
" and Leslie Bostrum's "What happens in the studio?" 59th Annual Meeting
of the American Society for Aesthetics, Minneapolis Minnesota, October 2427
'Ontologies of Musical Works' Presidential address, Australasian Association of
Philosophy (NZ Division), Auckland, December 2-7
Chair, Program Committee American Society for Aesthetics Annual Meeting at
Reno Nevada
'What is the sound of one piano plummetting?' Australasian Association of
Philosophy (NZ Division), December, Wellington
'Pierre Menard and the Ontology of Art' Conference on Jose Luis Borges,
University of Auckland
'Goodman on Works and Notations' Philosophy of Music, King's College, London,
April 21-22
'Response to Leibowitz and Stecker' 56th Annual meeting of the American
Society for Aesthetics, Bloomington, Indiana, November 4-8
'Authentic Performance' American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division,
Washington DC, December 27-30
'Rock versus Classical Music' Australasian Association of Philosophy, Auckland
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 26
Commentator on John Fisher's "Ontology of Recordings," American Society for
Aesthetics (Pacific Division) at Asilomar, April 3-6.
'Defining Art Cross-Culturally,' Harkness Symposium, Christchurch, May 10-11
Chair, 'Art & Anthropology' American Society for Aesthetics National Meeting at