stephen davies - recent research publications

Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 1
----------------------------------------------------------STEPHEN DAVIES - RECENT RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS
2013. 'The Evolutionary Value of an Aesthetic Sense,' Aisthesis – Pratiche,
linguaggi e saperi dell'estetico, 6 (2), (2013), 75-79.
2013. "Why Make Art?" Island, 134, Spring, 20.
2013. "Music-to-listener Emotional Contagion." In The Emotional Power of
Music, edited by Tom Cochrane, Bernadino Fantini, and Klaus R. Scherer,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 169-176.
2013. 'Artists' Intentions and Artwork Meanings: Some Complications,'
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 138-139.
2013. 'Definitions of Art.' In Gaut & D. McIver Lopes (eds.), Routledge Companion
to Aesthetics, London, Routledge, 3rd edition, 213-22.
2013. 'Review of Peter Goldie's The Mess Inside,' British Journal of Aesthetics, 53,
2013. "Performing Musical Works Authentically: A Response to Dodd," British
Journal of Aesthetic, 53, 71-75.
2012. "Muzyka, ogieÅ„ i ewolucja," dialogi o kulturze i edukacji, nr 1(1), 35–58.
Translated by Paweł Zajadacz.
2012. The Artful Species: Aesthetics, Art, and Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 301. ISBN 978-0-19-965854-1.
2012. 'John Cage's 4'33". Is it Music?' Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 90th
Year Special Virtual Issue.
2012. 'Authentic Performances of Musical Works,' Teorema: Revista
Internacional de Filosofia. 31 (3), 81-88.
2012. 'On Defining Music,' The Monist, 95, 535-555.
2012. 'Beauty, Youth, and the Balinese Legong Dance.' In Peggy Zeglin Brand
(ed.), Beauty Unlimited, Indianapolis: University of Indiana Press, 259279.
2012. "Is Architecture Art?" in Philosophie der Architektur, Christoph
Baumberger (ed. And trans.), Münster: Mentis, 2012.
2012. 'Analytic Philosophy of Music.' In Oxford Bibliographies Online:
Philosophy. Duncan Pritchard (ed.). New York: Oxford University Press,
June 26, 2012.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 2
2011. Musical Understandings and Other Essays on the Philosophy of Music.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 221. ISBN 978-0-19-960877-5.
2011. 'Questioning the Distinction between Intra- and Extra-musical Meaning,'
Physics of Life Reviews, 8 (2), 114-115.
2011. 'The Role of Westerners in the Conservation of the Legong Dance.'
Contemporary Aesthetics. Vol 3,
2011. 'Infectious Music: Music-Listener Emotional Contagion.' In Peter Goldie &
Amy Coplan (eds.) Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 134-148.
2011. 'Cross-cultural musical expressiveness: theory and the empirical
programme.' In Elisabeth Schellekens & Peter Goldie (eds.), The Aesthetic
Mind: Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 376388.
2011. 'Notations.' In T. Gracyk and A. Kania (eds.), The Routledge Companion to
Philosophy and Music, London: Routledge, 70-79.
2011. 'Analytic Philosophy of Music.' In T. Gracyk and A. Kania (eds.), The
Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music, London: Routledge, 294–
2011. 'The Musical Expression of Emotion,'
in A Reader in the Philosophy of the Arts, David Goldblatt & Lee Brown
(eds.), (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall), 185-190. Third edition.
Excerpted from The Philosophy of Art.
2010. Art, definition of. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
London: Routledge. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from
2010. Art, performing. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
London: Routledge. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from
2010. 'Why Art is not a Spandrel?' British Journal of Aesthetics, 50, 333-341.
2010. 'The Hypothetical Intentionalist's Dilemma: a Reply to Levinson,"
British Journal of Aesthetics, 50, 307-312.
(co-authored with Robert Stecker)
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 3
----------------------------------------------------------2010. 'Functional Beauty Examined,'
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 40, 315-332.
2010. "Music, Fire, and Evolution,"
Politics and Culture, Issue 1, (accessed April 30, 2010)
2010. 'Non-Western Art and Art's Definition,'
in Aesthetics Today: A Reader, edited by R. Stecker & T. Gracyk, (Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), 137-146.
2010. 'The Expression of Emotion in Music,'
in Aesthetics Today: A Reader, edited by R. Stecker & T. Gracyk, (Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), 296-303.
Excerpted from Musical Meaning and Expression, 227-240.
2010. 'Emotions Expressed and Aroused by Music: Philosophical Perspectives.'
In P.N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music and
Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2009. 'Life is a Passacaglia.'
Philosophy and Literature, 33, 315-328.
2009. 'The History.' In Legong. Doug Myers (ed.), (Ubud: Amandari), 20-25.
2009. Review of Malcolm Budd's Aesthetic Essays, (Oxford: Oxford University
Press), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2009.08.29,
2009. 'Responding Emotionally to Fictions.' Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism,
67, 269-284.
2009. A Companion to Aesthetics. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, xvi + 621. Second
2009. "Twentieth-century Anglo-American Analytic Aesthetics." In S. Davies, K. M.
Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D, E, Cooper (eds.), A Companion to
Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 61-73.
Co-authored with Robert Stecker.
2009. "Music and Song." In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D,
E, Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: WileyBlackwell, 91-95.
Co-authored with John Andrew Fisher.
2009. "Danto, Arthur C(oleman)." In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R.
Stecker, & D, E, Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition.
Stephen Davies - Philosophical and Other Publications 4
----------------------------------------------------------Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 226-229.
Co-authored with David Novitz.
2009. "Evolution, Aesthetics, and Art." In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R.
Stecker, & D, E, Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition.
Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 259-261.
2009. "Notations." In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D, E,
Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: WileyBlackwell, 441-443.
2009. "Performance." In S. Davies, K. M. Higgins, R. Hopkins, R. Stecker, & D, E,
Cooper (eds.), A Companion to Aesthetics. Second edition. Malden: WileyBlackwell,460-462.
2009. Review of Andy Hamilton, Aesthetics and Music, (London: Continuum),
Analysis, 69, 397-398.
2008. 'Trying to Define Art as the Sum of the Arts,' Pazhouhesh Nameh-e
Farhangestan-e Honar (Research Journal of the Iranian Academy of the
Arts), 8, Spring (2008): 12-23. (Also in Persian in the same journal.)
2008. 'Musical Works and Orchestral Colour.' British Journal of Aesthetics, 48, 363375.
2008. 'True Interpretations,' In Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of
Literature: An Analytic Approach, D. Davies & C. Matheson (eds.), (Plymouth:
Broadview), 211-216.
2008. 'Così's Canon Quartet.' In G. Hagberg (ed.), Art and Ethical Criticism, Oxford:
Wiley-Blackwell, 245-258.
2008. 'The Origins of Balinese Legong,' Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkund
(BKI), 164 (2/3), 194-211.
2008. 'Bob, Little Jim, Bluebottle, and the Three Stooges,' Postgraduate Journal of
Aesthetics (British Society of Aesthetics), 5 (1)
2008. Review: Peter Kivy, Introduction to a Philosophy of Music, (Oxford:
Clarendon Press), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 76, 222-224.