Duties and Responsibilities
In accordance with Virginia School Counselor Association (VSCA) bylaws, “the
President-Elect shall perform such duties as may be directed by the President and/or
Executive Board and shall serve as chairperson of the Nominations and Election
Committee. The nominations and Elections Committee shall determine the eligibility of,
and shall select from the nominees, names of candidates for placement on the elections
ballot for each of the following positions: President-Elect, Secretary-Elect, and five Vice
Presidents-Elect. Should an insufficient number of nominations be submitted to fill the
ballot, the committee shall select, in consultation with the Executive Board, the names of
qualified members consenting to have their names placed on the election ballot.”
Each position on the ballot will also have a write-in possibility. In the event that there are
no nominees for a position, the write in winner will have first right of refusal. If the
write-in candidate refuses the position, a special election will be held to fill the position.
In addition, “the President- Elect shall automatically become President of the Association
one year after the commencement of the term of office as President-Elect, (July 1) or
upon the death or resignation of the President. In the event a President-Elect should
resign or be unable to complete the term, or fill the President’s un-expired term, the
immediate Past President of the Executive Board shall assume the position of chairperson
of the Executive Board until the Executive Board appoints a qualified member to fill any
such vacancy.”
In addition to general duties as described by the by-laws, the President Elect:
Is a member in good standing of VCA, VSCA, ACA, and ASCA
Attends all VSCA Board meetings and assists the President as needed
Assists with the annual update of the VSCA Strategic Plan
Attends Virginia Counselor Association (VCA) Board meetings in an unofficial
Represents the organization at the state and national conferences when approved
by the board
Develops committee structure for VSCA voting and non-voting board members
Represents VSCA at the American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
Delegate Assembly
Prepares news articles for the VSCA VOICE and submits material for web-site
Serves as ASCA liaison in communicating information between ASCA and
Promotes membership in VCA, VSCA and ASCA
Oversees the calendar of professional development activities
Plans and oversees Summer Academy
Participates in all other activities of the organization as needed.
Attends VSCA Conference for official introduction to membership
Attends VSCA Board Meeting and Leadership Training
Plans for the year with President and newly elected Executive Board
Makes travel arrangements to attend ASCA Delegate Assembly.Conference in
June, Summer Academy and ASCA Leadership Development Institute (LDI) in
Attends VCA Board Meeting and Leadership Training
ASCA Delegate Assembly/Conference
 Attends ASCA Leadership Development Institute (LDI)
 Newsletter item due – ‘Reflections of the President-Elect’ (chose topical issue)
 Attends VSCA Board Meeting
 Attends VSCA Board Meeting
 Begins recruiting candidates for VSCA Board
 Prepares nomination form
 Attends VCA conference and VSCA Board meeting
 Distributes nomination forms to all interested candidates at VSCA Membership
Meeting at VCA conference
 Newsletter item due ‘Reflections of the President-Elect
 Prepares Nominees platform and ballot to be placed on web site
 Attends Legislative Day
 Assists Advocacy Team
 Attends VSCA Board Meeting
 Posts ballots on Web Site with final date
 Receives election results and contact newly elected
Suggests other positions for non-elected
Compiles roster of newly elected
Receives updated job descriptions
 Plans and schedule Leadership Training for newly elected board
 Attends the ASCA Public Policy Institute
 Attends VSCA conference
 President Elect will introduce Elects at Award Luncheon or Dinner
 Purchases and presents gift to outgoing president
 Attend VSCA Board Meeting President will run first half of meeting, present each
person on the board with a memento of appreciation and turn the gavel over to the
 Begins role as interim President - The President Elect – now interim President
will briefly share a vision for the upcoming year (Official take over is July 1)
 Conducts the Leadership Training (can be April, May or June) and meeting of
new board. Distribute responsibilities/notebooks to newly elects. Arrange for
Past-Presidents to share information about Policy Governance and Strategic Plan.
Allow time for old and new board members to discuss roles and ask questions.
Allow time for a short Conference Committee Meeting to discuss theme and
decide tasks.
 Prepares/distributes Calendar of Meeting Dates for the coming year
Officially takes over as President July 1
First article for VSCA VOICE “Reflections of the President” with vision for the
year is due