
Badger Region Volleyball Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Region Office on April 25, 2011
Board Members In Attendance: Julie Voeck, Nancy Paulson, BJ LeRoy, Dave
Schmidlin, Franco Marcos, Jim Momsen, BJ Bryant, Kelly Lehman, Chad Schreiber
Ex-Officio Members Present: Jennifer Armson-Dyer, Dale Rohde, Colleen Houk, Scott
Blackmon, Terry Paulson, Wayne Schultz
On The Phone: Chris Haworth, Betty Lange
Guests: Larry Schoenick, Eddie Zelhaufer, Jason Wheelock, Tom Golecki (Waupaca
“Everyone has had a chance to review the agenda. Does anyone have a
conflict of interest with anything we plan to discuss? Let the minutes
I. Call to Order
Voeck calls the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
II. Waupaca Boatride
a. Voeck moves that agenda II be about the Waupaca Boat Ride. N.
Paulson seconds. Motion carries.
b. Golecki gave a history of the Waupaca Boatride and talked about their
similar mission to Badger Region, to promote volleyball. Information
on format, size, addition of Misty May Volleyball Camps. Discussion
about the tournament, price and format. Question: What can Badger
Region do for your event? Answer: We want the governing body of the
sport in the state of Wisconsin to know about it and dispel some of the
rumors surrounding the event. Discussion about the potential in
growth for Badger Region in adults and for Waupaca in juniors. T.
Paulson will take the lead on the Badger Region side, with LeRoy and
Bryant also involved.
III. Approval of Minutes from Feb. 8, 2011
All in favor of approving minutes, none opposed. Motion passes.
IV. Region Office Report
a. Operations Director Search
Voeck discussed the change in the office staff and the process of hiring
a new Operations Director. Armson-Dyer will take over Interim with
Schultz assisting in the transition. The job will be posted soon.
b. High Performance Travel
Schultz talked about the complications he’s been having securing
affordable HP travel. Still looking around $600-$700 per player.
CAP Clinic
Discussion of planning a CAP clinic in Badger Region and the timing of
when it would be best held. First/second weekend in December and
USAV January Board Meeting
Voeck discussed minutes and topics covered, including the fee
increase and how the money was being used, and some guidelines
about what regions need to do in order to become or remain a region.
Lake Effect Region
Schultz reported that nothing new had happened as they had not met
since the last board meeting. Discussion about if this group will
continue. Schultz said that he anticipates Mitch Stemm in Hoosier
Region to take the lead. Question of a Lake Effect Region tournament?
Schultz said that Great Lakes Region runs a tournament and didn’t
want to step on their toes. No new ideas for now.
Club Director Round Table
Armson-Dyer talked about the club director round-table discussion
she is putting together. N. Paulson requested feedback on
Dan’s House of Hope
Voeck talked about a possible partnership with Dan’s House of Hope.
Roger Kenneavy (Appleton Magic) club director who runs a
tournament in the name of his son and who may request officials
(referee) assistance from Badger Region
WVC Finishes
Armson-Dyer talked about the WVC finishes at the NCVF
Championships in Houston. UW Oshkosh men (Division 1, 1st place),
UW Stout Men (Division 1AAA, 2nd place), UW La Crosse Men (Division
2, 1st place).
V. Tournament Director Report
a. Badger Region Championships
T. Paulson talked about the financials regarding the Badger Region
Championships – the expenses doubled because of having to move
from one site to another but there was a gain in attendance. There
was a lot of positive feedback on the Expo Center at State Fair Park,
including more space inside the venue and better parking. In 2012
there may need to be a week between because of Easter and facility
availability at both locations. But starting in 2013 Badger Region has a
hold on the second and third weekends in March at the Frontier
Airlines Center. Will probably do an RFP for both sites. Question: will
there be hotel partners for State Fair Park in 2012? T. Paulson said he
would reach out to Brookfield hotels. Voeck congratulated T. Paulson
on a great event and thanked everyone who participated. Marcos
thanked everyone on behalf of the adult teams who participated and
said that a lot of parents were interested in the adult teams playing.
b. Badger Region Qualifier
Age groups: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Numbers down but have an R1/R2 for
all courts. Have three bids (1 national, 2 American). Gave three bids
back in 12s and 13s because no one wanted them. Discussion about
how to grow the qualifier, the economics of teams wanting to go to
USAV Nationals. Discussion of combining the BR Championships and
Qualifier in order to have teams qualify earlier and be able to plan for
c. Beach Events
June 19 is the USA Junior Open. July 30 is the Beach Jam. There are
talks about bringing in US Open Beach Qualifying, may change some
VI. Officials
a. Training
Voeck talked about sending Momsen for National training and Laurie
Freund for scorekeeper certification, also stepped-up training for
officials throughout the year. Would like to institute a program where
the lead official would work with either paid officials or coaches to
help train all officials. Also good feedback from national training at
Boys Fest, USAV looking to make it a national training site.
b. New Official’s Assigner
Schoenick was introduced as the new official’s assigner, with Momsen
aiding in the transition. Discussion about having the assigner work
with the tournament directors (TDs) on assigning people by level
rather than leaving it up to the TD. Suggestion that at the fall junior
club director meeting, the TDs work with the assigner at how can they
get the best officials at certain levels, and also encourage the officials
to concentrate more on scorekeeping.
c. Official’s Advancement
Momsen and Voeck reported that there is a good young crop of
officials advancing through the ranks.
d. Official’s Mileage Reimbursement
Momsen updated the Payment Schedule for officials to clarify.
Discussion about better ways to submit mileage because how it is
being down now is hard to manage.
e. Junior Officials Requirements
Discussion about minimum requirements for R2s and the
requirements for scorekeeper training. Discussion about requiring
coaches to be R2s at events so they know what they’re doing at the
national events where it’s required. Voeck halted discussion and it will
be brought up at the fall Junior Club Director meeting for further
discussion: cite concerns with supporting material so the club director’s
know what the issues are and ask them if there is a minimum age that
we start R2s and should we require R2s be adult at region events, and
would they want training for that?
a. Tryout Timing
Voeck talked about the Great Lakes Region potentially doing away
with their tryout policies and if Badger needs to address our tryout
rules. Discussion about why the rules were in place, the ramifications
and if it’s a national issue. Discussion about asking USAV to make a
tryout rule about timing. Discussion about what clubs would do at
what time. Armson-Dyer will talk to USAV about their stance on this
issue and possibly send out a survey to Badger Region clubs to see their
b. Scholarships
Blackmon talked about setting aside a scholarship (one for a boy, one
for a girl) for a player who would not be playing in college but have
played from 14s to 18s. Blackmon will put together a proposal and N.
Paulson and Schreiber will work to get the details for the next meeting
for a vote.
c. Region-Run Facility
Houk talked about exploring the idea of a region-run facility. Voeck
talked about a strategic planning meeting and the topic would be
covered there.
Executive Committee Actions
Voeck stated that not much was done aside from some HR issues and
some by-laws revision wording.
IX. By-Laws Modification
a. Due Process Wording Clarification
After a recent ethics and eligibility case, some wording needs to be
clarified. N. Paulson explained the reasoning for the wording change.
N. Paulson proposed the change. Lehman seconded. All in favor,
none opposed. Motion carries.
b. Board Resolution
Voeck discussed the board resolution regarding membership issues
(following the minutes). The purpose is that the board recognizes that
USAV made the change in their by-laws, and also to save staff and
board time because the option to register with another entity isn’t
allowed. LeRoy motions that the resolution is accepted as written.
Momsen seconds. Discussion about what it means: USAV changed
their by-laws and because we’re a region we have to follow those bylaws and must register all of our members with USAV. It’s not a
change of policy, it’s a clarification and recognition that Badger is
following USAV by-laws. Vote: 10-1 in favor of passing the
resolution as written. Motion carries.
X. New Business
a. WVC Showcase Event
Schreiber talked about starting a WVC event at the end of January in
addition to the Hoosier/Illini and Vegas tournaments. They’re
working on the details and Chula is an option.
XI. Adjourn
Momsen motions to adjourn. Lange seconds. Meeting adjourned at 9:59
 All in favor of approving minutes, none opposed. Motion passes.
 Motion: to change wording for clarity in the by-laws regarding an appeal to
the region board of directors. N. Paulson proposed the change. Lehman
seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carries.
 LeRoy motions that the proposed board resolution is accepted as written.
Momsen seconds. Vote: 10-1 in favor of passing the resolution as written.
Motion carries.
 Momsen motions to adjourn. Lange seconds. Meeting adjourned at 9:59 p.m.
Action Items
 T. Paulson will take the lead on consulting with the Waupaca Boatride from
the Badger Region side, with LeRoy and Bryant also involved.
 Voeck will bring up the training of R2s and requirements for it to be an adult
at the fall Junior Club Director meeting for further discussion: cite concerns
with supporting material so the club director’s know what the issues are
and ask them if there is a minimum age that we start R2s and should we
require R2s be adult at region events, and would they want training for that?
 Armson-Dyer will talk to USAV about their stance on the tryout policy issue
and possibly send out a survey to Badger Region clubs to see their thoughts.
 Blackmon will put together a proposal and N. Paulson and Schreiber will
work to get the details for the next meeting for a vote.
Board Resolution
Of the Badger Region Volleyball Association
WHEREAS, the Badger Region Volleyball Association is recognized as a Regional
Volleyball Association of USA Volleyball (the “Corporation”) in accordance with the
Corporation’s Bylaws; and
WHEREAS, the Badger Region Volleyball Association affirms its compliance with the
Corporation’s Bylaws; and
WHEREAS, the Corporation’s Board of Directors took action to amend the
Corporation’s Bylaws as its duly constituted meeting held on January 24, 2011; and
WHEREAS, one of the amended Bylaws states that a Regional Volleyball Association
of USA Volleyball “Registers participants only with the Corporation”;
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the Badger Region
Volleyball Association that it will register participants only with the Corporation.
APPROVED and attested to this 25th day of April, 2011 as witnessed by:
Julie Voeck
Badger Region Volleyball Association
Chris Haworth
Badger Region Volleyball Association