template letter - The Wildlife Trusts

[MP name here]
House of Commons
Dear [MP name here],
Re: Bovine TB – implementing science-based strategies that work
I am asking you to urge the Government to drop its failing badger cull policy immediately
and develop an alternative and effective strategy to tackle bovine tuberculosis (bTB).
Bovine TB is an important disease of cattle in Great Britain that can have devastating impacts
– both financial and emotional – on farming communities. It also generates significant costs
for taxpayers. It is therefore vital that the right mechanisms are used to control the disease,
and culling badgers is not one of them. In light of recent announcements to continue flawed
culls in Somerset and Gloucestershire, and to roll out culling to Dorset, I believe the
Government must drop the badger cull from its bTB eradication strategy for the following
Science matters
 It is unacceptable for the Government to ignore the growing weight of scientific evidence
and expert advice against the culling of badgers, which is not a viable option and can
make no meaningful contribution to the eradication of bTB in cattle. Practical experience
from two years of culling in Somerset and Gloucestershire has further demonstrated that
this approach is flawed in its methodology, measures and objectives. An independent
expert panel deemed the culls ‘inhumane’ and ‘ineffective’ due to their repeated failure to
meet cull targets, which carries a significant risk of increasing disease transmission due to
the ‘perturbation effect’. As a result, the British Veterinary Association has withdrawn its
support for controlled shooting. It is also unacceptable, in a time of austerity, to spend
taxpayers’ money on an ineffective measure. In the first year, the culls cost taxpayers an
alarming £5,200 per dead badger. In contrast, an effective badger vaccination programme
deployed by The Wildlife Trusts in 2014 cost on average £293 per badger.
Democracy matters
 MPs voted overwhelmingly against a badger cull in March 2014 and more than 304,000
people responded to the Government petition to stop the badger cull in September 2013.
The Government should act on the wishes of Parliament and of the people, particularly
when science and economics are on their side.
Nature matters
 The badger is one of our most fascinating and iconic mammals and an important part of
the UK’s ecosystem – the Government should recognise that people across the country
care deeply about this important part of our natural heritage and the value of nature.
Instead of culling badgers, the Government should prioritise an evidence-based strategy that
incorporates badger vaccination, alongside a comprehensive package of cattle measures that
have been proven to work in Wales: better bio-security, stricter movement controls, improved
TB testing and development of a cattle vaccine.
Only then will we be able to get on top of this disease in an effective way.
I urge you, as my local MP, to write to Environment Secretary the Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss
MP to implore her to follow the science and the economics and stop the cull.
Yours sincerely,