SI Leader Manual

SI Leader Manual
Table of Contents
An Introduction to Supplemental Instruction
Running a Session
Learning Activities
Opening and Closing Sessions
Skills for SI Leaders
Administrative Responsibilities
An Introduction to Supplemental Instruction
What is Supplemental Instruction?
Supplemental instruction is not tutoring! Supplemental Instruction is based on
observations that were made of successful medical school students. Successful students
formed study groups, stayed on task, and “figured out” the teacher. Our Supplemental
Instruction program forms a study group using an SI leader who has taken the course to
help keep the group focused and on task.
Benefits to Students
●Development of study skills
●Spend more time working with course material
●Higher grades (on average)
●Opportunity to study with other students in the same class
●Opportunity to gain insight about how the teacher tests from a student who has taken
the class
What do SI Leaders do?
SI leaders attend class with the students and then meet with groups of students 2 or 3
times a week to help them with the material. The SI instructor is not an expert in the
subject, and is not a tutor. The role of the SI leader is to help guide students through the
course, to assist them in developing study skills relevant to the course, and to help them
identify important information and concepts in the course material. SI leaders are
facilitators, not teachers.
Benefits to SI Leaders
●Refresh knowledge and learn a topic more completely
●Develop leadership skills
●Develop communication skills
●Learn more about teaching techniques and how people learn
●Get paid
Expectations of Supplemental Instruction Leaders
As an employee and representative of Delta College we expect that you will behave in a
professional manner at all times. We also expect the following…
1) You are expected to be on time for your sessions. Arrive a few minutes early so
that you can arrange the room and greet students when they get there.
2) You are responsible for contacting a member of the staff if you will be late for a
session or unable to meet a session. Below are the phone numbers for the people
you should try to contact. PLEASE attempt to make person-to-person (not
voicemail) contact with one of these people.
Julia Amezcua-Rodriguez (209) 954-5542
Greta Giles
(209) 954-5803
3) You are expected to complete the tutor training course if you have not already
done so.
4) You are expected to report any difficulties with your room assignment with one of
the staff. Do not change rooms without consulting a staff member first.
5) You are expected to meet your sessions at the times which are set at the beginning
of the semester. Do not change your schedule without consulting a staff member
6) You are expected to take attendance at all of your sessions and to be sure that all
of the student names are legible. These attendance sheets need to be turned in to
one of the staff.
7) You are expected to fill out a planning sheet for each session. These planning
sheets need to be turned in to one of the staff.
8) You are expected to keep an accurate record of your hours and to turn in your
timecards on time.
Running a Session
While running an SI session remember that it should be informal. If students show up
late, or leave early, don’t get upset! Remember that this is entirely voluntary for the
student and ANY study time they get may help them. Students should also feel free to
attend sessions even if they have missed class or haven’t done the readings or homework.
Be sure to have students sign the attendance sheet at every session. Before they leave, be
sure all of the names on the sheet are legible.
It is important for an SI leader to PLAN for each session. Each session should include:
1. An introductory activity. This is something short and quick to get everyone started.
You can use this activity to gauge what the students already know, to set the agenda for
the session (be sure to include student input in preparing the agenda), or as a way to
introduce students to each other (useful early in the semester).
Setting an agenda with the students is an important process to engage in at the
beginning of each session. Students need to be allowed to have input in what will
be covered during the session. At a minimum, time should be set aside at the end
of the session to cover material which the students have concerns about.
2. A main activity. This is where the bulk of the time will be spent. Depending on what
you decide to do there may be more than one of these activities planned. In fact, it might
be best to plan at least two in case one activity is a “flop”!
During the entire session there are some things to remember
●Wait time is important, students need time to think and formulate answers
●Redirecting questions is a good way to make the students take responsibilityfor
their own learning
●Desk/chair arrangement can determine how students interact. Arrange the chairs
before the session starts.
3. A closure. This is an opportunity to summarize what was covered and to help
students plan what to do next to study for the class.
Questions to ask yourself when planning the session:
1. Am I addressing the most difficult content?
There may be important content you ignore, if it is easy then the students
probably won’t need your help with it. Try to focus on the material that is most difficult.
2. What learning strategies would work best with this material and how long will each
Initially it may be difficult to estimate how long an activity will take, as the
semester progresses you will find it easier to plan an appropriate amount of material.
Early in the semester you will probably want to plan an extra activity or two for each
There is a list of learning activities attached to help you. You may also find
activities done by past SI leaders in the SI filing cabinet. Try to use a variety of learning
activities throughout the semester so that your students don’t get bored.
3. How many students are usually there? How should the seating be arranged?
Don’t forget that how you arrange the chairs and desks will affect the interactions
between students. It is usually best to arrange the chairs or desks in a circle if possible.
Sit in the circle with the students, not at the front of the room. If you expect a lot of
students (at a session before an exam, for example) you will want to plan an activity that
divides the students up into smaller groups. Groups of 4-5 are a good size.
Once you have decided what you will do, complete a session planning sheet and make up
any handouts you might need. The planning sheet and copies of your handouts should be
placed in you folder in the SI filing cabinet. These make excellent resources for future SI
If you have a difficult or belligerent student do not hesitate to contact one of the staff for
assistance. If a student is being physically threatening, campus police can be reached at
Learning Activities
●Information Organizers
Charts, Concept Maps, Diagrams
●One-Minute Paper
Divide and conquer
●Note Review
●Informal Quiz
●Incomplete Outline
Information Organizers
Organizers are a way to display or present information and connect it to other
information that the student either already knows or which is also part of the class.
There are different styles of organizer, the type you use will largely depend on the
material you are convering. An information organizer is typically not used to display
a great deal of content or detail, instead they make it easier to see relationships
between concepts or ideas.
One common chart used is the KWLH chart. The columns are labeled as shown
below. This is a good way to get students to access their prior knowledge before
beginning work on new material.
What we
What we Want to What we Learned How we can
learn more
Carbon forms
four bonds
More about bonding
in carbon
About carbocations
A carbon with
4 different
substutuents is
What about carbons
with 3 things?
About pro-chirality
Look for reactions
of carbocations in
the textbook
Making models
Or, you may choose to make a table and put a different topic or concept as each
heading and fill in the cells beneath it with what you know.
4 bonds
3 bonds
2 bonds
1 bond
Concept maps
Concept maps attach ideas and concepts together in a graphical manner. Usually a
main topic or idea is identified and placed in a circle in the center. Related ideas are
written around it and connected with lines. When these additional ideas are related to
each other, additional lines are drawn in to show the relationship.
You may wish to add more information about the relationships by putting key words
or phrases over the connecting lines.
Some material lends itself to drawing diagrams. This can be especially useful in
science courses where a diagram can be used to summarize the parts and activities of
a system or thing. Try using multiple colors to help visualization and retention.
Think-Pair-Share is a three step process.
1. Give students a problem or question to think about.
2. Students then pair up and discuss their answer with one another.
3. Each pair then shares with the rest of the group.
●This is much less intimidating to the student than answering a question on their own
and will encourage discussion between students.
●Before you give them the question be sure to tell them not to blurt out an answer!
●While they are thinking individually they shouldn’t talk to one another. You may
want to suggest that they write down their thoughts or make diagrams.
●If paired up students still don’t seem comfortable sharing with the larger group you
may want to have a member from each pair write their results on the board.
●You may want to get the process started by asking the first question. After that, you
may want to have the students provide questions.
●This is a good way to keep the group from trying to make you do a “question and
answer” session as it forces them to interact with one another and not just you.
One-Minute Paper
This is a quick way to check for understanding of a topic. You may also be able to
use it to get a group refocused if they are moving in to many different directions.
1. Give the students a question or topic.
2. The students have one minute to respond to the topic, write down what they know
about the topic, or answer the question
Be sure students realize that this isn’t meant to be a polished essay! The goal is to
get their ideas down on paper
One minute can seem like a long time when noone is talking. Keep an eye on the
clock and be sure to give them as much time as you promised. You may even wish to
give them 2 or 3 minutes, depending on the topic.
3. Ask students to share their responses with the rest of the group.
●Here are some general examples of topics/questions you might use:
What was the most important thing you learned today?
What questions do you still have?
What is a possible quiz or test question from the material covered today?
●You may also wish to ask a question that summarizes the actual content for the
What factors affect Gibb’s free energy? What effect does changing them have?
What are the differences and similarities between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
●You can combine the one minute paper with think-pair-share and have students
share their papers with one another.
This is a technique that works well when there is a large amount of material (such as
exam reviews) or if you have a difficult multiple part problem. This can also work
well if you find you have an especially large number of students at a session. The
basic idea is to divide the students into groups with each group tackling a different
problem or set of information. After a set amount of time the groups reconvene to
share with the rest of the students.
●You may also find that dividing into smaller groups is useful when one person is
dominating a discussion.
●Be sure to leave time at the end for the groups to reconvene. An important part of
this technique is putting all the information together at the end.
●Plan ahead of time for how to divide the students into groups. You can have them
count off by 2’s or 3’s for example. Or you could arrange the chairs into groups
before the students arrive.
A special case of the Jigsaw method is referred to as Divide and Conquer. This
technique is used for handling difficult readings.
●Take a portion of the text or assigned reading and divide it up into sections. Each
group takes responsibility for reading and summarizing the main points of their
section. The summary should usually be 1-2 sentences. After each group reports
back the summary of their assigned section the group as a whole can discuss the
●This is useful for occasions when no-one has done the reading or homework!
●This is a good method to give everyone a base of knowledge before another activity
such as boardwork, a matrix, or predicting exam questions.
Vocabulary development can be an important part of a math or science course. Most
vocabulary development relies on “chunking”. The human brain can usually encode
only 5-9 pieces or information at a time, to remember more the information needs to
be organized (or chunked) into groups.
Before the session:
1. Come up with a list of vocabulary words. Alternatively, depending on the
subject you may have a list of equations or symbols.
2. Organize the words into groups.
3. Pick out a few words for the group to define, these should be words that lead to
4. Scramble the words. Put stars next to the words you want them to define.
At the session:
1. Give the students the scrambled list of words.
2. Tell the students to organize the words in a way that makes sense to them.
This may not be the same grouping that you used! That is OK!
3. Tell the students to give definitions or examples for the starred words.
4. Come back together to discuss the groupings and definitions.
● Be sure you give them enough time, grouping words can take awhile.
● You may want to have students work in pairs or small groups and have a
representative put the grouping pattern they devised on the board.
● You might suggest that they fill in definitions for the remainder of the words when
they get home.
Another way to cover vocabulary is to create and fill in a matrix which includes the
meanings of the terms and examples of them.
Example from
Example from
●You may want to let students make their own list of terms. Give them highlighters
and have them go through their notes looking for vocabulary words.
●You might suggest that students make vocabulary notecards to carry around and
Doing boardwork is a good way to develop problem solving skills and works well
when you have difficult problems that students don’t know how to tackle. For each
problem worked at the board you want to figure out the following:
●What is the prerequisite knowledge needed to do the problem?
●What are the mathematical steps to do the problem?
●How can you narrate (put into words) the steps?
●Find or make a similar problem.
Before the students arrive make the following categories on the board:
Mathematical Steps
Similar problem
1. When the students arrive ask for a volunteer to write on the board, let them know
that the rest of the group will tell them what to write!
2. Give the students the problem and have them brainstorm information (such as
formulas and conversions) that they might need to solve the problem.
3. After completing the list of useful information, have them brainstorm the
mathematical steps needed to solve the problem.
4. Once they have written out the math, have them put it into words for the narrative
5. Have the students look in their books for a similar problem, or if possible, have
them construct a new problem of their own.
● You may want to get a different volunteer to write at each step
● Encourage more mathematical students to try to come up with the narrative, and
more verbal students to try to come up with the math steps.
Note Review
In a note review activity students have the opportunity to compare their notes to the
notes of other students in the class. This allows them to fill in information they
missed and to go back over the information in their notes.
One way to review notes is to have each person read a portion of their notes out loud.
comment, add additional information, or discuss points that they may disagree on.
Once the group has finished, go to the next student and have them pick up in their
notes where the previous student left off.
●You can get this process started by being the first person to read
●If one of the students doesn't want to read, don't try to force them, move on to the
next student
●You may suggest that students look for supporting information in their textbooks
and then annotate their notes or write page references in their books.
●This can be very useful at the beginning of the semester. This exercise can help
them develop good note taking skills and help them understand the importance of
taking good notes.
●This can also be a good way to start a session
●This is also a good technique to use when the lecture covered lots of new
vocabulary and can be combined with a vocabulary exercise.
Informal Quiz
In an informal quiz the SI leader reads a few questions out loud to the group and
individually they write down their answers. In an informal quiz students should feel
free to look at their notes or books, but do not talk or share with one another.
After the students are done writing down their answers the group debriefs. Ask if
anyone has an answer to any of the questions. Allowing the students to volunteer to
answer any question they are comfortable with will make the process more informal
and comfortable for the students.
●Tell students to write down the question if they don't have an answer. This allows
them to be writing while the rest of the group is writing.
●It should be possible to answer the question in a short sentence or a few words.
●Include different types of questions. Ask true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short
answer questions.
●Don't include too many questions. 10 is maximum number you should include.
●They may find the process more informal if you tell them to get out scrap paper or
pass out half sheets of paper.
●Try to call on weaker students first if they raise their hand.
●If you get a wrong answer during debriefing, try to say something positive. Don't
let wrong answers stand though, get another answer from another student.
A matrix is essentially a chart used to compare and contrast two or more things. To
create a matrix the subjects go in the vertical axis and the characteristics on the
horizontal axis.
Concentration Units for Solutions
% Conc. (w/w)
Once filled out it might looked like this…..
Concentration Units for Solutions
% Conc. (w/w)
% (w/w)
moles solute
moles solute
moles equivalents
grams solute
liters of solution
Kg of solvent
liters of solution
grams of solution
●The first few times you use matrices you may want to provide students with an
incomplete matrix to start with.
●Later in the semester you may want to let students decide what subjects and
characteristics to use.
●Don't forget to include a title for the matrix
●If the group doesn't get the entire matrix completed during the session it is OK, have
them complete it at home. You may want to have them bring their completed matrices to
the next session to go over.
Incomplete Outline
Using this technique will help students to organize large amounts of information, and
can be useful for organizing lecture notes and/or readings. Students may not be able
to see the best way to organize the information the professor is giving them, which is
where you can help.
Before the session go over the material and organize it into outline form. Then
remove some of the information to produce an incomplete outline. You should have
some idea of what the completed outline would look like, but don't give the
completed outline to the students.
At the session place the students in groups and give each group ONE copy of the
incomplete outline. Have the group fill in the outline. By giving each group only one
copy you can get them to work as a team instead of each doing the outline
●Groups of 3-5 will work best
●As the semester proceeds you can make the outlines more incomplete
1. Energy
A. _______________
2. Laws of Thermodynamics
3. Entropy
A. _____________________________
Skills for SI Leaders
Wait Time
There are two types of wait time.
1) After you ask the group a question.
You should wait at least 3 seconds after asking a question before saying
anything, more if the question was difficult. Students need time to mentally formulate an
answer. It can be difficult to wait in silence, this takes some practice and you will get
better at it as the semester progresses.
2) After a student responds
You should also wait after a student responds to allow the responding
student to elaborate on their answer and for other students to comment.
If no one has responded after 5-10 seconds you may want to try rephrasing the question,
simplifying the question, or asking if someone can rephrase the question for you.
Redirecting Questions
Redirecting questions is the process of deflecting a question from yourself either back to
the student who asked or to the group. The goal is to get someone else to answer the
question, or to explain where to find the answer. When the students explain the answer
they will learn more than if you simply tell them!
It can be difficult to avoid answering a direct question from students, so it may help to
practice some potential responses. Here are some examples.
Student: I don’t understand this question, what does it mean?
SI Leader: Can anyone in the group rephrase the question?
Student: Why do we have to convert into different units?
SI Leader: Let’s look that up in the notes, can someone find the page on Kelvin in their
Student: How do I start this problem?
SI Leader: Let’s list everything we know about the problem and try to figure that out.
Opening and Closing Sessions
Setting an Agenda
During the first couple weeks the first thing you will usually do is introductions so
that students know you and each other. Later in the semester you can skip
introductions and start with setting an agenda.
Setting the agenda allows you to inform students of what you have planned. This
needs to be a cooperative process between you and the students. Get their input, ask
what they are having difficulty understanding. If it doesn’t fit in with your planned
activities you have the option of either changing activities, or placing their questions
on the end of the agenda. In any case, be sure to address their needs.
Opening Sessions
Having an opening activity helps to get the session started and indicates to
students that it is, in fact, time to start working.
Here are some suggested activities for opening an SI session:
●Making an Information Organizer
●Informal Quiz
●One-Minute Paper
●Note Review
Closing Sessions
Closing the session is a time to review what was covered and to make sure that all
the topics on the agenda were discussed. If you have left the agenda on the board a
student can go to the board and with the input of the other students mark off the
topics and questions that were covered. This can also be a good time to ask students
to come up with a list of concepts that they should now study on their own. You can
also use this time to find out what students would like to cover in the next session.
And activity can be included as a closer. Some suggestions are:
●Informal Quiz
●One-Minute Paper
●Predict Exam Questions
Administrative Responsibilities
One time events
____________Initial Survey
Please administer the initial survey to the entire class to identify interest in the SI sessions
and to give you the information needed to schedule the SI sessions. This should occur
during the first week of class
___________Mid-semester Survey
Please administer the mid semester survey to the participants in the SI sessions. You may
wish to have it available during more than 1 session, but each student should only fill it
out once.
___________End of semester Survey
Please pass this out to the SI participants during the last week of SI sessions.
___________End of semester interview
Please see me to answer a few questions about how the semester went.
Each Session
Please have the following filled out and deposited in the SI filing cabinet for each
Planning Sheet plus any handouts
Attendance sheet
Session Log Sheet
Please also list on the log sheet each session and the topic covered (be brief). Also list
here any meetings you have with the instructor and what was discussed.
Included here are the sheets and surveys for your SI sessions. There are copies of all
of these for you to use in the SI filing cabinet.
●Session Planning Sheet (sample)
●Session Planning Sheet (blank)
●Attendance Sheet
●Session Log Sheet
●Initial Survey
●Mid Semester Survey
●End of Semester Survey
SI Session Planning Sheet
SI Leader____Gregory Mendel________ Date_____3-25-07___________
Course_______Bio 1 ______________ Instructor_____Dr. Crick________
Topic(s) Covered / Objective _______DNA Replication__________________
attach if
Opening: 10-15 minute
note review
Parts of a replication
fork, leading and
lagging strands etc.
DNA Polymerases
Incomplete Matrix
to compare and
contrast different
DNA polymerases
Closing : predict exam
refer to powerpoint slides
Dr. Crick used in class
Collect these on index
cards to use in exam
review session
SI Session Planning Sheet
SI Leader____________________________ Date________________
Course______________________________ Instructor________________________
Topic(s) Covered / Objective ________________________________________________
attach if
Attendance Sheet
SI Leader____________________________ Date___________ Time_____ - _____
Course______________________________ Instructor________________________
Topic(s) Covered / Objective ________________________________________________
Comments / Special Circumstances ___________________________________________
Please Print
SI Log Sheet
Course______________ Semester_____________
SI session / faculty meeting
Topic / Discussion
Supplemental Instruction Session Survey
The course you enrolled in has been targeted as a course which would benefit from
offering a series of Supplemental Instruction sessions.
What is Supplemental Instruction?
A student who has taken this course and done well has been selected to sit in the class
with you and act as a Supplemental Instruction Leader. This student will be in the class
with you taking notes and keeping up with the lecture material with the regularly enrolled
students. This student will then lead study sessions on a regular basis to help you master
the course material.
Why is this a good idea?
Because the student who is leading your group has taken the class and knows what it
takes to get a good grade in the class. This is a student who can give you the inside scoop
on the course and the professor in a way the faculty and staff here won’t be able to do.
Your SI leader is a good student who knows how to study smart and can help you learn to
do the same.
When are the sessions?
The sessions will be scheduled based on the availability of the students and the SI leader.
Please fill out the survey that is attached to let us know when you would be able to
attend. We will try to find times that serve the greatest number of students in the class.
Do I have to go?
No, this is completely voluntary. We will keep attendance records, but this is not a
required part of the course you are taking. There is no credit or grade for participating.
There are usually multiple sessions offered each week, you may go to some or all of the
Please fill out and return this survey to SI facilitator for the course or to the SI supervisor in Shima 217.
Course__________________________ Instructor __________________________
Course Meeting Times_________________________
Date ______________
If an SI session was offered at a time you could attend, how likely would you be to attend SI sessions?
____ very likely, I would attend all or almost all of them
____ likely, I would probably tend some sessions
____ maybe, I don’t know
____ unlikely, I don’t think I would come to SI sessions
____ very unlikely, I don’t plan on coming
How difficult do you think this course is?
____ very difficult, very few people get high grades
____ difficult, it is hard to get a good grade
____ average, about as hard as most college classes
____ easy, requires very little studying
What grade do you think you are going to get in this course? ______
What grade do you want to get in this course? ______
Please mark out the times on the schedule below when you WOULD NOT be able to attend an SI session.
8:00-9:00 A.M.
9:00-10:00 A.M.
10:00-11:00 A.M.
11:00-12:00 A.M.
12:00-1:00 P.M.
1:00-2:00 P.M.
2:00-3:00 P.M.
3:00-4:00 P.M.
4:00-5:00 P.M.
5:00-6:00 P.M.
6:00-7:00 P.M.
The following information is requested to help with data collection and will be kept confidential.
Name or Student ID Number _______________________________
Gender M / F
Age : less than 25
Ethnicity _____________________
40 or greater
Units enrolled in this semester ______ Previous attempts taking this course
Hours of employment per week 0-10
Have you been part of a study group before?
Have you formed a study group for this course?
0 1 2 3
Supplemental Instruction
Mid Semester Student Survey
Delta College would like to know how well the Supplemental Instruction Program is working and how we
can best serve the students. You can return this survey to your SI leader, or you can bring it to Greta Giles
or Julia Rodriquez in the MSLC (Shima 217).
Course _____________________ Instructor_________________ Date _______
How often do you attend class?
O I never miss a class
O I miss class once a week
O I miss class once or twice a month
O I miss class more often than once a week
How often do you attend SI sessions
O I attend every session O I attend most sessions
O I attend specific sessions (such as before tests)
O I almost never show up
Please respond to the following statements ranking them from 1 to 5.
1=strongly agree
2 = agree
3 = neutral
4= disagree
5 = strongly disagree
NA = not applicable
SI sessions have helped me organize my course material
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have helped me understand my course material
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have helped me focus on important
aspects of course material
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have made me a better problem solver
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have improved my note taking skills
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have improved my study habits
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have improved my grade in the course
1 2 3 4 5
My SI Leader is friendly and courteous
1 2 3 4 5
My SI Leader encourages independent thinking
1 2 3 4 5
My SI Leader has used a variety of different activities during
the SI sessions
1 2 3 4 5
I would attend SI sessions in another course if offered
1 2 3 4 5
I would recommend attending SI sessions to other students
1 2 3 4 5
Suggestions and Comments :
Supplemental Instruction
End of Semester Student Survey
Delta College would like to know how well the Supplemental Instruction Program is working and how we
can best serve the students. You can return this survey to your SI leader, or you can bring it to Greta Giles
or Julia Rodriquez in the MSLC (Shima 217).
Course _____________________ Instructor_________________ Date _______
How often do you attend class?
O I never miss a class
O I miss class once a week
O I miss class once or twice a month
O I miss class more often than once a week
How often do you attend SI sessions
O I attend every session O I attend most sessions
O I attend specific sessions (such as before tests)
O I almost never show up
Please respond to the following statements ranking them from 1 to 5.
1=strongly agree
2 = agree
3 = neutral
4= disagree
5 = strongly disagree
NA = not applicable
SI sessions have helped me organize my course material
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have helped me understand my course material
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have helped me focus on important
aspects of course material
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have made me a better problem solver
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have improved my note taking skills
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have improved my study habits
1 2 3 4 5
SI sessions have improved my grade in the course
1 2 3 4 5
My SI Leader is friendly and courteous
1 2 3 4 5
My SI Leader encourages independent thinking
1 2 3 4 5
My SI Leader has used a variety of different activities during
the SI sessions
1 2 3 4 5
I would attend SI sessions in another course if offered
1 2 3 4 5
I would recommend attending SI sessions to other students
1 2 3 4 5
Suggestions and Comments :