Bibliography Monographs These give directives to the attainments required to be achieved both for ICT and geography. Though largely superseded by re-worded Standards in 2002, re-issued in 2003-04, they still offer valuable guidance. Teacher Training Agency (1998) The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Subject Teaching. London: TTA. (74pp) Teacher Training Agency (1999) Using Information and Communications Technology to Meet Teaching Objectives in Primary Geography Initial Teacher Training. London: TTA. (68pp) Teacher Training Agency (2003) Qualifying to Teach: Professional Standards for Qualified Teacher Status and Requirements for Initial Teacher Training. London: TTA (16pp) Teacher Training Agency (2004) Qualifying to Teach: Handbook of Guidance, Spring 2004. London: TTA. (110 pp) Texts Guidance in detail to support teaching and learning in geography at different levels: Bowles, R. (1999) Resources for Key Stages 1 and 2. Sheffield: Geographical Association. (pp.27-40). Bowles, R. et al (2001) Primary Internet Investigator. London: WWF-UK. Use of the 'world wide information highway' to introduce Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into teaching. Chambers, B and Donert, K (1996) Teaching Geography at KS2. Cambridge: Chris Kington Publishing. (pp.44-56) Fisher, T. (1998) Developing as a Teacher of Geography. Cambridge: Chris Kington Publishing. (pp.47-50) Hassell, D. and Pickford, T (1999) Planning for ICT and Geography at KS1 and 2. Sheffield: Geographical Association. (11pp) Martin F. (1996) Teaching Early Years Geography. Cambridge: Chris Kington Publishing. (pp.39-48) May, S. High Tech Geography: ICT in Primary Schools. Sheffield: Geographical Association. (48pp) Pickford, T. (1999) Geography Guidance ICT:An Enquiry Approach. Sheffield: Geographical Association. (48 pp) Owen, D. and Ryan, A. (2001) Teaching Geography 3-11. London: Continuum. (pp.127-33) Education of geography teachers in the use of ICT Issues and implications are raised by: Butt, G. (2002) Reflective Teaching of Geography 11-18. London: Continuum. (pp.159-74) Fisher, T. (2000) ‘Developing the educational use of information and communications technology…’ in Fisher, C. and Binns, T. (eds) Issues in Geography Teaching. London: Routledge/Falmer. (pp.50-65) Freeman, D. (1997) ‘Using Information technology and new technologies in geography’ in Tilbury, D and Williams, M. (Eds) Teaching and Learning in Geography. London: Routledge. (pp.202-17) Hassell, D. (2000) ‘Issues in ICT and Geography’ in Fisher, C. and Binns, T. (eds) Issues in Geography Teaching. London: Routledge/Falmer. (pp.80-92) Lambert, D. and Balderstone, D. (2000) Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary School. London: Routledge/Falmer. (pp. 90-4; 148-51; 229-32; 377-87) 1 GTIP – Bowles – Using ICT in primary geography downloaded from: The issues above should be considered alongside the implications for thinking and learning in: Gardner, H. (1993) Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic. Gardner, Howard. (2000) Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic. (Digest at Higgins, S. et al (2001) Thinking through Primary Teaching. Cambridge: Chris Kington Publishing (Chapters 10 and 14). Geographical work in ICT education books Exemplars often show the ICT practitioners view from an ICT teaching and learning stance. These, taken with exemplars in other subjects, can often provide increased stimulation, for exampel: Ager R, (2003) Information and Communications Technology in Primary Schools- pupil or computers in control? (second edition). London: David Fulton (chapters 1, 2 and 8) Cook, D. and Finlayson, H (1999) Interactive Pupil, Comunicative Teaching: ICT and Classroom Teaching. Buckingham: Open University Press. Leask, M. and Meadows, J. (eds) (2000) Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Primary School. London and New York: Routledge/Falmer. Chapter 5: Fraser, H. ‘Mathematics and ICT’ (pp.81-7). Useful observations in cross curricular use of mathematics, Chapter 6: Meadows, J. ‘Science and environmental issues and ICT’ (pp.105 -11). Projects which could also have been generated from a geographical point of view, Chapter 10: Leafe, D. ‘Managing curriculum projects using ICT’ (pp.162-78). Case studies and management advice with a strong geographical bias. Sariola, J. et al (2002) ‘The LIVE project revisited‘ in Loveless A. and Dore, B. (eds) ICT in the Primary School. Buckingham: Open University Press. The use of mobile learning (pp.48-65) Sharp, J. et al. (2002) Achieving QTS: Primary ICT: Knowledge, Understanding and Practice. (second edition) Exeter: Learning Matters. (pp.172-4; 184-5) Smith, H.M.(1997) ‘Do electronic databases enable pupils to engage in information processing ?’ in Somekh, B. and Davis, N. (Eds) Using Information Technology Effectively in Teaching and Learning. London: Routledge (pp.50-62) Smith, H. (1999) Opportunities for ICT in the Primary School. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books. Good on understanding graphs. Wegerif, R. and Dawes, L. (2004) Thinking and Learning with ICT: Raising Achievement in Primary Classrooms. London: Routledge. Williams, L. (2001) ‘ICFT: Information, communication and friendship technology’ in Leask, M. (Ed.) Issues in Teaching using ICT. London: Routledge/Falmer. (pp.49-60). Video conferencing, amongst other matters. At secondary level but a model for any school and ITT participation. Other useful guides Canterbury Christ Church, University College (1998) Talking about Information and Communication Technology in Subject Teaching - a guide for: student teachers, mentors and tutors. Canterbury: Christ Church. ICT in Geography (pp. 40-41) guidelines for evaluating software - page 65. Deadman, G. (ed) (1999) Ideas for Integrating ICT into the Primary and Secondary Classroom. London: Lewisham E&CS. NAACE Primary Curriculum support Excellent set of articles. University College Chester: Useful ICT support. BECTa, DfES, QCA reports, documents and sites These reports contain information relevant to devising medium and short term plans: Becta URL 2 GTIP – Bowles – Using ICT in primary geography downloaded from: Becta (2003a) Primary Schools - ICT and Standards. Coventry: Becta. Becta (2003b) A Pupil’s Entitlement to ICT in Primary Geography. Coventry: Becta. =024357133bc0946772094174500b77a4 or Becta (2004a) Getting the Most from your Interactive Whiteboard: A guide for primary schools. Coventry: Becta. Becta (2004b) Using ICT in geography (PDF 307KB) Becta's What the Research Says series aims to give an initial idea of the available research evidence on aspects of using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in schools and colleges. It is designed primarily for teachers, ICT co-ordinators and school managers. Becta CPD On-line course for Continuing Professional Development for teachers of Key Stage 1 and 2 DfES URL DfES/Becta ICT Research Bursaries: A Compendium of Research Reports. ICT in Schools Research and Evaluation Series – No.16 London HMSO. Full text of this document is available at DfES Standards site DfES (2003a) Towards a Unified E-learning Strategy (consultation document). Nottingham: DfES. ( DfES (2003b) Fulfilling the Potential – Transforming Teaching and Learning through ICT in Schools. Nottingham: DfES. (DfES QCA URL QCA Innovating with Geography ( Research papers: These give exemplars of ITT embedding of ICT and collaboration in and out of school: Bowden, D and Copeland, P. (2002) ‘Developing ITT and teaching and learning in ICT’ in R. Bowles, R. (Ed.), Best Practice in Raising Achievement. London: Register of Research in Primary Geography. (pp.23-4). Halocha, J. (2002).Using ICT to raise achievement in global thinking and understanding in Bowles, R.(Ed.), Best Practice in Raising Achievement. London: Register of Research in Primary Geography. (pp.63-7). Moore J. (2004) ‘Developing a locality resource using ICT ‘ in Catling, S. and Martin. F.(Eds) Researching Primary Geography. London: Register of Research in Primary Geography. (pp.289-97). Owen, D. (2004) ‘Computer supported collaborative mapmaking and pupils talk’ in Catling, S. and Martin, F. (eds) Researching Primary Geography. London: Register of Research in Primary Geography (pp.109-19) Pickford, T (2004) ‘Picture study research using web images’ in Bowles R. (ed) Place and Space. London: Register of Research in Primary Geography. (pp.115-18). Rodgers, A. and Streluk, A. (2004) ‘Weather data collection’ in Bowles R. (ed) Place and Space. London: Register of Research in Primary Geography. (pp.124-8). Storey, C. (2002) ‘Using ICT to support the teaching of 'place' in geography’ in Bowles, R. (ed) Best Practice in Raising Achievement. London: Register of Research in Primary Geography. (pp. 85-93). Course media resources i Essential preliminary audit and exemplification of cohort skills: 3 GTIP – Bowles – Using ICT in primary geography downloaded from: TTA CD-ROM (1999) 'Identification of your Training Needs’ BBC Education (1998) BBC Teaching Today - IT: Higher Order Skills Primary, video produced by Peter Evan. Exemplar lessons for modelling and designing lessons for specific school needs: Becta (2004c) Effective Use of ICT in Subject Teaching (Primary) Ref: 15146. This CD-Rom provides practical examples and activities of how to use ICT across the curriculum for Years 1– 6, with two exemplar lessons per year per subject area. DfES (2004) Primary National Strategy: Learning and Teaching using ICT. CD-Roms for Foundation and each succeeding year covering each subject for each year. Ref DfES 0315-2004G. There are between two to four exemplar lesson extracts per subject Online material: Becta Guidelines for evaluating CD-Roms: Becta Guidelines for evaluating web sites: Becta Developing use of the Internet in Geography:, includes information on email and internet partnerships; links to general guidance on key issues when using the Internet and web reviews. Becta Integrating ICT in Geography, includes developing geography using a word processor at key stage 2. Becta Geography and ICT The purpose of this site is to promote and support the use of ICT within geography. Contains information and material in five sections to help you integrate ICT effectively. Click menu links (left margin) and hyperlinks gives a comprehensive view of the relationship between geography and ICT. Becta ICT Advice: ICT in Geography Newsletter Geographical Association Primary Geographer current and past paper based issues. Expectations SCAA (1997) Information Technology, Expectations in Information Technology at Key Stages 1 and 2. London: SCAA. National Curriculum ICT in Action Geography in Action: School sites Be inspired by the class work on postcards …for understanding pupils’ conception of place teaching resources for humanities and geography. The settlement pages are exemplary for Levels 1 and 2 and very navigable. See the geography links and investigate as a model for development of students own links. There is also much to learn about the way a successful website for pupil works. The geography web project page can be a starter for group work on designing similar pages. shows what can be done both geographically and in a cross-curricular fashion, e.g. PowerPoint presentations on mountains. 4 GTIP – Bowles – Using ICT in primary geography downloaded from: and show the role of philosophy, thinking and the enquiring child in cross-curricular activities including geography. The ideas provide frameworks for development of thinking about the sustainability of places (see Thinking on the Edge The teachers notes on the production of the film Star Company (a history based project) could make a useful template for production of a film concerned with place, citizenship, change and sustainability. This is a school with strong leanings to history – what would be required to show a strong leaning to geography? Use the links for pupils and teachers to provide a stimulus for making more geographical links. Snaith School Besides the Seaside. Ambleside CE Primary School was the first school to win the Becta school website award. For geographers there are two important sections the above and a tutorial section on web pages, including free downloadable software and templates. Sir Robert Hitcham, a pioneering school whose geography pages show what is possible within the geography curriculum and the links which can be made with literacy and numeracy. The school has an environmental site which, though science based, shows considerable potential for cross-curricular work with geography. All of this is supported by pages which show you and your pupils ‘How’, for example the pupils’ pages on Woodbridge include significant files on making geography presentations using PowerPoint and Publisher as well as providing a model for work on a contrasting locality. 5 GTIP – Bowles – Using ICT in primary geography downloaded from: