Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 16 April 2015 in the Filby Room, Police Headquarters, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norwich NR18 0WW Present: Joan Maughan – Independent Chair Nigel Andrews – Tenancy Support Manager, Norwich City Council Lorna Bright – Assistant Director, Social Work, Adult Social Care (also representing Harold Bodmer) Nick Davison – Chief Superintendent, Norfolk Constabulary Stuart Horth – Head of Community Safety, Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service James Kearns – Chief Executive Officer, BUILD, Norwich Christine Macdonald – Development Manager, Healthwatch, Norfolk Elizabeth Morgan – County Councillor, Norfolk County Council Kate Rudkin – Head of Development and Operations, Age UK, Norfolk Jane Sayer – Director of Nursing, Quality & Patient Safety, Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust Ian Sturgess – Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator, Police & Crime Commissioner’s Officer (representing Jenny McKibben) William Styles – Govenor, HMP Norwich Mark Talbot – Vice Chair, ARMC Mark Taylor – Chief Officer, Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Groups Helen Thacker – Manager, Safeguarding Adults Board Jan Cant – Business Support Officer, Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board Item Minute Declarations of Interest - None reported 1 Apologies for Absence Jenny McKibben – Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner, Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office (representative Ian Sturgess) Jackie Schneider – Head of Patient Safety and Clinical Quality, North Norfolk CCG 2 Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed all to the meeting confirming it was the first meeting of the newly established strategic Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board. It was noted that it was intentional to have a smaller membership and would be at an executive level. Any individual delegated to represent their organisation at meetings would be expected to have appropriate level of responsibility and authority to make Action decisions on the full member’s behalf. Vacancies on the NSAB, representatives to be confirmed include 3 District Council, Chief Executives Lay representative Probation Service (due to retirement of Sarah Wardley) Norfolk independent health provider Confirmation of any part of the minutes that is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act State if Whole report or the Section number(s) involved:None Exemption(s):- None 4 Approval of Minutes Amendment: Apologies for absence at the meeting held on 21 January 2015 to be recorded for James Kearns. The group agreed that the minutes of the 21 January 2015 represented an accurate record of that meeting and they were to be finalised. Signed as a definitive record of the meeting. (Joan Maughan, Chair of the meeting) 5 Matters Arising from the previous meeting Item 2: Matters Arising – confirmed that meeting with Norman Lamb will be followed up after the general elections in early May. Norman Lamb’s assistant has confirmed that he continues to have a big interest in safeguarding issues in Norfolk and, if appropriate after elections, would be willing to meet with representatives from NSAB. Item 4 News Desk (Housing) – Reported that the new Housing Subgroup had held very useful meetings and 2 SAB Manager had agreed their Terms of Reference, adding more organisations to their membership list, including East of England Ambulance Service, Fire and Rescue service and Police. The Chair, Nigel Andrews, is working closing with Walter Lloyd-Smith, Chair of Learning, Development and Policy Subgroup on a prevention of self neglect strategy. On track for it to be completed by December 2015. Discussion paper “Self-neglect as a category of abuse” by Walter had been tabled to inform the board. It was requested that all board members take time to read ALL the discussion paper and send any comments to Nigel (nigel.andrews@norwich.gov.uk) as soon as possible. It was confirmed that there would be more in depth discussion of the complex issues around self neglect at the next board meeting. Self neglect continues to be placed on the board’s Risk Register as a concern. Item 4 News Desk (Peer Review) - It was reported that the final meeting, before formal sign-off on 1 June 2015, will be held on 23 April 2015 to look at any outstanding actions that need to be taken or brought to the board’s attention. Update on completion of Peer Review 2014 – 2015 to be given at next meeting. Item 4 News Desk (Safeguarding Adults Review – SAR) – Following the implementation of the new Care Act a review of the SAR Policy, Procedures and referral form (SAR1) has been necessary to reflect new definitions of abuse and to reflect learning from current SAR being held. It is hoped that all updated documents will be completed by 12 May 2015. New documents will be published on the NSAB website and circulated as widely as possible. Discussed concerns that there is lack of understanding of the criteria for referral for a SAR and the need for clear guidance, including the purpose for an SAR as a route for learning and not a vehicle to name and shame. It was noted that it can be an expensive, long drawn out process but there is a statutory requirement for the NSAB to commission SARs and to secure appropriate funding. Item 9 Open Space (DWP) – It was confirmed that DWP will be attending the Central LSAP are keen to be involved with all Locality Safeguarding Adults 3 SAB Manager Partnerships. Item 9 Open Space (Restructure) – Confirmed that minutes/reports from Subgroups and LSAPs will now be presented at the NSAB Business Group meetings. The Chair of the new business Group will be a member of the strategic board. 6 Newsdesk Making safeguarding personal (MSP) – MSP is a national initiative involving people who have experienced the safeguarding process being asked what they would like to be achieved, if expected outcome not achieved questioning if expectations were realistic or changes needed in organisations that support them through it. MSP has been embedded in local authority safeguarding adults process with a questionnaire to be completed at the end of investigations. Responses are collated with analysis and feedback given to the SAB Manager. Any concerns will be raised with Risk & Performance Subgroup and/or NSAB as necessary. Health Advisory Group – It was reported that a new NSAB Health Advisory Group had now been convened with the inaugural meeting being held on 20 April 2015. Chair for the first meeting will be Jackie Schneider. The first meeting was to formalise the role of the Chair, including ensuring an appropriate representative on the board and to draft a terms of reference. Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) – detail redacted Public Protection Board - Regional Partnership Chairs’ Meeting – It was reported that the Chair now attends the Partnership Chairs’ Meeting (soon to be known as the Public Protection Board). The group covers both children and adult abuse. Topics so far discussed have included shared issues regarding domestic abuse and deprivation of liberty. It was noted that the Coroner requires notification when a vulnerable adult dies, in particular when there are multi-agency common interests. Back log of Deprivation of Liberty (DoL) referrals – it was reported that the local authority was now in receipt of a capital payment to help clear the back log of DoL referrals that has arisen following the Cheshire and West ruling. The large number of pending assessmentshas been placed on the NSAB risk register. 4 The Police are running an Honour Based Abuse, Forced Marriages and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) task and finish workshop 22 June 2015 to explore Norfolk’s response – request for a member to represent the board on the task and finish group. Nominations to be send to Helen Thacker (helen.thacker@norfolk.gov.uk) as soon as possible. ALL Annual Report (April 2014 to March 2015) – confirmed that there is now a requirement for an annual report to be produced by the board. A final draft will be collated and sent for editing shortly. It was noted that audited financial accounts would not be included but may be added as an addendum at a later stage. The final report will be presented to the Adult Social Care Committee on the 11 May 2015 and published on the NSAB website. A limited number of hard copies will also be produced for all board members. 7 Risk & Performance Subgroup Kate Rudkin (Chair) reported that the group had spent a large proportion of time working on a safeguarding adults performance dash board. A final version will be complete and shared for discussion at the next meeting. The risk register had been reviewed following the implementation of the new Care Act and had required new headings. The risk register will be aligned with the board’s business plan to mitigate risks. LSAPs have been asked to comment on the new format before being presented to the board at the next meeting. Discussed the potential to add a governance section to the risk register that could highlight any concerns regarding poor governance, accountability, knowledge base and attendance at board. It was noted that this is included in the frame work of the Charity Commission risk register. Concerns were shared regarding risks of lack of information sharing between agencies. It was acknowledged that many examples could be shared by board members of incidents within their organisations when information was not shared, in particular when a legal steer or concerns that senior managers would not support individual’s decision had delayed any action. It was noted that there are already signatories of statutory agencies to an information sharing protocol but that there 5 Kate Rudkin Kate Rudkin continues to be difficulties in sharing and accessing important information. It was reported that Sheila Lock, Director of Children Services, is working closely with the Chair to produce a joint protocol to reduce barriers for information sharing. Confirmed that Sheila’s paper will come to the NSAB to be reviewed and ratification. 8 Governance Group Reported that the Governance Group of the NSAB will be a ‘virtual’ subgroup of the board. Membership Harold Bodmer – representing Norfolk County Council Mark Taylor – representing Health Nicholas Dean – representing Police This is not a leadership group but will advise the NSAB Chair on any particular issues of governance or oversight of anything that appears not to be meeting requirements of the new Care Act. They will also have an over view of the board’s budget requirements, sharing costs as equal partners, in particular for Safeguarding Adult Reviews. It is not expected that this group will have regular face to face meetings but issues will be discussed via email. Face to face meetings will be called when required. 9 NSAB Constitution - ratification Discussed details of the NSAB constitution as previously circulated to all members of the board. Confirmed that all SABs now require an approved constitution following the implementation of the new Care Act. Reference 2 – the role of the Chair to be included in Section 2 (Purpose) as well as in Section 6 (Role of Independent Chair). Reference 4.2 - Guidance was request from the board on the expectations of members who represent potentially a large volume of private sector agencies, including care providers and voluntary organisations. How performance of the information being fed in and out of the board meetings and communications can be measured. Discussed the necessity for clear organisational pathways for communication, including involvement of forums within 6 Joan Maughan the voluntary and private sector. It was acknowledged that providers do have a responsibility to inform and, with the use of an informative website, should be able to access clear and useful information and contact details. Concerns were shared regarding the need to develop a joint multi agency approach to data collection and scrutiny. Providers of housing services to be added to the named member agencies. Joan Maughan Ref 11.2/11.3 – ensure copies of annual report are sent to Joan Chief Executives of housing providers and district Maughan councils via board members. Reference to be made within the document to criteria for Joan referral to and function of the Safeguarding Adults Review Maughan panel. Whilst every effort had been made to ensure the NSAB would be able to approve a constitution and governance at meeting, minor changes would be required before ratification. It was noted that until formal approval achieved the NSAB would remain without a required constitution. 10 Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust – presentation by Jane Sayer The Chair welcomed Jane Sayer, Director of Nursing, Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust and outlined the reasons for the request to invite the NSFT to assure the board that they could be confident that, following the CQC inspection in October 2014, the trust is moving forward with improvements to their service. The board not only wished to seek assurance but also to be supportive to the trust in any way it could. It was reported that a monthly mental health stake holders meeting had been established, although an internal group, a representative from the board would be welcome. Lorna Bright to attend meetings to represent the NSAB and report to the board as appropriate. The group has an overview of the NSFT action plan and how its implementation is impacting on staff and patients/service users. More joint working with other agencies had been 7 Lorna Bright encouraged, including police working on in-patient units. Funding for more mental health nurses and more government funding for services in mental health for young people had been achieved. Discussed concerns that the board wished to raise concerns regarding mental health providers with local MP (also Minister for Health) Norman Lamb prior to the call for a general election. It was recommended that a wider group from the board are invited to join the Chair and NSAB Business Manager if a meeting is secured with Mr Lamb or appropriate Minister after the elections in May 2015. 11 SAB Manager Prisons and Adult Safeguarding – presentation by Will Styles The Chair welcomed Will Styles, Governor, Norwich Prison who had been invited to inform the board on how Norfolk prisons are affected by safeguarding adults policy and procedures. It was reported that more referrals had now been received by the local authority, for care and support assessments, following on from Jo Cook’s (Operational Head of Integrated Care, Adult Social Services) excellent work, working closely with the prison service, and helping to set up procedures and appropriate routes into social services for vulnerable prisoners. Discussed the criteria required to meet social care services, sometimes confusing for prison staff. It was recognised that prisoners who have served their country in the armed forces are provided with as much support as possible to enable them to access appropriate services. It was noted that there is an increase in the age of prisoners as well as longer sentencing. More sex offenders are receiving custodial sentences, potentially because of high profile celebrity cases in the media. Prisoners can also be victims of abuse, often with the need for earlier intervention of service. Prisoners potentially have more opportunity to self-harm and a higher suicide rate. Helen Thacker invited appropriate prison staff to talk/meet Safeguarding Practice Consultants in MASH to discuss how criteria is applied for a safeguarding referral. Contact Will Styles can be made with Helen to arrange this. 8 12 Election of Vice Chair Request was made for nominations for Vice Chair. No nomination was put forward. 13 A Vice Chair is required by the board to deputise for the Chair, in particular if they are unable to attend a board meeting. The Chair urged members of the board to consider themselves be put forward for the role of Vice Chair and contact her directly to discuss details. Any other business ALL New NSAB Manager With many congratulations to Helen Thacker for her successful appointment to a new role of Head of Service – Safeguarding, Adult Social Care, the Chair advised the board that the position of NSAB Manager will be advertised shortly for new appointment as soon as possible. The Chair extended many thanks to Helen for all that she had achieved in the short time she had been in post and that she had been an extremely effective business manager for the board. Board Restructure The Chair invited the board to share any views on the first meeting of the restructured board. It was noted that a smaller executive level membership of the board had achieved more business within the time and that the newsdesk items had been very helpful. The agenda had considered more strategic items without the need to discuss in detail reports from subgroups and LSAPs (which will now form part of the new Business Group meetings). The members were pleased to see that fewer papers were needed for the meeting and that invited presentations had been informative and interesting. Recommendation that board members measure the outcome of each meeting by asking themselves “What ALL have we done over the last 3 hours to make people at risk in Norfolk, safer?” 14 Date of next meetings (please note dates for 2016 have now been set as detailed below) 9 Wednesday 15 July 2015 Thursday 15 October 2015 Thursday 7 January 2016 Thursday 3 March 2016 Thursday 5 May 2016 Thursday 7 July 2016 Thursday 6 October 2016 NB: all meetings will be held from 10am to 1pm All meetings will be held in Filby Room, Police Headquarters, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 0WW Parking is available at Waitrose (across the road from Police Headquarters). Please park in the numbered bays closest to the footpath leading to the Police Headquarters. No identification/parking permit is required on your car. 10 Actions from NSAB held on 16 April 2015 Item 5 5 5 6 Action Lead Meeting with Norman Lamb to be followed up after the elections in early May 2015 if appropriate. Requested all board members read tabled discussion paper “Self-neglect as a category of abuse” by Walter and forward comments to Nigel Andrews nigel.andrews@norwich.gov.uk as soon as possible. Update on completion of Peer Review 2014 - 2015 at next meeting. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) task and finish workshop 22 June 2015 – request for a member to represent the board on the task and finish group. Nominations to be send to Helen Thacker as soon as possible. SAB Manager Nigel Andrews/All members of NSAB SAB Manager ALL 7 Performance Dash Board to be shared for discussion at the next meeting. Kate Rudkin 7 Risk Register presented to the board at the next meeting Minor Changes to Constitution: Kate Rudkin 9 Joan Maughan Ref 2 - the role of the Chair to be included in Section 2 (Purpose) as well as in Section 6 (Role of Independent Chair). Ref 4.2 - Providers of housing services to be added to the named member agencies. Ref 11.2/11.3 – ensure copies of annual report are sent to Chief Executives of housing providers and district councils via board members. Reference to be made within the document to criteria for referral to and function of the Safeguarding Adults Review panel. 9 10 10 Copy of SAR1 form to be sent to Stuart Horth Representative for the board at monthly mental health stake holders meetings convened by NSFT A representational group from the board are invited to join the Chair and NSAB Business Manager at meeting with Norman Lamb or appropriate Minister after the elections in May 2015. (see 5 above) 11 Jan Cant Lorna Bright SAB Manger 11 12 13 Appropriate prison staff invited to talk/meet Safeguarding Practice Consultants in MASH to discuss how criteria is applied for a safeguarding referral. All members of the board to consider themselves be put forward for the role of Vice Chair and contact Joan Maughan (NSAB Chair) directly to discuss details. Recommendation that board members measure the outcome of each meeting by asking themselves “What have we done over the last 3 hours to make people in Norfolk at risk safer?” 12 Helen Thacker ALL ALL