References - جامعة الملك سعود

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫جامعة الملك سعود‬
‫كلية اللغات و الترجمة‬
‫قسم اللغات األوروبية و الترجمة‬
‫برنامج اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫نموذج وصف مقرر دراسي‬
‫رقم المقرر و رمزه‪ 944 :‬نجد‬
‫الوحدات الدراسية المقررة‪9 :‬‬
‫الوحدات الدراسية الفعلية‪9 :‬‬
‫اسم المقرر‪ :‬المشروع‬
‫المستوى‪4 :‬‬
‫المتطلب السابق‪ :‬جميع مقررات المستوى الرابع‬
‫وصف المقرر‪:‬‬
‫يأتي هذا المقرر بمثابة تتويج للمهارات التي اكتسبها الطالب من خالل دراستهم لكافة مواد الترجمة‪ .‬يتوقع من‬
‫الطالب ترجمة مائة صفحة من كتاب إلى في أحد المجاالت التالية‪:‬‬
‫الترجمة العملية‪ ،‬الترجمة التطبيقية‪ ،‬نظريات الترجمة‪ ،‬اللسانيات التطبيقية أو النظرية‪ ،‬المجال القانوني الديني‪،‬‬
‫التجاري‪ ،‬السياسي اإلعالمي‪.‬‬
‫متطلبات المقرر‪:‬‬
‫تتم الترجمة من اإلنجليزية إلى العربية بحيث يقدم الطالب عشرة صفحات أسبوعيا ً تتم مناقشتها مع بقية الطالب‬
‫لالستفادة من سلبيات وإيجابيات الترجمة‪ .‬يخضع الطالب إلى اختبار نهائي (‪ ) %04‬وإلى تقويم مستمر لألداء‬
‫على مدى الفصل الدراسي (‪.)%04‬‬
‫‪ %60‬الحضور والمشاركة‬
‫‪ %53‬العمل المترجم‬
‫‪ %9‬االمتحان الشفهي‬
‫‪ %04‬االمتحان النهائي‬
Project in Translation
Course Title: Project in Translation
Course number: 499
Level: Nine
Course Code: Najd
Contact Hours: 4
This course crowns the students’ competence in translation activities.
Their acquired skills and translation techniques are expected to be displayed
through a thorough translation assignment. A book that is relevant to translation
theory or translation performance, applied linguistics, theoretical linguistics,
law, science, religion, commerce or any related topic of interest to the student
translator is assigned. The student is supposed to translate a hundred pages of
the chosen book.
The student is expected to turn in ten pages translated from English into
Arabic. Students’ translation is discussed, corrected, and finalized with the
participation of other students and the supervision of their tutor.
A translation of a hundred pages from English into Arabic; continuous
grading on weekly basis, final exam (40%) and 60% is assigned to the final
translation product.
16% Attendance
35% Final Translation Product
09% Oral Exam
40% Final Exam
Guidelines for Papers in Linguistics
Estonian Institute of Humanities
Department of English
Lumme Erilt
The purpose of these guidelines is to be an aid for the students of
Linguistics at the Estonian Institute of Humanities in designing their scholarly
papers, i.e. essays, proseminar papers, seminar papers and graduation theses.
The guidelines will introduce the main standards generally used by
contemporary linguists in documenting their primary and secondary
bibliographical sources and give some advice for increasing the general
readability of the paper.
It should be made clear from the very beginning that there do not exist
common documentation standards which apply both to literary scholars and
linguists. The former use a standard known as the MLA style, standardised by
the Modern Language Association of America. Most publications in humanities
and literature use this style. As an introduction to it, see ki.
The documentation standard commonly used for English-language
publications in linguistics is the so - called LSA style sheet that was devised by
the Linguistic Society of America, formerly known also as the Harvard style.
This style sheet is somewhat similar to the APA standard (by American
Psychological Association), and both are frequently used by social and natural
scientists too.
Use formal English when writing a paper, i.e. avoid colloquialism, slang,
jargon and officialese. Do not use any contractions (e.g. I'm, we're, he'd). Be
careful not to use sexist language or any other expressions that might be
humilating or discriminatory. Avoid excessively long sentences: the average
sentence length in English academic writing is 22 words. Prefer a shorter word
structure to longer expressions, active speech to passive, verbs to nouns
(substantivity). As the syntactic and lexical variety helps to hold readers'
attention, avoid boring repetition. At the same time, try to make your text
logical and clear and explain everything that is necessary for your reader to
follow your argument. Therefore keep the academically minded reader in your
mind while you put down your thoughts.
To increase the readability of your paper you should structure it properly
by presenting your material as explicitly as possible. In the following part
certain conventions are introduced. Non-obligatory sections are given in
Title page
Estonian Institute of Humanities
Department of English
Seminar paper
Your name
Supervisor: Prof. X Y/
X Y, Assoc. Prof./Lecturer/Asst. Lect. in English
Tallinn 2000
If the author wants to thank people who have helped him or her during
the work or point out a scholarship or any other stipend used in support, this is
usually mentioned here. Sometimes acknowledgements are given under the
heading Preface after the summary.
The Preface is usually used for giving the outline of one's paper, its aims
and goals, in the form of a summary of each chapter. For a longer overview of
the problems that are discussed in the paper, the section Introduction is used.
Contents / Table of Contents
Here all the sections of the paper (incl. the Acknowledgements and the Preface, though
they precede the Table of Contents) are listed. Page numbers of the section titles are given at the
right hand margin of the same line as the titles.
Introduction should present the background knowledge for your paper
and help the reader to place your work in the proper context, e.g. a particular
field or theory of linguistics. Brief overview of the earlier studies written on
your topic might be given, main primary and secondary sources could be listed
and the importance and novelty of your research should be brought out.
Core chapters
This is the main part of your paper, where you should present your
research design, material (primary sources), hypotheses, method of the study
(e.g. theoretical, empirical, quantitative, qualitative etc.), results and their
analysis. Define unfamiliar terms and show their relevance to the theoretical
framework you are using. Use tables and figures to illustrate your results, but do
not forget to number them and to give clear titles of their informational content.
Give a general summary of your results and compare them with the
results in the secondary sources that you have used. If your findings are
different, try to explain why. Refer to your original aims and goals and state
whether you could fulfil them. Indicate aspects or areas for further study, but do
not use any new information, quotations or examples.
This section lists in alphabetical order of last names of authors all those
sources that you have used in the compilation of your paper and referred to in
the main body of your text. Sometimes primary sources and secondary sources
are listed under separate headings. The works that you have consulted for your
study, but have not cited, e.g. dictionaries and encyclopaedias, may be listed
under general heading Bibliography or Works Consulted.
There might be one Appendix or more, and the purpose of this section is
to list long tables, word lists or questionnaires that are referred to in the main
text but would be too long or otherwise inappropriate to include as a part of the
main body of the text.
(Abstract / Summary in Estonian)
The Abstract is to give Estonian readers the main idea of your paper. It
should contain the aim of your paper, methodology used, most important
sources, summary of the analysis and conclusions. Key-words of your paper are
also listed. An abstract is necessary in case of longer papers, e.g. your
graduation thesis. It need not be bound with the rest of your thesis but may be
added as a sheet of (A4) paper.
You will earn 1 credit for every 10 pages for your scholarly papers. Do not prefer
quantity to quality, though. Papers that are longer than 25 pages should be presented in folders;
others need not be bound.
Use double spacing, to leave space for your supervisor's corrections and
comments, except for long quotations - these should be single spaced and
Font size
Use Times, point size 12 or Courier, point size 11. For headings,
Times 14 or Courier 13 may be used.
There are two possibilities you can choose from:
1. Use no indentation but leave blank lines between paragraphs.
2. Indent paragraphs about 3-5 spaces, but do not indent the first paragraph of a
section or chapter.
Be consistent about this throughout your paper.
Use underlining or italics for emphasis and bold for headings. Linguistic
examples should also be italicised. If the examples need translation, this should
be given between single quotes, e.g. lingua Lat. `language'. Longer examples
should be enumerated and indented, e.g.
(1) Alma mater Lat. `university, liter. ``feeding mother'''
Double quotes are used only for direct quoting of secondary sources.
Leave margins 2-2.5 cm on righthand, top and bottom. Left-hand margin
should be 3-4 cm. If possible, justify the right-hand margins.
Page numbering
Page numbering begins from the title page, but no page number is
marked there. All the other pages are numbered in the upper right hand corner
of the page. Arabic numerals are used, except for long prefaces, which are
numbered with ´´lower case'' Roman.
Footnotes and endnotes
In the standard used by linguists, bibliographical data is generally not
given in footnotes, though sometimes footnotes or endnotes (esp. in case of
shorter papers) are used for presenting secondary details. In this case a
superscript number is placed in the text, usually after the punctuation mark
ending the sentence. No parentheses are used.
Major headings are written in capitals, centred and placed at the top of
the new page. Sub-headings need not start a new page, but three blank lines
should be left before them. One blank line is left after each heading. If the
headings are numbered, they are placed at the left-hand margin. No full stop is
used after the last digit.
This section lists in alphabetical order of last names of authors all those
sources that you have used in the compilation of your paper and referred to in
the main body of your text. Sometimes primary sources and secondary sources
are listed under separate headings. The works that you have consulted for your
study, but have not cited, e.g. dictionaries and encyclopaedias, may be listed
under general heading Bibliography or Works Consulted.
In-text references
In-text references are used in citing the sources that you use in your
paper. LSA style in-text references are based on the author-plus-date system,
plus page number when necessary. The year of publishing and the number of
the page which is referred to are separated with a colon. References are usually
given inside a sentence or passage before the full stop. NOTE
Reference to the author as a person within the sentence
According to Lyons (1981:10), the aim of linguistics is...
Itkonen (1991) proposes three different bases for...
Tuldava has suggested (personal communication) that... Croft (in press)
argues that the solution...
Reference to the work itself within the sentence
It is clear that both introspective theory oriented `armchair linguistics'
(see Fillmore 1992) and...
...the change of language is not seen as a spontaneous transition from
one steady state to another `attractor' state as in catastrophe theoretical
approaches (cf. Ehala 1996a, 1996b), but...
...the scope of linguistic research has changed its focus from
concentrating on minor details to studying language in terms of greater entities
(Õim 1989:562).
Reference outside the sentence
For the diachronic point of view studies implying the correlation
between the frequency rank and the ``age'' of vocabulary items provide
interesting explanations. (Cf. e.g.Tuldava 1987: 151-164, Piotrovskii et al
...have been applied to explain causal determiners of language change.
(See e.g. Ritt 1996a, 1996b)
Bibliographical references
The refernce list should be in the alphabetical order by author's surname.
Each entry should be indented five spaces from the second line forward. NOTE
punctuation, captalisation and italisation (equivalent to underlining).
A book
Lyons, John. 1981. Language and linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
A work by more than one author
Francis, W. Nelson & Henry Kucera. 1982. Frequency analysis of English
usage: lexicon and grammar. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
More than one work by the same author
Halliday, M.A.K. 1991a. Corpus studies and probabilistic grammar. English
corpus linguistics: Studies in honour of Jan Svartvik, ed. by Karin Aijmer & Bengt
Altenberg, 30-43. London, New York: Longman.
Halliday, M.A.K. 1991b. Towards probabilistic interpretations. Functional
and systemic linguistics: approaches and uses, ed. by Eija Ventola, 39-62. Berlin, New
York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Halliday M.A.K. 1992. Language as a system and language as instance: The
corpus as a theoretical construct. Directions in corpus linguistics: proceedings of Nobel
symposium 82, Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991 , ed. by Jan Svartvik, 61-77. Berlin, New
York: Mouton de Gruyter.
An article in a journal or magazine
Aristar, Anthony Rodrigues. 1991. On diachronic sources and synchronic
pattern: an investigation into the origin of linguistic universals. Language 67: 1-33.
An article in a collection of papers
Salus, Peter H. 1976. Universal grammar 1000-1850. History of linguistic
thought and contemporary linguistics, ed. by Herman Parret. Berlin, New York: Walter
de Gruyter, 85-101.
An article in a collection of papers with more than one editor
Hickey, Raymond. 1994. Applications of software in the compilation of
corpora. Corpora across the centuries: Proceedings of the First International
Colloquium on English Diachronic Corpora, ed. by Merja Kytö, Matti Rissanen &
Susan Wright, 165-186. Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
A collection of papers
Hawkins, John A. (ed). 1988. Explaining language universals. Oxford: Basil
A publication in series
Tuldava, Juhan. 1995. Methods in quantitative linguistics. Quantitative
linguistics. Vol 54. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
A review
Wikberg, Kay. 1986. Review of Discourse analysis by Gillian Brown &
Georg Yule. Studia Linguistica 40:96-98.
A dictionary
Longman dictionary of contemporary English. 1978. London: Longman.
A work which is not yet published
Pintzuk, Susan & Ann Taylor. Forthcoming. Annotating the Helsinki Corpus: The
Brooklyn- Geneva-Amsterdam-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English and the Penn- Helsinki
Parsed Corpus of Middle English.
Doctoral dissertations and Master's Theses
Laasberg, Margo. 1997. Events and adverbial modification. Unpublished
Master's thesis. Tartu: University of Tartu, Department of Philosophy.
A work on CD-ROM
Oxford English Dictionary. 1993. CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford University
An on-line source
Ritt, Nikolaus. Oct. 4, 1996. Language change as evolution: looking for
linguistic `genes'.
An e-mail message
Lõhkivi, Endla. 1997, April 7. Re: Muidasjutt. E-mail to Lumme Erilt:
Presentation of primary data
Primary data are the text you are analysing, a particular computer corpus
or part of it, answers to a questionnaire that you have made up in order to study
some phenomenon, audio and video tapes with interviews and the like. Primary
data are used first and foremost in descriptive and empirical studies with
inductive methodological approach. This means that the study does not look for
proofs to a certain theory but tries to make an independent analysis and
thereafter draw more or less theoretical conclusions. Do not forget to enumerate
your examples and to give an abbreviated source for them. If the same examples
are used many times, they need not be written out anew but the number of the
example is referred to.
Presentation of secondary data
Secondary data are the works by other scholars to which you are
comparing your ideas and whose earlier results and findings you are using.
Secondary sources are referred to in full under bibliographical references at the
end of the paper and in short form in the main text (see in-text references
It is very important to keep your own ideas separate from those of other
scholars and make clear distinction where one begins and the other ends. Doing
this you can be sure that the readers of your paper cannot blame you for the
mistakes and shortcomings of other people and that they can give full credit to
your discoveries. At the same time you remain academically honest for not
having stolen other people's ideas and for having avoided plagiarism.
Therefore use different methods for direct quotations of other linguists'
opinions and for paraphrasing their ideas. Note that paraphrasing is preferable
and quoting should be used only when it is necessary for terminological
purposes or for bringing out something very characteristic and important in the
other author's writing.
Short quotations should be included in the main text and put in quotation
marks (double quotes). If you omit something, you should indicate that by three
dots, and if you add something, you should put it in square brackets, e.g.
Halliday (1991b:40) writes that ``in packing up for the move into the
twenty-first century we are changing the way knowledge is organised, shifting
from a disciplinary discipline towards thematic one[...]''.
...but as an ``interplay between chance and necessity'' (Köhler 1987: 255,
emphasis added).
Long quotes should be written as block quotations with single spacing
and smaller font size. Quotation marks are not used:
Halliday (1992:63-64) visualises lexicon as a continuum of words which
has two ``ends'': one end are content words, typically very specific in collocation and often
of rather low frequency, arranged in taxonomies based on relations like `is a kind of'
and `is a part of'; at the other end are function words, of high frequency and
unrestricted collocationally, which relate the content words to each other and enable
them to be constructed into various types of functional configuration.
As mentioned above, it is better to try to paraphrase what the other
scholar has written, to say it in your own words. After all, this is a skill that
shows your merits too! Too close paraphrase remains plagiarism, so do not be
afraid of your `bad English' and try to learn this skill. If you paraphrase a bigger
part of the text, it quite naturally takes the form of a short summary.
Halliday (1992) stresses the importance of probabilities in choosing one
grammatical form rather than another. This means essentially the exclusion of
those paradigmatic alternatives within a system that do not hold, the elimination
of alternatives with smaller probability.
Kõhler (1987:245-146) writes:
It is sufficient to find just one single case where a phenomenon
diverges from the prediction in order to reject a deterministic law. Most
language laws, however, are stochastic. Such laws include in their
predictions the deviations which ar e to be expected as a consequence of
the stochastic nature of the language mechanisms concerned. Therefore,
a stochastic law is rejected if the degree of disagreement between the
theoretical ideal and empirical results becomes greater than a certain
value , determined by mathematical methods according to a chosen
significance level.
A paraphrase:
Kõhler (1987:245-146) argues that although one single counter-example
can be used to show that a deterministic law does not hold, the situation is more
difficult with language laws, because the majority of these laws are stochastic
rather than determini stic. Thus we can say only with a smaller or greater
probability that a certain fact may happen, and a law is rejected if the deviation
from the law is greater than a certain mathematically determined value.
To make your text cohesive and yet not dull, use various verbal
connectors in referring to the reported source. Some of them are listed here.
´´Reporting-verbs'' showing your approval
Acknowledge, admit, add, confirm, demonstrate, emphasise, formulate,
indicate, point out, prove, report, reveal, show.
´´Reporting -verbs'' which leave you room for disagreement
Allege, argue, assert, believe, claim, comment, deal with, discuss,
examine, find, imply, insist, list, mention, note, observe, postulate, propose,
reject, remark, say, state, suggest, survey, write.
When you need instant help with your work:
Try this manual;
Try jn;
Use 'help' command on your word processor;
Turn to your supervisor;
Turn to a computer consultant :-)
Chesterton, Andrew et al. 1995. English department guidelines for essays and
assignments... University of Helsinki, Department of English.
Johannesson, Nils-Lennart. 1990. English language essays: Investigation
method and writing strategies. Stockholm University: English Department.
Kincaid, Arthur. 1996. Writing term papers in literature. Estonian University
of Humanities, Department of English.
Lund's manual1987
Lund's manual. 1987. How to write a term paper in english. Lund University,
Department of English. Unpublished manual.
Põldsaar, Raili & Ülle Türk. 1996. Graduation thesis outlines. University of
Tartu, Department of English.
Tent1995, Feb. 13
Tent, Jan, 1995, Feb. 13. Citing e-texts summary. E-mail in LINGUIST List.
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