V - NXT2Pay

V$ - We the Data
Own Yourself, Earn Yourself
Li & V WuWang
V$ - We the Data
V$: Own Yourself, Earn Yourself
Creating globally acceptable, trustable and verifiable crypto currency for mass usage based on
AE protocol, using NXT2Pay web portal. V$ is primarily created for $500 billion remittance
market, plus various crypto and mobile based currency platforms.
Seven Pillars of V$
User owned web portal with various web applications for mass usage
Website worth will be converted into fiat and crypto currency
Removing intermediate between users for various purpose
NXT2Pay web portal user in the perspective of “subjective money”
Personal, Professional, Consumable, Business and various information provider
Globally connected with various people for info, business and remittance purpose
Virtual Agent:
Information gathering, processing, validating and point-of-contact for V$ exchange
Agent for branchless banking, including international crypto token transaction
Valuable local information broadcaster to rest of the world for various purpose
Info Matrix:
Info matrix networking is the next level of networking using users information
Useful for creating “universal currency” for global trade in the place of “fiat currency”
Prosperity is guaranteed if future is predictable in the business environment
Fiat Coupon:
Half of the web portal wealth is converted into fiat coupon for local trade
Applicable for mobile money and local fiat currency exchange
Useful in “Local Exchange and Talent Trade System (LETS)” and local labor market
Crypto Token:
Remaining half of the web portal wealth is given to users as a crypto token
NXT2Pay tokens are “Global Currency” backed by information and local trust
Transaction charges are very low from one part of the world to another part of world
NXT2Pay web portal will support and promote NXT and AE ecosystem
Portal wealth 10:1 will be used for NXT, AE intrinsic aspect
AE wallet will be used for NXT2Pay token transaction
V$ - We the Data
Currency, Money and Usury
Currency and Money are represented in a single way but both have difference in one thing;
money is able to be saved for long periods and retrieved at a later time with its purchasing
power unchanged or little changed due to “Store of Value”. But currency not have “store of
value”, it based on IOU (I Owe You) which need trustworthy.
What is the difference?
"Money" is all of the below, plus "Store of Value"
Medium of Exchange
Is able to be used as an intermediary in
Unit of Account
Is able to be numbered and counted
Has a long usable life
It can be divided equally into smaller
units (you can make change)
It is easy to carry or transport
Each unit is capable of mutual
substitution, meaning units are of equal
value ($1 in my wallet is worth the same
as $1 in your wallet)
Store of Value
Retains its purchasing power over long
periods of time (only gold and silver have
been money throughout history)
The currency we are talking above is gold backed; even gold backed IOUs are not reliable due
to mismanagement of IOU. That means, if multiple IOUs are created from single gold element
which can derail entire currency system. After “Nixon shock” from 1970, global currencies are
not backed by any gold standard; instead entire currencies around the world are backed by
government IOU decree. IOU backed fiat currencies are printed from thin air without backed
by anything and distributed through fractional reserve banking system.
So the current fiat currency system based monetary environments are nothing but a country
group-ism oriented community trust. Fiat currencies are “objective money” which stands
alone from market fundamentals and it’s not flourished from trade, instead of it came from
thin air. Actually fiat currencies are UNREAL money, but it succeeds in market due to
INTEREST/USURY which is UNNATURAL, since money, as a sterile element, cannot naturally
reproduce itself. Fiat currency, which is called “money” around the world now is nothing but a
community trust, backed by country group-ism without any “store of value”.
V$ - We the Data
IOU Confusion
IOU (I Owe You) which is the back bone of fiat currency around the world is not having any
“store of value”; historically many currencies are devalued in a short duration due to unstable
economy, or loss of trust on the nation’s currency or financial market volatile.
Weimar Republic (Germany) Hyperinflation
Zimbabwe Hyperinflation Currencies
(a single egg went from 0.08 mark to 80 billion marks)
(a loaf of bread is Z$ 550 million)
IOU backed fiat currencies are unreliable for longer term; creating information backed
decentralized crypto currencies could be a game change; because more worth-full and more
reliable currency can be useful in remittance market, micro payments, local talent trade and
international payments. Internet users across the world hold personal, professional, business
and various information, such a valuable information can be stream lined into systematic
manner, based on that locally trade able and globally acceptable crypto currencies are createable, which can be a whole new element in financial market. Welcome to IOI …
global users owned web portal which have valuable local info
portal ad revenue are transformed into crypto coupon
portal worth is given to users as a crypto token
users information are globally interconnected
very low transaction charge for payments
Above points makes, a “Universal Currency” based on “Subjective Money” backed by “Valuable
Information” is possible because of “Internet” and decentralized “Crypto Currency System”.
V$ - We the Data
Welcome to IOI
In V$ platform, users can create their own crypto currency based on their info inputs. The
trustworthy of IOI currency is based on “Info Matrix Console” group-ism; and currency
intrinsic is based on valuable information, which is interconnected between global users.
Puvian (1): Internet user(s) in the
perspective of crypto currency
Crypto Naj Portal (2): Global user
owned portal for various applications
Info Matrix (3): Global and local Info
matrix networking
IOI: User owns valuable info, based on
that crypto currencies are created
Vixel: Valuable Info Exchange Element
for crypto currency creation
NamCoin (4): Portal ad revenues are
converted into crypto coupon backed
by bank deposit
NemCoin: Multiple fiat currencies
came from ad revenue are converted
into crypto coupon for remittance
Info Matrix (3)
NymCoin (5): Portal wealth is
transformed into crypto token
Nxt2Pay Portal (2)
Puvian (1)
NymCoin (5)
Virtual Agent (7)
MassNXT (6)
V$: We the Data
NajCoin: Users will get up-to 200
NXT2Pay Crypto Token based on user
addition, which can be very useful for
local trade
MassNXT (6): Users can use NXT or AE
for global transaction
Virtual Agent (7): Verifying local info
and point-of-contact for V$ exchange
and valuable info broadcaster
V$ - We the Data
Remittance, NXT2Pay and MassNXT
Global remittance market which is now $500 billion could be used as crypto currency mass
penetration across the world. If we consider minimum 3% is charged in remittance
transaction, that mean around $15 billion was spent by Diasporas around the world for
remittance transaction. It’s an overwhelming opportunity for crypto currency ecosystem.
NXT is the mother ship for all crypto currency but its price is extremely volatile … NXT
price rollercoaster is making entire crypto currency ecosystem unstable.
What is intrinsic behind NXT? … currency is based on community trust, but most of
humanity now only ready to believe (nothing but a delusion) country backed fiat
currencies, because it’s guarantees acceptance within the dominion (IOU decree).
Still not able to catch consumer market… even though NXT ecosystem is day-by-day
increasing, but still it’s not used in consumer market for various purpose; lower
transaction charge and micro payment ability should made crypto currency as a primary
choice compare to fiat currency, but that is not still happen.
NXT should be accepted with minimum price … if NXT volatile is fixed, then adoption
will be higher and counterproductive trust will make “things better for NXT”.
A company owned by global village netizen … company has value, asset and profit, if
value, asset and profit are globalized then that company wealth is “Universal Currency”.
Empowering micro capitalism … if micro companies and social communities are
interchanging their information, related to their needful requirement then it could “form
new kind of socio, economic condition”, it will enable community backed crypto currency
Crypto currency for “LETS” … if “Local Exchange and Trade System” using crypto
currency which will bring “Subjective Money”; it will be big boon for entire ecosystem.
Trade based on Crypto Currency Trust … power of crypto currency is decentralization,
in “internet of things” era decentralized applications are whole new ecosystem; they can
use “trustworthy crypto currency” as a medium of exchange for their business activity.
NXT2Pay portal is a centralized application
which will distribute crypto currency for
unique information provider across the web
Portal wealth is owned by users, so it creates
“Universal Currency” backed by valuable info
Crypto currency backed “Local Exchange and
Trade System” will enable trustworthy in crypto
currency platform based on info intrinsic
MassNXT will make trustable and “less volatile”
crypto ecosystem
NXT2Pay web portal crypto currencies are
backed by fiat currency / company asset /
valuable information
V$ - We the Data
V$ - We the Data
NXT2Pay Portal “Level 1” Architect
Basic Formation:
Founding NXT2Pay Consultancy Services company
Creating user ownership oriented web portal for information networking
Attracting personal, professional and various info for virtual community creation
Providing crypto token for “group formation” and valuable information
Portal ad revenue is distributed to users via crypto coupon
Target Market:
Kerala state of India, population 33 million, overseas population 3 million (9%)
Literacy rate 94%, remittance market $12 billion, emigrate linked house hold 20%
20% state budget depends on remittance, global remittance capitalism drives Kerala
NXT2Pay Web Portal
Info Matrix
Puvian Database
IOI and Vixel
External Site
User Info
V$ - We the Data
NXT2Pay “Level 1”
Info Networking:
Personal and professional information Capturing
Social and professional networking
Team Thirty (T30) group formation
Valuable information capturing
External web site information loading
Community group formation
Virtual agent endorsement system
Info networking based on available data
NXT2Pay Coins:
NxtNajCoin: For T30 group formation, each user will receive 30 NxtNajCoin,
maximum Naj coin provision for each user is 900 (Ten T30 Group = 300, 3 years 900),
virtual agent who endorsing the each users will receive up-to 100 NxtNajCoin.
MassNXT: In initial stage NXT2Pay Portal ad revenue will be divided into three
portions, one portion will be used to support MassNXT token, rest will be used for
NamCoin, NemCoin and NymCoin creation.
NamCoin: Fiat currency revenue from portal ad will be deposited into bank account;
based on that NamCoin will be generated, and each NamCoin will be equal to 1 US
dollar, there is no currency exchange.
NemCoin: Multiple nations currencies will be used for forming NemCoin based on
portal revenue, NamCoin is single nation currency, NemCoin is multiple nation
NymCoin: One portion of ad revenue will be deposited into bank, each $1 worth of
deposit will produce 5 NymCoin, NXT2Pay Portal is owned by user(s) themselves.
Profit and Crypto Coins: Post MassNXT token equilibrium, which ever user makes
three dollar revenue to NXT2Pay will receive 1 Nam or NemCoin, plus 1 NymCoin.
NXT + AE Support: NXT2Pay Portal 10:1 ad revenue and 10:1 NymCoins will be used
for “NXT + AE” ecosystem.
V$ Opportunity:
Global village netizen owned company and each of netizen information’s transformed
into crypto currency, which will be a game change in crypto currency ecosystem
Enabling intrinsic for NXT and AE will make trust on NXT and AE transaction around
the world; NXT becomes NXT$
Information networking will remove intermediate between small scale companies
User gaining access to massive info database is the whole new opportunity for micro
capitalism oriented enterprise around the world
NXT kind of application adoption will rise, due to massive information sharing
Verified and valuable, “motion of data” will predict market more accurately
“Universal currency” based on basic consumption is very much possible due to
“Subjective Money” spring from valid information trade
Mobile based and cloud oriented monetary system will evolve sooner than expected
V$ - We the Data
 “We the Data” will be new way of life, which will empower humanity foremost
V$ - We the Data
V$ - We the Data
V$ - We the Data
V$ - We the Data
V$ - We the Data
V$ - We the Data
Remittance Map 2010
V$ - We the Data
M-Pesa adoption around the world
Borderless Mobile Money and Crypto Currency
Purchasing power parity currency devaluation
V$ with $1000 worth of transaction around the world
V$ - We the Data
Demurrage currency power
Worgi experiment “miracle currency” is based on demurrage
V$ - We the Data
The real face of “fiat currency system” (Z$ 100 Trillion)