Proforma for submitting proposal (2 copies) for organization of Training Programmes under Centre of Advance Faculty Training in frontier and specialized areas of agriculture and allied sciences (20132014) (Please use separate proforma for each course) 1. Topic of Training Programme: Unconventional Breeding Approaches to Tackle Emerging Issues of Food Security 2. Justification of the proposed programme in the light of suggestive training needs in the discipline (not more than 100 words): There are many bottle necks in conventional breeding their biotechnology can be helpful. There is a urgent need to bridge gap between the conventional breeders and biotechnologist. Therefore, a training programme discussing the use of biotechnology and its use in conventional breeding would be very helpful to the new breeders to tackle emerging issues of food security in view of climate change. 3. Venue with full postal/e-mail address and office phone/fax numbers: Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics e.mail:, Fax No. 0161 2409891 Proposed dates (From – to): 4. (The change in the proposed dates to be avoided after the approval) 10-30 September, 2013 5. 6. Eligibility qualification for the participants of the Training Programme Master's Degree and Working not below the rank of Assistant Professor and equivalent in the concerned subject under Agricultural University /I.C.A.R. Institute Information regarding proposed Course Coordinator, if other than the Director, CAFT, (enclose bio-data clearly bringing out the specific qualification, experience and scientific contribution of the Course Coordinator in the proposed topic): Director, CAFT, Head, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana ( Biodata attached) 7. Faculty Staff strength in CAFT (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and equivalent): Asstt. Professor Associate Professor Professor 8. : : : 32 21 45 Information regarding other academic staff of the host Institute who are likely to be used as resource persons: There are 45 departments in the university and 10 departments and two schools of this college who can be helpful in providing manpower and experts for conducting this training programme 9. Specific facilities available for conducting the Programme such as laboratory equipments/ instruments, research farm, library, classroom, guesthouse etc.: Lecture rooms, seminars rooms, laboratories, internet connectivity library, experimental fields and all other required facilities are available 11. Programmes/Projects and achievements in the area of special topic proposed for the training programme: The department has eight crop based sections where conventional breeding is being supported by the biotechnologists. This experience will be utilized in designing lectures for the training programme. 12. Schedule of daily lectures/practical topics to be covered and name of the faculty proposed to be engaged during the CAFT Training Programme: Lecture schedule has been attached please. Sl. No. Date /Day Topic of lecture/Practical 13. Name & Designation of Speaker Name of the Trainings organized during the last three years: Recent Advances in Plant Breeding Methodology from 9.11.2010 to 9.11.2010 Pre Breeding in Crop Improvement from 7-27 Sept. 2011 Conventional and Biotechnological Approaches to Crop Improvement” from 7-27 August, 2012 14. Signature of the Director of the CAFTs (With official Seal): Unconventional Breeding Approaches Tackle Emerging Issues of Food Security 10.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 CENTRE OF ADVANCED FACULTY TRAINING IN GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics PAU, Ludhiana- 141 004 Time 10.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00 11.30-1.00 2.30- 3.30 4.00- 5.00 Topic Speaker Registration Introduction Tea Plant Breeding in genomics era Crop Improvement in changing climate Domestication to super domestication Navjot Sidhu Allah Rang Quantitative Genetics in Crop Improvement DNA research and its implications in crop improvement Genic and genomic consequences of polyploidy Visit to PB&G Museum and laboratories G.S. Chahal G.S. Miglani G.S. Mangat 12.00-1.00 Advances in breeding of hybrid varieties in self pollinated crops Advances in breeding of hybrid varieties in cross pollinated crops Advanced concepts in back cross breeding 2.30-5.00 Genetic Resources and their utilization in rice 11.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00 –1.00 2.30-5.00 12.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 13.9.2013 9.30-10.30 D. S. Brar Allah Rang S.S. Banga D. Pathak S.P.S.Brar S.K. Dhillon G.S. Mavi G.S. Mangat Recent advances in population improvement method Doubled haploid in crops with special reference to wheat Different Seed Technologies: Potent Tool for Seed Enhancement Gurjit Kaur 2.30-5.00 Microspore culture in brassica Chhaya Atri 16.9.2013 9.30-10.30 Breeding for heat tolerance in wheat V.S. Sohu 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00 Puja Geeta Bassi 10.30-11.30 12.00 –1.00 2.30-5.00 Breeding for drought tolerance in Maize Breeding for photo thermal tolerance in pulses Estimation of quality parameters in cereals Maninder Singh B.S. Gill R.P. Singh Breeding for fibre quality in cotton Role of wide hybridization in forage crops – challenges and prospects Use of alloplasmic variations to develop CMS in brassica Estimation of quality parameters in pulses R.S. Sohu Rahul Kapoor Uncoupling and recoupling of Brassica genomes to improve breeding values of Brassica diagenomics: Brassica juncea as an example Recent advances in genotype x environment interactions for MET in field crops Hundred years of Sugarcane improvement -1912-2012 Micro propagation- Technique for quick spread of genetically improved material S.S. Banga R.S. Gill Bakshi Ram 12.00-1.00 2.30-5.00 Allele mining Recurrent selection programme to enhance sucrose content in sugarcane Alien gene transfer for chickpea improvement Use of PCR for finger printing Sarvjeet Singh Pawan Malhotra 20.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.0 2.30-5.00 Molecular markers – an overview Marker assisted selection in rice improvement Marker assisted selection in wheat improvement Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Yogesh Vikal Kuldeep Singh Satinder Kaur Neena Chawla Marker assisted breeding for quality improvement in brassicas Marker assisted background selection for rapid gene transfer Motivation Development among Scientists Gurpreet Kaur Maker assisted selection for rust resistance genes in wheat N.S. Bains 17.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00 2.30-5.00 18.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00 2.30-5.00 19.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 23.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00 2.30- 5.00 24.9.2013 Chhaya Atri A.K. Saxena K.S. Brar S.K. Sandhu Ajinder Kaur Johar Singh Rajinder Kaur Kalra 9.30 –10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00 2.30-5.00 25.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00 2.30-5.00 26.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00 2.30-5.00 27.9.2013 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 11.30-1.00 30.9.2013 Genetically engineered male sterility in crop plants Different methods of genetic transformation in plants Transgenic approaches for tolerance to abiotic stresses in crop plants Nanotechnology based advanced microscopy techniques: Potential applications for plant breeders S.K. Banga Navjot Sidhu Renu Khanna Anu Kalia Transgenic approaches for tolerance to biotic stress R.K. Gill in crops Transgenic approaches to enhance nutritional Navraj Kaur quality Recombinant DNA and Bioinformatics I -NCBI tools Jagdeep Sandhu Recombinant DNA and Bioinformatics II-doHandling of vectors and inserts for generation of gene cassettes Commercial deployment of transgenic in Indian agriculture Somaclonal variations- an aid to improvement in In vegetatively propagated crops Breeding for water use efficiency in rice Search sites for researchers and facilities available in PAU Library Jagdeep Sandhu Market led plant breeding Plant Breeders’ Rights and its implications Closing ceremony Sandeep Kapoor R.K. Gumber K.S. Thind Rupinder Kaur Gurbax Singh