DRAFT – INTERNAL USE ONLY A Summary of the Structure of the Comprehensive Vulnerability Analysis (CVA) CVA analytic process Principal analytic Functions Situation Analysis (SA) Prepare Annotated Bibliography Prepare Summary of Food Security Issues Secondary Data Analysis (SDA) Description The SA provides an initial source of information and expert perception about the nature of subnational food security and vulnerability status and dynamics in this country. Helps to direct the Secondary Data Analysis (SDA). See Situation Analysis TOR See Situation Analysis TOR The SDA uses secondary data, of all kinds, to describe the nature of sub-national food security and vulnerability status and dynamics in this country. See SDA Guidelines. Prepare working hypothesis of food security conditions/problems The SDA is intended to be as efficient in its use of scarce resources as it can. A rapidly-formed, and thoughtful initial hypothesis of the types of food security issues that exist in the country, and where they are found (a product of discussions with the WFP/CO, key partners, and the Situation Analysis) will help to plan what types of data are required in the SDA, and what types of analyses should be carried out in order to test and verify or reformulate this hypothesis. From an initial view, what are the possible patterns and problems of food access, availability, utilisation, and risk found in this country? Where are they, and who do they most affect? How can this hypothesis be tested (with what type of analyses of data)? Plan SDA analytic Describe the steps that will be carried out, by whom, and when, to assess, and verify or process reformulate, this hypothesis. What types of analyses will be carried out in order to test the accuracy and insight of the working hypothesis? In light of the working hypothesis of food security conditions/problems, and the identified data needs and gaps, what efforts should be made to identify and collect new sources of data? Collect, prepare, and Collect data that appears, from your own knowledge and from the SA, to be pertinent for the analyse data analysis and prepare them for assessment, documentation and possible transfer. The SDA will include analyses that are intended to: a) identify zones and groups that are the most vulnerable, b) plausibly describe the reasons for this vulnerability, c) sub-divide the vulnerable areas into food economy zones, and d) inform the CFSP sampling process (see below) Implement geographic Using the data analyses described above, identify the most vulnerable zones/socio-economic targeting analyses groups, and describe and understand the reasons for the vulnerability of these zones/socioeconomic groups. Map results of all Prepare thematic maps displaying the results of all analyses. analyses Implement initial FEZ In areas determined as among the most vulnerable, begin building food economy zone analyses information and maps. Document and transfer Determine with the WFP/CO and key partner organisations whether, and what type of, data and analyses analytic products should be left behind in the CO, or transferred to others from the SDA process. Consultation and Consolidation (C/C) Fieldwork/Verification Zoning Workshop WFP Brainstorming At various points in the VAM/CVA implementation in a country, various types of consultation and participatory learning/assessment should be carried out to better inform, test, and consolidate the analyses carried out, as well as to build ownership in the WFP/CO and key partners of the analyses. These consultations and exercises should be carried out at whatever point in the CVA process they appear to be needed, and in whatever format appears appropriate. During the course of preparing an initial hypothesis, and during the analyses that will test it, various types of fieldwork and/or other interactions will be necessary to insure accurate understanding of the data to be used, and the analytic products that will emerge from the analyses. In addition to other CVA analytic functions that assist in identifying and describing significant homogenous zones of food (in)security, a workshop may be held in which a broad variety of expert participants are asked to sub-divide the country into food economy zones, and to describe key characteristics of each. The WFP/CO owns the right to geographically target and describe the areas, populations and principal food security problems that it will designate as a priority to treat with developmental Partner Presentations assistance in this country. The VAM/CVA input is intended to both enhance, and perhaps substantially modify, this understanding. Formal and informal VAM/CO interactions that help to inform both the CVA analyses and the CO decision-making should be carried out, as required, to achieve this. At various points in the CVA process, the CO and VAM will find it useful and important to present results of the CVA analyses to key partners. The VIP is a description of the nature of sub-national food security and vulnerability status and dynamics in this country, based upon the CVA secondary data analyses, and is the basis for a VAM input regarding geographic targeting and problem analysis in the CSO. VIP report A VIP, summarising VAM/CVA conclusions about the geographic distribution of the most vulnerable zones and socio-economic groups in the country, and the causes of their food insecurity and vulnerability is prepared. Based exclusively on the secondary data sources used in the SA, SDA, and C/C analytic processes, it contains intermediate conclusions about geographic targeting and problem analyses that should provide the basis for VAM’s input to chapters 1 and 4 of the CSO. It may have the general structure of the Situation Analysis, if that is appropriate. VAM input to the CSO Perhaps more a product of the CVA than a discrete analytic function of it, the VAM/CVA input to the CSO is based upon the VIP, and follows FAAD guidelines on the structure and content of these chapters. The CFSP is essentially a recognition of, and response to, the limitations of secondary data analyses in identifying the nature and causes of vulnerability at the level of vulnerable Community Food Security Profile (CFSP) communities and in the households of the most hungry. Nevertheless, the primary data collection and participatory analysis that will be undertaken in the CFSP is too resource-intensive and place-specific to undertake across the whole country. So, it will be guided by the CVA’s secondary data analyses (SA/SDA/CC) to those areas of greatest concentration and severity of hunger, and only carried out there. The place- and group-specific views of the status and dynamics of food insecurity and vulnerability that it produces will primarily be used in VAM’s input to the CP, and as an input into WFP/CO activity design. Preparation of field All CFSP field data collection and analyses will have a generally common objective, range of data collection activities, and common core of products. Nevertheless, in each case, the primary data collection instruments and participatory analyses to be carried out will have to be identified and adapted to the socioeconomic, physical, and cultural conditions of the areas in which they will be carried out. Guidance and common “toolboxes” will be provided. Field surveys The most labor and time-intensive step of the CVA is the fieldwork of the CFSP. A variety of resources are being developed to assist in implementing this step. Consultation and In the CFSP, much of the analysis that occurs is carried out as a part of the data collection consolidation of exercise itself, and the insights and conclusions that emerge should be a product not only of analyses VAM’s overall perspectives, but also of those who are the subject of the CFSP exercise. A secondary, but equally important, phase of consultation and consolidation of conclusions should occur with the WFP/CO and with key partners in the CVA. The VAP is a description of the nature of the food security and vulnerability status and dynamics Vulnerable Areas Profile (VAP) in the most vulnerable zones and socio-economic groups of the country, based upon the CFSP, and is the basis for a VAM input to the CP. VAP report A VAP, summarising CFSP conclusions about the causes of food insecurity and vulnerability in the communities, households, and most vulnerable socio-economic groups of the most vulnerable geographically-targeted areas is prepared. It may have the general structure of the Situation Analysis and VIP, if that is appropriate. VAM input to the CP Following the general structure of the Country Programme, VAM will use the VAP report to prepare an input to the CP beneficiary descriptions and problem discussion. Vulnerability Issues Paper (VIP)